HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 23, Page 242, January 17, 19562, 2 z7 1056 Proc*4&Janiizyev ngs of %Zn^,r;3 nom^ f'n.-r•A ��a ns+=rR City of Paducah - u 7.7ater line Rutte Fred C.AWill resi�na- tionv L l b-ra= j :=apart Y OliC•: ycar -V arre� W,, fie -ort Felice Arrests 1-1 to 1-11,-76 At a Re�•ular ;•iecting of the Board of Commissioners held in the Commission Chamber of the Cit}- hall, Paducah, Kentucky, at 7:30 P -Ti- on January 17, 1956, i',ayor Jacobs presided and upon call of the Zoll the followinZ answered to their names: Cor_-zissi.oners Clark, Gan,;nath, ::cBride, Trevathan and Kayor Jacobs (5)• 1:ayor Jacobs offered notion that the reading of the i?inutes for January 10, 1956 be waived and that the ;•;inutes of said meeting as prepared by the City Clerk, be approved ..s inxitten. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, Gangnath, 17c^nrid / Trevathan and 1,:zyor Jacobs (5)• Commissioner Clark offered motion that the petition of Fred Sills and wife, 011ie Sills, for percussion to make one 3/4 inch connection of the 3 inch privately owned Crater pipe line located on Rutter Street and owned by the Schneidman Road slater Li 3:urber 2, for the purpose of furnishing crater to one residence only upon lot fronting 123 feet 9 inches on South side of Rutter Street in McCracken County, Kentucky, and outside the Corporate Limits of the City of Paducah, Kentucky, be received and filed and that the request petitioned for therein be granted subject to the terms and con- ditions in said petition. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissionere Clark, Gangnath, I•:c3ride, Trevathan and.'ayor Jacobs (5)• ;md Commissioner Clark offered motion that the resignation of Chas. A. :'lilliams as a member of the Library Board be received, filed and accepted. Adopted on call of c the _loll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, Ganganth, 1icBride, Trevathan and :•=ayor Jacobs (5)• Commissioner Gangnath offered motion that the Board of Commissioners receive y and file the rpport of the police department for the year 1955 showing all arrests which were filed, suspended, dismissed or charges reduced. Adopted on call of the Goll, Yeas, Comm-issioners Clark, Gangnath, IcBride, Trevathan and itayor Jacobs (5). Commissioner Gangnath offered motion that the report of the police dcpartLenc showin;; di.sposi.ti.on of arrests :wade between January 1, 1956 and January 14, 1956, be e-c:'ved and tiled. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, Gangnath ;.ride, Trevathan and '4ayor Jacobs (5). Letter ;'t; Co:,tiscioner r:cBride offered Lotion that the communication of Oscar K. TalwaLe, rase,_•-.( INeoatu er, to Lloyd C. Zmery, City ::anag;or, dated January 16, 1956, recomma' din;'- sinY.ic fuhd ivl.:Or, of Che non -les in the sinking fund of the City be invested In Serie:; oJI �urpl�zs C. ki.�Oel u.A.'i °.11 reslgat L•oar2 Of Ad." uct:Tk ours ;i. +;e.. ........ 'treasury bon•;s, be received and filed. Adopted on call of the 1:oll, ;Marr, ctP:,-.cizide], Trevathan anis i:ayor Jacobs (5). r% on that the resignations of Clyde J. Feel, Jr. n and L. h, :.djustment, be received, Ailed and accepted. 4doptel on call , s Clark, Gangnath, .;cSride, Trovath;;n Mrd Kayor Jacobs (5). V!/ U=issionc_: i -, offered u'," - a; the Board of Coixaissionero rece've, A file and approve Certificate c_ Insurance t- ::. -:.i by the Hartford Acci:cent ano _,•,; _::it;y CpepsnY protcctin?. tae City with respect to work (tone by u. Unu"Ias d/' ""i - c... Enterprises for a period, of one year ,from Jeeember 3, 1.955; aloo liability in:. policy issued by _eevrlty dns•.mance Company cover?n;; work done by Carl S. YeI. period of o year from January ! , _ , , .40ptaa on call or the ;?c, , Cotislf"ndrs Clark, , Proceedings of �•`' r_ Ce:.: rice miners No. __243-- -----. City of Paducah ---- Sell Police Connuissicner Trovathan offered motion that the bid of 'falter Oouornc 1::: ;;•.0 motorcycle '+alter Osborne amount of '165.00 for the purchase of one 1950 Harley-Davidson Solo Motorcycic o._ the police department be accepted, and that the City iLanat;er be, and he is Ilereby, author- ized to execute a Bill of Sale for the same to said Walter Osborne after the purchase price of 1,165.00 has been paid to the City Treasurer. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, Gangnath, I•IcBride, Trevathan and payor Jacobs (5). Liability poli Commissioner Trevathan offered motion that the Board of Commissioners receive, i:ea as, Inc file and approve Certificate of Insurance issued by the Liberty Nutual Insurance Company to Kengas, Inc. covering its operations as a petroleum dealer in the City of Paducah for a period of one year from December 29, 1955. Adopted on call Of the 1101 1, 'leas, Commissioners Clark, Gangnath, IcBride, Trevathan and I•layor Jacobs (5). C...:illiams Kayor Jacobs offered the follotring motion: , c...Peel, jr,,/ S., illy UHEREAS, I, H. Strickland on February 1, 1955 ,ias appointed a member of the appointed Hospital Soar Paducah i•_unicipal Hospital Commission to fill an unexpired term expiring on December 31, 1956, and MIEREAS, the said I. H. Strickland is now deceased, and WHEREAS, the terms of W. J. Pierce and Leslie Long as members of said Colrimissio expired December 31, 1955. I now therefore move that Charles A. Williams be appointed as a member of said board to fill the unexpired term of I, II. Strickland tinich :rill expire on December 31, 1956, and further move that Clyde Peel, Jr. and Ed Tilly be appointed i as members of said Commission for three (3) year terms ending December 31, 1955• Said board as now constituted shall be composed of the followin; maabers: P Mrs. H. T. Rivers whose term expires December 31, 1956 Charles A. Williams whose term expires December 31, 1956 Louis !ick t•dtose terra expires December 31, 1956 Charles Hatfield whoso term expires December 31, 1957 - Joe I:ullens whose term expires December 31, 1957 Clyde Peel, Jr. 'inose term expires December 31, 1958 Ed Tilly %hose terra expires December 31, 1958 Adopted on call of the moll, Yeas, Co:maissioners Clark, Ganznath, Luride, Trovathan and Kayor Jacobs (5). o li. s Cormns ioner Clark offered motion that a Resolution entitled: "A RESOLLITIOt; i� AUs-CRILI' .., .'.:.AGER TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS FOR FURNISHING TIj.:; CITY OF PADUCAN Cc:' :.i OR VEHICLE TIRES FO. -i TfLN VARIOUS DEPAP.Tbi.iITS OI THE CITY i be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Colmnissioners e rLdo, Trevathan and Nayor Jacobs (5). Invest iri_in. Fund wplvn r. vathan offered motion that an ordinance entitled "A:: O+Di_IiA:;C_� U.w. H4nes 10 d.D T11 -h; CITY T.UASURM TO I L _ a C_ 'itis CITY Cr IIJ11 �1:... J ..1 .... . .......... , i i No. Proceedingsof. r,�>u; r ' r-� 5 p' "• ' City of Paducah �� 11: :-C:•1 M: GI': v';.._CGltl„ adjourn-,,(!. i .. i y Q't 9.. �.