HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 22, Page 507, November 18, 1952- w._._���— ----- *"co,*gs City of Paducah Vover.fber 18- 1952 ilt a Regular liceting of the Board of Commissioners held in the Commission Chamber of the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, at 7:30 P-1-% on 111ovember 18, 1952, upon call of the Roll the following answered to their names: Commissioners Clark, Johnston 8-. 1�orrow (3) D:ayor Cherry and Commissioner Jacobs being absent. App int 3.7ayor Commissioner Clark offered the following motion: Kr. Robert C. Cherry, the D'ayor, Bra Teill and Mr. George Jacobs, the Mayor Pro Tem, being absent and unable to attend this regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners, I move that 1.1r. Stuart Johnston, Commissioner, be appointed to serve as Mayor Pro Tem at this meeting and as such to perform the same duties and to have the same powers as the Mayor. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, Nicrubw and Mayor Pro Tem Johnston (3). 11aive readin Mayor Pro Tbm Johnston offered motion that the reading of the Minutes for November of 11inutes 111 1952 be waived and that the Minutes of said meeting as prepared by the City Clerk be approved as vrr.itten. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, j! 1.1orrow and Kayor Pro Tem Johnston (3). 11ater line Commissioner Morrow offered motion that the petition of Troy C. Colson and wife, Rutter Street �', Narie Colson, for permission to make one 3/4 inch connection to the 3 inch privately owned water pipe line known as Schneidman Road I'later Line He. 2 so as to furnish water to one residence to be constructed upon the property aimed by petitioners fronting approximately 135 feet on Rutter Street between the Schneidman Road and Howle Stre at in 1-:cCracken County, Kentucky, outside the corporate limits of the City of Paducah, Kentucky, be received and filed, and that the request petitioned for therein be granted subject to the terms and conditions in said petition. Adopted on call of the Roll Yeas, Commissioners Clark, Morrow and Mayor Pro Tom Johnston (3). Petition I-layor Pro Tem Johnston offered motion that the petition signed by Kr. Otti3 St -lift St. Light Short Guthrie and others requesting the installation of a street light at the intersection of Short Old 1�ayfield Road Guthrie Avenue and Old Mayfield Road be received and referred to the City '.:anagor for He further moved that if upon investigation it if found that a light is needed at this intersection, that the City Manager be directed to instruct the Kentucky Utilities Company to make such installation. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, Eorrow and Mayor Pro Ton Johnston (3). Pavroll tax V Cornissiorar ",:orrow offered motion that the letter from C. 11arron 13aton, Corporati n Counsel, to the City KanaGer, regarding the payroll tax of C. H. 'Villiallis, an er."ployee 04" th,3 3'4ilway '�xpress Agency be received and filed. Adopted on call of the [toll, Yeas, Corziissioners Clark, Lorrow and I-layor Pro Tem Johnston (3). Protest �ict,.od Co,-=irsioncr '.'orrvu of -farad motion that th�, letter Croc, Beta 51ii'ma Phi Sorority of payroll tax, bo recoivo,! an -1 filod. �.dopted on call of t1je joll, Yr.,%!;, Na. Proceedin9 s oCity o/ Paducah Noverzbor 18. 1952 :.aycr Pro Ter: Johnstonoffered motion that the letter from C. VJarren Eaton addre sed all Z,_ .;'uc?. to Cornelius Bodine, City 2:ana-,or, regarding John G. Davis' request for tax refund, be /an,,', and filed. .:domedr on call of the Roll, Yeas, Cor:.issioners Clark, Norrow /an::::ayor Pro Tera Johnston (3). r3 of wvttt ::ayor Pro Tem Johnston offered motion that the letter of the Board ofsqualizaticn ::c•a:linati n -.enticn dated Tlovenher 18, 1952, requesting an extension of time to December 20, 1952, be received y and filed, and that the e=onsion be granted and that the board continue with the wort: of eaualizin tha assessments against real and personal property until that data. ,adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, ":orror and .Iayor Pro Tem Johnston (3). Cacatary :ayor Pro Tam Johnston offered motion that the Board of Commissioners authorize t0Z ;o the sale by the City of Paducah to Ray Uillin- -f +•hn ';'•ter. nne-half of lot Io. 287 in Block 18 on the wrst side of Hope Avenue between Iiyrtle and Willow Streets in Oak Grove Cemetery for. the sum of ;6160.00. He further --1 `hat the City Cleric ba authorized to execute a deed to said ce etary lot. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, Korroi: and :ayor Pro Tem Johnston (3). Corrnissioner Clark offered motion that the Resolution of the Association of =o. Ccmmerce relative to garbage and waste collection system be read, received and filed. Adopted on call o the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, :•iorroa and idayor Pro Ter.: Johnston (3). Commissioner Clark offered motion that a Resolution entitled: :'A RESOLU'IC.. "-.U::STII;G THE CI11 • -,2 TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS FOR THE PURCHASE OF 0M, BULL -C,:::. 2C.:TI M ;',HC -:I C^ 2 CU13IC YARD LIFTIP.G VOLUI>F, ON TRACKS, 6,000 POUND LIFTING 34 17 .'CH LIFT ABOVE GROU11D, i• 1I1T;•;UI; 14 INCH DROP BEL07 GROU11D, EI AD, .. ._ CP ::II:G OF SHOVEL JAI'I; SHOVEL TO BE I:OUVITED 01; FULLY EQUIPPED CRii,:1- .' -._ SIZE, WEIGHT AIdD PO'Mm, ATID P,"ESC..IBING THET3ai:S AND CONDI T IC',: :.._ ...ICH SAID PURCHASE SHALL B iLiDE", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Doll, Cleric, ::orrow and mayor Pro Tem Johnston (3). 1:A .1 Clarl: offered notion that an ordinance entitled: "Al. O:IRI" L3_'., A Cu'LTIFIBD PUBLIC ACCOU' :,.. , _-UCAI? .V.'D ALL CITY OPFIGS:ku .... .::t 1952 .. , M-1 OF ;;2,500.0011, bo intro ucoki and . 1-ast one week in the completed form in :ii:icl. :.,.opted on call of the Roll " cc=:,,issio:- crs rc.. :_., . . "'..yor FCC _:a ;ca (3) . ,epeal _ _ , Y. offered an ordinance entitl:,.:: ll, I3Cii EL --,C'I' � V.. 'i:? . :UALIFIED I n. ., ... .,_.! k...... Na. ---50 _... Proceedings of Board of Cgmilissionsrs City of Paducah 7n--i-,-r l? 101,9 AND TO OPERATE SAID ELECTRIC PLANT', WHICH WAS ADOPTED BY THE BOARD OF COINisslOIIERs 0--.- JUNE i:JULIE 24, 195211, be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, ':orrow and Payor Pro Tem Johnston (3). Civil Servi� Commissioner Clark offered motion that an ordinance entitled: 1'AN ORDIIIANCE Ordinance Sectnon 1 AI•IENDING SECTION 1 OF AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED: 'AId ORDINANCE PLACING OFFICES AIM POSITIONS amended OF TRUST OR ED PLO)RICIl^1 IPI THE SERVICE OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, UNDER CIVIL. SERVICE RULES AND REGULATIONS PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF KRS 90.300 TO 90.990; PROVIDING FOR THE APPOINTrIENT OF A BOARD OF CIVIL SERVICE COMAISSIONER.S, FIXING AND PRESCRIBING THE QUALIFICATIONS, TERMS OF OFFICE, P01.'1ERS AND DUTIES OF SAID COAII:;ISSIONSRS; PRESCRIBING THE RULES BY WHICH THE BOARD OF CIVIL SERVICE C01-11ISSIONERS SHALL BE GOVERNED IN THE GIVING OF EXAFIINATIONS TO APPLICAN^1S FOR EI.IPLGYNENT; FIXING THE NUNBER, CLASSIFI- CATION AND SALARIES OF ALL EI"IPLOYEES IN EACH DEPARTMENT WHO SHALL BE AFFECTED BY THE CIVI SERVICE RULES AND REGULATIONS PROVIDED HEREIN; AND PRESCRIBIIIG THE RULES AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING THE CONDUCT OF ALL EMPLOYEES AFFECTED THEREBY AND THE CAUSES FOR WHICH ANY �EMILOYEE 16IAY BE REPRLKANDED, SUSPENDED, DISMISSED OR RENOVED FROId EAIPLOYI•IENT BY THE CITY;' I PROVIDING FOR AND ESTABLISHING A RETIREMENT SYSTEI AND THE CREATION AND KAINTENAILCE OF A PET?SIGN FUND FOR APPOINTIVE KIPLOYEES OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, AI4D AUTHORIZING THE LEVY OF A TAX AND THE ASSESSMENT Or E1-1PLOYEES FOR THE CREATIOII AND I•IAINTENANCE OF SAID FUND; PROVIDING FOR THE APPOINTI-WT OF A BOARD OF TRUSTEES TO ADKINISTER SAID FUND; FIXING AICD PRESCRIBIIIG THE QUALIFICATIONS, TERI•IS OF OFFICE, PO19ERS AND DUTIES OF SAID I BOARD OF TRUSTEES; PRESCRIBING THE RULES AIM REGULATIONS BY WHICH SAID BOARD OF TRUSTEES AND ALL APPOI'i'.TIVE EMPLOYEES SHALL BE GOVERNED WITH REFERENCE TO THE GRANTING AND ALLO11- ANCE OF PENSIONS AND OTHER BENEFITS AND PROVIDIIIG A SEPARABILITY CLAUSE', WHICH VIAS ADOPTED BY THE BOARD OF COI•ESSSIONERS ON DECKIBER 2, 1947, AND SECTIO': 1 THEREOF AS AI.0"DED ON JANUARY 16, 195111, be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, Iorrow and I.layor Pro Tem Johnston (3). Director of Commissioner 3-:orroia offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "AI -1 ORDINANCE Public :orks create CREATING THE POSITION OF DIRECTOR OP PUBLIC ;'I0 KS, DESCRIBING 1WE DUTIES OF SAID POSITION position AND THE SALARY THEREOF^, bo introduced and rorlain on file for public inspection for at least one (1) week in the completed form in which it shall be put upon its final passage.) Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Clarlc, ',orro:a and Iayor Pro Tem ✓Johnston (3). Gat'', Co;-,n1soioncr ::orrow offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "Al' ORDI':AUCE dlac i.'• :, ..,,.._ ?.; ::..',' Z..S 'THAT THE CITY OF PADUCAH ACQUIRE, i:AIETAIN A11D OPERATZ A GARBAG- TII?G Tris PROBABLE COST TITER -0 11, be adopted. Adopted on call =011, .'aas, Co-:.i.;cionc•rs Clark,''orrow and :Mayor Pro Tom Johnston (3). 1.oniorer ::orro:f o '_ red motion that a Resolution entitled: "A 1-R,71SOLUTI0:7 ;IDS FOR TITS PU CHAFB Oy Gi: i -1,500 POULD ;._. • :i; r. ;1: :0 I:... .._. itl,L TYPES 0"r CO TAI' —L; _:.7.... .• . .... :d ;Oi?InZS, INCORPOiiATr:_%: ! iAG3 r. - %Al SHALL .: Aar^, be ad op ..rs rlar:.-, .-row and i*a ar .. f No._ , :_ 1,40 - - Proceedings of 0 o! == on n r city of Paducah-;.. 0 Von' b or 181 1952 o 'fered motion that an ordinance entitled. INUF OPDTJ.A11Cf, CTIO:• _ THE QUALIFIM VOTICHS OF THE CITY Or PADUCITl, 1:s1T1UCrY, TO BE HZ1,-1 atition ar,.a,:0. Junior' onan I r; unior Bids on Barba„ e late bid be consi ed ?e-apportil rent Ordii ante 1,07 :-MM 3, 1953, Ii-. THE; CITY PADUCAH, KEI.-,TUCI!Y, TO DE- L' CITY OF PADUCAH SHALL PURCHASE FROM, THE KENTUCKY !:-_,L_1` PLAFT IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, AT THE M P I Cill 07 1., o_1 3,_ 2i CG"­­_L:UCT 11EMESSARY ADDITIWAL FACILITIES AIM OPERATE A .U7:IC _'.DDITIONAL COST OF ,,U:D ISSUE REVENUE BONDS "C 1,30,000 TO PAY THE PURCHASE PRICE FOR SAID ELECTRIC '.-.-DITIO1`AL FACILITIES AND TO OPERATE SAID ELECTRIC PL,'.::r':;, be introduced and rorlain on file for public inspection for at least one week in the completed forr,,. in which it shall be put upon its final parra3c. Adopted on call o.: :Zoll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, 7-orrow and 1:ayor Pro Ten Johnston (3). Cormlissionor 17orrow offered motion that the petition of the Junior 11oman's Club b re-'ardinS Barba o, 'Je received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Co=Iissioners Clark, Tsorroi-., and Mayor Pro Ten Johnston (3). :7-1yor Pro Ten Johnston offered the followin,� notion: The City havins reported ;:o the Board of Commissioners that a sealed envelope purporting to be the bid of Babb :rotors for sale to the City of packer type refuse collection trucks had been received by hire ten minutes after the hour fixed in the notice for submitting bids, and the :.'.ayor Pro '-'em, Navin; requested those bidders in attendance to state whether any objected to the receipt and consideration of the bid of Babb T."otors to the same extent a: if it had been submitted within the time required, and it further appearing that none c.' the bids had been opened at the tire and the consideration of the bidder Babb 7•11otors vas to b- other bidders in attendance; t_... afore *.rove that the sealed bid of Babb !.".otors be opened and that said bid ':i*lf;n --r7a consideration as the bids of all other dealers who complied with the in the request for bids. Adopted on call of the -.',oil, Yeas, n.7 -orrow and _',,yor Pro Tem Johnston (3). o i.:otion that an ordinance ontitl�.!.: G_' .17:TICIPATED REM TUEJ OF TIL", C1`7 Y —0! YMMUIT OF TIM, PUBLIC :'UVIDIRG MR THE APP2C:'..-,..; lt_ f DURIIIG SAID MEW.1, 1XL1_ T V THE TI11-_' OF THE; ADOPTI,._­ C__' -:7-; is 0 I M: 7_- -7 C P ;.'j. A nwulic i:�­, ,;,to (2) weeks in :c uno, a a Adlopted c_ r:: :!oil, Pro %"I,-! johnoton (3). No 510 Proceedings of Board of Col^missionor s City of Paducah ::ovember 1E, 1952 Coramissioner Clark offered motion that the Board of Commissioners receive and file the throe bids of Road Builders Equipment Company, one bid of Kru -Thomas truck and Tractor Company, one bid of King :Woodall Iaotor Sales, one bid of 12th Street Garage, two bids of Tyalor Wilson Chevrolet Company, and one bid of Babb Eaters, for the sale to the City of Paducah of all -enclosed packer type refuse collection truck,. Adopted on call of the loll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark., idorrow and i5ayor Pro Tor.: Johnston (3). Commissioner Clark: offered motion as follows: I move that the Board of Commissioners receive and file the bids of Contractors for the construction of storm seaters in the City of Paducah, Kentuclry under Project Iio. KY -15 -CF - aids or. Garb. true::s filed Bids on Sewer Project ✓ Ky-15-CI'-8 said bids having been submitted by the following firms: Consolidated Contractors of iemphis Tennessee D. W. Palls.Construction Co. of Tulsa, Okla. P7. A. Blue Construction Co. St. Louis Ea. Travlor Baos, Inc. Paducah, Kentucky T. i7. Rolan, Louisville, Kentucky Central Contracting Company, Louisville, Kentucky Ruby Construction Co. I-adisonville,7 Kentucky Victory Construction Company & Paul Iirummel of Brentwood, Iio. Knutson Construction Company, Houston, Texas Tarlton Construction Co. St. Louis, i•io Farnsworth & Chambers Co. Houston, Tastes R. P. Farnsworth & Co. New Orleans La Healy Bros. & Company, i.icCook Illinois Samuel Kraus Company, St. Louis, Mo. W. F. Hailey & Company, I:ashville, Tennessee Taylor 'Whellis & dyers, ::emphis, Tennessee. I further move that Black w Veatch, Engineering Consultants be requested to carefully review the aforesaid bids and submit to the Board of Commissioners their opinic on the question as to which of said bids is the lowest and best. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, i<orrow and i•=ayor Pro Tem Johnston (3). On motion the meeting adjourned. ADOPTED 1952 APPROVED ,_ria Cl>tinrr City Clark