HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 22, Page 34, March 21, 1950"arch 21, 1950 City d Ped... Procee&n9s of Go 1 OZ :01, in the Com,iloslon Cha -bar . :'all, _-!jjj;,acjCy, at 7:3o on arch 21, 1950, Johnston 11 an3vorc(I to ti-cir nancs: rotx i:-,jionor,,, neon ca-'-- :)f the" 1 an". :' YOP TOhnaton (5). -,i e ,,^-.,ovioun m2otir<, vore adopted as read. - c a: 1-� Jacobs O!,fCrod notion that the petition of Leaola 'ens n," other Artware Incorporated protastin7 ajainst the paroace If the payroll t,-.: %d filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Corrnissioncrs �Ijarvz and nyor Johnston (5). t '.,,,-,Ioncr Jacobi offorcal motion that the petition o; -izax '..-,klston and wife, -auby in T.IcCracken County, iutnido the c orporate limits of Paduc, 1 'or aut' n.,7 and construct a vmtor line for the purpose oC -rovidinr, sorvice t, tha lo,, -.tad on the property of petitioners be received and f13 the veq,,zert -In --aldl potiUori be Granted in accordance -,,.rith the terms set forth however, In ,:rnntin=; t. -o privilcZ;o sou,,ht In said potitlon nci-tl,.,--, nor the Commissioners of Eater :orlw shall be obli,:ated to buy said any part thereof, and no such obligation --hall be contained or be Implied -:iould, the territory to be carved by the '..',lter line to be laid under the aut:-�ox- il 11cre-n roquestoft be talen Into or made a part of the City of raducah. It is furt,�.r urder3lood that the petitioners ill subscribe for ,,jatcr service at rate a n 0 w or ho r eaftor r-oncribed for water service to conzsuscro outside the city -juct In all reo,)ocls to the rules and regulations of the City of Paducah a-, il�j.*nncrz of ator :ray be novi in force or hovoinafter onacted. 'n o "'rantin - of ti --is petition shall olili -ate the Olty o.0 iaducah or its er to arantoi pronnure or service, and sal.c! .,iter service rn•, 1,i: ?,-n: at any Lira- v. -ori in the ju,1,-T,,cnt of its r: 1. s;, In to the 7nn--.^ at, Vicir ouccos:;Ors in ... . ... aau to surply n -m! !cih. lvlopted on cn31 r Johnston tcr I in; riot.!.on: Jr., owner ShInc- -t, 7illiavi J. TnnZan, nwrior of a hoimo an n ,.sic, o,.,j."xcr of a hou3 o ani 10t loc a to r :i r a.: a - scant lot loci toC, n, t r,!',) -,Cn, t; Cc:�ciirolonori a ,-n Is t o,.ncr n- the -ra:i "tivo nIty roferrod to II for ti No.---33 Proceedings of C'1Y of Paducah � arch '2 on the c, I .!on of tliv, Inyin -. or said crater main. froci the on,loroomont by the !-oartj of Coi:i.A,,;jiortro I)f the 11, said request and petition ow-aply with the franchloo provirlono nnrl I T:'ERZFOM, move that the petition ).' 'jaaj, ant filed and that the :aCtUCah '.".'star %jXoU,rj-, its :-card of to autho-11--od to c.xtond a ell water mrlri nlonZ l'.Iarhin_ton Arcot from the and of the e-Ustin- m-Un, %-.bich Is a?proxiiratojy 100 foot '.*,1oot of 29th atrcot, a rliStanco of UPPr1)X- Iniat-oly 400 feet, so as to Provide Mtor sovvice to the gbovo deacribo' property on 3trPet. fortilor move that the adoption n_'this -resolution and the L;rantIm., of tho re- contained in said notit7on 'cc conoCovocl as an aCracm.,at on the part of tiro City oL !Liro".e--,'h to pay the fire hydrant and water main rental, az pvovided in the CranoU:ic, on the pipe line and connection reforre�l to in the petition,:. aid rentals to bo;;In whon said water main has been laid and crater provided for an cold section of :.asliiliZ;ton :;troot fro!-,I! 1 3 jso the end of the e%isltin�. main, which is approximatel.- 100 feat .sat of 20th t - t, a distance of appro;:1nately 4.00 feet. -dootod on call of the 'tell, YcAa, Comaioilon2rs Jacobs, ,im3, Thomas and 7--.yor Johnston (5). Coit Con.-miooloncr -Ams offered motion that the :-oard of Comil no Ioners receive, f110 d a-.-prove the follu.,Aink Certificates of lnawan,- :aO, to contractors in coanoc tion Cc Y' zita excavations in streets, sidevalks and Co (1) Certificate of Insurance i::--uod by the -:artford aw-1 Company to Dennis and Valoria Larkina d. a T-or':ino Corij,an" aac Vo, 3-It." ?aducah for a period o_ one year from 'arch 10, 1030. ,--tI,'icato or :.nstwanno iso--,od by the :i-.tcjo :118retity nrl J—ri'oslcy L3. a -ity 0-ore Y.:ar fr'11 C. ,,,I on 1:111 0�.' tl-) Jacobs, :C ",!I' P '--)-'mo OrCorod motion th�', foo_. o i n a I v a a n (I L rniy f, A-to er lal auy, 'atod �n Leh -,;al-A attnt-noy "CV.t',)n In t1io Ci', '* of ole no a "XIll L'I- % the holder of C--, -l'ont"Id on ^n c P an 1 n !iyop Johnrt,)n 7- "'Ll - a i ton as r No - Proceedings of city of Paducah- -I a lution ontitLad: "A ':�21LUTIOJ :Z;-- 13 11, CIT pG 1,000 1-c adopted. adopted on call 0_ z ;.all, zona, 7l: yor ...t:in, J -,coo--, ;iiaz, Thomas and . t Johnston (5). h, -din,�ncc ontl,'L!�d: "Y1. rn i:.n'.n offered �:otlori that an oi A:D2' I 'P CTV F L;, -,.C, D; 171--' T,' 7-1 "0 -1„CRI- 17! T. ... .... CT y :7 1, 30, 19 on call o^ the Zoll, 'Len , Co _.:ioalonera !.'an In, Jacobs, Sims, aor Johnst-,n (5). 1:,rjoncr of"ored motion that an ordinance entitled: 17 7 7" 7^0...... intro.3ticed and reniain on :110 for public inopoction for one (1) ENS 0 in hie it*s'rall beput upon ita fin. -aaZeal pan . Adopted on ca :tannin, Jacobs, Amo, 1&jomas and :ayor Johnston on that an ordinance entlticd: ". -. 0-Vii.:..-�.11 1. 1 .101"noton offorcf:' :-.0-i— bo adopluod. 'pnomn