HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 22, Page 74, June 27, 1950No.-- . 74 .__... -'-- Proceedings of_ Eoard of Commissioners City of Paducah Juno 27, 1950 At a Regular '.'acting of the board of Commissioners held in the Commission '.'.'a tar line J 42nd st. 4xclude lard from city-Huler ame be stria,,en. •j fr07, of it ion i ayrol l tax Chamber at the City Fall, Paducah, itentueky, at 7:30 P.M. on June 27, 1950, t.'ayor Johnston presided and upon call of the Roll the following answered to their names: Cmrzaissionere Fannin, Jacobs, Sims, '+homas and mayor Johnston (5). ,inutes of the previous meeting wero adopted as read. Commissioner Hannin offered motion that the petition of Loren M. Jones for permission to extend his privately owned two inch water pipe line on 42nd Street from Sunset Avenue in a Southerly direction 4001, be granted subject to the limitations and conditions contained in said petition and that the request of petitioner, Lars. Cora M. Sears, to connect a 3/4 inch pipe line to the two inch water pipe line of Loren M. Jones, be granted subject to the terms and conditions contained in said petition. It is understood, however, that in granting the privileges sought in said petition neither the City of Paducah nor the Commissioners of Piater �iorks shall be obli- gated to buy said pipe linos or any part thereof and no such obligation shall be obtaim or be implied hereafter should the territory to be served by the water lines to be laid under the authority herein requested be taken into or made a part of the City of Paducah. It is further understood that the petitioners will subscribe for water s at the rates now or hereafter prescribed for water service to consumers outside the city limits and subject in all respects to the rules and regulations of the City of Paducah or its Commissioners of 'later ,'forks which may be now in force or hereinafter enacted. ilothinc: in the granting of this petition shall obligate the City of Paducah or its Commissioners of nater 'corks to guarantee slater pressure or service and said crater service may be discontinued through said pipe lines or any part thereof at any timE when in the judgment of the Commissioners of '+%ater +corks the furnishing of water to the petitionars or their succesaora in ownership of the property now owned by them may inter- fere in any viae with the adequate supply and distribution of wator inside the corporate Units of the City of Paducah. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Coreeissionors Fannin, Jaco'cs, Sims, Thomas and ;::ayor Johnston (5). Com_'zissioner Jacobs offered motion that the ragyoat of Henry L. Hulon for eraluaion of certain lands owned by him from the corporate limits of the City of iaducah, be rooelved and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yana, Commissioners Halpin, Jacobs Sims, ^homas and ':ayor Johnston (5). Cor.,miaalorar'Tannin offered motion that the letter of Vic tar Fronch Poiriar oxrreasinhis rerrot that to signed the petition for placing on the ballot the question as to whethor the payroll tax ordinarr,e should be adopted and stating that he favors the adoption of aach ordinacce, bo rcceivt;d and filed. ;dopted on call of the roll, Youa ro:r.-i`.asioncrs !:annia, Jacobs, :%ir.:a, :hc:..as and l.:ayor Johnston (5). i Asst. Lioenta r0=i.asioror i:ar.nin offorod motion stat the letter of 1•drian ?i. Terrell, tho co;.icctcr to .,orarp attorney :or tie ^,sty of rad•xat:, concornir.3 tt.o raqulramonta to be complied with under a ;: intr.3nt latter j t^.e rules of civil cervice baroro the city ;iaraF;or Wlil is aut'huriaod to amploy an aasia�- r. '_err,31D ant license ccl:ectcr or a tar.crary period of tima, bo reeolvoct and riled. Adopted on tail of tte ..C;i, :Ja9, c� +s 'ore a a::;iZ JM:oea, .-1ma, lu esus an:? ! ayur Joimatonl (S). glsrin +:d ;o=lasirr. cnev rSaia o erad m,rion .:at tte :oera at'.ov^:iaalonera a;.provu t:lo a aaterF t- ava ( contract for the save by tt6 ^ity of .:id -car, to Lo:•otny i'.liloman of ';rave :.o. v in lot:¢ -'erothy ii -i". la. -An ;;o. 7 a: tre ushira iddzt:or. to a::: ;rc.s ^,Y:etary, axed that the attaci:ad oraeuted con - 1 aao N.. - 75- - --- Proceedings of roar d of Co.amassioners City of Paducah June 27, 1950 tract for the sale of said cer!etery property be delivered to the purchaaor. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Hannin, Jacobs, Sims, Thomas and Mayor Johnston (5) Rushing Add. Commissioner Jacobs offered motion that the Loard op Commissioners approve L tB Cemetery Grave to ✓ i contract for the sale by the City of Paducah to 1;Attie 1.1cReynolds, Executrix, of Grave No Pattie .?c Reynolds 52 in Olock No. 7 of the Rushing -ddition to Oak Grove Cemetery, and that the Attached executed contract for the sale of said cemetery property be delivered to the purchaser. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Co!amissioners Hannin, Jacobs, Sims, Thomas and '.ayor Johnston (5). i'oliee Officer Commissioner Jacobs offered motion that the board of Commissioners approve they James Robison/ t salary thru payment of the salary of Officer James Robison through July 31, 1950. Adopted on call July 31, 1950" I of the Roll, Yeas Commissioners Hannin, Jacobs, Sims, Thomas and Mayor Johnston (5). Bid for Bridge Commissioner Jacobs offered motion that the bid of hFurray Nodges for the call lumber ✓ rejected of certain building material to the City of Paducah be received and filed, but that said bid be rejected on the ground that it does not comply with the specifications contained in the resolution under which bids were requested. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, i Commissioners Hannin, Jacobs, aims, Thomas and Mayor Johnston (5). Rushing Add. Commissioner maims offered motion that the Loard of Commissioners approve the Cemetery Grave to ✓Y contract for the sale by the City of Paducah to Maggie Higgins of Grave No. 57 in block �!ags�e Higgins 7 of the Rushing Addition to Oak Grove Cemetery, and that the attached executed con- tract for the sale of said cemetery property be delivered to the purchaser. Adopted on i call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Hannin, Jacobs, aims, Thomas and 'Mayor Johnston (5)1. Liability pol. Commissioner Sims offered motion that the +;oard of Commissioners receive, fill Hs for Andrews & v h and approve, in connection wit permits issued to certain individuals dediring to lmiko Chas T. Edwards excavations in streets and public ways, the following desorlbed policies and endorsements., (1) iolicy of Lumbermens ldutual Casualty Company issued to the City of Paducah, No. L 110971, and providing coverage for one year beginning April 19, 1950 in connection with the I operation of Hester-ndrews, i (2) Endorsement cf the United States fidelity and Guaranty Company, providing coverage � under policy No. SMC 120921 effective June 10, 1950, in connection with the operationa ofj C Chas. T. Edwards. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Cotm!tissionors I:annin, Jacobs, Sims! Thomas and D.ayor Johnston (5). Alrfort Leases - Commissioner Thomas offered motion that the mayor be authorised to execute ronewed tV for and on Lehalf of the City of Paducah the vouchers for the renowal of three certain oasen under which the City of Paducah, together wlth the County of 11cCracken, leased to i tr,o United Mates of "marica, pursuant to ordinances adopted on ray 31, 1940, Aul;w;t , 1949, and of record in Ordinance I oolt 11, ragos 707, 8:8 and 811 the Romoto I`ransn;lt tLn ..r.tonna sito, interstate Airway Coam!unieation stations the Ztand by inglno Generator site, ;o sorve Airways Cor-sunicatiot:a ,tatiou; and tho interstate Airway Communication Statl,on,i lwi atod on t• o :ar-10Y Airport and that the leases to Juld property in eono.idorat.ion or t!:a ::t of .:1.7J for ead'h, t.o renow-id for a further period of one year from ti.o (late of tY.9 rzairatio:, of said pri;sinal lo:,arn. Adopted on ca] -i of the Roll, Yoas, Comer is icaars a:::;il:, Jacobs, .arc, 'if;omt,n find Cayor Johnston (5). b'arGa'.a lig. ` - Com'.ins'_orer-t.crxs n.f'ered tap :ion that the lottor of V. J. Un:iorwnod, o�.rner ettor r. .rrgct^ c! tte .„.,icarf : "'Eosal ..nrviro, with ra er(:,:ce to tte operation he expeott, to carry on is ;.c '. .r.o ro-loct-an am disi.osal of :arba.;e, 'ce received and .fil,d. Adopted on. Co.:-', o_ t`:e o:_. :o”, ibnnin, Jacobs, :Ams, �homaa and ''aycr Johnston (5).. Nc.. .._ 76 _ _. _.... P,0caadM9S of._. `--'oard of Commissioners City of Paducah June 27, 1950 stun Commissioner Thomas offered motion that the letter of Barkley Graham, the Chief 'eff alt Line hof solico, and C. R. Yoffltt, the City L:anager, recommending the establishment of four-way :.^, rk stops at tre intersection of 26th and Jefferson Streets and at the ±nteraedt±on of the Bel V line Highway and Park Avenue, be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners "Fannin, Jacobs, Sims, Thomas and L;ayor Johnston (5). is Commissioner Thomas offered motion that the Board of Commissioners receive and t _ T. �i onaa m 'file the letter of :'r• T. M. Thomas recommending that certain streets in Paducah be made "r pone -way streets for the improvement of traffic conditions. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Hannin, Jacobs, Sims, Thomas and Mayor Johnston (5) -otter Aner Yayor Johnston offered motion that the letter of the Resolution Committee of th can Legion, :sousing✓ Chief Paduke Post :To. 31, American Legion of Kentucky requesting consideration to the Co=nission ..embers appointment of veterans for the filling of any uaeancles which may arise on the City of Paducah Municipal dousing Commission, be received and filed, and that the Mayor transmit to the Resolution Committee the following reply: !%r. 19.E.Rooks, Adjutant Chief Faduke Post No. 31 tAmerican Legion of Kentucky P. 0. Box 1114 yPaducah, Kentucky Dear air: Your letter of June 15 quoting the resolution and requesting consideration of members of your organization as eligible appointees to serve on the housing board has been received. It is provided under KRS 60.030 that "a city housing commission in cities of the first five classes shallconsist of the mayor, ex officio, and four persons appointed by him with the approval of the city legislative body". P6'e wish to assure you that the mayor and the rembers of the board, who have the right to make such appointments, will be glad to give serious consideration to the appointment of qualified veterans to servo as members of the housing commission as and when vacancies shall exist. Sincerely yours, Stuart Johnston, mayor. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Hannln, Jacobs, Sims, Thomas and Layer Johnstcn (5). of±day ttayor Johnston offered motion that a] 1 city employees, with the exception of July 4 police and fire department personnel, be granted a holiday on Tuesday, July 4, 1950. 6dopted or, call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Hannin, Jacobs, Sima, Thomas and Mayor ;oh...ston (5). i'ayor Johnston offered the following motion: The terms of office of bra. Lula - yRoad T.irr and L2. Fisymond Roof as merrbers of the board of Trustees of the Public Library r-avini! o.;•ired on J.no 14, 1550,- I tizereforo move that Lhrs. Lula Reed King and Dr. Raymon( ++I.,00f be roa: pointed as rnmbera of aaid board, for further terms of four (4) years each, tae that said board as non constituted scall be composed of the following membors:- a. `.� :gala ;«ed P,ir.;_ Jr'nea• term ex:aroa Juno 14, 1354 7T. ; uYr,'= of Nt:Cae tern: c✓,.iron .Pune 14, 1954 Avid Fina wt:ose ten-:: ez.iroa .lune 14, 1951 ,Uy rolland ehean term ox_.iras :iuno 16, lob2, and L'ra. :larence ennett rrr,0::e tern; ax,.Iroz Jun,, 14, 195^. Adopted G.. Call c.' '.Ce 2.oll, 'lean, Ca=:L aionors ::aanln, -Jacobs, -.iris, Thomas and Liayor Jchretc:: (cj. C.r.:ansicrn_._t'cred trAt a :;eaolutl.on entitled: "A RESOLUTION .. u:a A,UTHC:l Zlii', :r,'E .. __ x',_ ?OR by TIIli CITY OP l,DIIC. yr 13,1 _ .-....___.. ., ,. !D E % 'df ., OF PUBLIC .4C KL, ..`CliEB-7 _ BY -. _...._, oe adortod. tz cu,i _ tn(J sol-, ,+cF,s, c i:.._ ner :'u:.::in, Jacobs, may= JIon-:.etcr; l.l. No.. --77 - - ------- Proceedings of Board of Commissionors City of Paducah June 27, 1950 Assistant Commissioner lNannin offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "AN ORDINANCE License Collector PROVIDING FOR THE APPOINTMENT OF AN ASSISTANT LICENSE COLLECTOR TO BE TEMPORARILY EI,IPLOYE FOR A PERIOD OP THIRTY DAYS; PRESCRIBING THE DUTIES AND FIXIIIG THE AMOUNT OF HIS COMPaTSA TION; AIND AUTHORIZING THE TRANSFER OF THE SUM OF ;'200 FROM THE CONTINGENT FUND TO THE ACCOUNT APPROPRIATED FOR PAYMENT OF SALARIES OF EMPLOYEES IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY TREAS- URER", be introduced and remain on file for two weeks for public inspection in the compl- eted form in which it shall be put upon its final passage. Adopted on call of the Roll, Seas, Commissioners Hannin, Jacobs, Sims, Thomas and Mayor Johnston (5). Civil Service Commissioner Hannin offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "All ORDINANCE Ordinance j ' Amended A'..ENDING SECTION 7 OF AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED: 'AN ORDINANCE PLACING OFFICES AND POSITIONS OF TRUST OR EMPLOYMENT IN THE SERVICE OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KFNTUCKY, UNDER CIVIL SERVICE RULES AND REGULATIONS PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF KRS 90.300 TO 90.990; PROVIDING FOR 1111E APPOININENT OF A BOARD OF CIVIL SERVICE COMIMISSIONERS, FIXING AND PRESCRIBING THE O,UALIFI CATIONS, TERMS OF OFFICE, POaERS AND DUTIES OF SAID COMMISSIONERS; PRESCRIBING THE RULES BY WHICH THE BOARD OF CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSIONERS SHALL BE GOVERNED IN THE GIVING OF I, EXAMINATIONS TO APPLICANTS FOR EMPLOYMENT; FIXING THE NUMBER, CLASSIFICATION AND SALARIES O ALL EMPLOYEES IN EACH DEPARTMWT WHO SHALL BE AFFECTED BY THE CIVIL SERVICE RULES AND i I REGULATIONS PROVIDED HEREIN; AND PRESCRIBING THE RULES AND REGUTA TIONS GOVERNING TIM CON- DUCT OF ALL EMPLOYEES AFFECTED THEREBY AND THE CAUSES FOR WHICH ANY EMPLOYEES MAY BE REPRIMANDED, SUSPENDED, DISMISSED OR R&IOVED FROM EMPLOYMENT BY THE CITY; PROVIDING FOR i AND ESTABLISHING A RETIREMENT SYSTEM AND THE CREEATIOI7 AICD MAINTENANCE OF A PENSION F1JND FOR APPOINTIVE EMPLOYEES OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, AND AUTHORIZING THE N VY OF A I TAX AICD THE ASSESSMENT OF EMPLOYEES FOR THE CREATION AND MAINTENANCE OF SAID FUND; PRO- VIDING FOR THE APPOINTMENT OF A BOARD OF TRUSTEES TO ADMINISTER SAID FUND; FIXING AND PRESCRIBING THE QUALIFICATIONS, TERMS OF OFFICE, POSERS AND DUTIES OF SAID BOARD OF TRUSTEES; PRESCRIBING THE RULES AND REGULATIONS BY WHICH SAID BOARD OF TRUSTEES AND ALL APPOINTIVE EMPLOYEES SHALL BE GOVERNED VIITH REFERENCE TO THE GRANTING AND ALLMIIANCE OF PEINSIONS AND OTHER BENEFITS; AND PROVIDING A SEPARABILITY CLAUSE', WHICH WAS ADOPTED BY TIE BOARD OF C01 1ISS1014ERS ON DECEIdBER 2, 1947, AND AMFIMED ON FEBRUARY 23, 1949", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Boll, Yeaa, Commissioners Hannin, Jacobs, Sims, Thomas and Mayor Johnston (5). Amotd iayroll Commissioner Hannin offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "AI ORDINANCE tax ordinance— DIiIG 3E^,TIO:NS 1 AND 4 OF AN ORDINANCE ENTITLM: 'AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE I _._:i WITION OF LICE:;.; E FEES FOR THE PRIVILEGE OF SrIGAGING IN OCCUPATIONS, TRADES AND aOF^n3SION;; I.i T!i:i O_TTY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, BY ALL PMSONS EMPLOYED BY OPHERS, M FAJURED + ::Z ONE-IIALF OF OaE PE CE1T Or THE GROdS RECEIPTS EARNED ON AND AFTER THE FIRST DAY OF' . �1LY, 1950; DEPINIUr TERMS; PRESCRIE.ING REGULATIONS AND PROVIDING FOR THE ADIIINISTRATION, ..::♦OFtCsENi A:L C,OI.LiCTIG,I OF LICs13E F'sES; REQUIRING T!iE I'ILT2NG 0'r' FCE'I'UHI.S AiD THE GiVIN:G! I'J.P RIMA71011 PY:-N.'LGfixfi ANrd TifUi;E SUBJECT TO SAID I.ICElljE F'Fir3; I14POSING UkOil &1,!iI0Y2;F(S .,.'Pi GF CnLL:CT'::C Llri:'Ei3' i,Fr2 AT TIE SOURCE; F:X8MPTING, CERTAIN OCCUPATIONS ;10"I THE IN3 iitRE J:; PRC"'iiLNi;'.) Tilnll Tiff L'IC&13F; FINES ::HALL iE PAID INTO TREE (. FEiir];PsL r'UIID FOE{ cJ.. 2N:iE U:1T11E CITY; -ROVIDING TREE PENALTIES FOR THE I ALL G LiivAl(a; ItN CONY:.ICT 1HERE417tl• AND PHOVIDIN : A JLVER- CO18',1,!,;1ONER-; .., ?.ViY 31, 19$011, be _. Of the 8013, [eas, Qo=insierera Hannin, Jacobs, Sims, Thomas , Ne. ra ^card of Gonanissioners June 27, 1950 Proceedings of City of Paducah. ,ire Chief's Co=issioner Jacobs offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "AP! ORDINAOCE Car- Accept", Bid C.N. ACCEPTED,. THE LID OF C. N. BAKER, DOING BUSINESS UNDER 791E FIRYd HAI OF C. N. BAKL'R & SO an er �} FCR SALE TO 74E CITY OF PADUCAH Or ONE 1950 OLDSI:IOBILE, MODE-i, 88, DELUXE FOUR DOOR SEDAN BY TRADING I:: FOR SAID NM AUTOMOBILE THE 1940 BUICK NOW USED BY Till; FIRE CNIEF, AND AUMORIZING THE CITi MANAGER TO ENTER INTO A CONTRACT FOR THE PURCHASE THEREOF", be introduced and retain on file for one week for public inspection in tho completed form in which it shall be put upon its final passage. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Co=..lissioners Hannin, Jacobs, Thomas and Y.ayor Johnston (4), Commissioner Sims 4 way stops Commissioner Sims offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "AN QtDINANCE 28th a Jeff/ Felt Line ESTABLISHING FOUR-'3AY STOPS AT THE INTERSECTION OF T1fEN7Y-EIGHTH STREET P/I7T1 JEFFERSON ark 'we STREET AND AT THE INTERSECTION OF THE BELT LINE HIGHVIAY 6NITH PARK AVENUE IN THE CITY OF PAI.i'lCAH, KENTUCKY; PRESCRIBING THE DUTIES OF THE OPERATIONS OF VEHICLES 6PHEN APPROACHING AND ENTERING SAID INTERSECTIONS; AND FIXING 771E PENALTY FOR THE VIOLATION THEREOF", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Hannin, Jacobs, Sims, Thomas and R9ayor Johnston (5). Adjourn JI Payor Johnston offered motion that this regulat meeting of the Board of L'eeting r Commissioners be adjourned until Tuesday June 29, 1950 at 7:00 P.M. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Hannin, Jacobs, Sims, Thomas and Y,'.ayor Jo ton (5). k ADOPTED // 1950 APPROV / rJ Mayor Clerk