HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 22, Page 146, December 19, 1950196 Proceedings of _'card of Cocniasionara City of Paducah December 19 1950 At a Regular Meeting of the iuoard of Commissioners hold in the Commission Chamber at the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, at 7;30 P.M. on December 19, 1950, 1..ayor Johnston presided and upon call of the Roll the following answered to their names: Commissioners 4 Fannin, Jacobs, Sims, 'ihomas and Mayor Johnston (5). tlinutes of the previous meeting were adopted as read. :later Co�✓ Commissioner Hannin offered motion that the financial report of the Paducah 'dater Report .iov. 1950 ;Company for the month of November, 1950, be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Hannin, Hacobs, Sims, Thomas and Mayor Johnston (5). !'asoline / Commissioner Hannin offered motion that the Board of Commissioners receive and fil Aida hp the bids of E. Y. Bailey Distributing Company, 6tandard Oil Company and Mid -Continent t Petroleum Corporation for the sale of gasoline to the City of Paducah for the four months p period beginning January 16, 1951. Adopted on call of the Poll, Yeas, Commissioners P Hannin, Jacobs, Sims, Thomas and 1A.ayor Johnston (5). meetingCommissioner Hannon offered motion that the Corporation Counsel be instructed to ;ualizatigh property L prepare an ordinance calling for a total equalization of all property for taxation pur- prepare ordinance h poses, survey to be made by a corpsof competent appraisal engineers, and that a meeting 1 be arranged with the County Judge, the members of the Fiscal Court of 11,cCracken County, the Superintendents of boards of education of the city and county schools for the dis- cussion of plans for the revaluation and equalization of property subject to taxation, for the purpose of discussing this ordinance and that after said meeting is held that a public hearing be held on said ordinance. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Hannin, Jacobs, Sims, Thomas and Mayor Johnston (5). Adopted on call of h the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Hannin, Jacobs, Sims, Thomas and mayor Johnston (5). Cemetery Commissioner Jacobs offered motion that the Board of Commissioners approve the Rushing Add �- 7�/a 4"" ^rave to contract for the sale by the City of Paducah to ;'2ta Ski•H,,er of Grave No. 80 in Block ;, 'mss S+#raer ::o. 7 of the Rushing iaddition to Oak Crave Cemetery, and that the attached executed con- " vim' tract for the sale of said cemetery property be delivered to the purchaser. Adopted on call of the Roll,' Yeas, Commissioners Hannin, Jacobs, Sims, Thomas and Gayor Johnston (5) i iepnaitory u/ Co=3.ssiorer Jacobs offered motion that tin supplemental depository agrocm3nt Agroerent Y entered into between the City of :Lducah, Kentucky, the Citizens Savings Bank of Faducah, Kentucky, and the Citizens-Fidality Bank and Trust Company of Louisville, Kentucky, on ::ecer.. er 8th, 1950, be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Coma+1,,sioners Fannin, Ja"r,3, .:ima, 1horas and mayor Johnston (5). ;ietaU Sc:: i�sior.^r Jacobs offered motion, that the Board of Commissioners receive and £11 7rxera ;:roteat the ;;rac:luticr, of t o -,eat Kentucky Retail ,rocery Owners Association, in which they not tax express tt:nir o,.icaition to a pr _posed ordinance which will change from .0075 of the groan receipts for retail ,grccera to 1.5';S of the not profits as themeasure for determining the amount for lice;.se taxes. Adopted on call of the ;ioll, Yeas, Commias.ionora Hannin, Jacoca, mics, Tr.onwa and Mayor Johnstcn (5). ct:urct. ::use l Co^_::.issicnrr Jacobs offered motion teat the ::card of Commiaaionors raeeive and fil Faec:pt 4 city auto g the latter of Gs. ;. L. Chilton, ;hairran of time -oard of Truotuoa of the First cantist license Ch.:rch, ru eat ;: a exe::cticn of said church from the paym,ant of a license tax fn the cparaticr. o[' _ _... ,ae.3 for baulirr, worani_pers to aaco ',.:Lesion It, Littlovi:l.e, acid that su!^ excc:-,U.: ,mated :.y reaas.^. o: tae uae ci aall 'truck for religious purposes. A_cpted on -c:1, meas, C:J� aioca:rs :tannin, Jacorm, ::imn, nhomaa and ".ayor 3 zahnstzn (5). No..—. -- 147 _ Proceedings of Board of Commissioners Gey of Paducah December 19, 1950 Bids on i" Commissioner Sims offered motion that the Loard of Commissioners receive and Gasoline ✓ Letter of file the letter of the City Manager in which he lists bids received for the sale of !'ana ger j gasoline to the City of Paducah for the four months period beginning; January 16, 1951, I and recommending acceptance of the bid submitted by the E.I-T.Pailey Distributing Company. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commiiasionors Hannin, Jacobs, Sims, Thomas and Mayor ' Johnston (5). Bids on ✓/ Cosmiscioner Sirm offered the following motion: I move that the Eoard of Bookkeeping Machine Commissioners receive and file the following bids for sale to the City of Paducah of a Bookkeeping IAchine: I!ational Cash Register Company ..........53,650.00 Mational Cash Register Company .......... 4,515.00 Burroughs Adding T.:achino Company ........ 3,210.30 Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Hannin, Jacobs, Sims, Thomas and mayor Johnston (5). City Depository Commissioner Sims offered the following motion: I move that the Board of exchange of ✓ ; securities Commissioners receive and file the letter of the Citizens Savings Bank dated December i 16th, 1950, and the 1 tter of the Citizens Fidelity Bank and Trust Company dated December, 15th, 1950, in which the City Treasurer is advised that pursuant to the depository agreement entered into on December 8, 1950, said banks have exchanged the following i securities held in escrow under the agreement dated nay 24th, 1948: j ;.300,000. United States Treasury 12111 bonds due December 15, 1950. and that the Citizens Fidelity Lank and Trust Company, as Trustee, has received in the exchange and has substituted in lieu of the above bonds hold under the aforesaid agree- ment the followinZ securities-. 3/;`,100,000. United States 1-3/4a Treasury ,Totes datod December 15, 1950, due December 15, 1955Interest payable Jlme and December 15th, Mos. 5519/5521 inclusive. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Iiannin, Jacobs, Sims, Tnomas and V.ayor Johnston (5). Gasoline `. I Commissioner !taoobs offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "AN ORDIICA?ICE Can tract D. II. Bailcy AUTHORIZING THE CITY [-TANAGER TO ENTER INTO A COIITRACT'r,ITH E. M. BAILEY DISTRIBUTING COMPANY FOR THE PURCHASE OF GASOLINE REQUIRED III GOVERNMENTAL OPERATIONS FOR A PERIOD 02 FOUR MONTIS BEGINNING JANUARY 16, 1951, AND PROVID11IG THAT PURCHASES SHALL BE MADE 17c0I1 THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS SET FORTH THEREIII", be introduced and remain on file at least one week for public inspection in the complotod form in which it shall bo put I i upon its final passage. Adopted on call of the Roll, yens, Comrdoalonors ,tannin, Jacobs, Thomas and Calor Johnston (5). T:'ansfor v Co=lnsionor Sims offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "ATI OT(DliA?ICE _n do AUTEORIZIN'; TIE T'RI:1I3FER 0 T: E SUI! OF 1833.20 FROM THE CONTINGENT FUND, ACCOUNT if1500, ;23/.65 Gig' 3A1: ZZI-1 TO FL TRAT;.;eP'HRt'D TO Ml STREET DIVISION MACHINE EQUIPMENT UNDER ACCOUNT y8291, AI,D AJS.55 OF .^,AID :;UM TO bE TRA11S MIRD TO STREET DIVISION PAVING i MAT?'R=AL3 U:iDFI t CCOUtIT #8281, AND PROVIFilta , FOR 'ME PAYMENT OF TIFn' SUM OF' X31.65 E';i051 30L ACCOUNT #6291, ;!;D [SSE :;!i:1 O:X595.55 FROM ACCOUNT #6281 FOR LICU]DAT1011 OF 'P!Qi :CTRL ..-1C2"i' ,,. X33,:;0 _. :'r. i'4CIFu, -TIL.L CZblNi; dCC[11N1'", be introduced and resin or• file for two weeks for pu'.:''-ic inspection in the eompl.etOd form in which it shall be put n:cr, _ts ._ni I:,,ssa.-e. Adopted on ce':1 cf the F:011, Yeas, COI= laaioncra Iiannin, JaCc--'J,.:+.r.^, 7t*s _ a an: ;`aynr Johnston (5). , No. 148 Procee&m, of !-card of Commissioners _ City of Paducah December 19, 1950 12th Street Com^..issioner Sims offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "AN ORDINANCE REPEALIP _1vd V ?;,,real AN' ORDINANCE ENTITLED: 'API ORDINANCE DECLARING AND ESTABLISHING AS BOULEVARDS NORTH TlBLFTH STREET FRO:; THE NORTH SIDE OF THE INTERSECTION OF JEFFERSON STREET TO THE SOUTH :TIDE OF THE INTERSECT -TON OF PARK AVENUE, AND NORTH T.7ELFTH STREET FROM THE NORTH SITE OF THE IWERSECTION OF PARK AVENUE 70 THE SOUTH SIDE OF THE INTERSECTION OF PALM STREET, REGULATING TrIE SAME, AND PRESCRIBING THE PENALTY FOR ANY VIOLATION THEREOF', WHICH WAS A. 4 BY THE BOARD OF C011TISSIONERS ON MARCH 18, 1947", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Fannin, Jabobs, Sims, Thomas and Mayor Johnston (5). 'forth 12th Canmissioner Thomas offered motion that an ordinance entitled: ."API ORDINANCE ,troet _oulevard DECLARING AND ESTABLISHING NORTH TV,7ELF9H STREET. AS. A BOULEVARD FROM THE NORTH SIDE OF THE INTERSECTION OF JEFFERSON STREET TO.THE SOUT3 SIDE OF THE IN"ERSECTION OF MIADISQ0 STREET, FROM THE NORTH SIDE OF THE INTERSECTION. OF MADISON STREET TO THE SOUTH SIDE OF y THE INTERSECTION OF CLAY STREET, AND FROM THE NORTH SIDE OF THE INTERSECTION OF PARK AVENUE TO THE SOUTH SIDE OF THE INTERSECTION OF PALM STREET; REGULATING THE SAME; PRESCRIBING THE PENALTY FOR AIIY VIOLATION THEREOF; AND REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT THEREWITH", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Fannin, Jacobs, Sims, Thomas and Mayor Johnston (5). :ccopt bid /� Co:rmissioner Thomas offered motion that an ordinance entitled; "AP: ORDINANCE tional r ':a3h Regis. ACCEPTING THE BID OF THE NATIONAL CASH REGISTER COMPANY IN THE SUES OF �3,650.00 FOR THE SALE TO THE CITY OF PADUCAH OF ONE NATIONAL CLASS 3000 TYPEWRITER BOOKKEEPING MACHINE FO fUSE IN THE FINANCE DEPARTMENT, SAID BID TO BE ACCEPTED UPON THE CONDITION THAT SAID I; MACHINE WHEN RECEIVED RILL BE APPROVED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS; AND AUTHORIZING TH CIT.0 MANAGER TO ENTER INTO A CONTRACT FOR THE PURCHASE OF SAID MACHINE UPON THAT CONDITI y be introduced and rennin on file for one week for public inspection in the completed P form in which it shall be put upon its final passage. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Hannin, Sims, Thomas and Mayor Johnston, (4), Commissioner Jacobs 'o-Alport-lon-v ting "Ito". .ont of funds I% i, Co=issioncr Thomas offered motion that an ordinance entitled; "AN ORDINANCE FT,?,TH.ER REVISING THE STATcc'M.rrfiT OF ANTICIPATED REVENUE OF T1IE CITI OF PADUCAN M- R THE -EAR 1950; FROVIDIN! FOR 7HE AI,:ENDMIEIIT OF THE .APPROPRIATION FOR CERTA111 PURPOSES BY THE 4 TRANSFER :F ADDITIONAL ANTICIPATED FUNDS A:iD CERTAIN UNUSED FUNDS APPROPRIATED FOR ONE Pn7'03E TO OTRZI; F•URrOSES; REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT THERE5.71TH", be intro- duced and remain on file for public inspection for two weeks in the completed form in w'nick It shall be put upon its final passage. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Sommia3lonera Tannin, Jacobs, 31ms, Thor.ao and Mayor Johnston (5). :etsiraw !!ayor .:ohrston offered the follcwinr n.? motion; I move that the motion introducing :-dinance an ordinanco entitled; !'An ordinance roi;ulatine the parkitzL Of vehicles on curtain Streets in t'rv3 `%it;+ o: caduceh, Eentucky; ,,rohibitirV, the parking'of vehicles on cortaln cher at -roots, fixinZ the penalty for any violation thereof; providing a severu biL't. rlau3e, and reccallm- a'_ 1 ordinancos in conflict therewith", which motion was xaaed r.,: .card of Cor ^!s sior«3rSon �ocombor 5, 1950, be and the arm isnerety witi _awn. cted on call oi' tte i;o11, '_toaa, Co:nmisSionera aac:nin, Jacobs, Chis ::.o: d -t all cit, rmp?oycas wltti th,3 ,zoo•,: tion of the ... ,.1Ce an: ::.^e u8..:.•'::11tel a t0lidll. ;.n .exi3 . xr., . ecc$,bor 25. apt_1 cr. ca l of as, ^o-r!a3lcnora ';a .fir., ,:acG%s, 31 '.,tjocaa and ;•!ayor OPTED C No.----- -148------ -- Proceedings of Board of Commis s ionors _ City of Paducah December 19, 1950 Regulate Farki ng License ✓ Ordinance Section 16 Ame nded Mayor Johnston offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "AN ORDINANCE REGULATIA THE PARKING OF VEHICLES ON CERTAIN STREETS OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY; PROHIBIgE NC THE PARKING OF VEHICLES ON CERTAIN OTHER STREETS; FIXING IME PENALTY FOR ANY VIOLATION THEREOF; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; AND REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT T'HERE"ITH", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Hannin, Jacobs, Sims, Thomas and Mayor Johnston (5). Commissioner Thomas offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "AN ORDINANCE A?SENDING SECTION 16 OF AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED: 'AIN ORDINANCE FIXING AND REGULATIIr'G THE LICENSE TAXES, WINER AND FORLK OF GRANTING AND ISSUING SA -ME Oil TiiE VARIOUS LINES OF BUSINESS, TRADES, OCCUPATIONS, PROFESSIONS, VOCATIONS AND CALLINGS IN IME CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, AND PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR PION-PAMIENT TSIEREOF, AND FOR VIOLATIONS THEREOF, AND MAKING IT UNLAWFUL TO ENGAGE IN ANY SUCH LINES OF BUSINESS, TRADES, OCCUPATIONS, PROFESSIONS, VOCATIONS MID CALLINGS WITHOUT FIRST PAYING THE LICENSE TAX AND PROCURING LICENSES AS PROVIDED HEREIN; REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT THERNNITTH, I AND PROVT_DING A SEPARABILITY CLAUSE, 17HICH IUAS ADOPTED BY THE BOARD OF COAi?.:ISSIONERS OKN i DECE:MER 23, 194711, be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners i Hannin, Jacobs, Sims, Thomas and Mayor Johnston (5). On motion the meeting adjourned. i ADOPTED Z&, _9,(- 1950 APFF,OVED ._ y— er��