HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 22, Page 41, April 4, 1950No.--- o.:rd 0: fo:<. _ Ci of Paducah---- Proceedings of. --------- - tY --- bAt a RoZular =acting of the Loard of Coax.ticsionora '.field in 6hi 'Jo:::ciasion Chamber r :t the City Hall, Iaducah, Yontuclty, at 7:50 I.;'. on April 4, 1950, 'ia or Johnston pro- oidod and upon call of the roll the follovIn_r, answorad to their namea: COr3UG0Ienera Jacobs, Sims, Thomas and ::ayor Johnston (^_). Come.:iasioner :[aanin boin_; absent. :;mutes of the previous noetino rmre adopted as road. Refund Bldg Form t Commissioner Jacobs offered motion that the letter of ;?illcr E. Smith requesting :'iller E. Smith a refund of a fee of ,5.40 for the alteration and repair of a roaidauco at 343 AshbrooY, Avenue be received and filed, and that the City Troasuror be authorized to make said refund rr on the permit has been surrendered. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Conmilooionera Jacobs, Sims, Thomas and ;.:ayor Johnston (4). Commissioner Jacobs offered motion that the oriGinal executed contract entered "I-itract Ohio Company [/ into bet'.reen the Ohio Oil Company and the City of Paducah, I.entucky, on :'arch ::I, 1950, .'fled said contract providing for the sale to the city of liquid asphalt required in otroot repair and construction ,ox?: for the year 1950, be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commi:sionera Jacobs, 3L.:5, Thomas and i,:ayor Johnston (4). i Lettor ?.i•. Terrell Commissioner Sims offered motion that the letter of the Corporation Counsel, Adrian retition reduce. nater rates �/H. Terrell, in r:hich he states his opinion concornin; the ri"ht of the 3oard of Coa:rn- i iaaionora to pass an ordinance entitled: oA:I )MIr.-:;M3 REDUCING T."5 '.:ATTR RATE'S A:,D Ciu1RG 3 30 ':JATM SER' ICE TO ALL CUSTO.':FR3 OF Tii% FADCAN .;A 13 ::ORES EXCEPT WEE TO-:3:3 Of.:' ::AT ; WSTRICT, FIXING SAID RATES V,D CIIARGE3 AT T;E RATE:; '..;'ICIi P-1VAILiA 01: 1 1, 19=0, A71D FRO'VDI:'1,^. TfiE TERtiS Ai:D CONDITIONS Ur O:: 'il?ICII SAID RATE-3 :,::D i r, .._ r, •:;;IDn, which ordinance the board of Commissioners was requested to pas, �• ucon a petition filed vith said board at a regular meeting hold on the cpth da;. of :arch I` 1950, be received slid filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, 'Lona, Commioaioners Jacobs, Sims, Thomas slid :.'ayor Johnston (4). i a ror_nived j eon issiom.' Sims offored motion that the letter of T. A. :_radley, the City EnZln,0c -imoatona conc.rnin; Lids received by the City :'anagor for the solo to the city of liraostona, torothor with the r,ritt-on bids of- h cmlla;hor :a+,tors C 111.eaa _. sell ..atone Co. ^ua Co. be _acc�o -.d, and that the attorney for tho city _c;. :aro for introduction at i i t;-.c o:;t :.•.::co pxovlln- for the ca,:tance o_ :.h" :•id o: Gurria loll, Ycaa, Co.1G1i3.-1Ol10ra ,.acnes, .AX10, '11xo.aaa and : I yox' lis ter':• food rtoUon t;h-,a ; the . i[:..^.c_ :1 :;chart o," L''ro luduca:x ••a tar 1 Report- ab..� 1 iQ50 :i:raary' lOCO, 1,0 ruco vc.i :11cd. V'Ioptod on call o:' ti o i 'vni:.+19 wgter L;aicnera recolvo and alo� the copy __ the lstt^_. `Written .or ;r.. 1 F.tt:,;nn;;s Ior ;;t:e i.a:::.:isaionars } cP :sate � the :au, :1i0nsx to u !Ont the erdinsnco !1{ i whit-b sai., i r. re l: o� tee. to pass fr,. a the rates fo- rater service to those rates applicable as Or - t �. proc­di�q� of- C4 ai,lon that tho of CommiGaioner3 receive and file f`t:c-rehonsivo ,­Uity policy loa,,.od by the United 3tatoo .1dolity and c omr OU �q Co 1% any to thrldlatcr Sanitary "orbago Disposal Company, Policy 7.'0. 41'87, 2 tl� ,� �v tj,o a tive `.1�o period from ?cbruary 1, 1950 to February 1, 1951, and Drid.17ater carba,�o Disposal company and the .n_, covo,,,�,j for both the said R. A. ,,eah on account of claims resu'-tin- from the construction of stroot.9, alloys, .:ays by said company or from any other cause arinin7 out of the operation of -arba3o collection and disposal system. Adopted an call of the Poll, Jacobs, 31mn, Thomas and 7ayor Johnston (4). -=%iiosionor Thomas offered motion that the L'oard of Commissioners receive, file ovo the certificate of insurance issued by the and Casualty Company of to John L. Lohman and the City of Paducah for a period of one year from Earch *-0, 10Z0, also the bond of the said John L. Lohman in the amount of '1,000.00 dated :..arch 1050. ,,donted on call of the Roll, Year, Commissioners Jacobs, Sims, Thomas and -Dr jol-Lis ton Cwmilco-ioner Thomas o'fered motion that the Zoard of Comn-ilsionern :ive its -.rrroval to the strict enforcement of all of the ruler and regulations of the ordinance g, -.Eich minimumstandards have been fixed for the collection ann diposal of 3arba,-e a,; :1 rubbish, and that the City -anager be Instructed to have the -police department 0= the city cooperate to the fullest extent with the garbaZe Inspector employed by 7-r. 'I.A. -.mater to prevent the violation of that provision of the ordinance under which It is .7,,-.,ith the city to - .:,-il for any parson, excect the contractor holdin� the franchise _,_--c: for collectin.:; ZarbaZe and rubbish except comnorcial rubbia:h. Adopted on call f the :loll, -Zoos, Co=izrionors Jacobs, Sims, Thomas and ;ayor Johnston 7or Johnston offered the followin,, motion: it app.-_irin;; from the application Le_rion that it has donated a lot in the Or': ::rove Cemetery an a place o;' :n,o=­-nt of "r. w�­_Ilnan, an, it requested toe city to waive the fee for opanlrC , `. - rave. t t' ,Ot -rantod and Lhat no char,,,,o be rt-ndc to the in ---diich the said :.:r. -.'.mallman has been burlol- :_L�ionoru Jacobs, ;jlna, 'Mionmo and t.hyor Johnston 1 qu On t '".ayor Johns ;,.• otlon "hat resolu`.iori entitled 1 ,, a true k 7: T:-!, :.T,,,.; 0:1E Z.L DA'_ C .0 --- ap -,a No - Proceedings of of f.'0:1 IL'j:;.! oncra City of Paducah lO 30 Restore Tylor b,.,,s route to former :;chodulo I �" - 7 ;j', 1, 1049, V MWIDII-M, 'r--: T -1 -Z 'j :7) CO:: "--O:'a 0:-. ID RATZ3 A -'J -i... C:!A.:3EDI , 771CII ORDl:',, i' 0ARD 0,CO.': 'l RB:;, EST13D TO P-V'iB 0`0'! TZTITI0IT'IL�M I T'V�T SAID AT 7T, '--.: F T C:: 26, 1950",, be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Coi,i:Uosionors .'3-1msv Thomas and 1-layor Johnston (3). Commissioner Jacobs present but not votin.. Commissioner Thomas offered motion that the Loard of Comminnionorc receive an-' 11c the lottor .,jrItton by Kr. Forost Cr tchfiald requestinr--, that the bus oorvico on the !,Tlor route be restored, and that the City I.ana.-cr bo requested to confer with officials of the Paducah Tus Company for the purpose of findinC; out whother service at tv:,3qty minu Intervals after seven can be ,ad,, effective and to ur,-o that said company no ctmn-_c its nperatinZ schedule. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Jacobs, aims, Thomas and T.:ayor Johnston (4). On motion the L,,-otin,- adjourned. ADO PTz A PROV21