HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 23, Page 304, July 10, 1956Proceedings Petition iJ JL.'a'illiai is ✓ City Caa::ission�'r -_caro o Co: t issi on =' City of Paducah July 10, 1956 At a Re ulrr :_eetin of the Board of Commissioners held in the Comimissio11 Chamber of the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, at 7:30 P.i:. on July 10, 1956, i•ayor Jacobs presided and upon call of the Roll the following answered to their names: Co..-miissioners Clark, IdcBride, Trevathan and t•ayor Jacobs (4).- i•:ayor Jacobs offered motion that the reading of the Minutes for June 26, 1956 be rived and that the !-:mutes of said meeting as prepared by the City Clerk be approved as i-sitten. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, ::csride, Trevathan and Mayor Jacobs (4). Commissioner McBride offered motion that the petition signed by Henry J. Batts and others, requesting the appointment of Mr. John L. ['Williams to the unexpired term o' Harold Gangnath as City Commissioner, be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, McBride, Trevathan and Mayor Jacobs (4). Commissioner Clark offered motion as.follows: :'WHEREAS, on May 22, 1956 The Paducah Chapter of Daughters of the American Revolution filed with the Board of Commissioners a petition requesting the privilege of providing a suitable bronze marker upon the ?Market House in memory of General William Clark, and 4HERLAS, it appears such a marker would preserve and perpetuate the memory of General I7illiam Clark, the rounder of Paducah, Kentucky. I now therefore move that such permission be granted. Adopted cn call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, McBride, Trevathan and I•:ayor Jacobs (4). Commissioner Clark offered motion that Joseph D. 11cFarland be advanced from the position of Extra Fireman in the :ire Department of the City of Paducah, Kentucky to a Fireman in such department at a salary of ;;245.00 per month, effective June 30, 1956. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, McBride, Trevathan and Iayor Jacobs (4). Commissioner Clark offered motion that the City Treasurer be, and he Is hereby, directed to issue no licenses for the carrying on of any business, trade, occupation, profession, vocation or calling in the City of Paducah, Kentucky durin,; ::,,r j:,'31104 of tine fro:a J.uly 10, 1956 through August 5, 1956 except upon an applicatt In apprcvnd i.,- aritir by either the Navor, City i..anager or Chief of Policc. Adopted on call oflt_,e ::ell, Yeas, Ce:: IsSioners Clark, I:cBr-ide, Trevathan and "ayor Jacobs ( ). :.issioner CI rk. offered motion that the resignation of Goorge 1::anoy as z. the police lepartsent, effective as of July 16, 1956, be received, accepted a. _ .." ; .. :o, ;.: ; an rail of the Roll, 'leas, Commissioners Clarl:, r`• i ., . • , c: , .coca (4) . ;c .. OeFereci th-, followiwi motion: 1 move taut tM3 oa=i.`. _ Garland, Pastor, Gospel ''ser bly oleo r r. ,,,ri ;sa, Executive :',ir•ectrr, :.unicipal Iiousin; Co:: _fss'ion, r• _.,:c. ..._:.. .'', .. t .. ru aril 1 .... .. .. . ... .. ...... .. . %i`,; :: r:;,a•r :c..v:_ :ar irtVc::L', t',`vn t'�dc to needs ! ' r zitruct c r i,- In9tallatioi:. Ad.ol:*,.t,s on call of u!:c . .. , .r•;;vathan and Iayor J::cob;: (h). Na 305 Proceedingsof A '1ro�d o£ b9r,�sgiOn�rc City of Paducah Juillv 10, 195 Purchase 400 Commissioner Clark offered motion that the City Troasiirer be, and he is shares stock: in Centennial hereby, authorized and directed to issue a check of the City to Paducah Centennial Corporation in the sum of ;;400.00 in payment of four hundred shares of stock in said corporation. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Clar'.c, i:cDride, Trevathan and iiayor Jacobs (4). Liability poli y� Commissioner Clark offered motion that the Board of Commissioners receive Roscoe Burgess file and approve liability insurance issued by the United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company to the City of Paducah covering work done by Roscoe Burgess for a period of on year from July 9, 1956. . Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, i•:cBride, Trevathan and Mayor Jacobs (4). Jesse R. Pasch 1 Commissioner Clark offered motion that Jesse II. Paschal be employed as a em loyed as policeman policeran in the police department of the City of Paducah at the startiil; salary of ;;245.00 per month, effective July 10, 1956. Adopted on call of the itoll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, McBride, Trevathan and Mayor Jacobs (4). TV Antenna Commissioner Clark offered the followinU, motion: I hove that the Perfor- Franchise sale made final to mance Bond executed on June 1, 1956 by ISidwest Video Corporation as Principal and .':idwest Video Corporation Standard Accident Insurance Company as Surety, which was delivered to the City 3,ana^er Performance boid C,: Insurance office on June 14, 1956, be received,•approved and filed. filed I further move that the Certificate of Insurance executed by Standard Accident Insurance Company protecting the City of Paducah with comprehensive Leneral liability insurance upon operations of iiidwest Video Corporation in the City of Paducah Kentucky to January 15, 1957 be received, approved and tiled. I further move that the.Resolution adopted 1 -ay 22, 1956 by the Board of Commissioners of the City of Paducah accepting the bid of Midwest Video Corporation in the sum of :'1000.00 for the sale of a television signal franchi.se and tentatively Lrantin,, such franchise to Ididwest Video Corporation, be made final and that the checi: of Paidwest Video Corporation payable to the City of Paducah in the sum of w1000.00 for the purchase price of such franchise be delivered to the City Treasurer to be deposited in the general fund account of the City; and I further move that the Carhiert Check h,�retoforo. delivered to the City in the stva of •)5000.00 by ididwest Video Cor- poration for a temporary porformance bond be returned by the City C1cr._ to said ;:idurest Video Corporation. Adopted on call of the '.toll, Yeas, Cwmaissioners Clark, idcBrida, Trevathan: a;d :ayor Jacobs (4). Report Police Dept. Co:_.rassicner (cBride offered motion that the report o_ the police depart - Jure 1956 meet of arr,,ctu an; 31npooitions for the month of Jona, 1956, he received :And Adopted on c'.111 of t:.•: .coil, Yeas, Commissioners Clan:, : o ri;ie, ':•cvathan and iiAyor y ._.. Eolic!+ _ _. ....'c;. ..r.ri•ie ofrored l.lot?on; That. t'.:n. ;eei:]-y report O- th—,, pollcO y 9 r•r re;. ir•unk un,3or th,? wiloe? , or tno Period from July � (,,iopte.i or: call o t}:e aoll, . ... ,:ayor Jacobs (4). 303 )y/ c:• v ott c t;cat t c:n 13 Ci:l.1 L'ep Ort: o_' t:7e pO1iCC ! .. .. ...o .'. c:. ,, ..... .. .:a ,,',..1; : on '..:proper ilar]ci-Y ; and drunk under a- file:;. c .ted or call of the .;ell Y ens, Commissioners .. �... .', ..-. .-, .. .,�. .....a.. ac...-..:.yor J.:.CGb3 (4). Na 306 Proceedings of Board of Cor mi i o_.c. g _ City of Paducah Jitl" 10, 1956 Report Folic Cor.missioner I:cBride offered motion that the report of the police depart - Department Hent of arrests, files,accidents and meter tickets for the month of June, 1956, be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, BicBride, '-'r evathan and _•.'ayor Jacobs (4). Preserve Commissioner McBride offered motion that the letters from the Altrusa Club i• arz:ct hour letters and the Paducah Toastmistress Club endorsinS the movement to preserve the City Market House, be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark: IdcBri.de, Trevathan and Kayor Jacobs (4). cmpCla,rton�R • Commissioner !cBride offered motion that Olis Clayton Ray be, and he is employed �trcat hereby, employed as a temporary laborer in the Street Division of the Public Works Depart- iv9.sion r.:ent of the City of Paducah at an hourly rate 'of ;ll.ly per hour. Such employment to ber3n July 16, 1956. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, iicBride) Trevathan and mayor Jacobs (4). F ilo bids o Commissiener iicBride offered motion that the following bids on a Refuse 3e -rine ✓ Collection Collection Unit be received and filed: Unit Bogie Equipment Company Geo. R. Thomas Truck_ and Tractor Company 12th Street Garage Kinr-,:'oodall Taylor-iilson Company Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, I•icBride, Trevathan and Kayor Jacobs (4). Exoneration w19055 thru 19110i Insurance Curr: is Cons Co .. C, arle toy: z: ocn Resiznation f.mar Willis i:.2r. � c::•.° I ro i"s' Preaery Kirke t Commissioner I•:cDride offered motion that exonerations prepared and delivere by the City Treasurer, being rr''19055 through j119401, inclusive, be received and filed, an that the ar.tounts of same totaling;;6,6$$.$5 be exonerated on the tax bills shorn and designated by said exonerations. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Cormnissioners Clark, 1:cZride, Trevathan and i•ayor Jacobs (¢). i Commissioner Trevathan offered motion that the Certificate of Insurance from United 6fates Fidelity w Guaranty Company to Carmac Construction Company and Charle ;: No 307 Proceedings of Board of Commissioners City of Paducah Request for sev,er" 4000 40� 'uckner Lane File Contr Emulsified Asphalt Cc File contract Reed Crushed Stone Company File contract The Southland Company: Accept bid of f Hannan on fire hose Accept bld of "ratter on fire hose "I o a Co-mmissioner Trevathan offered motion that the letter from the residents of 4000, 4006 and 1,010 Buckner Lane requesting permission to construct a private sermr connection from the rear of their residoncas to the manhole at the end of the :2wcr lin that serves what was the Hawkins property, be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, NcBride, Trevathan and Idayor Jacobs (4). Commissioner Trevathan offered motion that the executed copy of the contract between the City of Paducah and Emulsified Asphalt Company for the sale to the City of emulsified asphalt, together with the Performance Bond in the sum of 2,500.00, be received and filed. Adopted on call of the 'loll, Yoas, Commissioners Clark, I-icBride .Trevathan and Mayor Jacobs (4). Commissioner Trevathan offered motion that the executed copy o£ the contract between the City and Reed Crushed Stone Company, Ind. for the sale to the City of No. 9 and No. 11 Limestone, together frith the performance bond in the amount of .31,500. be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, eBride, Trevathan and Mayor Jacobs (4). Commissioner Trevathan offered motion that the executed copy of the contract between the City of Paducah and The Southland Company for the sale to the City of liquid asphalt, together with the Perforrance Bond in the amount of 'x2,500.00, be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, I•IcBride, Trevathan and iayor Jacobs (4). Commissioner Clark offered motion that an ordinance entitled: t'AN ORDIIIA1.CS ACCMPTT_EG TIE BID OF NANKAI! SUPPLY CO'_.TAIIY, INC. FOR TILE SALE TO THE CITY OF 1000 FEET Or 1j° FIRE HOSE, AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTO AND E, CUTE A C01M MCT FOR THE PURCHASE OF SAi•C, AND PRESCRIBING THE TERI•3 AND WIDITIONS MAE' 19HICH SAID PURCHASE SHALL BE BADE°, be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, McBride, Trevathan and Mayor Jacobs (4). Commissioner :McBride offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "AIN ORDIMA1:C ACCEPTING THE BID Or 10,'RY A. PETTER SUPPLY COMPANY FOR TEL SALE TO TEL CITY OF 2000 EET CF 2L IITCH FIRE HOSE, AND AUTIIORIZI14G THE CITY EXIAGER TO EATER INTO AIID EIG:CUTE A COUTRACT FOR TIC PURCHASE OF SAt.i, AND PRESCRIBING THE TERiIS AIM COI47JIm1OI,S UPON XIICH SAID PURCHASE SHALL BE IADEtt, be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, CG:u.;issicners Clark, :•IcBride, Trevathan and l.ayor Jacobs (1;,). Corzissloner Trevathan offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "A1! ",;;Ce A!] :iC2TLZ::G THE CITY i•lAilAGER TO ENTER Ii;'TO A COI+TRACT '4TH D-$ SUNRAY OIL siY iOFt 'I'IIIi P2,'HASS OF REGULAR AND ETHYL GA0OLI:IE, DIZS_:L rLF?L, l:OTOR OIL, CHASSI(; 1'3+Li L;;::.. LII. ._.. AI:TI-FREEZE FOR USE BY THE CITY OF P' i 1 r )UC„11, Ki:i,'r.'UCkY 'v3 TO ll.: ,_.. 31,1956, Ala PRdSC3iDI;:G TIIL `t'I:, Anil rii AIXPT14.). Adopted on call oi' ar:d Layer Jucoh., (I) . W.1, ar. o. ui.`o'. .i a!JInance'!niiticii: , adopti. s - :•, Il`nyltilan a:ti! N. 308 _ Proceedings� of Co.m iss:i oners City of Paducah Julv 10, 1956 On motion the ir-eatin; adjourned. ADOPYED Julv 24 1956 AFPRO'Jsll