HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 22, Page 45, April 18, 1950Proceedings of No. - -- -- -. -- --- ---- city of Paducah_ . - ' --- „ . •._ +,. ` 0.c V0_.I. LL-..:._' - ,.. ,'' - :•:. _.. .. a' at 7;30 '. on l .. ].' 1. aed upon call o:' o'l znlloAn^ nnoworod to their..- (' ''a nin. Jacob,', ;hila, Thomas and :-ayor Johnston (• ). i "inute3 of tho previous mootin;? sero adopted as road. i Comniasioner :'annin o.� orod motion tlat the petition of Loran :. Jones ✓yrmiocion to extent i=is privatoly owned pipe linea on :;unnot avenue, 4lot :c;roet a.nu Court !venue be Lranted subject to t1io lixritationo and conditions cont:.' r;;' in .: •?.d hc:: _- tion au that the roqueoto o£ peti4;i.onors, C. L. iryarit and wife, . cicn .;r. Cavo, Jr., inic ::dale •+'ilite, Lawrence Glbritton, '"artha J- C:•orZo Effin or, vir-inia E?£injav, ',arman L. Doom, Jr., 'ra. "ator ..will, J^:.:co ;caves, P.alph Dalton, 7annotte Dalton and %oa „ill:ina a:r3 wlfe Ecnnyo .ayc be rarted subject to the terms and conditions contaiw,,d in said potition. It is understood, ho'rover, that In Lrantin_; 'rl,o ;civil has sou,ht in aaid potition neither the City of Paducah nor the Con.A:3oioncra of '.dater :oi,%a shall be ool'- Lated to buy said pipe lines or any part tizereof and no auch obli,at.on shall be obtained or -,e implied hereafter should the territory to be served by the mater lines to be laid under the authority heroin requested be 'ta`en into or n,ado a part of the City of Paducah. It is further understood that the petitioners will subscribe for nater sorvics It the rates nor or hereafter prcacr'bod for rater aorv'ca to conaumcra outside the city '_ir:its and oubject in a3-1 roz:ccto to the 'rules and vo,yulationo of the City of -` Lluoah i or its Co--:-A:;:ioncra of Gator .orka which may be noxi in _orce or haroiraftc'r naci_a. :iothin_; in the ;;'rantin;; oC this petition of -all 'Ai-ato the u._ of a o' .: ter or?:a to uarantco ,ate _ n,.• _.., ric. ;":lid i i throu,.h said pipe linea •?,� ni, .. .. ._,aa. .. ,:i, ...a of aLiir :o..... tha i ,, decdIn o nornh p oC t -o _ opert ^n, pl nn! U; u' ;ion c o_: t - ;.;.. opted nn ca.'_7. of .,... -:0'1, ad notion No, --------City .[Nd ­h___ �:i may be non in "orad o�, k3dticuh ox, Its COn,.ACjIOnc?r:; of .ato�- nnctod. �:l t�"o,;,,anti:-. ,Z this poi;!Uon oliall oL.li,,:ato the City of aducah or it: _Or:_: ,­-ranto� � ntov poosauro or .9crvico and aa.Zrl 17a fox, li linos oz- nn,' rt tharoof at any �7 c jv, . o. Lai, o Zuvninhin. Q.f '.'.'aber to oo t !11 ;I'l.nhip of tl. O.mcd by %ilo:il ,:ay iny :_114-l". tlie end .1istrMution of *:.,atax, Inside the C-L)j. a:�,j 7 c '.it,; of iaducah. cod on call of the Ro'l, 'fens, Co .:i. cionors Ar:::3, ho:,irj and 7"a:ov Johnston (5). 'Thco'bo 021'rv:xd .o tion t-at the G-ty :",ann,-ov be auti-_mlied tc 1,.avo an 7n., a ,,,,root li,:ht is needed at tho intersection of 5th :ntlon a 11-11t is noodod, ti,at hn be dlrectad to have U -10 :ZO1 s -Tannin, Jacots, 1 - 1, Yeas, Com. loners Johnston,J(5). cor-_:icjloxxor Jacobs oZEcred motion that 'Liio o'for of ';._,..Voj;;ht in the sum of 250 _n Ni aac` -Ir'cl-azc Of IOtc o ani: 0 on the south aide Tf ":a chinCton street bet-ueen 2jt! 'troot, be*��ccoived and filed. Adopted on call of the :4011, Yeas, -oiomro 7a.-nin, Jacobs, .Ama, Thomas and !,P-,ror Johnston (5). _ 4i '0:1-11--L;ion, imz o:.orodnotion that the -card of Co:::-.i:,sjojjex,3 rocoive l0tte" Of 7-r,-Paxt�nl Chmirman of the Citizens ..oalth Colt11,tittoo, in his corzZttoe is rrlllin to cover over the Juth'--ie bit alth dirt in con:ioctlori,.:-.'�!. 7.n.ator. of unsanitary condition., Burin., the clean -1.1p cec Gal_,,,naiz:jj if ji, city h-.vc ti:al cal,', r:,on ­'Vt7 "Oclailnocl and turned over to the cGvac':on .-;1u,1t,,, for use as a cit- y Dlny.�:rounei. Woptod on call of the --n ThMlaa and ­aor Johnston (5). 'on tiat the letter Of ('hal­nian of the tho aijpraciation o- i o _1Ltoo for tj,y h, :c:21 vo,l nd f 11,�d. .1 Clean-up In R J, flnain, jaco',;a, "Imu 111'aw.'Lul aml '-'OLYOI- 'Tchriz., :;nn tho oxecutod copy O: tho "ar"Ilt tjn'j^r ..;;:jcjj :MtOd to tho Lnited -.Mates :07ormi,nt -:i a,oa for military a-rcrr_,t -,.,) .,Qccjvcj jaco'.Io, r0lOrt 11cial conllt! 'n 1; vo p Proceedings of - 071y of Peducah_-J 1_. I r - --0 'homao 0.0foved motion !,,hat the -card or' :.u.- I:;.-,,Ionoro rocolvo :,cl uak :-_-oopt the bids of Taylor-.; i lo on Uhovrolot Company and .:n.-_,- :010all ::otor Solea for the nV .odall by the City of Paducah of a one -half ton canopy exproan ti-uvoil complete with 11 id _,;;th, air cleaner, oil filter, chrome Lrillc, auxiliary seat, to other with the letter of 11. ­ -_,radley, the City _:n�inoor, tho acceptance of the bid of the '.7oodall '."otor ::ales Company, and that the attorney for c-.7t%l los authorized to pi-onaro for Introduction at the next meetin,� an ordinance provir-_'_i, or the accoptanco of said bid. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Conuaijoionorr Jacolos, "Sims, '-hom.as and :ayor Johnston (5). ;icense Ccmiainalonov :tannin offered motion that a :iosolution entitled: "A 11,1336LUTIOI1 taxes policy of DT-FCT-A:' POLIC'Z 7L AARD 0.- CO:7- .:I'! -C TO 02 E b,,4rd 0,^CU I, -,:7, _T� A7:1) T--�' f ;2 0,1 Ill :3 be _ .- Lj .= D.- -D Adopted on call of the 1,'oll, Yeas, Coi-molssionerm Y.annin. Jacobs, ;31ms, ljiioraw awl, -J; or Johnston (5). F". Radio Commissioner 3imr offered zaotion tilat a resolution antitlod: 11:, OLU- request v bids 2-Z T"M C! 1Y MIGER TO ADVERWSS r:CR L:Dj '17: _U:11(1 ­:"j'. JB C.' iAl 2, .-).-o SYSL �' Sat:,POLICE DEFA1,T 2:'T CITY 0 0021 :;AID SiSTE7,11, j111D 7,7 7 _D be adopted. 7uthvie Pi or Johnston offered motion that the nro^ojal o,' cho Citizens Tl-,calth. Com-Att,:,cr playround - ;=re I �ti. I reZardinl- the reclaiminZ of the property Imovirn as Guthrie it and the ovatitual use of Ij Condit tee such property by the 7cCraelcon County Recreation _,.joociatlon as a city plazrouni, as act forth in the letter addrosood to the :-oard of Colwaioaioner by said Con --i tt u i,', r , to s 1 00 r c Is of prril 1S$ 1930, be a.?.proved and accepted, subject to such 1-n-riall act'_'on as may later be doterilinad to be nese nary. Adopted on call of the joll, Yeas, Co.-j.-ljr._-Jongrs :.'annin, Jacobi, _Im, homan and ajor Johnston (5). 1-1=, atone Corr.:_Jzjiomr i:annin motion ;.-hat an o-t*dinat,co cntitledl- 'jzec,ate contract Y 7 0 T "IT,- 0 C'u, t in D orn on _X 'ntro,liucod n I-r.naln 7, 1 lncct',:)n for mo wco% in ,Ich it ni-all i. .1,-Dr,ted on .n ayor 7 410