HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 23, Page 417, May 25, 1957No 1:17 Proceedings of Bawd of .^.omni .;moi an—a--- Cly of Paducah I•':ay 25. 1957 Alley 800 Blk " 22 and 23rd York program 3ond - I:i. ?: Johnson 'ilc 3hange Crder :`o. 1 Car ac Const. Company -Sevier Inprovement Program C ro:•c Ccr.cfor; to Jn .. Drc:v ...,iLty •;o1i !t� At a Rerular Meeting of the Board of Commissioncra held in the Commission Chamber of the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky at 8:30 A.I. on I -lay 7.5, 1957, Eayor Jacobs presided and upon call of the Roll the following answered to their names: Comnissioners Lally., I-icBride, 'Trevathan and Mayor Jacobs (4), Commissioner Clark being absent (1). i•:ayor Jacobs offered motion that the reading of the Minutes for clay 11, 1957 be waived and that the Fii.nutes of said meeting as prepared by the City Clerk be approved as written. Adopted on call of the Holl, Yeas, Jommissioners Lally, 11cCride, Trevathan and I•iayor Jacobs (4), Commissioner Lally offered notion that the petition signed by U. S. Burnett and others, requesting that the alley in the 800 block between iforth 22nd and 23rd Street be graded and graveled and put in condition so that water will run off, together with the report on necessary work required and cost of such improvement, by the Director of Public Yorks, be received and filed and that such improvement be placed on the work pro7ram of the Public '.'Works Department. Adopted on call of the oll, Yeas, Commissioners Lally, McBride, Trevathan and I:,ayor Jacobs (4). Comnissioner Lally offered motion that the Board of Commissioners receive, file and approve renewal of Contractorfs Bond No. 2624303 of C. C. Killer and Clifton Johnson d/b/a :Tiller w- Johnson Company in the amount of .;1,000.00 for a period of one year from June 25, 1957. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Lally, ilcBride, Trevathan and Dlayor Jacobs (4). Commissioner Lally offered motion that the executed copy of Chambe Order Ho. .l of Section I of Contract No. 2, Sanitary Sewers of the Sanitary Sewerage Improvement Program, to Carmac Construction Company,be received and filed. Adopted on call of the ,"loldoll, Yeas, Commissioners Lally, :1cBride, Trevathan and Mayor Jacobs (4). l, Commissioner Lally offered the following notion: I move that the Board of Commissioners approve the transfer of two (2) grave sites located in the north east corner of Lot 'lo. 5 in Block "Y" in Oak Grove Cemetery from Thomas H. Haden and wife to Janes -J. Drew. i I further move that the City Clerk be directed to make the proper transfer on the Cemetery Re. -inter. Adopted on call of the .loll, Yeas, Commissioners Lally, ::c3ride, Trevathan and 6layor Jacobs (4). e. Commissionc: Lally offered motion that the 3oard of Commissioners receive,, i file and approve the following: Certificate of Insurance issued by the Fidelity and Casualty Company of llowr York t.o 7. Aller Clifton Johnson d/b/a taller 1: Johnson and the City of Paducah, RentucLy for a nerio;l of one year from January 1, 1957. i.iabii_ty Insurance .issued by the ;:nsrachusetts Bonding, and In,nur141CL' Co.,pecny to the City of 1'a'1'jCah, I:eatucl:y coveriw. wor:; , or:'Onmed by Aretta Srsith for a norloci of one year iron .:ay 21, 1y57. .gond of Z1 D. Hannan rstat6 in rite caounc o: .3OOO.00 date, 2•:tty lig, 1957. Adopted o.i call of the ;toll, Yeas, Comminsiorers Lally, I:cBridc, Trovathan and ;c;r No .18 '-'card of Commissioners Proceedings of City of Paducah— 7'rrr 25, 1957 Cverstrei Commissioner Lally offered the .'ollowin_F notion: I move that the letter of 'letter Gas I/ line to sere ) R. H. Overstreet, Director of Air Pollution Control District of McCracken county, 'i,na avox written ,'ay 6, 1957 to !larren 73ddleton, Corporation Counsel, relative to the proposed natural gas line to serve the 1-:agnavox Company of America by Western Kentucky Gas Company, be received and filed. 1 further move, based upon the information contained in such letter, the City 1-'.anager be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to file an informal complaint With the Public Service Commission of the Commonwealth of Kentucky under its Rule No. 9. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Lally, :.IcBride, Trevathan and i-iayor Jacobs (4). Police rt Commissioner NxBride offered motion that the reports of the police depart- 7 -e epo, .;I a�ki.,`� etc. ! 17' meat on improper parking and drunk under the wheel for the period from I-lay 8 through ;1 :-:ay 20, 1957, be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioner J! I I Lally, 1-:c3ride, Trevathan and ',Mayor Jacobs (4). aw3 nploy 1,11 11 Commissioner McBride offered motion that Billy Sherman Cunningham be employed ' '1 3 h c —11 an ✓ Cunningham as a policeman in the police department of the City of Paducah at the starting salary police Dept of 260.00 per month, effective June 1, 1957. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, 'ornissioners Lally, McBride, Trevathan and Mayor Jacobs (4). m Commissioner I-IcBride offered motion that Harvey S., Carroll, Jr. be employed ;arroll,4r. Police Dept as a policeman in the police department of the City of Paducah at the starting salary ol -,',260.00 per month, effective June 2, 1957. Adopted on call of the roll, Yeas, ,,ommissioners Lall;`, i-:cBride, Trevathan and i-7ayor Jacobs (4). ."le contra( y Commissioner McBride offered motion that the executed copy of Contract '21sifi.a together with a performance bond in the amount of ,'P'2,500-00 between the City of Paducah : ..Znhalt'Co and Emulsified Asphalt Company for the furnishing of emulsified asphalt be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Dally, }:(Bride, Trevathan and '�a7or Jacobs (4). Com:rais:3ioner 11cBride offered motion that the employment of Uillie Hunt on 20, 1957 be affirmed and rati-Nod as of said date, for temporary seasonal work, and said person be paid for such work at the rate of per hour. Adopted on cal the Roll, Yeas, Co'-nlrzioners Lally, -'CBride, Trevathan and Mayor Jacobs (i,). ;o7'm-is.--.onqr Fc.5ride offered i-otion that the check in the amount of "8.00 r, 'or :.(counts collected durin-, the month of April 1957 be turned over to ear to be deposited in the General Fund. Adopted on call of the Roll ;:c;jricjc, Trevathan and I-iayor Jacobs (4). r rrr,,—h�n o",nred -notion that Ira '3. 'dallice be, and he is .,, -'ah orer -n t,:,: Division of the Public Wor%s Department of M-- LO'z171Y rate of p, :'cur for the first Oi:c r�-onths and Adon'tel all call o e 'Coz, ally, -reva-.han offered inotion aet nt Apr' 1957, prepared an.-.1 submitted by %he Pad,,.cah f re:e!7ed and- file^. !!e flurtll.er ',oved -.hat the (heel: in the a:-.r)1::t turned Aver to tf:a 'itY TrearArer to be deposited in the qen..,,,,. of the Eiol:" Yeas, - �all' -7, ,.ajrije, a...... No 419 Proceedings of yioncrs City of Paducah '7, Acccp- bid v Co..imissioner Trovathan offered the following motion: I move that the let!;.:r Prem Lea"ue concessions of ::ay 20, 1957 from Carl D. Nickell, Director of Parks and Recreation, to the City rooks Staiiut i nagcr, recommending, that the Concession privilege at Brooks Stadium be ar,arded to t!:•:• Prep Leaue, be received and filed. I further move that based on such recommendation the Prep League be, and it is hereby awarded the concession privilege at Brooks Stadiwn for the year 1957 under the terms of the bid submitted by the Prep League. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Lally, McBride, Trevathan and Mayor Jacobs (4). .ile contract Commissioner Trevathan offered motion that the contract dated?ay 1, 1957 ; bond Reed .:rushed Stone between the City of Paducah and Reed Crushed Stone Company, -nc, together with the ::ompany Performance Bond in the amount of •,;1500.00, be received and filed. ,Adopted on call o the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Lally, i:cBride, Trevathan and 'favor Jacobs (!,). Riverside! Commissioner Trevathan offered the following i•iotion: I move that the letter ospital . 3!,2 tile floor of :ay 20, 1957 from Carney J. ;fright, Administrator of Riverside Hospital, to the City tanager, stating additional funds in the sum of 1342.00 are needed for replacing the til, 4I floor in the front corridor and lobby on the first floor of the hospital, be received an{ II filed, I further move that the City Treasurer be, and he is hereby, authorized to pay said sum of •,x342.00 to Riverside Hospital out of the Contingent Fund. Adopted on cz of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Lally, i -?-Bride, Trevathan and iiayor Jacobs (4). Rescind actio .'fommissioner Trevathan offered motion that the motion adopted on April 27, 195 accepting bid Leon Carney s, 521r :: 4th St accepting the bid of Leon Carney in the amount of -}1200.00 for the house and lot at 524 Ilorth 4th Street be, and the same is hereby, repealed and rescinded, and he further moved that the check in the amount of .,;200.00 submitted with the said bid be returned to the said Loen Carney. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Lally, KcBride, Trevathan and Mayor Jacobs (4). u-iploy aillia Comaissioner Trevathan offered the following motion; Jilliam R. y nley, snl ey eaetery havinS been certified by the Civil Service Commission, and he having one, of the three Civil Service highest grades appearing on the Civil Service Ueginter for Laborer, I hereby move that he be appointed as Laborer in thn Cemetery Department of the ;ityof Paducah, Kentucky, :ndor the app irtivo �hrloyees Civil Service Ordinance, said appointment to be effective as of June 1, 1957. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Lally, i:cBride, Trevathan and "ayor Jacobs (!,). Al ::res :;ayor Jacobs made the following appointment; The term Of office of George Hyr Appointed Civil Service as a ^:ember of the 3oard of jivil Service Commissioners havin.7, e:cpirod on December 9 ;cmmisrion , 1955, I hereby anpoint Al Rhea for a period of three (3) years, so that the Civil Servic Hoard as now constituted shall be composed of the folio, -,r. ^embers: Jol:r. .... ,.. _.. e;spires December 9, 1957 rao e fora e>xpiros December 9, 1'958 ':: giros Doceciber 9, .lr}9 rz.r, '.occ; :obion that the iiaard of Cornissionr,rs approve the action e .. ,_...iaf Al tihea to serve as a member of the board of 'Civil ..._.._ -.r tc^^: Or threo (A year.; from :ecember 9, l95d,6. Adopted an _ .._.....,.. :;ers Lally, t'cBride, :rr-vathan nr:d Mayor Jacobs (4). 3oard of Co ; `__,^sinners City of Paducah , 2' 1257 Proceedings of— -- -- - _�)t to 'onmissioner Lally offered motion that a Resolution entitled: "A 4E30LUTIOII ar,. er _.ate AUTHORIZI::G THE KAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE A DEED TO ALVIS FAIU-IER C014VEYING LOT Dccc:; :o. 11 IN BLOCK No. 5 IN THUMIAN, HUGHES, HERZOG AND BETHEL ADDITION TO THE CITY OF ' ; 0=i, K3iJTUCKY, PURCHASED BY HlM FRO1.1 THE CITY OF PADUCAH ON OR ABOUT NOVEaBER 6, 194511, be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Lally, LicBride, Trevathan and Mayor Jacobs (4). ary increa Commissioner Lally offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "All ORDINANCE .:e-ular Park employees 1dJ FI,=G THE COMPENSATION OF THE REGULAR EMPLOYEES OF THE ffHITE AND COLORED PARK BOARDS OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, ommissioners Lally, McBride, Trevathan and Mayor Jacobs (1p). Accept bid Commissioner I:cBride offered motion that an ordinance entitled; "AN ORDINANCE Geo. 3.?hor..asB Co, ! ACCEPTING THE BID OF GEORGE R. THa-1AS TRUCK AND TRACTOR COI-IPAI'IY FOR THE, SALE TO THE CIT Dunn truths &.'n gab Z. Chassisj, OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY OF ONE CAB Z•, CHASSIS AND TWO DUMP TRUCKS, AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY i.IANAGER TO COITTILWT TO PURCHASE SAME", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Lally, McBride, Trevathan and Mayor Jacobs (4). Accept bid Commissioner McBride offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "Ail ORDINANCE arlor- ilso:7! Police car j ACCEPTIi:G THE BID OF TAYLOR -WILSON CHEVROLET-CADILLAC, INC. FOR THE SALE TO TIM CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY OF ONE (1) AJEW 1957 CHEVROLET AUTOMOBILE, A1ID AUTHORIZING THE CITY ?dA:.AGER TO CONTRACT TO PURCHASE SAME -11, be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Lally, McBride, Trevathan and Aiayor Jacobs (4). . Accept bid / Commissioner Trevathan offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "ATI ORDINANC, J-;: oJrray • � I Gas, Cil, etc AUTHORIZING THE CITY i•IANAGER TO ENTER INTO A CONTRACT i]ITH D -S SUITRAY OIL COMPANY FOR TlC; PURCHASE OF ALL REGULAR AND ETHYL GASOLINE, MOTOR OIL, DIESEL FUEL, CHASSIS LUBRICANT, GBAft LUBE OIL, HYDRAULIC OIL, KEROSENE AND ANTI -FREEZE TO BE USED BY THE CITY OF PADUCAH FS,::UCKY G:: JULY 1, 1957 TO_DECEI-MER 31, 1957" be adopted. Adopted on call of the 11, Zeas, Commissioners Lally, KcDride, Trevathan and Mayor Jacobs (4), Arend Jection Comrissioner Trevathan offered notion that an ordinance entitled: 11A1: 7 of Paducah SEC's"_0:; 7 OF THE }PADUCAII ZONING ORDIJNANCE'; 11HICH `UAS ADOPTED BY THE �a•;ce G. APRIL 8, 195211, be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, .eac, 7o7�.'ai3L;ioncrs Lally, ;c3ride, 'iravathan and mayor Jacobs (4). 4 !sen an :: fzpt'i (• / vor Jacob.^. offered Notion that the letter of Ix, Georre D. Staples, 1•Tritten to ..or:o:cr:.'_c f, orae Jacobs, 1:ayor, concerning the construction of the shoppin center oa th-0 "a:- r: nron::r,;y, be rccr,i,rcd and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, ..all„ .. .:ayor Jacobs (4). :. I :.x:11; r -.:;t J. E. Peck, a Lieutenant in the .,ire p rc.- o" to ;aptain in said department, to fill th c c" 7r offoctivo June 1, 1957. d tinted on o" _ :o::missior,er :.aj, - '.rcvatha!! and Iia}or J<wabs 01).de-or te) k _ -. 0 17 y of ered !. o die tor! Peck, an on inter in the mire rr�oted to Fire Dep,.. e i . r,ap7 ieutfuit i r. said depart:::a!it, to 'ill Firert Op ca ..; ._... 4. ro=k, Offectivu June 1, 1.95'1. Adopted 0:1 -c"'. , „_.o :e: l;r, ., rlrfe, Trevatha:! ;end iAyor Jacob's (l,). No 1;21 Pmceadings of. -'oa-= of Q-1`11-1-211 City of Paducah :.:ay 25, 1957 Promote Charles Cooper to f En ineer in Fir Department Request ::e- ' hearing Hannan Reooning Commissioner McBride offered motion thar Charles Cooper be promoted to Encinocr in the Fire Department of the City of Paducah, to fill the vacancy caused by the promotion of Eddlemon Peck, effective June 1, 1957, Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Lally, McBride, Trevathan and;'ayor Jacobs (1), Commissioner Trevathan offered motion that a Resolution entitled: "A RESOLUTIU AUTIT011ZING THE LEGAL DEPARTIMIT OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH TC FILE III TIE COURT OF APPEALS 011 BEHALF OP THE CITY A PETITION FOR REHEARING OF THE CASE OF HARRY 14AT1-IIS, ET AL VS. lILLI:11d F. HAIIHAM ET AL, TRUSTEES FOR ANNA MAL HANNAN, ET AL." be introduced and remain on file for one week for public inspection in the completed form in which it shall be put upon its final passage. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Lally, IicEride, Trevathan and Mayor Jacobs (4). On motion the meeting adjourned. ADOPTED June 8 0 APPROVED (�eL