HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 22, Page 444, July 8, 1952No. Proceedings of `%r'�'.i^c,i en_." —City of Paducah July F. 1052 p At. a Regular D;eeting of the Board of Commissioners held in the Commission Ch-, 'cer of the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, at 7:30 P.M. on July P., 1952, Mayor rry presided and upon call of the Roll the following answered to their names: Commissioners Clark, Jacobs, Johnston, Morrow and 1layor Cherry (5). Minutes of the previous meeting were adopted as read. &:ayor Cherry offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "All ORDINANCE ,. PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF MUNICIPAL HOSPITAL REVENUE BONDS, SERIES OF 1952, OF o. 1;52 THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, FOR THE PURPOSE OF DEFRAYING THE COST OF ADDITIONS TO AND IMPROVE.-JENTS OF THE MUNICIPAL HOSPITAL OF SAID CITY AND PROVIDING FOR THE COLLECTIO SEGREGATION AND DISTRIBUTION OF INCOME AND REVENUES FROM THE OPERATION OF SAID HOSPITAL", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, gommissioners Clark, Jacobs, Johnston, Morrow and Mayor Cherry (5). Bit cn Commissioner Johnston offered motion that the bid for the purchase of Hospital bc.:Js y300,000 City of Paducah, � Kentucky Series of 1952 Municipal Hospital Revenue Bonds recaived and� filed. submitted by Stein Bros. & Boyce, Almstedt Brothers and Bankers Bond Company be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark., Jacobs, Johnston, Morrow and Mayor Cherry (5). raet Light Commissioner Jacobs offered motion that the petition requesting a'street th & ,,issippi light at 30th and Mississippi Streets be received and filed. He further moved that if upon investigation made by the City Manager it is determined that said light is needed, the City Manager be directed to authorize the Kentucky Utilities Company to install said light. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, Jacobs, Johnston, Morrow and Mayor Cherry (5). Commissioner Clark offered motion that the Affidavits of Publication of the Courier -Journal and the Bond Buyer, covering Notice of Bond Sale on the City of aducah N;unicipal Hospital Revenue Bonds, be received and filed. Adopted on call the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, Jacobs, Johnston, Morrow and Mayor Cherry (5). Cor..missioner Clark, offered motion that the Board of Commissioners approve t,,,. c le by the City of Paducah to William Brownlee of Grave Go. 94 in Block No. 8 Addition to Oak Grove Cemetery, and that the City Clerk be authorized . ':z-Cutr. a deed of conveyance to said cemetery grave. Adopted on call. of the Roll, Y-+. :, Com-nissioners Clark, Jacobs, Johnston, Morrow and Mayor Cherry (5). J:;;foner Clark offerr�i motion that a Resolution entitled: "A RESOLUTION i... L- TLE! FT OF Dt"A FS TO THE ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR'S TRUCK", b:; adopted. th. 2011, Y'-,'1!3, Coinissicners Clark, Jacobs, Johnston, ?•`.or'.^ow and v .•"err, (`')- cffr,r,d ro:icn that the Board of Con:misslonera approve ( < ;c ...:,ry ."seer and his wife, Halla. Greer, to two grave 71j in Blcck 5 in Ouk Grove Con.etory, anJ the t :e proper notation on thu Cemetery R0.7ist;cr. Aic -. ;c: ,issioners Clark, J.ar_ct:s, Johnston, Norrow and No.-- 445 - — — Proceedings of Ra3rd of Con �i_ignrra City of Paducah July 8, 1952 Sixth Supplemez3; Commissioner Jacobs offered motion that the Sixth Supplemental Contract al Contract vv�� Paducah Bus Cc entered into between the City of Paducah and the Paducah Bus Company, dated June 3G, Filed 1952, be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Comndssioners Clark, Jacobs, Johnston, Morrow and Mayor Cherry (5). Rhodes -Broady Commissioner Johnston offered motion that the letters of Frank Drown, Jr. and Court unsanitary Dr. Logan I% heaver regarding the unsanitary condition at Rhodes -Broady Court be condition received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, Jacobs, Johnston, D:orrow and Mayor Cherry (5). Holiday Fair Commissioner Johnston offered motion that all city employees, with the exception of the police and fire department personnel, be allowed a half-day holiday Thursday, July 10th, "Paducah Day" at the Fair. Adopted on all of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, Jacobs, Johnston, Korrow and Mayor Cherry (5). License refund Commissioner Johnston offered motion that the letter of the City Treasurer to Mr. L. F. Harper(regarding refund of occupational license to Mr. L. F. Harper be received and filad. I He further moved that the said City Treasurer be directed to refund the amount i of w12.50 to the said L. F. Harper since he was unable to secure state license aid therefore will be unable to go into business. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, Jacobs, Johnston, borrow and Mayor Cherry (5). Bonds & polis"ds -Commissioner Johnston offered motion that the Board of Commissionrs receive, Chastaine V Habacker file and approve liability policy issued by the Fidelity and Casualty Company of New W.L"Manning , Boyce N Copela d York protecting the City of Paducah with respect to work done by J. C. Habacker d.b.a J.c.Manning ✓ d/b�a Direct ; Chastaine & Habacker for a period of one year from July 10, 1952; liability policy issued Sales Company by the Fidelity and Casualty Company of New York protecting the City with respect to work done by W. L. Manning, Boyce N. Copeland and J. E. T•.anning d/b/a Direct Sales Company for a period of one year from June 10, 1952, and bond of W. L. Manning, Boyce N. Copeland and J. E. i•:anning d/b/a Direct Sales Company in the amount of y1000 dated June 10, 1952. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, Jacobs, Johnston, ,'•Iorrow and Mayor Cherry ( 5) . Pro:; :a Commissioner Johnston offered motion drat the Board of Commissioners receive, ''Ie and approv bond of J. T. Prowell execut:d by the United States Fidelity and l rorr :,r•an',y Cc,. `.r the amount of •„1,000 dated June 26th, 1952; also letter of 'doodall- :::lton - r1ir. ;..--ility insurance coverage for tha said J. T. Prowell. Adopted on call of the :toll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, Jacobs, Johnston, Lorrow and Mayor Cherry (5 . Ru.•-%. Cor,.n issioner 1•'orrow offered motion that the Fo-r of Commissioners approve t}:o the Cit^ cf Paducah to Myrtle Myles of Grave Pio. 93 in Block Ao. 8 of tty:itu;hinc_• < , ,rr,va Onnetery, and that the City Clerk be authorized to execute a lef::; •r,.y,ir.c: to tery •r:ry=. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Cot;xni:;^tnm:r.;i r:, c.. Ch rrc I issie ion ti t copy of the approved Part I. of th„ dd "cnstruc.,i r ion co Hiv-arside Hospital, be recelved ant ••• Adoated on c;;: _•,1+ Y Commissioners Clark, Jacobs, Johnston., anti Mayor Cherr. r. Na. —_- Proceedings of 0i^1 0' C.:_;Gsi on r•a City of Paducah .i nl^ 8 1", 2 / Commissioner Yorrow offered motion that the Board of Commissioners receive and V file the letter of Earle T. Shoup, Assistant Corporation Counsel, dated July R, 1952, ankaee -elative to the operation by T. A. Jones and Sons of a tankage plant at 2103 Bridge Street. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, Jacobs, Johnston, Vorrow and ' F:ayor Cherry (5). J Commissioner Morrow offered motion that the Board of Commissioners receive, file and approve liability policy issued by the United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company protecting the City of Paducah with respect to work, done by Emmett D. Hannan fd/b/a Ed. D. Hannan for a period of one year from July 31, 1952• Adopted on call oC he Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, Jacobs, Johnston, Morrow and Mayor Cherry (5). Mayor Cherry offered motion that the Board of Commissioners receive and file the letter of Alvord, Burdick and Howson, Engineers, dated June 3rd, 1952 and that 3aid engineers' estimate of the value of the additions and improvements in the electric utility system of the Kentucky Utilities Company, less retirements which have been made since the completion of the inventory of the physical properties on whichthe appraisers, L. R. Howson and J. Samuel Hartt, base their appraisal of said system, be approved, accepted and adopted, and that the Board of Commissioners also approve, accept and adopt said engineers' estimate of $25,000.00 in the increased cost of connecting the existing utility facilities in Paducah, Kentucky with the T. F. A. system, being the estimated amount of the increase in costs since the original report of such costs was made. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, Jacobs, Johnston, Morrow and Mayor Cherry (5). i%:ayor Cherry offered motion that the letter from the Committee representing the City Employees regarding request for salary increase be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, Jacobs, Johnston, Morrow and :::yor Cherry (5). !•:ayor Cherry offered motion that the copy of the letter from Portland Cement :....a^icaion to Guthrie May be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yo::; --i-jioners Clark, Jacobs, Johnston, Morrow and Mayor Cherry (5). / .-::ayor Charry made the following appointment: term of office of Guy Holland and Mrs. Clarence Bennett, as members of c_ lsr,.,eJ of t.i !-&Iic library, having expired on June 1.4, 1952, 1 therefor• C1'aronc' -, rr. '.r. for a further term of four (4) years; I also appoint as a n,,r} of said board in the place and stead of Guy Holland, the =*' * for a tern: of four (4) years, so that said boar:-3 as the following members: apices June 14 1954 f + s dsrn^ 1.4, 1954 dune. 14 195E i: 't, VESO?DTII•t: ` FOR A. 1c ca ; l r rry Y Proceedings of_—'�a''`F of Commissioners _ City of Paducah July 8, 1952_--- 1;•,� Commissioner Johnston offered motion that a Resolution entitled: "A RESOLUTION. , Co gains in AUTHO RIZING THE CITY ENGINEER TO GRANT TO THE WESTERN KENTUCKY GAS COMPANY A PERMIT TO plots Clay & LAY GAS MAINS IN THE GRASS PLOTS OF CLARK STREET, CLAY STREET AND JECKSON STREET, AND .%-c2ron Sts PRESCRIBING THE CONDITIONS UPON WHICH SAID PERM•SIT SHALL BE GRANTED", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, Jacobs, Johnston, Morrow and g� Mayor Cherry (5). Employ Kennetg Commissioner Clark offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "AN: ORDINiANCE L. Schellie Slum ClearancY PROVIDING FOR AND AUTHORIZING THE EMPLOYMENT OF KENNETH L. SCHELLIE AND ASSOCIATES AS SURVEY AND PLANNING CONSULTANTS IN CONNECTION WITH THE SLUM CLEARANCE AND REDdVELOP- ( MENT PROGRAM IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, I Commissioners Clark, Jacobs, Johnston, Morrow and Mayor Cherry (5). i' Rezone 10th / Commissioner Clark offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "AN ORDINANCE Street Ellis & APPROVING THE FINAL REPORT OF THE PADUCAH PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION RESPECTING THE Burnett Sts REZONING OF CERTAIN PROPERTY ON BOTH SIDES OF TENTH STREET BETWEEN ELLIS STREET AND BURNETT STREET AND AMENDING THE PADUCAH ZONING ORDINANCE SO AS TO EFFECT SUCH REZONING", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, Jacobs, Johnston, h.orrow and Mayor Cherry (5). Black & VeatchMayor Cherry offered motion that the City Manager be directed to contact Black ) representativ to Paducah on Veatch, Consulting Engineers of Kansas City, and ask that they send a representative to Sewer Project No. 1 Paducah for a meeting with the Board of Commissioners relative to Sewer Project No. 1. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, Jacobs, Johnston, Morrow and �1 Mayor Cherry (5). File applica-/ Commissioner Jacobs offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "AN ORDINANCE tion Slum ✓l Clearance PROVIDING FOR AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF AN APPLICATION FOR AN ADVANCE OF FEDERAL G FUNDS IN THE AM•IOUNT OF 819,006 PURSUANT TO TITLE i OF THE HOUSING ACT OF 194911, be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Corrmiissioners Clark, Jacobs, Johnston, Morrow and Mayor Cherry (5). PurchaseCommissioner Jacobs offered motion that an ordinance entitled; "AN: ORDINANCE property 8th a. M•:onrce PROVIDING FOR THE PURCHASE OF CERTAIN: REAL ESTATE FRONTING 41 FEET 4 INCHES ON THE EAST from. Adams SIDE OF NORTH 6TH. STREET NEAR THE INTERSECTION OF 6TH AND MONROE STREETS IIS THE CITY OF Y PADUCAH FROM 1-1S. SALLIE JACKSON ADAMS AND PHILLIP E. ADAMS FOR THE SUM•' OF ,12,500, H I'3ESCRIBING TERMS AND CONDITION'S OF SAID PURCHASE HEREIN", be introduced and remain on file for public inspection for one week in the completed form in which it shall be put upon, its final passage. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, Jacobs, Johnston, Morrow and Mayor Cherry (5). Sell Hospital 9o^a:1ssicner Morrow offered that all rules be suspended and that a Resolution Bonds and tiM,"'-"J" • , an .r ;1r:1: ^A RESCOLUTICI: e:.05TD1NG FOR THE SALE AND AWARD OF 1300, COO MUNICII'A1. IIUSPi'fAL , BON S, SER"`-' OF ;'; ; �, AND APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING THF AGREEMENT OF SUCH l� .-,ALE AND AaAa%n, 1 0, 1dolt,!A on call ed th:) Rol.'., Yeas, Cor.mizsionerz j_cohs, Jc.:.., ..,, .. ,:nd ! .c.r Cherry (5). ^'•ass= u,1nn thrxt, an crdin:n,-n entit3oli: " (! �.. !., i'f 'T:'. ..,D:' .... ....lCIiAL HOSPITII .... I .,.t.. .,. A NTIM:I, THE Fs' U: SETH E. ;1 MiAiiRIS !... No..... . . 1.4.S Proceedings of Board of Co:.^ i_sion�r: City of Paducah Jn1v 8. 1052 A: :D AUTHORIZING TFS MAYOR TO ENTER INTO CONTRACTS WITH SAID BIDDERS, PRESCRIBING THE PTERMS A'O CONDITIONS THEREOF, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY TO EXIST", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, Jacobs, Johnston, Morrow and or Cherry (5). =_ % Commissioner Johnston offered motion mat an ordinance entitled: "AN ORDINAP:Cr ..r ✓ ....::LADING SECTION 2 OF AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED: 'AN ORDINANCE FIXING THE RIGHT OF WAY FOR TRAFFIC AT VARIOUS INTERSECTIONS IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH AND FIXING A PENALTY FOR THE VIOLATION THEREOF', WHICH 1iAS ADOPTED BY THE BOARD OF COi.I.ISSIOA:ERS ON JANUARY 15, 1952' be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, Jacobs, Johnston, ;---orrow and i-:ayor Cherry (5). - Commissioner Yorrow offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "AN ORDINANCZ ✓FROHIBITING THE PARKING OF VEHICLES ON CERTAIN PORTIONS OF JEFFERSON STREET AND 3RD .SET; PRESCRIBING THE PENALTY FOR VIOLATIONS THEREOF; AND REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES Y IN CONFLICT HEREdITH", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, 'leas, Commissioners yrl Clark, Jacobs, Johnston, T;orrow and Mayor Cherry (5). 6 On motion the meeting adjourned. 'TEDC/( Z� 1952 APPROVa —G City Clerk