HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 23, Page 225, December 6, 1955• N. --22L -- Proceedings City of Paducah ember L., ]955 _ Since it appears from said letter that Inspection Permit IIo. 3011 was I' not used, I further move that the amount of ;;2.50 be refunded to Ammie Cox. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Hannin, Jacobs, Riggs and Idayor Cherry (4)/ 'I=fund In=P• Comr'issioner Riggs offered motion as follows: I movethat the letter per�..t to i•.arjorie Jeffod4.3 from, Oscar h. Tal=,, e, City Treasurer dated November 29, 1955, be received and Efiled. ::ince it appears from said letter that Inspection Permit NO. 3065 was not i us e1, I further z:ove that: the amount of „2.00 be refunded to I':arjorie Joffordn. :+iopted on tali of the Roll, Yoas, Commissioners Hannin, Jacobs, Riggs and I-.ayor y) Cherry (4). v;.Ji,;nation Fiarca '!` taycr Cherry cs_offered motion that the resll;uaLton of i•r. '.l. J. F:Lerce as iSr,;pita__,,, wr of t.e City o;' :a:Iscai, :unici.pul Hospital. Coem:tsnoion effective December r J 1, 1y,5, l:a filed acc"d ted on call of the Roll, Year, 3.bc5ive,, Pted. Adopted :o:.---issloners 'ra;s:in, aacnbs, ligLs and :-.ayor Cherry (4). At a Regular Meeting of the Board of Commissioners held in the Commission li Chamber of the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, at 7:30 P.I.1. on December b, 1.955, Kayor Cherry presided and upon call of the Roll the folloc,riny, answered to their names: Commissioners Hannin, Jacobs, Riggs and Mayor Cherry (4), Commissioner Hughes being absent (1) Mayor Cherry offered motion that the reading of the Minutes for Hovemberl5th. 22nd., 25th., and 29th be waived and that the Minutes of said meetings as prepared by the City Clerk be approved as written. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Hannin, Jacobs, Riggs and Mayor Cherry (4). R,�_'und City Commissioner Hannin offered the £ollorring motion: I move that the letter License to V.J.Hammonds from Oscar K. Talmage, City Wreasurer, regarding refund on City Business License to Kr. V. J. Hammonds in the amount of :2.50, be received and filed. Since it appears that Mr. Hammonds was overcharged the amount of ;)2.50, I therefore move that said amount be refunded to him. Adopted on call of.the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Hannin, Jacobs, Riggs and Mayor Cherry (4). Grave in Rushi Commissioner Jacobs offered motion that the Board of Commissioners aPP roe Addition to Willie Iae l the sale by the City of Paducah to Willie Mae Frizzell of Grave No. 83 in Block Frizzell i No. 8 of the Rushing Addition to Oak Grove Cemetery, and that. the City Clerk be authorized to execute a deed of conveyance to said cemetery grave. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Hannin, Jacobs, Riggs and I•Iayor Cherry (4). Lot , in Rushi Commissioner Jacobs offered motion that the Board of Commissioners approee Addition to Lula Dawson I' f the sale by the City of Paducah to Lula Dawson of Lot No. 4 in Block No. 7 of the Rushing Addition to Oak Grove Cemetery, and that the City Clerk be authorized to execute a deed of conveyance to said cemetery lot. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Hannin, Jacobs, Riggs and Mayor Cherry (4). Refund Insp. permit to ,/ Commissioner Riggs offered the following motion: I move that the letter Ameie Cox Y from Oscar K. Talmage, City Treasurer, dated November 29, 1955, be received and filed. Since it appears from said letter that Inspection Permit IIo. 3011 was I' not used, I further move that the amount of ;;2.50 be refunded to Ammie Cox. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Hannin, Jacobs, Riggs and Idayor Cherry (4)/ 'I=fund In=P• Comr'issioner Riggs offered motion as follows: I movethat the letter per�..t to i•.arjorie Jeffod4.3 from, Oscar h. Tal=,, e, City Treasurer dated November 29, 1955, be received and Efiled. ::ince it appears from said letter that Inspection Permit NO. 3065 was not i us e1, I further z:ove that: the amount of „2.00 be refunded to I':arjorie Joffordn. :+iopted on tali of the Roll, Yoas, Commissioners Hannin, Jacobs, Riggs and I-.ayor y) Cherry (4). v;.Ji,;nation Fiarca '!` taycr Cherry cs_offered motion that the resll;uaLton of i•r. '.l. J. F:Lerce as iSr,;pita__,,, wr of t.e City o;' :a:Iscai, :unici.pul Hospital. Coem:tsnoion effective December r J 1, 1y,5, l:a filed acc"d ted on call of the Roll, Year, 3.bc5ive,, Pted. Adopted :o:.---issloners 'ra;s:in, aacnbs, ligLs and :-.ayor Cherry (4). 223 Proceedings of Board of Commissioners _ City of Paducah. D,cember 6, 1955 Grave Rush 1kiyor Cherry offered motion that the Board of Commissioners approve the sale ing Add. Audrey !-!as by the City of Paducah to Audrey Mae Caldwell of Grave No. 82 in Block No. 8 of the Caldwell i` Rushing Addition to Oak Grove Cemetery, and that the City Clerk be authorized to �I k execute a deed of conveyance to said cemetery grave. Adopted on call of the Roll, .Peas, Commissioners Hannin,Jacobs, Riggs and Idayor Cherry (4). Gravy Rush i•ayor Cherry offered motion that the Board of Commissioners approve the sale inb Add. Louise Bank by the City of Paducah to Louise Bank of Grave No. 76 in Block No. 8 of the Lot Rush- in� Add. Gertrude' Henson Street Lights Broadway 17 to 28 Rushing Addition to Oak Grove Cemetery, and that the City Clerk be authorized to execute a deed of conveyance to said cemetery grave. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Hannin, Jacobs, Riggs and Mayor Cherry (4). "Mayor Cherry offered motion that the Board of Commissioners approve the sale by the City of Paducah to Gertrude Henson of the West one-half of Lot No. 5 in Block No. 7 of the Rushing Addition to Oak Grove Cemetery, and that the City Clerk be authorizdd to execute a deed of conveyance to said cemetery lot. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Hannin, Jacobs, Riggs and Mayor Cherry (4). =:ayor Cherry offered motion that the City Manager be, and he is hereby, authorized to request the Kentucky Utilities Company to install twenty-seven (27) 4000 lumen street lamps on the north side of Broadway between 17th Street and 28th Street at the following locations: 4Corner 17th and Broadway 1721 Broadway S;/E Corner 19th and Broadway Near 1905 Broadway Near 1925 Broadway N1W Corner 20th and Broadway Near 2005 Broadway N/E Corner 21st and Broadway Near 2103 Broadway Hear 2123 Broadway N/E Corner 22nd and Broadway year 2205 Broadway ?:ear 2221 Broadway L•/E Corner 23rd and Broadway Across Street from 2316 Broadway :1/E Corner 24th aryl Broadway In front of Deems Shoe Repair Near 2429 Broadway :7/r Corner 25th and Broadway I�ear 2507 Broadway Tear 2155 Broadway N/L Corner 26th and Broadway Near 2603 Broadway Near 2625 Broadway N'8 Corner 27th and Broadway ar 2725 Broadway Ieear I:/_. Corner 28th and Broadway arra to authorize tro rero al of eleven (11) lights at the following locations: I•:,st Arm East Ar. /.; Crr::r 17th ;:/.; Corner 19th and Broadway Suzpans+on Suspension _ 20th and and Broadway Broadway 3usp--r3ion 21st 22nd and Broadway &; Broadway Susa*nsAon 23rd and Broadway uspens.or. Suspension 24th and Broadway i'wst A.+ Suspens.on 25th :n front of ~aptist Ho pitat and Broadway batwoen 26th and 26th and ,roadway .aspersion 26th and Broadway 27th and Broitdway Adopted on CL111 of the . cli, Yeas, C07Missioners Siannin, Jacoba, Ritrgs and Idayor Cherry (4). SII N___227_ _ — Proceedings of Board of Coaimi.xgr�grs . City of Paducah December 6 1955 I. Purchase land Sewerage Improvement Program I Letters from i Carmac & Eastwood extend time Country Club connect to , City Sewer Accept bid Eastwood Amend Sec. 61 License Ord. (Bondsmen) Amend Street Lighting v Contract Charges agai: Louis E. Sumer -filed Commissioner Hannin offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "All ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING TIC, PURCHASE OF CERTAIN LANDS TO BE USED IN THE CONSTRUCTION A14D FUTURE OPERATION OF THE SANITARY SEMRAGE II••iPROVEI•iENT PROGRAM, AIM PROVIDII:G THE TERI-LS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH PURCHASES", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Hannin, Jacobs, Riggs and Mayor Cherry (4). Commissioner Hannin offered motion that the letters from Carmac Construction Company and Eastwood Plumbing & Heating Company, dated November 22, 1955, extending the time to December 1, 1955 on their bids on the Sanitary Sewerage Improvement Program, be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Hannin, Jacobs, Riggs and I•layor Cherry (4)• Commissioner Riggs offered motion that a Resolution entitled: "A..RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE COUNTRY CLUB OF PADUCAH TO CONNECT ITS PRIVATE SEIJER LINE TO THE CITY SEVER LINE ON SOUTH CEiITRAL AVENUE, AND PROVIDING THE TERi•IS AND CONDITIONS UNDER WHICH SUCH CONNECTION SHALL BE MME", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Hannin, Jacobs, Riggs and Mayor Cherry (4). Commissioner Hannin offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "API ORDINANCE ACCEPTING THE BID OF EASTWOOD PLUI-MING AND HEATING C%-IPANY IPI THE AKOUNT OF X213,624.02 FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF SECTIONS II AND III OF CONTRACT NO. 2 SANITARY SEVERS OF THE SANITARY SEWERAGE IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM, AID AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE A CONTRACT ON BEHALF OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY WITH SAID EASTWOOD PLUMBING AND DATING COMPANY", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Hannin, Jacobs, Riggs and Alayor Cherry (4). Commissioner Hannin offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "AN ORDINANCE Al -: ENDING SECTION 61 OF AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED: 'AN ORDINANCE FIXING AND REGULATING THE LICEIISE TAXES, AND MANNER AIM FORI•I OF GRANTING AILD ISSUING SAME ON THE VARIOUS LINES OF BUSIIIESS, TRADES, OCCUPATIONS, PROFESSIONS, VOCATIONS AND CALLINGS IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, AND PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR iNON-PAYMENT THEREOF, AND FOR VIOLATION THEREOF, AND KAKIIIG IT UNLAWFUL TO ENGAGE III ANY SUCH LIKES OF BUSINESS, TRADES, OCCUPATIONS, PROFESSIONS, VOCATIONS AND CALLINGS WITHOUT FIRST PAYI11G THE LICENSE TAX MID PROCURING LICENSES AS PROVIDED HEREIN; REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT THEREWITH MID PROVIDING A SEPARABILITY CLAUSE', VIHICII WAS ADOPTED BY THE BOARD OF C01,11ISSIONERS ON DECEMBER 23, 1947", be adopted. Adopted on Call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Hannin, Jacobs, Riggs and IJayor Cherry (1j. G�.r;icsioner Jacobs offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "ANI IC01.51:0 THE CITY OF PADUCAH TO ENTER INTO AN AKENDED AIID SUPPLEISEUTAL ,. ;'ITUCKY UTILITIES COI•iPANY SO AS TO FURNISH 111CREA SED LIGHTING CITY OF PADUCAH", be introduced and remain on .file for pub1t i nzpection for -apt one (1) wool: in the completed form in vinich it ,hall be pat Upon its "I rcll :: arc. Adopted on call. of the Roll, Year, Com7:ii;Gl OnerL1 Hannin, Jacobs, .gp an '.myon Cherry (/,) i 1700' Cherry Ofero:I Lha 1'0110wInt' motion: I nova that the charges pre=erred by L1oy� 1— -:zr.-ry, Cit u:er 0: Li,e City ofPadueali, I:entueicy, al;aiiict tt.e de"andant, i.r..uis :iunn-�r, a police of:'ieer of Said city, for ti:e reprlmandln„ 228, - -- Proceedings of Boar: of Commil5sioners City of Paducah December 6. 1955 S suspension or removal of said defendant from his position as such police officer, be gg received and filed; that a hearing of said charges be held on December 9th, 1955 at 1' the hour of 2:00 o'clock P.:i. in the Commission Chamber of the City hall, Paducah, Kentucky, after notice of said charges have been served upon the defendant at least two days before such hearing. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners t y Hannin, Jacobs, Rims and Mayor Cherry (lir) . i Accept bid Commissioner Jacobs offered motion that an ordinance entitled: 11 AN Carrothers ORDINANCE ACCEPTING THE BID OF CARROTHERS CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, INC. III THE AI•IOUNT OF x354,752.00 FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF CONTRACT NO. 1 SEWERAGE PUMP STATIONS OF THE SANITARY SEIdERAGE IMPROVE -MIT PROGRAM, AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY IdANAGER TO EXECUTE COI'ITRACTS ON BEHALF OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY WITH SAID CARROTHERS COPI- STRUCTION COIIPAIIY, INC++, BE ADOPTED. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commission- ers Hannin, Jacobs, Riggs and Mayor Cherry (4). Amend Commissioner Jacobs offered motion that an ordinance ehtitled: "AN Parkin I:eter Ord. ORDINANCE AIMNDING SECTION 6 OF AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED: TAN ORDINANCE RELATING TO i TRAFFIC AND REGULATIIIG THE USE OF PUBLIC STREETS IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH; DEFINING AND ESTABLISHING PARKIIIG KETER ZONES AND REGULATING AND CONTROLLING AND PROVIDING FOR IN- 31?z=_ION 0 THE TIME PARKING OF VEHICLES THEREIN BY THE USE OF PARKING :.;ETERS; PRESCRIBING LIMITS OF TIl•:n FOR PARIMIG IN PARKING METER ZONES; AND PROVIDING FOR EI FORCEIIENT OF THIS ORDINANCE AIM PUI•IISHI-IENT FOR ITS VIOLATION+, WHICH WAS ADOPTED BY THE BOARD OF COI.3•?SSIO?ERS ON JULY 9, 1946, AiD 0EMED NOVEI•IBER 17, 1953", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Hannin, Jacobs, Riggs and Mayor Cherry (4). i Commissioner Riggs offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "AN C:'. _:L':': 1;UTHOP.IZIiIG THE KIPLOYI-INT OF WILLIAiS E: WILLIAMS, CERTIFIE,'D PUBLIC _. , _'", TO BIAKE All AUDIT OF THE: ACCOUNTS OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH AI'!D ALL CITY FOR THEYEAR. 1955 IPI COIISIDERATIOIT OF THE PAY1,01T TO THAI OF TIP�SUI,i OF be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Hannin, u'acobz, Ribs and Iayor Cherry (4). 4 Accept bid Co::.missioner Riggs offered motion that an ordinance entitled: TIMI Carrothersi Contract 3t C '.JI:.AI:CE ACCEPTING TfE BID OF CARROTIMI S COI:STRUCTION COI:PAIIY, INC. IN THE AIMUT OF -CO i"OI? TI --M C IISTRUCTIOIT OF COETRACT N0. 3 MIERAGE TREATMENT PLAiIT OF THE _' i Y i:::, :::A^>E II1'ROvr:• 21T PROGRAIc, AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MAI;AGER TO EXECUTE OF TIE; C117Y OF YAIJUC AH, KENTUCKY 'VaTH SAID CARROTHERS COI: - STHUCT.LGi, , ii:C", 1-c adonted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Ca^s:rission or-, flan::: , _ .ayor Cherry (4). Accept bid;,/' ::a or. .. nf"ereci notion that an ordinance entitled: +'AI: r:: Cuac ORDIt'AI Cn ACC£I `a i:: T:: , C.' _ :; C0!- .'TRUCT1W CO:•:PAI7y II! THE AIIIOUiT OF 4151,2•1-3.11 FOR TIF. CG:.... C:. t, ;G,:...,`.C't' ::U. ?. SEUERS OF THi 9AIiITARY SE»iKAG iai: Os''.:....,_ .:. 1:.:,1::, i:U. (.,..,v 'i'li:i CITY iiA i G 'd TO EXECUTE A CAPT--iAC^' OR B«?AL: G' COMT.RUCTION COAaAIIY", be adopted. Aiout n toll, Yea:, Corrmiss3 onors Hannin, Jacobs, Riggs and Mayor Cf:Hrry (4). Proceedings No.- - .229k - - -- ---- - . City of Paducah Dnnnr�nrr F, l.o(.u_. _ Vacation J. Mayor Cherry offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "AIi ORDIIIANCE Sice Leave Anended AI,iENDING SECTION 2 OF AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED: 'API ORDINANCE PROVIDIIIG FOR THE GRANTING OF LEAVES OF ABSENCE FOR VACATIONS TO ALL EMPLOYEES OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, WITH THE EXCEPTION OF THE iLI,IDERS OF THE POLICE AND FIRE i DEPARTi-MITS; PROVIDING FOR THE GRANTING OF SICK LEAVE TO ALL 11-IPLO'YEES OF THE CITY, INCLUDING THE 1,19-IBERS OF THE POLICE AND FIRE DEPARWENTS; AND PRESCRIBING THE RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR THE GRANTING OF SUCH LEAVES OF ABSE@ICEt, MICH WAS ADOPTED BY THE BOARD OF C01,11ISSIONTERS ON NOVEI•MER 25, 19471', be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Hannin, Jacobs, Riggs and I Mayor Cherry (4). On motion the meeting adjourned. ADOFTED December 1955 APPROVED A Lt- Maydr .r