HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 22, Page 159, January 16, 1951No. - 159- 1- -...-------- Proceedings - __ P'Qceed,ft95 of. hoard of Commissioners City of Paducah January 16, 1951 At a Regular 1.7eotinf of the Board of Commissioners held In the Commission Chamber at the City ?all, Paducah, Kentucky, at 7:30 P.I,',. on January 16, 1951, 1,uyor Johnston pre- sided and uponcall of the Roll the following answored to their names: Cormidjaionera iiannin, 6ims, Thomas and 1,.ayor Johnston (4). Commissioner Jacobs being absent (1). .1inutes of the previous meeting were adopted as read. ',7ater line Commissioner Hannin offered the following motion- On the loth day of October, 1950, radison 25 to 28th Sts the Mayor and Board of Commissioners of the City of Paducah authorized the Paducah Bator Corks to lay a six inch water main along Madison street from 25th Street to 28th street a total distance of approximately 1400 feet. Since the adoption of said motion authorizing the VOrk above referred to, conditions in the City of Paducah have changed no that it is now the recommcndatIon of the Comm- issioners of :later 'Clerks that the water main referred to in said motion be increased in size from six inches to eight inches and said Commissioners of 'z:ator ':.'orka having recommended that said change be made, I lWEREFORE MOVE that the recommendation of the Commissioners of ';later Vilorks that they be authorized to increase the size of the water main on ]Madison Street from 25th street to 28th street from six inches to eight inches, be approved and that all other conditional and authorizations contained in said motion of October 10, 1950 be retained and be in full force and effect. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yens, Commissioners F.anniti, Sims, Thomas and mayor Johnston (4). :rater line ✓ Commissioner Si= offered motion that the petition of J.E.Youtig and wife, Rubye 'a. Sunset Court Young, for permission to make one connection aith a 3/4 inch water pipe line to the 27� Addition L inch water pipe line ovined by Loren T.T. Jones so as to furnish water to one residence to be constructed on property owned by petitioners on L,)ta Nos. 25, 26 and 27, Sunso . t Court Addition, Block E. outside the city limits of Paducah, Ky., be received and filed and the request petitioned for therein be granted subject to the terms and conditions II in said petition. It Is understood, however, that in granting the privileges sought in said petition neither the City of laducah nor the Comniin3ionors of.later �.;orlcs shall be obligated to buy said pipe line or any part thereof, and no such obligation s6 -.all be obtained or be implied hereafter should the territory to be served by the wator line to be laid under the authority heroin requested be taken into or made a part of the City of Paducah. It is further understood that the petitioners will aubacrlue for vator service athe rates now or hereafter prescribed for water service to connu:nera outside the city limit.- and 3u;joot in all respects to the rules and regulations of the City of Paducah or its Com-iinalonors of '.lorks which may be now in force or horoinaftor enacted. NotUri,,, in tr;o granting of this petition shall obligate the City of "aducah or its ro=i;*j31onor_- of ..ator -forks to t_uarantoo water pressure or service and Sail wat0l. _Urvi.co -a discont-Inue.r! throu,,t, .1al.il p1po line or any part thoroof at any tli-ao alien Irl the of the co-:mianionors of -,awr ',turka the furnintling, ot. water to tile lmtit.ionura rr t­ir successors irI ownerwniP of the property now o-inod by him may Interfere In any wise wit': ale:;"iat't au;.ply 4r.,1 diatribul.ton o water !n,,;i,10 tir.,, corl'0110.to limit., of ':fCity o' Aopted fgoo_of ti:,o1, ' an, rom1inuiol0ra -�-:3 ard yaWor joi.r4trri ­cr.or offorod motion !-t:at the petition of ",li.ort T,'. Pritc!-:0tt, If.-ra -cai¢i of Cciniassioners GLY of Paducah January lo, 1951 P�u.eedmgs oF._._.. _. - _ :ritci':ett, E. E. C.il'cert and -nma Grace Gilbert for authority to tap a privately owned water line owned by persons named in the petition filed with the Commissioners of the City of Faducah on October 24, 1944, providing water service to residents in what is Icnovm as Orchard Heights Addition, be reveived and filed, it appoaring that all terms and conditions contained in a contract: dated October 24, 1944 and a supplemental contract thereto dated January 25, 1946 have' been fully and completely complied with to the satis- faction of the Orchard Heights Water Company and the request in said petition be granted in accordance to the terms therein set forth and to be subject to all the limitations and restrictions contained in the order entered October 24, 1944, granting the privilege; to persons residing in the section known as Orchard heights Addition outside the city limits of Paducah, Kentucky, to receive water service. Adopted on call of the Roll, p I, Yeas, Commissioners }tannin, Sims, Thomas and Mayor Johnston (4). Cemetery �ji Commissioner Fannin offered motion that the Board of Commissioners approve the con. Rushin.F, Add.' -rave to i tract for the sale by the City of Paducah to George Paschal of Grave No. 85 in Iiloek No. Geo. Paschal, 7 0£ the Rushing Addition to Oak. Grove Cemetery, and that the attached executed contract for the sale of said cemetery property be delivered to the purchaser. Adopted on call Ji of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Fannin, Sims, Thomas and Mayor Johnston (4). Liability !, Commissioner Thomas offered motion that the Board of Commissioners receive, Pile policies John Cuinlari and approve the liability insurance policy issued by the Coal Operators Casualty Company ii.F-.Erocm I. protecting the City of Paducah with respect to work done by John O-•uinlan for a period of one year from November 5, 1950; also the Certificate of Insurance issued by the New Ar.;sterdam Casualty Company to W. B. Brown for a period of one year from January 22, 1951, Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Fannin, Sims, Thomas and Mayor Johnston f (4). i, Faducah J MRyor Johnston offered motion that a Resolution entitled: "A RESOLUTION RE?UESTIM ::a tiora1 `,efenso Area _ DESIGNATION OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KE}ITUCKY, AND THE ADJOINING TERRITORY AS A NATIOi E AREA", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Fannin, ^,ims, Thomas and },Ayer Johnston (4). Civilervlr� Scanissioner }tannin offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "API ORDINANCE Anend :ea. i °_ 9 _..,:.. , .,_, ":Cita 1 A':D 9 :F All ORDINAUCE ENTITLED: IAN ORDINANCE PLACING OFFICES AND (. ,.....T O'.I _. FLO'YMaiT IN THE SERVICE W TI?L' CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, UNDO AND REGULATIONS PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OI' KRS 90.300 TO 90.990; % C:1 T}'E Ai"i'OINTNENT OF A LOARD OF CIVIL SERVICE COtab}ISSIONERS, MING AND ':Ai.IFICAT�ONS, TERa OF 0_'_'IC E, PO'NERS AND DUTIES OF SAID CM'MT+;:SIONERS !Cl: T 'c BOARD 0''' CIVIL SERVICE COi.1L/ISSIO!JERS SHALL EM GOVERNS! IA^iv.:: C PLICA, T3 FOR EY PLOYMENT; FIXING TIE U t C LC. T LG' TI, Dil?ItMMT 'ht0 SHA; L 11E A�AEC ''D C ,?L i OYCITY l 01F A G. rivY FII }ID; _. .NG AND 'St 3CRZ4ND _ -.. -- . C3 ;;AID r 0 No. Proceed;ngs of Board of Commisaloners City of Paducah- January 16, 1951 ,OARD OF TRUSTEES; PRESCRIBING THE RULES AND REGULATIONS BY t4HICH .SAID BOARD OF TRUSTEES A:;D ALL AFFOINTIVE ):TIPLOYEES SHALL BE COVERNED :7ITii REFERENCE TO 1111E GRANTING AND ALLOYf- A`ICE OF PENSIONS AND OTRER BENEFITS AIR) PROVIDING A 3EFARABILITY CLAUSE', YIHICFI i7AS ADOPTED BY THE LOARD OF COI:LiISS10NER3 ON DECEMBER 2, 1947, AND SECTION 1 MIEREO? AS A;.EEDED ON MAY 10, 1949, AND SECTION 9 THEREOF AS AYEDDED OII DOVEsiBER 26, 195011, be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Hannin,,Sima, Thomas and Alcoholic 7ayor Johnston (4). Beverage License Commissioner Hannin offered motion t hat an. ordinance entitled: "API ORDI14APiCE Regulate Number etc. RELATING TO AND FURTHER REGULATING THE GRAPtTIND OF LICENSES FOR SELLING, DISPENSING APD DEALING IN ALCOHOLIC'AND MALT BEVERAGES IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY; PRESCRIBIPIG q9E ELIGIBILITY OF APPLICANTS FOR LICE`iSES; LIMITING THE NUMBER OF LICENSES TO BE ISSUEDI ,:lD PRESCRIBING THE CONDITIONS REGULATING THE NUMBER; PRESCRII�ING TIE PENALTY FOR THE iI VIOLATION THEREOF; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; AND REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT THEREVIITH", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners I -Fannin, Sims, Thomas and Mayor Johnston (4). Create job I,/ Commissioner Sims offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "API ORDINANCE Dog Catcher PROVIDING FOR THE APYOINTLU;NT OF A DOG CATCHER; PRESCRIBING HIS DUTIES; AND FIXI::G Tom. I AMOUNT OF THE COI.1PENSATION FOR HIS SERVICES", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll) Yeas, Commissioners Hannin, Sims, Thomas and 1.ayor Johnston (4). Sell lots to,,,,,, Commissioner Sims offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "API ORDINANCE Carl Leigh AUTHORIZING THE SALE TO CARL LEIGH OF LOTS NOS. 11 AND 12 IN BLACK 6 LOCATED ON T$E NORTH SIDE OF TENNESSEE STREET 100 FEET VIEST OF 29TH STREET IN THE C ITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, AND AU7HORIZING THE MAYOR AND THE C ITY CLERK TO EXECUTE PROPER INSTRUMENTS OF CONVEYANCE TO SAID PROPERTY", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, j Commissioners Hannin, Sims, Thomas and Mayor Johnston (4). License Coll. Commissioner Thomas offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "AN ORDINA310E extend anploy mont-REPEALED REPEALING AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED: 'Ail ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE CONTINUED ENIPLAYMENT OF AN ASSISTANT LICE31SE COLLECTOR FOR AN ADDITIONAL PERIOD OF THREE MONTHS FROM JANUARY 1, 1951; PRESCRIBING HIS DUTIES AND FIXING WE AMOUNT OF HIS COMPENSATION AND PROVIDING THAT THE SALARY OF SUCH ASSISTANT LICENSE EN2 SE COLLECTOR SHALL BE CHARGED AGAINST 771E APPRO- PRIATION F0:2 THE CITY TREASURER'S OFFICE. UPON TIII:. ADOPTION, OF TIIE APPORTIONMENT ORDINANCr FOR '= Y✓AR 19511, VHICH '.:AS ADOPTED BY THE BOARD OF COT•MISSIONERS ON JANUARY 2, 1951",1 be adopted. Adopted on call of the Rall, Yeas, Commissioners Hannin, Simi, Thomas and i Payor Johnaton (4). Alcoholic Vayor Johra tcn offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "API ORDINANCE PROVIDII ;:ovora:;o Ac iniatrator POR TIE APPOIi:TZ1=IT 0:- A CITY ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE AD:'.INISTRATOR 70 ADIMINISTER AND ENF(ECEt I:l Ti'E rITY W PADUCAH,, KENIUCKY, PROVISIONS OF IMS 243.010 TO 243.710; PRE.SCRIIIIPA THE DUTLES Off,E CITE ALCOHMIC BEVERAGE AUMINISTRATOR; FIXING TIE AMOUNT 0 I1" COI.iPEN- 3ATION, AND Ria:=ALTs+ ALL QtDINANCF i IN CONFLICT hafts 7ITH", be adopted. Adopted on Call o: tiro :roll, Meas, Comclsaionorn P.annin, Sima, ' homan and. Yayor Johnston (4). Local opt. mayor JGhraton offornci ::otion thut an ordinance entitled: "All WD1NA?ICE Ezp2cy 3 Attornegs =T'ON 1 ,.....:::D: "Al; O1tDT.:a4 Ci: 6'RO1.1D_:>; !'OR THE RMPLOYLIENT' Ov Az. e r.d ad Of•` PAL1iCAlI, '1.01TLCS 1, Ia La -. '.'r'.i`fER3; r"'IXI:lr7 ',,IE -...... ...... u"OUNT OF .I. -T% CO". .-._„TFC'., ,. .....,,CRI L'i:, T1:E WTIE3 .. ......., ... ... ., .... ..... ... �., ..: ii?; _..... .. ... _..,. , .._... - ... .il:,.:: ,°B, 1950;", if• ar ::r t 'I. r _ac cr., I1,11 ,f tce TO'_l, 'fen:), ;;,cL:± ; ±,nurs i-unnin, ;Lua, The maa and' a s4 ' No. 162 .- Proceeding, of__ioard of Conmissioner3 City of Paducah_— January 16, 1951 _ I ! ia�or Johnston (4). Create ! Commissioner Thomas offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "Al! ORDIIIA;ICE osition :eirhnaster A14MMING SECT ON 2 OF All ORDIIJAICE EY TITLED: SAM ORDINANCE CREATING WE POSITION OF CIT ,;7.ended "IFE PRESCRIi.lffi0 EIS DUTIES; AICD FIXI IG THE PMOUHT OF COMPEHSATIOH lY.'fICII HE SIiAL REC'31VE FOR EIS SERVICES', 1Yr.2CH SdAS ADOPTED BY THE BOARD OF COIStZ2SSI0IdI7tS OI APRIL 30, 193611, be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Hannin, Sims, Thomas and 11ayor Johnston (4). On notion the meeting adjourned. ADOPTED Q,,/_ a.3 1961 City C errit APPROVED