HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 23, Page 463, October 26, 1957Pfoceedings of. :'oard of .oraaissioners Sidec•:all: s/s Chio 3rd to 4t S.ork Program Letter thanks .ayor of ✓ Princeton Hob4sonJ :ferrel assigned to Se:;agr_ Divnom rp^.r"t.'L..... No. ' City of Paducah Cetober2 6, 1^57 Ata Rc',ular :oetinZ: of the Board of Conmissioncrs held in the Ca-rimsion Chamber of the City Gall, Paducah, Kentucky, at b:30 A.!'• on October 26, 1957, !:ayor Jacobs presided and upon call of the Roll the follocring answered to their names: Commissioners Clark, Lally, }icBride, Trevathan and !!ayor Jacobs (5). Mayor Jacobs offered motion that the reading of the i:inutes for October 19, 1957 be waived and that the !•iinutcs of said mectir<, as prepared by the City Clcrk be approved as written. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commismionors Clark, Lally, 14cBride, Trevathan and Vayor Jacobs (5). Commissioner Trevathan offered motion that the petition signed by :'s. and I'rs. Lynn 3ronson and others requesting the sidewalks to be renewed on the south side of Ohio Street from 3rd to lath Street, together rri.th a report from the Director of Public corks concerning the amount of work to be done and the cost of made, be received and filed; I further move that the above improvement be placed on the work procram of the Public Works Department. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Olar!:, Lally, 'JeDride, Trevathan and mayor Jacobs (5). Commissioner Clark offered motion that the letter dated October 18, 1957, from Howard J. Stone, ilayor of the City of Princeton, thanking the City of Paducah for services rendered during the funeral and burial of the Princeton Chief of Police,be received aad filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Cor.•raissioners Clark, Lally, ::c3ride, Trevathan and !•;ayor Jacobs (5). Commissioner Lally offered the following motion: I move that Albert R. Robiso and Herrel F. Sraitl:, employees of the Flooduiall Department, be assigned, at the directi of the Floodwall Superintendent, to the Sewage Disposal Department as Chief Operator and "aintenance _:an respectively, at the salary established for such positions. I^urthcr move that maid employees, insofar as civil service rights are concerned, are to be considered as bein;; employees of the Floodwall Dcputi:icnt. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Comnissionors Clark, Lally, 1'63ridc, Travathan and "'ayor Jacobs (5). ,o:-:issioncr Lally offered the followi:w iaotion: I m vc that the SST:L-."B::T AT*,C!7::T3 - September 30, IM, pr4parcd and submitted by the Paducah ;later ;outicm, be rco ir.:d and filed. :rL::c ::ovc that the check in the onount of ".,:HOS,?;0 be turned over, to t:h.: :camirer to be deposited in the general fund. .>%opted or, call of the Poll, Lally, :cAride, Trcv..; '- a, 'ayor Jacobin c.. d o.Dfcred *motion that. ,_ Paducah dater '.ia• :., r•.fuse account:, coil . , .. � • `;' , ,. ..:,ur _c 'mon i Proceedings of c.....' 0: .'ol-:7:is-sioners City of Paducah October 26, 1957 '.revathan offered motion that Kenneth John Wallace :,Cva % 0 -r. -O Ja:7-c -uriphrey be employed as Sewage Treatment Plant Operators on a — ipo-a ,monthly salary of 260.00, effective 1!ovember 1 19 7. Adopted arl basis z at , 5 oa call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, Lally, I:cDride, Trovathan and 'ayc,:- Jacobs (5). ,or=isEioiv)r Clark offered motion that an ordinance entitled,. "Al' ORDX.T..:=, 3-,C7,I():T 1 OF 13 ENTITLED: T.,10 ORDIU77CE ESTAILIS-II710 THE 11TU-,2R, 3,d -T--.' C,- FIRE DEPARTI-M-71 AJD ALL OADI17AICES I! -1"�,7 [AS ADOPTED BY THE BOARD Or COl:,ISSIO:7ZRS 011 DECEI ER 11, 97) i 16, 1957", bo adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, 'o,..a-.-Irsioncrs Clark, Lally, '.c-3ride, Trevathan and 1'ayor Jacobs (5). Clarl, offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "All ORDIMITICE .... ... )7 8-D OF T' A11POI:'TIV7. 7,7PLOYSESI CIVIL SERVICE ORDT7'1',.'C3, ',IHICH '.11AS -.0A-.ZD OF %.-aSSIO'lT3?,,S 0:7 U]CE-Q-1311 2, 1947 AND A:Z,,-,!DED 0:1, lunCH 16, 1957", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, Lally, yC ::c3ridc, Trovathan and 1'.ayor Jacobs (5). --.rd.Y Commissioner Lally offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "All ORDINTA'."CE tion 1c, r-.�)7-A7:C7 :::TITLED; 'A!' ORDITIAKC3, 3STAMISHIM, A BOARD Or EQUALIZATION FOE in, ,20 ._ C' UIZI'l.'G T!M 1.3SUS,"EUTS OF PROMIXTf FOR TAXATION li,' TM CITY OF 117 P-1071D11lG FOR THE CO'.1PE11SATION OF SAID BOARD, OFFICE HOURS AM 77;'_ :.T,,, ADOPTED BY THE BOARD OF CO,-,:ISSIO:MRS OF T1,111; CITY Or U, 21, 1920 AIND Al-1ENDED 0:? D--CE',:BER 4, 1951", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, Lally, l!cBride, Trovathan and :'ayor Jacobs (5). c--'-czioner Lally offered motiontliat an ordinance entitled: "All OP1DIi7.ATC3 - BOARD OF EyTJALIZATIOI' 1?01c, TIrL PUP.PC33 OF EQUALIZI!M. 71"M! T',l TIT7 "TTY OF PADUCAIT, 12"TUC17f, PROVIDITIC, � 7? 7IM 3!1,C57�-M!:'Cll be C'7 -ICE HOURS A' -ID A. PT,A;, O 'toll, Yeas, Conimirsionors, Clara, ],all-, ::c ride, an ofrorod motion that an ordinance cntitle(,: U1201:1,T 1V: -17MOYE-31ST CIVIL =--)71C-, r; .1 A --=-07' RS 0DT 2ECE71.3E Z , 11, 9 7 - On call of the Roll, Yeas, Co ordinlic- ntitl^:,: N 5 . Proceedings of, Board of Commissioners City of Paducah October :pnolnt card Commissioner Lally offered notion that Cecil Hu_,hcs, ";. L. Hayden and Barney of Sproul be appointed to serve as members o- .3oard of r Kquali z - ation o :.P " the ' f the City of Paducah for the year 1957, that the members of said board, after beim, first duly sworn to faithfully discharrc the ditties of their office, be., directed to most at the City Hall on the 28th day of October, 1957, to elect from along themselves a Chair: -.an and a Clerk, to notify the City Auditor that they are ready to receive the assescrient books and to then proceed with the equalization of assccoraonto on all real and personal property within the City subject to twcation in accordance rrith the provisions of lair, the noribers of said board to receive for their services the amount fixed by ordinance. Adopted on call of the Roll, 'leas, Cornumissionors Clark, Lally, TICBride, Trovathan and ITayor Jacobs (5). ::Oa. 9 Comimissioner Tlc3rido offered motion that the rcZular meeting on November 9, date. 1957 be held on Friday night, November 8, 1957, at 8:00 P.T-. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, Lally, KcBridc, Trevathan, and ,ayor Jacobs (5). On motion the meeting adjourned. A`CP 77,0 :!ovember 2 _1957 APPROVED u.Ler!-