HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 22, Page 413, May 20, 1952Proceedings notices of Called Meet Bids on Gasoli filed Liability ✓ policies Traylor Bros :1.H.Yancy McNeese Const. Company 77ater line Hinkleville No. -- Heard of Cor.missieners City of Paducah At a Called ;•ieeting of the Board of Cor-missioners held in the Ccmmission Chamber of the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, at 7:30 P-14. on I -lay 20, 1952, I-layor Cherry presided and upon call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, Jacobs, Johnston, l4orrow and A:ayor Cherry (5). Mayor.Cherry offered motion that the executed copies of Notice of Called Leeting served on Commissioners Clark, Jacobs, Johnston and Morrow be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, Jacobs, Johnston, Moroow and Mayor Cherry (5). Commissioner Clark offered motion that the following bids for the sale of gasolin-, to the City for the four months' period beginning May 16, 1952, be received and filed: Mid -Continent Petroleum Corporation E. M. Bailey Standard Oil Company Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, Jacobs, Johnston, Morrow and N,ayor Cherry (5). Commissioner Clark offered motion that the Board of Commissioners receive, file and approve Certificate of Insurance issued by the Fidelity and Casualty Compahy of New York protecting the City of Paducah with respect to work done by Traylor Brothers, Inc. for a period of one year from I•:ay 12, 1952; Continuation Certificate of Coal Operators Casualty Company issued in favor of the City of Paducah covering W. H. Yancy for a pericx of one year from June 17, 1952, and letter and telegram from John C. Larkin Insurance Company relative to liability insurance of McNeese Construction Company. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, Jacobs, Johnston, borrow and Mayor Cherry ( ). Commissioner Clark offered motion that the petition of Pars. Flossie Dennis residing on the Hinkleville Road in McCracken County, outside the corporate limits of Paducah, Kentucky for authority to lay and construct a water line for the purpose of providing water service to trailer camp located on the property of petitioner be receive: and filed and that the request in said petition be granted in accordance with the terms set forth therein. It is understood, however, in granting the privilege sought in said petiticn neither the City of Paducah nor the Commisslone rs of Water- Works shall be obligated to buy said pipe line or any part thereof, and no such obligation shall be contained or be irplied herearter should the territory to be served by tha water line to be laid ur.;•r. ,i:: ;hcrity herein requested be taken into or made a part of tiro City of Paducal. r understood that the petitioner will subscribe for water service at the rate:; :after prescribed for water service to consumers outside the city limits G( . ......... ...: subject in all respects to the rules and regulations of th•:: City of aducal: pis icncrs of Nater Npr;s which may be new in Core--, or hereir,afte•r ena,:"! . •':othit.r grar,tini� Of thise:tition shall ohli P k ire the Cit'; 1';.;:z rrN or its GCSdi98iGr.orn Mate^ iicrrs t.r t;uar.rnr,ec pressure• or service, and I "Y be discontinue+ through said pipe. line at any time when In Sasioners rf cheer Waike the furnishing of r;,' the r•:c.aio •ra or th•:it c•ssors in ownership Of the property Owned may ina and distribution of water inn±:. Proceedings of hea-j of `nem' <r,; nnP= ____ City of Paducah_ cr interferes with the taps reserved by the Ai. H. Conrqd building Company as set out in contract between raducah 'later Works and R;. H. Conrad Building Company dated the 5th c' Decor..ler, 1951. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, vµ cabs, 'chnston, Korrow and Layer Cherry (5)/ L:ct^ical� / t' Commissioner Jacobs offered motion that this Beard receive and file the letter of • r;:ai t-refund6 t.C.Huia Oscar Talmage regarding refund of Electrical Permit No. 1226 to Mr. R. 0. Huie. He further moved that the Treasurer be directed to refund the sum of ;'4.50 to Huie since it appears that two permits were issued for the same work. Commissioner Jacobs offered motion that this board receive and file copy of the cr. motion passed by the Planning and Zoning Commission on May 16, 1952 recommending that the alleys in the area bounded by 29th Street, Trimble Street, Harrison Street and Joe Clifton Drive be closed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Clark, Jacobs, Johnston, 6 ::arrow and I•iayor Cherry (5). cn Commissioner Johnston offered motion that the Board of Commissioners receive and file letter from the Community Health Committee of the Association of Commerce in which they go on record approving the flouridation of the water supplies of Paducah, Kentucky. He further moved that same be referred to the Dity Tanager for an investigation. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, Jacobs, Johnston, idorrow and is Mayor Cherry (5). :,gisiaticn V Commissioner Johnston offered the following motion: 1 move that the Mayor be +,ahold tax .'rcn. Federal authorized to transmit to Hon. Noble Gregory, the United States Congressman from this :..ployee3 district,a letter reading as follows: Heble Gregory Uni:i Jtates Congressman kac'n*-n ton D.C. Lear :x. Gregory: ^._. atenticn has been called to certain legislation before the 82nd Congress, being 5157, H. R. 5224, and S. 1999, this legislation providing in substance that the etary cf the Treasury is authorized and directed to enter into agreements with ares and political subdivisions for compliance with withholding regulations of those s and political subdivision:. which levy license taxes by following the withholdinZ; -::cah, like many other cities in this state, levied a license tax against. a.: grplcyed by others. The levy is commonly referred to as the "pay- re collectible at the source, it would be of considerable a s__ tirh cities if the heads of Federal. Departments and Agencies _ cr: employees' salaries the amounts owing them as all ':o do. We cannot see how the interests of fed--.rak empley-, ;u,•, of ccllectinj; licence taxes is followed. In tact, r.ore con•r r.ient for the reason that it Is not always ??.3era2 ar.ployees are now required to do. ar:i that you will do all in your power to ^.e r:15 Proceedings of Board of Ccrrm.tssion'rs ____..____ _- City of Paducah •."Y 90 1,, Bids on Commissioner Morrow offered motion that the bid submitted by the Addressograph Addesssograph ^.achine filed Sales Agency for the sale to the City of Paducah of one Electric Addressograph mach.ino be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, Jacots, Johnston, Morrow and t:ayor Cherry (5). Clcse Owen St Commissioner i•:orrow offered motion that the Board of Con.missioners receive and request refused fily copy e£ notion passed by the City Planning and Zoning Cormuissicn on ;•.ay 1( *„- cl.sirg of Owen 3Lreet from Railroad right-of-way to Locuct Drive. Sino: the Zoning Board's recommendation is that the street not be closed, 1 further move that the request of Fred Brown and others be denied. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeao, Commissioners Clark, Jacobs, Johnston., M-rrew and Mayor Cherry (5). Hies on� I Commissioner Morrow offered motion that the following bid; f.. *h- ^nl- :c the Back `ce f'Icd City of Paducah of a back hoe be received and filed: Wilson Machinery & Supply Company - Link Belt Speeder Delivery 2 weeks from date of order 129.00 D!randeis Mch. & Supply Corp. - Bucyrus -Erie Delivery in October 14,141.CO Emmett C. Watson Company, Inc - f•!ichigan 14,525.00 i Roy C. 1Vhayne Supply Co. Inc - Thew -Lorain Delivery 46 to 60 days from date of order 22" wide tread shoes 15,590.00 16" wide tread shoes 15,028.00 I' Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, Jacobs, Johnston, Morrow and Mayor Cherry (5). i bids on house Mayor Cherry offered motion that the bid submitted by George E. Herzog in 234 N 8th ggg __led p the amount of ,752.00 for the purchase of the residence building at 234 North 8th Street be received, filed and accepted. Adqpted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, Jacobs, Johnston, Morrow and Mayor Cherry (5). ?e_c.its to lay Commissioner Jacobs offered motion that a Resolution entitled: "A RESOLUTION gas Tains in ra3s plot AUTHORIZING THE CITY ENGINEER TO GRAN^! TO THE WESTERN KENTUCKY GAS COMPANY A PERM1T TO LAY GAS MAINS IN THE GRASS PLOTS ON THE FOLLOWING STREETS: NORTH SIDEOF GOODMAN ROAD; EAST SIDE OF JOE CLIFTON DRIVE DETWE-0 CLAY AND TRIMBLE STREdTS AND NORTH SIDE 01, TRIMBLE STREET EAST FROM JOE CLIFTON DRIVE, AND PRESCRIBING THE CO':DITIONS UPON a,HICH SAID PERMITS SHALL BE GRANTED", be adopted. Adopted on call of tine Roll, Yeas, Cor:.r.i,sioners Clark, Jacobs, Johnston, Morrow and h:ayor Cherry (5). c,f Cc m. ,.cr.^ r Clark offered motion that an ordinance entitlo : "AN ORDIf@IANCE THE ADDRESSOGRAPH SALES AGENCY li: THE 3U:4 01 ;; ..';7.25 FO1 'NIE SAL:. C? C::E ELECTRIC ADDRE330GRAFII :MODEL 1;1 c FUR C., THE _. ;. THORIZING THE CITY MANAGER m0 IT a i:._U A COAT( t,:' lt:c 'I'::F, introduced and remain cn ,.le fcr at 1ea:st one •:c'_.' c•r: in which it shall. be put per. Clark, Jacobs, Johnston, `� _ . Praceedngs of— c: city of Pcducnh 1 -:;iv 20, 1952 — Clark offered motion that an ordinance entitled: ' ....,..., .. ..._,.::' SECTION6 OF AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED: 'AN ORDINANCE GOVERNING AND ..., _'i:_' :.0 ALLAT1011 AND INSPECTION OF ALL ELECTRICAL :'JIRING Ai:D APPLIANCES WITHIN iTS OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY; ESTABLISHING THE FEES AND CHARGES y SL_JTalCAL INSPECTIONS; PROVIDING FOR THE APPOINTMENT OF AN ELECTRICAL INSPECT R; _' C3I:•T::; T;:7 DUTIES OF THE ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR AND FIXING THE AMOUNT OF HIS COMPENSA- T.i::; THE PENALTY FOR THE VIOLATION THEREOF; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; ::� REFcdiliiG ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT THEREWITH', WHICH WAS ADOPTED ON MARCH 6, 195211, be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, Jacobs, Johnston, Morrow and A:ayor Cherry (5). Fire Dept. J Ccr=missioner Jacobs offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "AN ORDINANCE "No. Renk, -etc amended Al,'.ENDING SECTION 1 OF AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED: 'AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING THE NU1-:BER, NRANKS AND MONTHLY SALARIES OF THE FIRE DEPARTMENT AND REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLIC•' EERE::ITE+ WHICH WAS ADOPTED BY THE BOARD OF COiIIdISSIONERS OF DECEMBER 11, 1951, AND i ON FEBRUARY 5, 1952", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, Jacobs, Johnston, Morrow and Mayor Cherry (5). Accept bid Ccrr.issioner Jacobs offered motion that an -ordinance entitled: "AN ORDINANCE Krug -Thomas 3 duno truck ACCEPTING THE BID OF K.RUG-THOMAS TRUCK AND TRACTOR COMPANY FOR SALE TO THE CITY OF PADUCAI OF THREE NEW 16,000 G. V. W. MOTOR TRUCKS FOR USE IN THE STREET DEPARTMENT, AND AUTHORIZIiG THE CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTO A CONTRACT FOR THE PURCHASE THEREOF", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, Jacobs, Johnston, Morrow and Mayor Cherry (5). Commissioner Jacobs offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE CLOSING OF ALL PUBLIC ALLEYS IN THE AREA BOUNDED BY 29TH STREET, TRIMBLI• -'<r,n S^:REET, HARRISON STREET AND JOE CLIFTON DRIVE, AND AUTHORIZING THE CORPORATION COUNSEL TO ihS ITUTE IN McCRACKEN CIRCUIT COURT A SUIT FOR THE PURPOSE OF HAVING SAID ALLEYS LEGALLY CLGJ i", Le adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yegs, Commissioners Clark, Jacobs, ,hr.:,t. , :sorrow and :ayor Cherry (5). Johnston offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "AN ORDINANCE a.r-':r':,I.'. ✓ ! ' -i.-- C1" Y IiA1.AGF'R TO ENTER INTO A CONTRACT :'LITH MID-CONTLNENT PETROLEUM- HCFA E G:^' GASOLINE REQUIRED IN GOVERNMENTAL OPERATIONS FOR A PERIULI ;'.,y 16, 1952, AND PROVIDING THAT PURCHASES SHALL BE MADE UPON .,ST FCRTH THEREIN , be introduced and remain on file for public -cast on•-� w r -k In the completed :form in which it shall be put upon its Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, Jac(`.:, rry "AN MIN— I''116:11A:iE AND RE110VAL OF i ':'IC? CI"'Y 0f i'ADUCAI. AT „ TO GH ... HER • .. .. ... .. .. ...... ,... ....:. ... .... _. ,... ... -..::. ..! ,.i .,.....AII", [,• .. ,ted. i 9 1 One-way Streets proceedings of Board of Commissioners City of Paducah May 20, 1952 9=--�.--�_..�:—_� Mayor Cherry offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "AN ORDINANCE DECLARING CERTAIN STREETS IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH ONE Id AY STREETS, LIMITING THE USE THEREOF, AND PROVIDING PE:ALTIES FOR VIOLATION THEREOF", be introduced and remain on file for at least two weeks for public inspection in the completed forin in which it shall be put upon its final passage. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Cpmmissioners Clark, Jacobs, Johnston, borrow and h ayor Cherry (5). On motion the meeting adjourned. ADC's?'"ED (i�o7 �r_1952 City Cierk APPROVED