HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 23, Page 426, June 22, 1957P,cceedi� 1. ­� -W-71" U' -32rf, City of Paducah inne 22, I957 _q� 0 22 lc51 nuld of .9so .9so At a Regular ji.:ectin� of the Board of Commissioners hold in the Commission t!hrunbcr "ity Jall, Paducah, Kentuchy, at 8:30 A.". on June 22, 1957, 1--aYor Jacobs ided and upon call of the Roll the follovr-nz answered to their names: Cormisvioners ;lark, Lally, !'.cBride, Trevathan and 7iayor Jacobs (5). ...ayor Jacobs offered motion that the reading of the Minutes for June 6, 1957 be -,,ai_vcd and that the ­,inutcs, of said meeting as prepared by the. City Clerk be approved as written. .doDted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, Lally, AcBride, _revathan and 1ayor Jacobs (5). Co=.issioner Clark offered motion that the petition of Tyler C. Bourne and his wife Jane Ryals Bourne, for permission to make one 3A inch connection to the six inc;'. .:_-iter main owned by Paducah Uater Iforks so as to furnish water to one residence i. constructed upon lot No. 24, and 25 feet off the North side of Lot 11o. 25, all i. "VI of Avondale Heights Subdivision, and fronting 75 feet on the west side of 40th Street in -­cCracken County, Kentucky, and outside the corporate limits of the City of Paducah, Kentucky, be received and filed and that the request in said petition be granted in accordance with the terms and conditions in said petition. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, Lally, ­cBride, Trevathan and Rayor Jacobs (5). Commissioner Lally offered motion that the petition of Olive Britt to make one throe-ouarter inch connection to an eight inch water main owned by Paducah :'later :'forks, 'or the purpose of furnishing water to one residence only upon a lot located at the northeast corner of the intersection of ),Oth Street and Hillcrest Avenue and frontinf 11,.1.63 feet on 40th Street and 139.35 feet on Hillcrest Avenue, o,.-rncd by said petitioner and located in !,cCracken County, Kentucky, and outside the corporate limits of the City of Paducah, be received, filed, and that the permission petitioned for therein be Zraated, subject to the terms and conditions in said petition. Adopted on call of thl .toll, Yeas, �or=issioners Clark, Lally, ;cBride, Trevathan and 77 ayor Jacobs (5). Yrevathan offered motion as follows: I move that the petition rr.,,;. by "r. and 1ss. L. 1-cGarriCal and others rcque3tinR the drai ina�c of an alley �.,ichfn7ton, Clark, 25th and 26th Streets to --ether with a report concerning^ SrLr, ,;or of Public Works, be received and filed; I further move that said _M - he work pro,-,rar of the Public '.,Iorks Depart nt Adopted on al r�, c -,)laced on t. rae c onarz; 3larl,*, Lally, MIcUride, Trevathan and Tlayor Jacobs (5). -',)n,. Y ­,%han ' ored r_ -.otion that the petition, signed by J. 4id-_-,way afz', on:,'*. Of an alley between Atkins, Lan_,staff, 7-ildred and ::orl th dork Provrx-: l4th, together with a Liar -.o from the Director of Public Worl:r, be received and filled; -, furt' r.r -Inprovement be placed on the worl, program of Public forks ueparti ;,].I of the Roll, Yea;:, k:om..issioncrs —ark, Lally, McBride, ..-evathan oco, (5). 7i: Comissioner Clark offered ..ori o.. t, hat the ';tty Tr(,asuror be, and he in hereby, rIzd '.a add the mm of 110.00 to his not-ty each '.nd to repl.,Iec the nazi of ;5.00 ^e-] '.o ,he Police 36rreanvo deek on June 2, 1949, and '5.00 advance". co z;he J-zin ..'oliector on. July ;1, 195..., for chance making, purposes. Adopted on call of Yeaa, or_—:szioner& 'Iark, Lally, Yea-ide, frevathan and Payor Jacobs Na 427 Proceedings of 1'o'•J d of=o,i1*]is.si oners _ City of Paducah Juno 22_ 1957 '4 apart poli cep, Commissioner IicBride offered motion that the report of the police department on pt, imprope parkins, etc improper parking and drunk under the wheel for the period ending June 11, 1957, be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, Lally, 'Ic/Brido, Trevathan and Kayor Jacobs (5). Report police Commissioner McBride offered motion that the report of the police depart:wnt on dept. improper parkin;, etc. improper parking and drunk under the wheel for the period ending June 18', 1957, be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, Lally, I-Ic3ride, Trevathan and Mayor Jacobs (5). Dead refuse Commissioner McBride offered motion that the check in the amount of .;:9.60 for accounts collected dead refuse accounts collected during the month of 1.1 -ay, 1957 he turned over to the City 7."ay 1957 Treasurer to be denosited in the General Fund. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Corunissioners Clark, Lally, I11c2ride, Trevathan and Layer Jacobs (5). 'tefuse Sat*lc-Commissioner McBride: offered motion as fo?J.ovrs: I move that the rent - "'ay 195 JI+ _ RSP USd AL;CODi TS ^ ::ay 31, 1957, prepared and submitted by the Paducah Water 'forks, be received and filed. _ further rove that the check in the amount of ;,+,17.5 be turned over to the Cit Treasurer to be deposited in the General Fund. adopted on ^at?- of the 101.1, Yoas, Commissio.,crr. :7 crD:, ial?,•, ::c;ride, Trevathan and ::ayor Jacobs (5). ,$+ell grave ;;c ; .;: offered motion that the 3ono*.. o^ Coramssioners approve r,};e Aushin,_; Add. Inez :hvenpor:, srt,� - n incz Davenport. o^ of of Lot. y2 1n Mock , ..- _ :ity Clark be auti,orize*d vo Adopted on call of the adll, Yea . _.. .yor Jacobs (5). :;e11 � a ✓ .rd or Corcmissionuro approve 'he _. :lest. ora_hal" nt' Let 29 in Jlock v filc-111*11 ;a:-1 that the City Clerk be authorized .a �a. Adopted o ; call of the !:all, yea -ayor JacoLs 0 :'1 - Commissioner Clark offered motion that the 3oard of Commissioners approve the sale by the City of Paducah to b;yrtle Robinson of the West one-half of Lot 31, in floc:: 7 nobi^son � of the Rushing Addition to Oak Grove Cemetery, and that the City Clark be authorized to e:cecute a deed of conveyance to said cemetery grave. Adopted on call of the Roll, / i/ Yeas, Commissioners Clark, Lally, I•ICBride, Trevathan and Mayor Jacobs (5)• Sell -rave Commissioner Clark offered motion that the Board of Commissioners approve the sale Rus .a- Gladyo :ii l by the City of Paducah to Gladys Hill of the '.lest one-half of Lot 32 in Block 7 of the Rushing Addition to Oak Grove Cemetery, and that the City Clerk be authorized to e.:ecuto a deed of conveyance to said cemetery grave. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, Lally, IoBride, Trevathan and Mayor Jacobs (5). File contract Commissioner Lally offered motion that the executed Contract between the City of D -X Sunray Oi Co. Paducah and the D -a Sunray Oil Company, for the furnishing of gasoline, motor oil, dieso fuel, chassis lubricant, goar lube oil, hydraulic oil, kerosene and anti -freeze for the P period from July. 1, 1957 through December 31, 1957, be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, Lally, i:cDride, Trevathan and :';ayor Jacobs (5). '4 apart poli cep, Commissioner IicBride offered motion that the report of the police department on pt, imprope parkins, etc improper parking and drunk under the wheel for the period ending June 11, 1957, be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, Lally, 'Ic/Brido, Trevathan and Kayor Jacobs (5). Report police Commissioner McBride offered motion that the report of the police depart:wnt on dept. improper parkin;, etc. improper parking and drunk under the wheel for the period ending June 18', 1957, be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, Lally, I-Ic3ride, Trevathan and Mayor Jacobs (5). Dead refuse Commissioner McBride offered motion that the check in the amount of .;:9.60 for accounts collected dead refuse accounts collected during the month of 1.1 -ay, 1957 he turned over to the City 7."ay 1957 Treasurer to be denosited in the General Fund. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Corunissioners Clark, Lally, I11c2ride, Trevathan and Layer Jacobs (5). 'tefuse Sat*lc-Commissioner McBride: offered motion as fo?J.ovrs: I move that the rent - "'ay 195 JI+ _ RSP USd AL;CODi TS ^ ::ay 31, 1957, prepared and submitted by the Paducah Water 'forks, be received and filed. _ further rove that the check in the amount of ;,+,17.5 be turned over to the Cit Treasurer to be deposited in the General Fund. adopted on ^at?- of the 101.1, Yoas, Commissio.,crr. :7 crD:, ial?,•, ::c;ride, Trevathan and ::ayor Jacobs (5). ,$+ell grave ;;c ; .;: offered motion that the 3ono*.. o^ Coramssioners approve r,};e Aushin,_; Add. Inez :hvenpor:, srt,� - n incz Davenport. o^ of of Lot. y2 1n Mock , ..- _ :ity Clark be auti,orize*d vo Adopted on call of the adll, Yea . _.. .yor Jacobs (5). :;e11 � a ✓ .rd or Corcmissionuro approve 'he _. :lest. ora_hal" nt' Let 29 in Jlock v filc-111*11 ;a:-1 that the City Clerk be authorized .a �a. Adopted o ; call of the !:all, yea -ayor JacoLs 0 Proceedings of. City of Paducah June 22, 1957 IV/ , o 'one, La! - r, 1- o.-Tered notion that a resolution entitled: "A RESOLUTION OF i1al:, j-�MAI:7 L.,,,i!DS 1I! THE CITY OF PADUCA11, IWITUCKY BY THP 7— 'JHICH TO A :.T,.,T CITY BALL BUILDIING, SAID LAND BFING Gi'INED BY THE 07 BE.R:MARD; I.1ARTI11 W. OPERLE; KATHERINE DERIMARD; IWILLII'C. 'LL'"ES E. CISSELL, AND THE ESTATE OF NARY E. RADrORD; DESCIU,131": X.- 1 A- DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO HAKE CERYMY FIR11', OFFERS YO 7 OF SAIM ; AUTHORIZING THE CITY TREASURER TO PAY Foil 3 A. 1. , FU;: -;J 0 P, CITY; AND AUTHOPIZIHG THE CORPORATION COUNSEL To TAKE Tlr3 PS TO CC::i! ALL Or SAID LVDS Or O'XIMRS WHO REFUSE SUCH OFFERS", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, Lally, 1-IcBride, "revathan and !savor Jacobs (5). On motion the meeting adjourned. ,'.DOM'3D July 13 1957 APPROVED