HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 22, Page 3, January 10, 1950M No. -- Proceedings -f— of Cw-nio--Ioncro City of Paducah January 10, I950 "t a ;?o:- lar !.:ooting of the E-oard of C=misoionoro hold in the Commission Chambox IU the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, at 7:30 on January 10, 1950, I.:ajor Johnston -,resided and upon call oi' the Roll the following answered to their noses: Commissioners �znnin, Jacobs, Sims, Thomas and Mayor Johnston (5). 11,'Inutes of the previous meeting wore adopted as read. James Robison Commissioner Hannin offered motion that the letter of the City N.anager, dated Salary to Feb. 1, 195C January 5, 1950, relative to the case (if Police Officer James C. Robison, be recoivod and filed and that the Board of Commissioners approve payment of officer Robisonvs salary through February 1, 1950. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Corrs4issioners Hannin, Jacobs, Sims, Thomas and Y.ayor Johnston (5). Water Comps Commissioner Jacobs offered motion that the Audit Report of the Paducah latcr Audit -1949 �✓ Works for the Oiscal year ending October 31, 1949, be received and filed. Adopted on cal', of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Hannin, -jacobs, Sims, Thomas and mayor Johnston (5). ijaportCoaaise- over. Jacobs. offered motion that the report of the 1;osrkl of FQualization 3d. of Equalizers Gi _or tt7e year 1950 be received, filed and spread upon the :,linutes. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yoaa, Commissioners 17a nnin, Jacobs, Sims, Thomas and .',ayor Johnston (5) 3TAIIZ-iENT 0.J1 REAL 6, F:,;:ISGNAL PRDPIM T -Ir A6SESS!:E2.T3 FOR 1950 CITE TAXES CITY OF PADUCAF, XCNVCIU REAL ESTATE cc 11.7PROVE1,7ENTS (FULL RATE) 1949 =final assessment by Board :J17$224,445 1949 Omitted -bills 9,970 1949 TOTAL ;w17,234,415 1930 Net increase thru Assessor 177,675 1950 Gross increase by Board 233,190 1950 Gross decrease by Board 1,040 1950 Net increase by Board 404,100 1050 TOTAL NET 11ITCREASE 100,023 1C-50 TOTAL REAL LST.AT% & IMFEME-2NT I -!d-3()N.AL PROPERTY (FUEL RATZ) 1049 -.-Inal Assessment bY Loard 10 0 Cqitt(3,-b ills thru Assessor '7neroaso by :,,card ,,c rcncc by -"Dard by 6,783,650 228,370 7,030,020 316,276 419,400 3,605 1115,875 732,150 . 7. 19 T'. 717.'4,170 City of Paducah ^nu^'r' 10. 1050 �Y� i Ca -_;i aioner 3i ra of_crod siotion that the _card of Comnissioncra receive, file end John and approve the Surety Continuation Certificate issued by the American Employersr. Quinlan Insurance Company on behalf of the City of Paducah, ICantucky in favor of John 2uinlan for a period of ono year from January 15, 1950. .1dopted on call of the Roll, YOas, Comrissioners ';annin. Jacobs, Sims, Thomas and Payor Johnston (5). Brie?e at r Commiaaioner i::c offered motion that the letter written by the :ayor to the Ci 'y return 2,000--easurer authorizing the aurrerder to P. A. Bridgwater of his certified check for .,.2,00 Chock ,hick ::as given by him prior to the opening of bids for sale of the garbage franehiae, and the said R. A. Eridgwaterrs acknowledgement of the receipt be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Hannin, Jacobs, aims, Thomas and ayor Johnston (5). A^;,rove Comrrissionor Thomas offered motion that the action talcen py the Board of action :r-rvovin Commissioners at a called meeting held on January 5, 1950, receiving, filing and accepti g ,, the bond in the sum of ,20,00O executed on December 21, 1949, by R. A. Brid,-water, doing business under the firm name of R. A. Bridgwater Sanitary Garbage Disposal Company as principal, and the United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company as surety, by Robert I,;, Yckillan, Attorney in fact for the United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company as requir d under the provisions of an ordinance entitled: "Aid ORDIPIANC3 CRRa_PIArCF_SE OR �A PRIVIL3GE TO i L3::2 ii 7-S. ICES A --.'D. FACILITIES FOR THE COLLECTION A';D D13POSAL OF GARBAGE n:M RLr3,1:ISF. I:I 7.3 CITS OF PADUCAF, :MNW- 0'^-l; PROVIDIImM FOR TRE SALE, OF SAID FRAIICHISE O:t tRIVIL:SE; FI7111C. TIE PEIIALTIES FOR THE VIOLATION THEREOF; AIM PROVIDING A 301ERALILI?Y S:.AU3c", and also receiving and filing and acceptinG the pourer of attorney under -ahich the United Staten :'idelity and Guaranty Company, by its assistant Secretary, Thomar,J. Roache, authorized the acid Robert L.. KoKillan to execute said bond as Attorney in fact for said Company, be ratified and confirmed. Adopted on call of the :doll, Yean, Corsia3 oners Ra:;nin, Jacobs, aims, Thomas and ?,:ayor Johnston (5). ?rad L. "ayor Johnston offered motion that the oath of office taken by Fred L. ;Iagel, :'Anel Oathof a3 ct'n; City :a::a-•or of the Cityof Paducah, Kentucky, be received and filed. Adopted Office on call cf the 2011— Year, Corr-1;i333oncro I'a::nin, Jacobs, ;;ima, Thomas and ;'ayor Johnston City 96 "A Payor Johnston offered motion, that the Loard of Commisslonera receive and file rudgot Date of the prey ar,,d I,% :'r. Tic for C. :-obday, the City ?,ana.-er, for the perio4 from naaring January 1, 1':.;'i ,a Iar.v 3G, I'Zl, said uv? -et containing; his letter of transmittal, u table of paot a o3tl='••.%:,' .:v,:r..i^,, a"ole of past and recommended o -ndituros and a:: '_a.^.at°ca C:1!: and includin:; a'_ao the a:.propriatic :.vended for ,ayncnt: a. currcr.t cr.rr.3 and for pormanent Improverzent3 for each and diviaion t;:oroGf for tt.: r:foreaaid :'iacal pariod, with comparativo micl oxp nditurea for th,3 cur:,ont _... .tare: :'or tl:o your preeodtn' tLo cwre:_t in the a:;::' U['t•Zatien r0ro e_Hr.. .0 r; '.i ti. res for ±.h: your 1711'7, also 1.. iter..Zzed _ ..r.o pity f U.to aforeaaZ<i fiacu]..,,o. rjd, tZse :1 ceL ::a o:: ':t.o rev•3r.uea for t're current and ircrc�jnes am; decreases eatl:ateL an, :U033C.. of the ._ : :ar.aForra budet ,.?act havo boon ;a•in .,,ring he he! Said budget, at 0 r J Proceedings of ;=onrd of Commisaionm's City of Paducah January 10 1950 Russell, A:: & Associates Execute Contract leodsall Defects Police & Fi men request clothing allowance .^ C...offitt Appointed City i?gr. the regular meeting of the i;oard of Commissioners on January 24, 1950, at 7:30miF.Id. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Hannin, Jacobs, Sims, 'Thomas and Yayer Johnston (5). or i.:ayor Johnston offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "AN ORDII.AT;CE AliTHORIZING MJE EXECUTION OF A CONTRACT 'dil-TH J: SEL , AXON AND A::SOCIATES, CONSULTING E':GI;:_ERS, FOR A COMPREHENSIVE STUDY AND REPORT ON THE PADUC.AH FLOOD1. ALL, A:ID PROVIDING THAT SAID E IGIId ERS idILL REPRESEiIT THE CIT1 OF PADUCAH ITN NEGOTIATIONS '.TITS AGENCIES OF THE FEDERAL GOVERITIr'.GiIT TO CORRECT DEFICIENCIES IN SAID FLOOD:7AL_T,, A11D A-PROPRIATING ;,1,800 TO DE PAID SAID UC -SNEERS FOR SUCH SERVICES", be introduced and remain on file for public inspection for one (1) week in the completed form in which it shall be put upon its final passage. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners hannin, Jacobs, Sims, Thomas and I:ayor Johnston (5). i; Payor Johnston offered motion that the Board of Commissioners receive and filo the request of Firefighters Local 168 that an ordinance be adopted grantinS an annual clothing allowance to Paducah Police and Firemen in the sum of ,;75.00, said sum to be paid at any time during the calendar year in the discretion of the City IYanager, said request being endorsed by F. 'A. Gholson, Chief of the wire Department. Adopted on cal of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Hannin, Jacobs, Sims, 'Thomas and ILayor Johnston (5). i Commissioner Thomas offered motion that the board of Commissioners appoint 1.11'. C. R. b:offitt to serve as City i.:anager of the City of Paducah, his appointment to becom effective on February 1, 1950, and as such to be the executive agent of the I:.ayor and the Board of Commissioners in the management of the city's affairs, to perform such oth �i duties as may be imposed upon him under the statutes of the State of Kentucky, and the ordinances of the City of Paducah, and the City-,;anagor shall receive for his services the amount of compensation provided for by ordinance. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Comr:issioners ;Tannin, Jacobs, Sims, Thomas and I.:ayor Johnston (5). On motion the meeting; adjourned. ADOPTED i 1950 APPROVEGLLt`rr�.- ;:uyor