HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 22, Page 163, January 23, 1951I • Proceedings of Zoning Ordinance Amend Section 5 Certificateof Ins uranoe R.C. Jen ni nra Street Light Levin 2- Park Electrical Ins letter Elec. Trade Assn for salary increas 'i ilg hman Tade request add. help =ids on Grader uildiw, Insp reaueat t:elp Cage eery -,ra Rushing «:d Lula Fell No.-- ._ _ _ _163 7 oard of Commissioners City of Paducah January 23, 1951 At a Regular Meeting of the Loard of rommissionors field in the Commission Chambo at the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, at 7:30 P.m. on January 23, 1951, I•,ayor Johnston presided and upon call of the Roll the follo.,iing answered to their names: Commissioners Hannin, Jacobs, Sims, Thomas and M.°.ayor Johnston (5). I.iinutes of the previous meeting wore udoptod as read. Commissioner Hannin offered motion that the copy of the motion passed by the Cit Planning and Zoning Commission recommending the amendment of Section 5 of the "Zoning, Ordinance", be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Cormaiscionera flannin, Jacobs, Sims, Thomas and I..ayor Johnston (5). Commissioner Hannin offerod motion that the Eoard of Comminsionarn receive, filo and approve the Certificate of Insurance issued by the Connecticut Indemnity Company protecting the City of Paducah with respect to work done by R. C. Jennings for a period of one year from January 19, 1951. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Hannin, Jacobs, Sims, Thomas and Mayor Johnston (5). Commissioner Jacobs offered motion that the Board of Commissioners receive and II file the report of the City Manager and the Chief of Police recommending the inatallatioh of a street light at the intersection of Levin and Park Avenue, and that the City i'sna e� be requested to direct the installation of alight at this location. Adopted on call of the Poll, Yeas, Commissioners Hannin, Jacobs, Sims, Thomas and Layer Johnston (5). / Commissioner Sims offered motion that the Lord of Commissioners receive and fil� the letter of the Paducah Electrical Trades Association, dated January 23, 1951 in which they urge that the salary of tI a Electrical Inspector be increased. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Hannin, Jaoobs, Sims, Thomas and l,iayor Johnston (5). Commissioner Sims offered motion that the letter of Tilghman 'lado requesting additional help in his department be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll,l Yeas, Commissioners r-annin, Jacobs, Sims, Thomas and Y.ayor Johnston (5). Ii Commissioner Sims offered motion that the Loard of Commissioners receive an--,filb the bids sutraittod by Brandeis ilachinory I. Supply Company, henry A. Potter Supply Com- pany and Roy C. ;Ihayne Supply Company for the sale to the City of Paducah of a 9andom Drive Motor Grader, together with the tabulation of bids and the letter of T.A.fsadloy, City SnLineer in which he recommends that the bid of Brandeis M: ehinery and Supply Company be accepted. i Iia further moved that the bid of Lrandeis ftachincry and Supply Company be accepted and that the City Manager be authorized to enter Into a contract with said I company for tiro f.urchaso thereof. adopted on ca.l of the Roll, Yeas, Commtsalonora :faerin, .ars, :hrmaa and Minyor Johnston (4), Commissioner Jacobs 1117o". I ^,o^s:iaaionor Tco:uo offered motion that the =:oard of Commissioners receive and j filo r, o letter r, E' ownfin, :uilding Inspeabor, in whict: ho soca out tt,o road for i t an r.aaiatant :. 'acarr. ra•,cctor marl n full time assistant for clerical work. fdnpt:ed ori call c the .,a11, Loan, 'c;:r:?.<:n1or,,ra ',ir,nin, Jacoca3, Jima, 1`homaa a::d M'ayor JnLr:ston I:orrz-aalore r "tto,.,a cI'f;.mod ::Si,Sr,n duct ti:a ;'oard of Co.auinaIonera approve the cantract for the able by the City or° 011 o'' OravO >:o. WJ in ,_lorl: ';o. '+ of tie r''+.is'ring addition to •,,ak ':rove ':cr.;etery r,nti that the cWt ,:hod o:_ecc<tod contract fr , the sale a:' said cemetery pr.1)1,,�rty ca to tf'm purchzarur.,Joptocl on call of i the Roll, Yeas, Commiaaioners 'lar: r.: r., JF.r-,cs, C'S:.s, 'homaa c.r•I :aYor Johnston i P—dings of :.card of CommiasionerS City of Paducah__ January 23, 1951 _ and Payor Johnston offered motion that the bond executed by Prandeis 1.?achinery and yloadcr ,supply Company ,:uaranteoin�- delivery of one Idodel ICF Hough Payloador, be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissionors I?annin, Jacobs, Sims, Thomas and I:ayor Johnston (5). equest J Co:amiscioncr Jacobs offered motion that a Resolution entitled: "A RESOLUTION B bids on truck, �. 3Ek�UESTi:CG T:3 CITY I.IANAGER TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS FOR THE PURCHASE OF FIVE (5) NEW 1--,3' IOS^ TON 1,10^_OR TBIICiiS 1:1ITd IHYDRAULIC DUIdP BODY FOR USE IN THFI STREET DIVISIOCH AND P'L0a)'ALL DEFARTIZENT OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH; AND F,ESCRI.ING UIE SPECIFIC TER?,1S AND CONDITIONS TO BE CO?'.PLIED WITH BY BIDDERS", be adopted. Lost on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Fannin and Jacobs (2), Nays, Com:nissioners Sims, Thomas and Nayor Johnston (3). Request "P Commissioner Thomas offered motion that a Resolution entitled: "A RESOLUTION Lida `i'racta- REQUESTING THE CITY MANAGER TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS FOR THE PURCHASE OF ONE PARI.! TRACTOR Fl o odual 1 fJI?I I!OiJER ATTACP?lIENT FOR USE I1H THE rr^LOODYJALL DEPARTf•1ENT OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH; AMID PRESCRIBING TI.'E SPECIFIC TERIIS AND CONDITIONS TO LE COI:IPLIED I'JITH BY BIDDERS", be adopted Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Fannin, Jacobs, Sims, Thomas and r.'ayor Johnston (5). Create Commissioner Fannin offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "AIC ORDINANCE r, oz i t:' on "aritor PROVIDING OR THE E?IPLOYLIENT OF A JANITOR TO CLEAN AND 1iAINTAIN THE CI9Y HALL BUILDING A::D THE FURNISHINGS THEREIN; PRESCRIBING HIS DUTIES; AND FIXING BHE AISOUNT OF HIS COLI- PEiiSATION", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Fannin, Jacob3, Sims, Thomas and Mayor Johnston (5). :.ocopt bid':'/ Commissioner Fannin offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "AN OnDINAidCE „_.__^.^.EM:IG T_3 BD OF BRA IDEIS WICHIICERY AND SUPPLY COMPANY, INC., FOR THE SALE TO THE C_IT? 0? PADUCAH OF ONE TAICDEEI DRIVE NO VOR GRADER `FOR USE IN THE STREET DIVISION, AND AWHORIZIIHG THE CITY L]AiI,%G5R TO MITER INTO A CONTRACT FOR 1HE PURCHASE 'IIHEREOF", be introduced and remain on file for public inspection for one creek in the completed form in acirh it shall be put upon its final passage. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas Co-niacioners Fannin, Sims, Thomas and b.ayor Johnston (4). Commissioner Jacobs "No." r.'_o o SACC. Commissioner Sims offered motion that an ordinance ontitlod: "All ORDINANCE Jo?'!'orscn F C':iDlii FOR 7HE CLOS_T1IG CPA FULLIC ALLEY EXTENDING AN UNIF'OR:J'JJIDTH 01+ 25X PEET III A :.nnroo ..w.GTc'It:a ;IIS Ci_0:; RC:' '1 EST SIDE O JOE CLIFTON DRIVE, OR T.IEL'IY-EIGIITfI STREET, 1..1ID ::.:D I'ONROE S'I'ii3':T, A DISTANCE OF TWO HUNDRED TUENTY-FIVE Il:': CORrCRATIOP CVIS Y `!0 INSTITUTE Iff THE I'tCCRACIMN CIRCUI rCt;?4' A ! r; , r,,;�; HAVI Nfl SAID ALLEY LEGALLY CLOSED", be adopted. Adopted c JJn Fall of the itG :-, :"nus, Co:.:r:iosionorn :tannin, Jacobs, Sims, Thomas and I.:ayor Johnston (5/. I�;rna1 (/ rcr.-7saicror :;iwa offerc:i motinn 3n ordinance entitled: "AN ORDIN.VI CE 51 r r ti .. ... ;G . _.iINO F'OR TI:E ..;PLOY" - .T 0: T.,O ^o7 CITIZEUS O.+ TIES CITY 0? PADUCAH, j i11`.JfCIA:IS; F'C;f,.,, THE ma U''.. Or, 93?. 0 -ROI; 'ME � . .. _. _..... _ : CITY uer_t. d ,:n c... of tt.e doll, !oas, C, c.--iaaionrrs Jacobs, Sim, R:o=:; (5). I • I* No. _ 165 _ . . - --- Proceedings of hoard of Commissioners City of Paducah inuary 23, 7.951_ rity Swaors y _ion-residonts, Comm7.ssi nor Sims offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "ATI ORDINANCE ;, reoaent : P;IDING FOR THE GRANTING OF PER11ITS TO CERTAIl{ NON-RESIDENTS OF' 'PIE CITY OF PADUCAFI :i .V'NCKY, FOR THEIR USE OF TIE CITY SEIVERS; FIXING 1HE AIINUAL RENTAL TO BE PAID FOR THE GSE OF SUCH SEWER CONNECTION; PRESCRILING THE TER1,13 AND CONDITIONS 10 BE CONTAINED III m;IE AGREF.ulENTS UNDER 'IHlrH SUCH MR14ITS SHALL BE GRANTED; AILD AUTHORIZTI'IG TSE CORPOP,ATIOI COUNSEL TO 211STITJTE AN INJUNCTION SUIT AGAINST ANY SUCH ITON-RESIDENT OR NON-RESIDENTS ::IO SHALL FAIL OR REFUSE TO ACCEPT SUCH PERMIT SUBJECT TO 'HIE TERMS AND CONDITIONS CONTAINED IN SAID AGREEMENT, OR TO PAY 1HE RENTAL SPECIFIED THEREIN", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Hannin, Jacobs, Sims, Thomas and Vayor Johnston (5). City Physician Commissioner Thomas offered motion that an ordinance entitlod; ":.N ORDINANCE create posi- tion PROVIDING FOR TIE EMPLOYISNIT OF A CITY PHYSICIAN FOR THE TREATMENT OF ALL INDIGENT '.PHITE CITIZENS OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY; PRESCRIBING THE DUTIES TO BE PERFORMED BY THE CITY PHYSICIAN; FIXING THE AMOUNT QI� HIS COMPENSATION; AND REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES IN G CONFLICT mwmmll, be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissionors IkI Hannin, Jacobs, Sims, Thomas and I,tayor Johnston (5). Zone Madison,/ Mayor Johnston offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "AN ORDINANCE St. 25th to d 28th APPROVING UIE FINAL REPORT OF THE CITY PLANNING AIM ZONING COMMISSION TO AMEND SECTIONS 4 AND 5 OP AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED: 'AN ORDINANCE APPROVING THE FILIAL REPORP OF THE CITY PLANNING AND ZONING COPadISS.ION PROVTDING FOR TEE ZONING OF CERTAIN PROPERTY BOUNDED ON THE NORTH BY AN ALLEY BEVIEEN MADISON AND HARRISON STREETS, ON TIE EAST P,Y 111E PROPIMTY LINE OF 24TH STREET, ON THE SOUTH BY AN ALLEY BET;,TEN MONROE AND JEFFERSON STREETS AND ON HE WEST BY THE PROPERTY LINE OF 28TH STREET, THE SAFE BEING IGTO1,9N AS THE ID'ALLORY SUB -DIVISION', AS SHO.7I1 BY FLAP PREPARED BY J. H. BANES, SURVEYOR ON OCTOBER, 1939, AS All EXCLUSIVE RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT OR ZONE AND PRESCRIBING THE PENALTY Tb BE IMPOSED FOR VIOLATION OF THE RESTRICTIONS SET FORTH IN A RESOLUTION ADOPTED BY THE CITY PLANNING AND ZONING COIS;.IISSION ON THE 24171 DAY OF NOVEM13ER, 19391, AND AI:ENDING SECTIONS 4 AND 5 OF SAID ORDINAUCE 7511CH WAS ADOPTED B: TIIE BOARD OF COW-1133IONERS ON NOVEldBER 27, 1939, AIiD M'E'NDED 011 i•'.AY 20, 194711, be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Cor.u-nissioners Hannin, Jacobs, Sims, Thomas and yayor Johnston (5). On motion tho moeting adjourned. ADOPTED c ' O 1951 Cc -r ,�'y Gleii•k ..� i Ilayor