HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 23, Page 408, April 27, 1957Proceedingsof___,.1::• : .'.C''..'.`:;71)1;•_'cl dater Conne tion King - Woodall Hinkleville *later connec. tion Geo, T Jr ainsor-roods Lubdivision Refund BldC permit to Talton Subl Receptacles .on Streets Ohio Valley Terminix Co :j - tic^• police employ empo rarr City of Paducah April 27, 1957 At a i,e ular,':ocLing of the Board of Commissioners held in the Commission :hamber of the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, at 8:30 A.14. on April 27, 1957, iia_ror Pro Tem Trevathan presided and upon call of the Roll the following answered to their names: Commissioners Clark, Lally, McBride and Layor Pro Tem Trevathan (4), Mayor Jacobs being absent. I I•iayor Pro Tem Trevathan offered motion that the reading of the Minutes for April 13 and April 20, 1957 be waived and that the Minutes of said meeting as pre- pared by the City Clerk be approved as written, adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, Lally, McBride and Mayor Pro Tem Trevathan (4), Commissioner Clark offered motion that the petition of Howard Woodall and d James E. King for permission to make one one -inch connection to a six-inch water pipe line owned by Paducah later Works so as to furnish water to a warehouse to be located on property owned by the petitioners and fronting approximately 375 feet on the south side of Hinkleville Road in McCracken County, Kentucky, and outside of the corporate limits of the City of Paducah, Kentucky, be received and filed, and that the request petitioned for therein be granted, subject to the terms and conditions set out in said petition. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, Lally, I:cBride and ;:ayor Pro Tem Trevathan (4), Commissioner Clark offered motion that the petition of George F. Runde, Jr. and his wife, I'Iina Mae Runge, for permission to make one 3/4 -inch connection to an fl- inch water main owned by Paducah Water Works so as to furnish water to one residence to be constructed upon Lot Nlo. 2 of Windsor ;•foods Subdivision, fronting 150 feet on east sidr of Friedman Lane in McCracken County, Kentucky, and outside the corporate limits of the City of Paducah, Kentucky, be received and filed and that the request in said petition be granted in accordance with the terms and conditions in said petition. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, Lally, McBride, i and Y:ayor Pro Tem Trevathan (4). Commissioner ,Clark offered the following motion: I move that the memorandum from Barner D. Sills, Assistant City Treasurer, regarding refund of building permit to Kr. I:ilton Sublett be received and filed. c:ince it appears that this permit has not and will not be used, I further wive that the aim of .>I,.00 be refunded to idr, Sublett. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Cormiroioners Clark, Lally, :•IcBride and Mayor Pro Tem Trevathan „;O=issioner Clark offered the following motion: I move that the letter of Onto '!alley .'erminiz ,orpora ion dated April 5, 1957, to Lloyd C. -Emery, City :•:ana^or, offerin..7 to place reoentacles on thr: streets of the City of Paducah, Kentucky and offering to parr the :ity 5;; of 'ray.!.ento received for advertising; placed on said re W acles for a period of five (5) years, be received and filed, .T further move tat t%ie Jity :'.ana^er tare the necessary steps to put such a'reement in effect,w.ciopted on call of the Ito] 1, '?ens, JOmIAiC ioner3 Clark, i:aYly, '?c"ride a" ?yours Tem ',rovat' ar. (i;), '%ome+iasicner 'Clavi, offered r:otion t;r,at the City i°ana,'-er be, W)d he is hereby, aut:or:zed and directed to pari;+r erploy any one 0r n.ra on ':,.e "our Preserm =rpli-ant.^ for the poa;t,Son sistCorporatio: c:o:ar.:,.1 for Folie L'aurt urose- So:: unci l further actio . is board. No t,09 Proceedings of Board of Commissioners city of Paducah Anril 2_ , 3.157 I forminate Luther Jo Luther Ve Employ Queenie H. Dinning Temporary 'dater main Sears-Roeb 30th F.; Shelbourne lie further moved that the temporary appointments by the City Manager for such position from and after April lo, 1957 be, and they are hereby, ratified. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, Lally, I'cDride and }•layor Pro Ten Trevathan (4). Commissioner Lally offered motion that Luther Johnson, an employee of the refuse division and Luther Venters, an employee of the maintenance department, having- allo,aed three or more garnishees to be placed against their salaries, he therefore moved that their services be terminated effective I -lay 1st, 1957. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, Lally, i•icBride and Mayor Pro 'Pen Trevathan Commissioner Lally offered motion that Queenie H. Dinning be employed as a temporary clerk in the finance department to assist in preparing 1957 tax bills at a salary of .;180.00 per month, beginning April 19, 1957 at 12:00 Boon, such appointment being only temporary and is not to vest any civil service rights under Kentucky Revised Statutes or ordinances. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, Lally, i'cDride and Mayor Pro Tem Trevathan ();). Commissioner Lally offered the following motion: Sears -Roebuck & Company i proposes to purchase certain real estate near the intersection of Shelbourne and Thirtieth Streets in the City of Paducah, Kentucky, for the purpose of erecting a ware- house, and desires an agreement with the Paducah Mater Uorks that approximately 2,101 feet of 8 -inch main will be laid for the purpose of serving said property in the event it is purchased by Sears -Roebuck , Company, and that Sears -Roebuck Company will pay Five Thousand (,)5,000.00) Dollars toward the construction of said main or one-half (?:) of the cost of constructing such main, whichever is less. '!he Board of Commissioners of the :later corks of the City of Paducah has determined that it would be to the best interests of the water distribution system of the Water Works to construct said 8 -inch rater main extension in the manner contemplated by the agreement. I, therefore, move that the a-reement betwoen Paducah .later Works and Sears -Roebuck �a Company, dated lith day of April, 1957, a copy of which is filed herewith, be approved. I further move that the adoption of this resolution anti the approval of said agreement be considered,as an arreement on the part of the City of Paducah to pay the Piro hydrant and water main rental as provided in tiie franchise on the pipe line re.£err to in the petition and in this motion, said rental to begin when. said water main has been i.nr�tall.cct and placed in service. Adopted on call of the }loll, Yeas, :o ,issionnrs ;l,,,trk, Lally, .:cBride and Mayor Pro :em _'revathan (4), Yy Cormlissioner Lally offered motion that the ,7rcement betwoon A.L.dilcy, et a G an'i e City of Paducah, Kentucky portaini l lV7 to tha use of a sewer on certain pronr•rt c! -n Sn^set .:cbtliri.^,ion, whUll has been recordeci in i:is.. Jeed 3ook 379, pare 1,80 c'7rac';=•:: :curt; ';ler+:� office, be received a;:d filed. Adppted on call of the 3011, 1i;:i., :o:. _ssiatorn G1. rk, Lally, ;oei?rid:, and i4ayor Pro icm Trevatban (1,). ssioner Lally offored the collo..Lill-.notion: S pour, that t;he lvttea o#' April -9, 1957 :rom aay Joseph, :,'h' -1 rG,em<,n ox aoiu:;e Division, i re uesti, / that Josep Parish, and Jar:es :...,ssr.11, laborer:; i.i tij, fuse .iivi .ion of tl:c public: ;torica departnen , be Mee-tinate: lure to repo-, for :co r;: :;rv,r:a. tinea, be recr:1ved and Piled. Proceedings of -oz^' mm9 .ni on City of Paducah Anr•i 1 27� 1 <J�,7 !' It further appearing that the said Joseph Parish has allowed three or more (I i! Zarnishees against his salary, I now therefore move that the services of the said Jose h Parish 'I and James Russell be terminated immediately as of this date. Adopted on ctll of the Roll, j Yeas, Commissioners Clark, Lally, McBride and Mayor Pro Tem Trevathan (4). I Liability Commissioner Lally offered notion that the Board of Commissioners receive, Policy .11 J.3.Reed VII file and approve Certificate of Insurance issued by The Fidelity and Casualty Company Ii ; of New York to W. E. Reed and the City of Paducah, Kentucky for a period of one year u I, from i.ay 6, 1957. Adopted on call of the Roll, Peas, Commissioners Clark, Lally, File Deed ':orris ;.:CB to City - Iashington property Bids on Gas etc. -Filed _;id on lot N side ;:orth t .t - f11 Accept bid Leon Uarre 524 North . File bids on police car f ;:itch ilortor: btw 24% 26th p �progra. Commissioner Lally offered motion that the deed from i3orris W. i•icDride and wife, Carrie 1cBride, to the City of Paducah, Kentucky, conveying property on Washingt Street between 16th and 17th Streets, which has been recorded in Deed Book 383, page 2. in the I1cCracken County Court Clerk's office, be received and filed. Adopted on cal' of the doll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, Lally, McBride and Riayor Pro Tem Trevathan (1,) Commissioner McBride offered motion that the followi.nS bids on gasoline, etc. be received and filed: D -X Sunray Oil Company Ashland Oil & Refining Company Sinclair Refining Company Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, Lally, NcBride and Mayor Pro Tem Trevathan (4). Commissioner McBride offered motion that the bid submitted by Ceaser Dabney in the amount of ,40.00 for the purchase of a lot owned by the City on the west side of North 7th Street, be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Co,:,missioners Clark, Lally, McBride, and Mayor Pro Tem Trevathan (1F). Commissioner ;•icBride offered the following motion: I move that the bid of Leon Carney in the amount of -1200.00 for the house and lot at 521E North 4th Street, be received and filed. I further move that said bid be accepted and that the Corporation Counsel be directed ;o prepare an ordinance authorizing the sale of said nronerty. Adopted or call of the Roll, Year, Commissioners Clark, Lally, McBride and Mayor Pro Tem Trevathan (4). Com.issioner Nc3ride offered motion that the following bids on a pol.ice car be received and filed: Cas'r:ey Pontiac_ Compan ii Kotors !es?.r:enti.otty i:otor .;o- ; ,ayl.or-.N_lron lhevro'cr._,;,,;;.11nc '-.in,.-Joo loll Adopted on call of the .to!!, ':eas, !;r._ .:zInsionera Clark, Lally, ideBride and b'a.:•or Pro ?em iravathan (4). 'Ommiseioner :;. ridr. offer,, : the reeport +•roe the Oirect,or of Publi. docks, reluti .,:;t.a(-rt 2.).th and 26t11 be receivel and :'fled; e further move, t.__. or, "0 ;cork pe orr,tri. Aeiopte.l on coli 4 ::ali, :eats,%yrx Pro ':em Trevathan 5 No. 411 fPi«eedingssof '-oard of Commissioners -_�-- City of Paducah- _1,pril 27, 1957 .•Y�' u - ile bids on i Cab Chassis File bids on Dxmmp Trucks Request bids eating & drink ing concession$$ Brooks Stadiump Change Order No. 3 Eastwood Plb. & Heating Co. Sanitary Sewers Construct 8111 Sanitary Seger 2nd Street bt+v Adams & Jackso. Cosnnissioner ;icBrido offered motion that the following bids on a cab and chassis be received and filed: King-loodall George R. Thomas Truck & Tractor Company Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Jommissioners Clark, Lally, McBride and _,,,or Pro Tem Trevathan (4). Commissioner PdcBride offered motion that the following bids on dump trucks be received and filed: King -Woodall George R. Thomas Truck & Tractor Co. iJest Kentucky Motor Company -aylor-:Filson Chevrolet -Cadillac Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, Lally, McBride and i.iayor Pro Tem Trevathan (4). Commissioner Clark offered motion that a Resolution entitled: "A RESOLUT1077 AUTHORIZING TIC CITY PlAi?AGER TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS FOR THE OPERATION OF EATIiIG gilt) DRIIIKII:G 0014CESSIOITS AT BROOKS STADIUi•i AND PARK FOR THE YEAR 1957, AND PRESCRIBING THE MANNER IN'�IHICH BIDS SHALL BE ADVERTISED FOR AND RECEIVED", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, Lally, Pic Bride and i.iayor Pro Tem Trevathan (4). Conmxissioner Lally offered motion that a Resolution entitled: "A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING CHANGE ORDER 110. 3 of SECTIONS II AND III OF CONTRACT 1,10. 2, SANITARY SEJERS OF THE SAiIITARY SEdERAGE Ii•1'ROVE1•:ENT PROGRAM-, AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY JIANAGEi, TO EXECUTE SUCH CHAPIGE ORDER ON BEHALF OF THE CITY TO EASTWOOD PLUI•1BIPIG AND HEATli.,G C01•1PANY", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, Lally, NcBri.de and Mayor Pro Tem Trevathan (4). Commissioner McBride offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "All ORDINA.:�;b AUTHORIZING THE CO:ISTRUCTION OF AN EIGHT INCH VITRIFIED CLAY SAiIITARY SEWER ON A CERTAIPI PORTIOil OF SECO14D STREET BET'WEZII ADAMS STREET AND JACKSON STREET; DECLARING SAI:.,: TO BE A i,LCESSITY AND DECLARING Ail EI•L:RGENCY", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, Lally, McBride and ?ayor Pro Tem Trevahhan On motion the meeting adjourned. ' ADOPTED :lay 11 1957 APPROVE