HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 23, Page 48, May 11, 1954Proceedings oCity of Paducah 7'aY 11, 1951E_ i .t a ReZular 't•'.eeting of the Board of Commissioners held in the 6orrmlission Chamber of the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky at 7:30 P-1•1- on I-ay 11, 1954, Mayor Cherry presided and upon call of the Roll the £ollowin; answered to their names: Commissioners Hannin, 4 hhthes, Jacobs, Riggs and i.ayor Cherry (5). i•ayor Cherry offered motion that the reading of the Minutes for April 27, 1954 be waived and that the I.hinutes of said meeting as prepared by the City Clerk be approved as U Ewritten. Adopted on call of the Roll, 'leas, Commissioners Hannin, Hughes, Jacobs, Riggs and Mayor Cherry (5). Waterline Commissioner Jacobs offered motion that the petition of Clayton Barker and wife, Oaks :toad Dorothy Barker, for permission to make one 3/4" connection to the 2" privately owned water pipe line owned by Harry W. Anderson and wri.fe, Goldie hae Anderson, Nicholas C. Harrison and wife, Hughaline Harrison, Robert Allen Gallagher and wife, Dorothy Dean Gallagher, Pete Reed and wife, Minnie T. Reed, L. D. Sullivan and wife, Lary Louise Sulli an, Jack Harmon and ;,rife, Irene Harmon, E. L. Gallagher and wife, Hallie Jane Gallagher, and William H. Weber, Jr., and wife, Ruth Weber, so as to furnish water to one residence to be constructed upon a 80 foot lot facing the Oaks Road, in McCracken County, Kentucky, and outside the corporate limits of the City of Paducah, Kentucky, be received and filed and that the request petitioned for therein be granted subject to the terms and condition In said petition. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Hannin, Hughes, p Jacobs, Riggs and i,ayor Cherry (5). mater line P Commissioner Jacobs offered motion that the petition of Josephine Merryman Goodman Stu art ifelsoi Yar'r. road to make one 1-inch connection to a 6-inch water pipeline owmed by Paducah Water Works, so as to furnish water to not to exceed twenty-five (25) trailers on a tract of land located on Stuart Nelson Park Road, beginning at a point on the east side of said road C at a point 250 feet northwardly from the northeast corner of the intersection of said ( Fe road with the HinPleville Road or U. S. 60, and extending thence northwardly along the ea:t f; line of said Stuart i;elson Park Road a distance of 600 feet, and extendini,• back from said road for a uniform depth of 336 feet, owned by said petitioner, located in McCracken i County, Kentucky, and outside the corporate limits of the City of Paducah, Kentucky, be received and filed, and that the request petitioned for therein be granted, subject to tsiir: terra at: condition.o in said petition. LOST on call of the Roll, Nays, Commission- ers Hannin, hiu;hes, .Jacobs, Nig^s and Mayor Cherry (5). Petition Taxi-stands Cerrliaaioner Jacobs offered motion that the petition signed by Charles C. Pruitt Ky Ave and and rthars, requestin!; tae City to provide facilities and or space for taxi-stands ort 30 5tit t'>t. - Kon:�c y .':wen o a•i cn ..-,,cutJ, Fifth z:treet adjacent to the Greyhound Bus Terminal, be Adopted on call of tiro doll, yoas, Corarrissioners Hannin, ihugres, II :' or Cherry (5). 114Cer line aayor '.:,-;ray offered motion that the prtiticn of Roy Story and wife, Rronia ;tory, butler Rd. isaion to make one 3/4 inch connection to miter pipe line ownad by Paducah; arra so as to furnish ;rater to carr residence Only locat-I on property owned y � ,•;iicners fronting 135 fac•cn tao east side o: t iiutler icead or I•:eaeham Lan,! :tnd iocar : Ir, E`.cCrackan. County, Kers,,.,:y, outside tits corporate liri s K of th City of Paducu'r!, 9nt4C.:;; , ca raceirad and file,,, ar" I;at the request petitioned or tharc!in be I subject to the terns and corn,iticns of said tetitior_. Adopted on call of tare iloll, Yeaa, Coemisaicize.^s Fannin, hWhe9, Jaccbs, tri&s and :_, for Cherry (5). Proceedings ofTa:' 'd of'rzl',-nsionn,g City of Paducah I•_'i� 1�, 135!• Petition ✓ i-.ayor Cherry pffered motion that the petition signed by I_rs. R. K. Cox and Fill Terrell Pit others requesting that Terrellts Pit be immediately filled and cleared of rubbish, be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Hannin, Hughes, Jacobs, Riggs and Mayor Cherry (5). Traffic -latter Commissioner Hannin offered motion that the letter of the Association of A of C Commerce Traffic Committee dated May 5, 1954 be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Hannin, Hughes, Jacobs, Riggs and !.ayor Cherry (5). a Contract filed; Commissioner Hannin offered motion that the contract entered into between :•:id -Continent Gasoline etc the City o2 Paducah and Mid -Continent Petroleum Corporation, dated I6ay 10th, 1954, bw received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Hannin, Hughes, �I Jacobs, Riggs and payor Cherry (5). Pay Dick_­RayCommissioner Hughes offered motion that the statement frorn Thomas J. Nolan °o ,/ Hospital " C+ Sons in the amount of Fj29,200.00 which represents the amount due Dick X -Ray Company on X -Ray equipment for Riverside Hospital Addition, also the letter from the Paducah Iunici al Hospital Commission by its Chairman, approving the payment of said account, be received and filed, and that payment thereof be approved and the City Treasurer IIbe directed to pay same from funds in the Riverside Hospital Building account. Adopted o I call of the Roll Yeas Commissioners Hannin Hughes, Jacobs Ri i � , , , a , kgs and Mayor Cherry (5).� :'later Co ✓� Commissioner Hughes offered motion that the financial report of the Paducah Report ::arch 1954 'Dater Vorks for the month of I•larch, 1954, be received and filed. Adopted on call of t Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Hannin, Hughes, Jacobs, Riggs and Mayor Cherry (5). . Water line Commissioner Hughes offered the following motion: Robert I.I. dooldridge is t Clay St II ormer of property located on Clay Street beginning at a point 270 feet wost of 29th on Clay Street and extending a distance of 300 feet in a westwardly direction, all of which �i property is presently vacant and said oimer desires that an extension of the existin;; P crater main be made so as to provide .rater service to the property above referred to. It appears from. the endorsement by the Board of Commissioners of 1latcr Works that the applicant has complied with.all rules and regulations of the said Paducah Water Works as approved by the Board of Commissioners of the City of Paducin. I therefore move that the application of said Robert N. Uooldridge be accepted and approved and that the Boqrd of Commissioners of the Paducah Water I'lorks be authorized to execute the agree- r•,ent for the laying of said extension and that the Board of ComiUssioners of Paducah ^4t_. ',larks be authorized to lay a G° .rain along Clay Street bo.-inr.in, at existing main West of 29th on Clay Street and extand in a westwardly direction., a distance o' 325 feet. I further rove that the adoption of this resolution and the granting, of the regtfeat contained in said apblication be considered as an a_^reement on the part of tile City of iaducah to pay the fire hydrant and water main rental, as I:rovide.d in the fzanch � oa the pipe linF,a referred to in the petition and in this ..lotion. Sail rental to b:>;:in fif when ;;ren :,;air, nas beer, l.;.ld and water provided for On the stroot zabove roforred td --.- .. call of the :toll, Y+ca , Cox:i,_Ioncro H;znnin, Iiurhes, Jacobe, Niigo and A:ayor ?k cmc to ! a` Enna,. rsr,tiot. ^ trat the roard of Gor < .... •r;i: , _. Lena the to I:rs. i:•;r._. _.. Aron of the wast in : },c. .. :•,r, in tee auaos ._ Au dition to Oak Grovr, 3L1� O.�' �12U.OG 0 O Proceedings of rr•. , *' C❑mmi=� -^-n - --- City of Paduceh 'ay 11, 1954 He further moved that the City Clerk be directed to execute a decd of con- vayance to said cemetery lot. Adopted on call of the Roll, 'lean, Commissioners ffannin, iu•,hes, Jacobs, Riegs and mayor Cherry (5). '1 Sell grave Cor:i-nissioner Jacobs offered motion that the Board of Commissioners approve Rushing Add LeRoy Bell the sale by the City of Paducah to LeRoy Bell of Grave NO. 42 in Block No. S of the ushin,; Addition to Oak Grove Cemetery, and that the City Clerk be authorized to execute u a dood of conveyance to said cemetery grave. Adopted on call of the doll, 'leas, Comr..issioners Hannin, Hughes, Jacobs, Rugs and I•iayor Cherry (5). _act J Commissioner Riggs offered motion that the Contract dated Kay 5th, 1954, =? o.•- i::or on bet::aen the City of Paducah and Taylor-Wilson Chevrolet Company for sale to the City of --7e 'r. one (1) Van-type Garbage truck, be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Co::_,:issioners Hannin, Hughes, Jacobs, Riggs and Mayor Cherry (5). _ Cormissioner Riggs offered motion that the Board of Commissioners receive, file and approve the following bond and liability policies: Policy issued by the Fidelity and Casualty Company of i?etr York protecting the y4 6 City of Paducah ..rith respect to work done by Traylor Bros., Inc. for a period of one year I from I•:ay 12, 1954• Policy issued by the ilational Union Indernity Company protacting the City with respect to n;ork done by_toger F. Christie for a period of one year from April 27, 1954. Certificate of Insurance issued by the United States Fidelity and Guaranty ,:any coverin" work done by E. Ii. Gilliehan for a period of one year from April 26, also bond of the said E. bi. Gilliehan in the amount of :1,000 dated April 270 1954. on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Hannin, Hughes, Jacobs, Riggs and iiayor Comnissioner iliggs offered motion that the ketter of-1etail ierchants Associa ;iort c::pressin; approval of the recommendations of the Traffic Committee of the Association of Co;.i.;erce, be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners r'.arr:an, F_ueh-.s, Jacobs, :ti,^gs and mayor Cherry (5). Cor,missioner ::.nnin offered notion that an ordinance entitled: "Aid ORDINPIXE all :IC""OR SALES FOR TILE SALC TO 'LHI., CITY OF PADUCAH OF TU'O (2) „c MRI7,IE THE KAYOR TO COFTRACT TO PURCNASr SAi.,Euy ca a'-optod• of the Roll Yeas Cornaissioners Hannin H 'nes, Jacobs, -ages and :•a.:or Cn_c'r;' ( ) . o issi.oner Hca.n: ^ei r:otion that an ordinance entitled: "A;i O?DIiJAIiCE PII�LIC GH1'a-Or 'lAY 11, kf00LDRIDGE SUBDIVISIO,,% be .,ro and on call oris •• .:oL, Yeas, Cor: ;issioners Nannin, Hughes, Jacobs, c that an ordinance untitled:" CTD1I'A !Cs oll, Yeas, o: Gi_,wry (5). F -ilk ID No. _- _- _. ;,;*_I- _ ._. _.. ' C --IL O !:O!*n^..7.II ;leltnn� Proceedings of —_-__ City of Paducah---,-' ✓ _.a or Cherry offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "AL O:tDT_NA1:CE UE?INI1G INILK? AND CERTAI': 11,.ILK PRODUCTS}, fD:ILK PRODUCER', 'PASTEURIZATION', ETC.; PROHIBITING THE SALE OF ADULTERATED 1I1D iSSBRANDED MILK AND BILK PRODUCTS; REQUIRING PERI ITS FOR THE SALE OF DOM AND I•IILK PRODUCTS; REGULATING TILE INSPECTION OF DAIRY FAX -:S AND !.'ILII PLANTS, AND THE EXAMNATION, GRADING, LABELING, PASTEURIZATION, DISTRIBUTION, AND SALE OF I-IILK AND IAILK PRODUCTS; PROVIDING ROR FEES FOR THE INSPECTIOL OF MILK AND 1,1ILK PRODUCTS; PROVIDING FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF FUTURE DAIRIES AHD ha -LK PLANTS, THE E11IFORCE104T OF THIS ORDINANCE, AND THE FIXING OF PENALTIES", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Hannin, Hughes, Jacobs, Riggs and '•ayor Cherry (5) . On motion the meeting adjourned. ADOPTED Ji2�. 5 1954 APPROVED l kayor 1 Cat_ er z