HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 23, Page 442, August 24, 1957N.. — p,o'_jj,,Q, of .3oard of Commissioners24, 1957 city of Paducah ---- At a Regular r:eetinZ of the Board of Commissioners hold in the Commission Chamber of the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, at 8:30 A.M. on August 24, 1957, Mayor Jacobs presided and upon call of the Roll the following answered to their names: Commissioners Clark, Lally, 1.!cBride, Trevathan and Mayor Jacobs (5). Payor Jacobs offered notion that the reading of the Minutes for August 10, 1957 be waived and that the 7:inutes of said meeting as prepared by the City Clerk be approved as written. Addpted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, Lally, McBride, -evathan and T:ayor Jacobs (5). ey Commissioner Clark offered the following motion: I move that the petition to ':,rk Procram, signed by Riggs Ashbrook and others, requesting that the alley on the north side of Clay street between Toth and 17th be graded, drained and graveled, together with the report of the Director of Public 1.1lorks relative to the amount of work to be done and the cost of same be received and filed; I further move that this improvement be placed on the work program of the Public Works Department. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, Lally, McBride, Trevathan and Mayor Jacobs (5). -.,cr main ✓ Commissioner Clark offered the following motion: I move that a Contract entered Ave t. into on the 17th day of August, 1957, by and between Paducah "later Works, party of the :,(,,en first part, and B. H. Green and his wife, Pauline Green, parties of the second part, relative to the construction of a six inch cast iron water main in Court Avenue from a point approximately 150 feet in a Westerly direction East of the East property line of 41nt Street and extending thence in a:!"Iesterly direction and along Court Avenue 187 feet to a point in the intersection of Court and 41st Streets and thence in a northerly direction and along 41st Street 355 feet, and located in McCracken County, Kentucky, and outside the corporate limits of the City of Paducah, be received and filed, and that said contract be approved in accordance with the terms net forth therein. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, Lally, 1:cBride, Trevathan and 1.',ayor Jacobs (5). C Of. n Commissioner Clark offered notion that the petition of Loren 1-11. Jones for per- ion to make two 3A-inch connections to the 2 inch privately o,;med water pipe line owned by Loren ':. Jones so as to furnish water to two residences only to be constructed uPcn lots :'o. 5, 6, 7 and 8 in Block, "E" in GreL:ory Heights Subdivision to the City of Paducah, and fronting 211.7 feet on the north side of South Central Avenue in :'c'rackun -,'nznty, !entucky, and outside the corporate limits of the City of Paducah be rncc�ivc.d and filed and that the request petitioned for therein be ?;ranted ,ho terns and condition-- in said petition. Adopted on call of the moll, 'fear, ;cianers Clark, Lally, 7:c3ridc, Trevathan and Mayor Jacobs (5). Protest offered motion that the potition si,-,nod by Mr. and Re's Naval Armor; Petitirr protestir.,- the build'n:; of a !'aval Armory at its prosent proposed ceived and filed. Adopted on call of tliul Holl, Yeas, Conmiruionr-rs Y, ---..,.,at;"an and ".ayor Jacob.,; Pro z offered molioa that Ll-,6 petition ail-,ned by D. A. 'J'allace an..I 'losir.'- Louiser s of Louise Street, be received and filed. Adopted on pett t'! rn' Bail c' 1, 'eas, Clark, Lally, 7:cUride, Trevathin and Vayor Jacobs No, L•13 P.oceedfnys of 'oard of Commissioners .- City of Paducah August 21,y 1957 _ St. Light Commissioner Trevathan offered motion that the petition signed by Will Eason Clay btw 12th and 13th Sts. and others requesting that a street light be installed in the middle of the block on Clay Street between 12 and 13th Streets, be received and filed. He further moved that if upon investigation it is found that said street light is needed, the City Manager instruct the Kentucky Utilities Company to make such installa- tion. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, Lally, i:c„ride, Trevathan and Mayor Jacobs (5). File letter Commissioner Clark offered motion that the letter of June 26, 1957 from Paducah Taxicab Ass+n Limousine routeTaxicab Association members, Sloan Cab Company, .'Ihitesides Taxi Line and Yellow Cab Company, Inc. relative to routes used by the Paducah Airport limousine, be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, Lally, ilcBride, Trevathan and Mayor Jacobs (5). bigr. execute Commissioner Clark offered the following motion: I move that the City Manager be, Proof of Loss fire & wind- v and he is hereby, authorized to execute a Master Proof of Losd in the sum of ,>332.E1, to storm damage ;lestern Adjustment and Inspection Company for damages by fire and windstorm to property of the City; I further move that upon payment of the sum of .�382.84 the City Manager be, and he is hereby, authorized to execute a full release for such damage to said Western �l Adjustment and Inspection Company. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, Lally, McBride, Trevathan and Mayor Jacobs (5). Terminate Och n ommissioner Clark offered motion that the employment and services of Archie Emerson - Dogli Shelter N Emerson as Dog Shelter Attendant, be, and the same are hereby, terminated as of August Attendant 31, 1957. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, Lally, McBride, Trevathan and Mayor Jacobs (5). File Chan '7e Commissioner Clark offered motion t hat the executed copy of Change Order No. 5 of Order i!o. 5 Eastwood Sections II and III of Contract lie. 2, Sanitary Sewers of the Sanitary Sewerage improvement Program, to Eastwood plumbing and heating Company, be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, Lally, !•;cBride, Trevathan and i'ayor Jacobs (5). '.:_­'7e z agains ✓' f POliC ;t:1i�: 1liott 71HEH:,AS, Charges have boon preferred by Troy Clark a^.ainst Rulie Elliott the ,hief of the Police Force of the City of Paducah, Kentucky,- , now therefore move that a hearing of said charges be held on August 26, 1957 Commissioner Clark offered the following motion: Jesse i' rag Rror.o ec to .ger sant at the hour of 2 o'clock P.I.I. CDT in the Commission Chamber at the City Hall in Paducah,1 %entuc'ry, and that the City Clerk immediately notify the said Rulie Elliott of the chargcz aiainn 14-.1, and the date, time and place of said hearing, by having a tr1e copy of said char, -(.s nerved upon him, together with a notice of the date, time and piaco of ..aid hearing.L2E on call of the !toll, 'leas, JomrnissionerzClark and Trevathan (2), ::ayz, Cor: issioncr Lally and ?payor Jacobs (2), Corvnissionor Ne3ridc i'assed (1). j 'o s Toner Lally off•:red t.L� folio ring; r;.o'aioa: novo that the letters of i r .,::ief Gf t'.'. i'01.ce :)op ­L rnt, and Tilr;an Tade, Chief of Detective Liri.:' Iroiice Dr:part-'ent, dated April 1.9, 1957, reaormaendin;; that Patrolman Jeee: , pronoted to Ser„ east to fill a vacancy now oxistln;_-• in the Uctec,i __I r> .;iv*:d and filed; I fur-..._, rove that said Jesse ;?,e Paschal b ap point ' ed i Nn— 1-44 Proceedings of ?card of Com.,.issioners City of Paducah Aurust 24 1957 scind ac .aloyi L, ^,r Clark Rescind actio employing Roder C.Brown Transfer Dog Shelter to Homan Socie ,Meloy :forthyl ::oz'le Co E3ett ;'. re,;Dorary ti Taborer reef Division ;.;ploy Ei,r,.r ;fat son I:aborer =rivi:>ior. 7 -,ploy oncar YOL'tait,i 0') 'arbor / rent ".1y Y !.-}557 Sergeant in the Detective Division, effective September 1, 1957, at a salary o "12$7.00 per month. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, %.cBride, Trevathan and Mayor Jacobs (5). Commissioner Lally offered motion that the order adopted by the Board of Commissioners on August 10, 1957, employing Erby Clark Reed as a temporary lab the Public :forks Department, be and the same is hereby rescinded and cancelled August 10, 1957. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, L McBride, Trevathan and Nayor Jacobs (5). -Commissioner Lally offered motion that the order adopted by the Board of Commissioners on August 10, 1957, employing Roger C. Broim as a temporary labo the Public Works Department, be and the same is hereby rescinded and cancalled August 10, 1957. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, La ilcBride, Trevathan and Mayor Jacobs (5). Commissioner Lally offered the following motion: I move that the operat control of the dog shelter near 6th & Terrell Streets in Paducah, Kentucky, be £erred to R;cCracken County Humane Society, Inc. as of September 1, 1957. I further move that there be and there is hereby allowed to said RicCrack County Humane Society, Inc, the sum of 9-500.00 payable from Accounts Hos 4440 4479 for such operation for the months of September, October, flovember and Dec 1957, payable by the Treasurer in monthly payments of .,)125.00 which shall be u said R:cCracken County Humane Society, Inc, for payment of all expenses incurre operation of the shelter including but not limited to wages, salaries, food an supplies. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, Lally, 1.1 Trevathan and Payor Jacobs (5). Commissioner R9CBride offered motionthat Worthy Ruble Gossett be employed temporas^1 laborer in the Street Division of the Public 19orks Department at the ,1.17< per hour retroactive to August 13, 1957. Adopted on call of the Rol ,o='_Dsioners Clark, Lally, RicBride, Trevathan and Mayor Jacobs (5). :c- issioner ':cBride offered motion that Elmer H, Watson be employed as atcrer in the Street Division of the Public Worko Department at the rate of i.our _ .,r cactive to Au ast 13, 1957. Adopted on call of the Roll, Ycas, Con 1.:.tily, ilc'ride, Trevathan and'.ayor Jacobs (5). _.,niorcr :Sc ride offered :notion that Oscar Youngblood be employed as '_'or the ::ity of Faducah effectiveAl;uct 14, 1957 and that he be paid for such 38 the rate of ';212.00 per mon h. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Cor.Lii ;lark, Lally, !'c%ride, Trovathan a:.: ycr Jacobs (5). o^ucisaioaer .._ ri it or ;he 21:TTLFJ.W0T - REFUSEACCCJt.':ITS itECFIV, july 31, 1957, prepares and r.. 'dator :-forks be received and filed and that the ch,:.` .. ,-',.,; .. rnrd aver to the. City'iraasurer to be do -posit 6 call of the 11011, Yeas, i:ayor Jacobs (5). ,BLF. No 445 Proceedings of Board of Commissioners City of Peducoh Auuust 21,. 1957 Police reoort.t- Commissioner CcBride offered motion that the report of the police department on Improper park= in„ etc improper parking and drunk under the wheel for the period ending August 22, 1957, be Aug. 22, 1951 received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, Lally, iicBride, Trevathan and Mayor Jacobs (5). File fire hose Commissioner McBride offered motion that the following bids submitted for the sl bids of Piro hose to the City of Paducah be recrived and filed: Dr. Roof t, resignation library Board Letter Fire recommending fire hose �:el2,500.00 to Riverside I Hospital mploy 11. E. E 3uiter Temp. Laborer St.D corers 'r Floodwall vxp. Ohio Valley Supply Company Henry A. Petter Supply Company Hannan Supply Company Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, Lally, McBride, Trevathan and I,ayor Jacobs (5)/ Commissioner I•:cBride offered motion that the resignation of Dr. Raymond L. Roof as a member of the Board of Trustees, Paducah Carnegie Library, be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, Lally, McBride, Trevathan and Mayor Jacobs (5). Commissioner Trevathan offered motionthat the letter of Ed Turner, Fire Chief, of August 16, 1957 to the Mayor and Commissioners, recommending the purchase of 1000 feet of 21 inch fire hose from Hannan Supply Company and 2000 feet of 11 inch fire hose from Petter Supply Company, be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, Lally, McBride, Trevathan and Mayor Jacobs (5). Commissioner Trevathan offered the following motion: Pursuant to an agreement made on August 12, 1957 between the Board of Commissioners of the City of Paducah, Kentucky and the Riverside Hospital Commission, I move that the City Treasurer be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to issue a check of the City of Paducah to the order of Riverside Hospital Commission in the sum of •1*112,500.00 and charge same to the Contingent Fund. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, Lally, McBride, Trevathan and Mayor Jacobs (5). Commissioner Trevathan offered motionthat U. E. Suitor be employed as temporary laborer in the Street Division of the Public Works Department at the rate of•"'1.171 Per hour retroactive to August 13, 1957. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Conm.issioners Clark, Lally, ilcDridc, Trevathan and Payor Jacobs (5). Commissioner Trevathan offered motion that Gerald Casey be transferred from the position as Janitor to the position of temporary laborer under the supervision of the , Chicf of the ::ainterance Department of the City of Paducah, Kentucky, effective � Auc= 14, 1957, and that he be paid for such work at the rate of :.212.00 per month. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, Lally, icBride, Trevathan and :ayor Jacobs (5). !, M rsiorer Trevathan offered motion that Earl R. Hays, Kenneth John dallace and _s bn crployed as temporary laborers under the supervision of tha Floodaal.l at an hourly rate of j1.25, offectice Soptembor 3, 1957. Adoptod on of vl' , _ a:;, ,....._...,loners Clark, Lally, ::cstride, Trevathan and `.ayor Jacobs N. 44: Proceeding: of =oard of Commissioners Croy of Paducah August 24, 1957 Payor Jacobs offered motion that the letter dated August 5, 1957 from John E. Levan to the iiayor and Commissioners, thanking them for the Duke of Paducah Award and complimenting Chief Elliott and the Police Department, be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, Lally, McBride, Trevathan and Mayor Jacob (5). Dismiss chanes Commissioner Trevathan offered motion that the charges heretofore preferred �.ainst -i:trolman against Patrolman Pete Throgmorton of the City of Paducah Police Department be and the ate rogmorton same are hereby dismissed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, Lally, I;cBride, Trevathan and I-iayor Jacobs (5). Commissioner Lally offered motion that a Resolution entitled: "A RESOLUTION __. U -STING AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS FOR FURNISHING -HE CITY OF PADUCAH FENCII!C ;-'.ATERIALS TO ENCLOSE THE SEWERAGE TREATMENT PLANT, AND ALSO FOR THE ERECTION OF SUCH FENCE, AND PRESCRIBING THE ERKS AND CONDITIONS TO S CUIPLIED ;LITH BY BIDDERS", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, Lally, McBride, Trevathan and m=ayor Jacobs (5). i Commissioner Clark offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "AN ORDINANCE ..: PTIiIG TIIE BID OF HANNAN SUPPLY COMPANY, INC. FOR THE SALE TO TIM CITY OF PADUCAH, ";i.KY OF 1000 FEET OF 22 -INCH FIRE HOSE, AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO 2 INTO AND EXECUTE A CONTRACT FOR THE PURCHASE OF SAME, AND PRESCRIBING THE TERMS '011DITIONS UPO:i 11FICH SAID PURCHASE SHALL BE MADE", be introduced and remain 1; on file for public inspection for at least one (1) week in the completed form in which it shall be put upon its final passage. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Com.-lissioners Clark, Lally, McBride, Trevathan and Mayor Jacobs (5). u Commissioner Lally offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "AN ORDII!A'CE PRESCRIBING AND SETTIVG FORTH CERTAIN FIXED ROUTES IPI AND THROUGH THE CITY OF PADUCAH, I(E-NTUCKY, TO BE USED BY PADUCAH AUTO RENTAL AGENCY IPI TRANSPORTING UNITED STATES MAIL, AIRLIlM PASSENGERS AND THEIR BAGGAGE FOR HIRE BETWEEN POINTS IN THE CIT'l AND B.ARKLEY FIELD AIRPORT; AND PRESCRIBING AILD PROVIDIlTG PEIMLTIES FOR E S CLATION THEREOF", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners t .....ri-, Lally, I;c^ride, Trevathan and l.ayor Jacobs (5), ',ormissioner Trevathan offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "All THE BID OF PUTTER SUPPLY COMPANY FOR THE SALE TO THE CITY OF 2000 1�-EET OF li:-INCH FIRE HOSE, AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY 1'C: ,':D ERP•.CUTE A COWRACT FOR THE PURCHASE OF SATE, AND PRE - 3:3I L"D COIIDITIO:IU UP 0:1 �IIC1i SATD PURCIfASE SIIALL DE I•ADr", be introduced and remain on file for public inspection for aV least one (1) vice;: in --,na in which it shall be put upon its final passage, Adoptedon w'.2.1 of 011, Yeas, Com:_,issionerc Clark, Lally, ";cRride, Trovathan and Payor 'ozone prop- r _. .-_ .. _ ....tion that art ordinance entitle,: E.-rty at " 1475 Jeff. h F'ADU1:A1! A ... SCUT11 31D- No 44-1 Proceedings of. Board of Commissioners City of Paducah Au!7ust 24,. 1957 REZONING", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, Lally, McBride, Trevathan and Mayor Jacobs (5). On motion the meeting adjourned. ADOPTED September 14 1957 APPROVED 4 City Clerk