HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 23, Page 19, February 23, 1954P,oceedings City of Paducah ,—.�-- - ---._- _ t a alar : cetin_, o the ::card o- Co.,riiosionero :_01:1 ir. tl:e Con:aiccion Cha:is•cr 'thy City hull, Paduca:i, ::ontuchy, at 7:3O P.L. on February 23, 19;14., ':ayor Choir ar.;, upon call of tl:_ 2oll the olloain ar_c::ered to their nar0s. Co _•:_cciona ;; ::anliln, :Iu,�::es, Jacobs, aiL:•-s and mayor Cherry (5) • offered *:otion that the raadinZ of the A.inutes for February I' 1954 ba ::aivad a::d ::at the Linut-es of said meotin;; as propared by the City Clor:: be approvod as imitten. Adopted on call of the !loll, Yeas, Co-nniseioners Hannin, ane.::ayor Cherry (5)• _:..issioner 1•znnin offered ,^.otion that the petition oi" i:rs. Bettia=:c:'anus, `.fidowr, .._=:anus, Dau ;htcr, for permission to make two 3/4 incl: connccticls:; to tho otr_zad i;atar pipe line of the Husbands ^cad CoTmiunity :latex` Company for the purpose of fu iishin�, uutar to tuo residences only upon a lot owned by pot-itionors frontinL 250 feet on Husbands 'load in LlcCracken County, Ken'tucl `, be received and filed and that the request petitioned for therein be granted subject to the tern's and conditioito in said petition. adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Coranissioners liannin, lIu{flee, •.acobs, Riggs and fagot Cherry (5). _. Cc=r issioner Hughes offered motion that the petition of Paul L. Burks and wife, Bobbie Burks, for permission to make one 3/I, inch conuactionto the nater pip; line Owmed by the Orchard heights ,"later Company so as to furnish stater to one residence to be constructed upon property aimed by petitioners frontinS 60 feet on b;iimich Avenue in Orchard nights Sub -Division, outside the city limits of Paducah, Kentucl:y, be received and filed with the request petitioned for tlAerein be granted subject to the terms and conditions in said petition. Adopted on call of the i6011, Yoas, Cor.;uissioncra Fannin, Hughes, Jacobs, Riggs and i•ayor Cherry (5). Gc Cormissioner Jacobs offered motion that the contract entered into on the 2Oth act r day of February, 1954, by the Paducah .:titer :forks, part; of the first part and :.. P. Kin,,, _r .goal party of the second part, relative to the construction of a six inch cast iron :gator :.;ai from t::0 intersection of Butler Road or :icacham Lane with the bouton Road, and e_:tendi:: in a fly direction alon;; the West ciao oC said Butler sad or :aac:A«nA Lane appro::- iratel.- -50 fact to the south side of Farley Drive; thonce :.. o:::'axlag Drivo a,)pro_:- L :.. _ :eat, and located in :•:cCracken County, Kentucky, and outcida t::e corporate ---..._- o_ Paducah, ba received and _•"_lad, and ti -.at 'laid contract bo approve: set forth therein. Adopt";: On call of t:v� ..oll, Yoas, Jacobs, 2i_:gs and : r Claarry (;) dater line offered notion that tae «titie: o. Dixie Avayiue { _ P : _.,.,lc to *.tike ono' 3.4 inc. cc .;o6.7on to i ;li.on a lot c: City of Paducah ' motion that the Board of Corriizsionarc approv:; _-lc by „'s_c City a_ i-aduca.. to J. E. Hofley of Grave _`o. 37 in Block: i:o. o of _ aduition to oalc Grove Csmotery, and that tha City Clerk: be auti:orizcd to cute a decd of conveyance to said cemetery gave. adopted on cabl of the :toll, Ycas, Cor*issioners Hannin, Hushes, Jacobs, UZ7s and :mayor Cherry (5). Cosrassionsr Hacobs offered the following, motion: I move that the Settlement: City Refuse account - January 31, 1954 as prepared and submitted by the Paducah dater 1iorlcs, be received and riled. I further move that the check in the amount of Y10,445.50 be turned over to the City Treasurer to be deposited in the General fund. Adopted on call of the _?oll, Yeas, CoLni.ssioners Hannin, Hurhus, Jacobs, ..-�-s nnJ. .-'-,Yo:., Cherry (5). Ccr:z;issionsr iii Es offered the £ollowin motion; I *.cove that the Edda'= Stephens Construction Company, Inc. be „granted permission to use and barricade certai'll portions of South 4th Street and Broadway durinC the construction of a neva buildinS for Paduca -ry Goods Company; the portion of 4th Street to be used to be the east ono -:calf of the street from the south line of Broadtaay to a point appro-zimately 210.25 root south of Zroadway; the portion of Broadway to be used to be a strip 20 fee in t:idtr_ off of the south side of Broadway and extendin Prom a point in the center' o= l,th Street and e:-*encin eastwardly to a point approximately 4 feet east of tl_e t ccs. lin:: of tae Facucah Dry Goods Company or Riche property. Said Co:pany to construct stitablo barricades trhich shall include a covered tali: -tray 4 feet in width with otac.id �•-_ -ails, a-.., a-tondinZ the entire lenGth of the portion of 4th Street and Bro^..ira, thi3 barricades and walL-ways are to be suitably li`°hted; provided, w portion of the wal'satay on :;roadway 12 feet in lenSth and a portion of 4th at --.D; 12 fse; '-n lcn_;th are not to be covered in order that a sate car be used for t::� Paz;". -,o of trucks and other oquipncnt. p ^.:_scion artad c, this r.,otion --::all e:ctend only to the lst C-:. of cove 3. j br this .notion raay b -1 bo responsible for _ clo, bairi:?:c _ • _.... , .. ._et sir.;; and .. _ .... ._ .. , ... .: U, Iliz .*.lotion. n:..G_ ,. _.._