HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 22, Page 132, November 21, 1950No. - -____132 Proceedings of--laE4 of 22" 'isol -2"20ty of Paducah :ovo!suer 21 '1L50 ----777 gg At a .­.ot1ni, of the oird of Ca;xiiiszionorn held ia the Coniiizz;iwi .3- at tI,.c City Hill 1, i-inducah, _,n tucky, at 11.3) on _ovonbor 21, 1050, fro '7.annin presided in ttio absence of 7.ayor Johnston and upon call of the ;;o_l the fo:_lo:vin:: answered to their names: Con:iiioslonern Jacobs, Thonaa and layer Iro Tom tannin (5). ro:saiouioner -ims and '.ayor Johnston L)oin,4 absent (2). :'.inuten of the previous mactin.- acre adopted no read. 11. t✓ Com:,:Izrionjr Jacobs offered motion that the petition of R. L. Sanderson and I!" '-n-on others �c,:u3atIn­ the installation of a ota-cot li-ht at about 118 Union ztreot be receiv)d filed, and that the City .7onagor be directed to have an investigation and report ode as to vitiethar a light is needed at this location and that if such liCjht is needed that the City :.ansgor be directed to request the Kentucky Utilities Company to make the nocossary 'nxtallation. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Jacobs, 1"homas and L:ayor Pro Ten Fannin (3). D- iduty Commissioner Jacobs offered motion tliat all city employees, With the exception a i- I -vi ng of tho police and fire department personnel, be allo,.,ied a holiday on Tharfk:sC.ivin,:; I:cLy, ,4,urzday, i.overaLcr 23, 1950. Adopted on call of the .'oil, Yeas, Coiunioaionars Jacobs, Thomaapp a ani 'aiyor "ro 1119m Fannin (3). Light P Co:xuissioner Jacobs offered motion that the Board of Commi3aiciners receive and Jones -'Ile tl--o re,)ort of the City ..anaZ7er and tine Chief of eolice relative to the need for li,hto at 2"'th and Jones street, and at 118 Union _,'troct; and that the City anaCer za directed to request the r',Gntuchy Utilities to install a street light at "ith a. ­d Jones ;treat... .dopted on call of the Roll, Yous, Commissioners Jacobs, Thomas anC., !-ayor zrc, -,a_ -annin (3). Ca.-,.iz; cionor Jacobs offered notion that the letter of d. 1.1itcholl, Sr., D].­Qcto.• n- the City of luducah ..:unic-,pal T!OuGLIG ComnIssion, ivin-, the City L� : of rar:ucah notice t rr--.ove a-1 'Luildin-.7s and improvements from and lands Or wi,ich the -�nitr are to o constructed, and providin:,, in said notice that said julldin e removed within sixty days from and ro.'tur ..-Ovorluer 16, 1v50, Adopted on call of the 110.11, yciij, COULiLialonora jaC?LILI, Tiann', (;j). r -'noz:an 01 f iracl notion UIat the �Onrd of Commianionoro ow t k.11 -�900: _,,al 31 the Anooclation of Coveiorcc 'Lrai'fic r:o;:jf1ittoo, and', Ser to :)r(:j:arc an ovdInanco covorin­ th,, control of tr f.L'j, ;')Ptea M ca: I 'J,' th() Roll, Yeas, Comini-fisioncra Jaco.,;a, -era '13 GffcrOrl '.--.o'-1:5 that the i-inancial 1,e ort or t. r, n. l"ucah terat"s , _'. - - I -Oady -,,Qurt, aa C-atober 61, 1950, ',o roc ,na aica. klo,;tad en ca- the i'011, leas, C i,: ra Jucol_s, -zholinj unci `0 an OQVd of COULITISUiO110173 A %':, 0 Ad 14. L la on traz t rar We sale-,- of iadunah rn Tinian :_Io:oaarald or c1rave go. ,,6 in lnfj plias !t:�Onald f tb* iNghiM Ad;.iitiar- to Cak 'Alove ^,0-_otery, anil trAt the attached execute, Tact for VIN 4410 of said esrnetery property :.o ille.11vored to J8001,2, 1110=3 and -4yor j;%; _e•� Aut;, Proceedings of city of P.d.c.h --o'LE11-21, 21, 1"'50 Casualty Company of i.ixa 'fork in the amount of j000.00 and dated 7ova.rabor 10, 1950. Adopted on call of the Goll, leas, Commi.wionors Jacobs, Thomas and !:ayor Pro '.'em n in (3). arp G a or iro -em :ronin orfored notion that the ,oard of reco lirton I ed io.;ovj tne statement of charges preferred by C. R. T.:oNitt, City :'ana-cr, -urt= :,eir, a police officer of the City of f.ducah, to-ot.jjor alcil the e.,ecuted no ice of t�e service of said charges upon the said i;urton ..'eir and Lho arxociaont of C. R. "-'o-l'fitt and t.urton ..eir conzientin,-, to the hearijl_- of said charges wolore the Loard of Commissioners at 4:00 P.':, on iovember 22, 1950, in the rommi.,;s loners Cha;,fbor at the City Fell in Paducah, Xentucky, Adopted on ca-1 of the ?o-'-1, Yeas, Coimiisalon- ers Jacobs, lbomas and Pro Teri Fannin (3). c Commissioner Thomas offered motion that a 'tesolution adopted by the Retail :-Archants d. ti.1 �,-ssociation, relative to the Association of Commerce Traffic Committeels roconzenuat s 1 on oq'1 ion on traffic control in the City of _aducah, be received and filed. Adopted on call of :;e tail ...crcliarycs the Roll, yeas Commissioners Jacobs, 'j:homas and '.:ayor Pro Tom Hannin (3). Request 1-1-aYor Pro Tom Fannin offered motion that a :resolution entitled-. "A JEz"LTUTIOIT b.'ds-roraovo oildinra 1� C-Ly "1--AGER TO ACV EIMIJLPOP -IDS FOR "7E 0j.'Ll T 1 1:: housing site I-.! 41LAT 13 L;O-,M AS WE VET.Mi;S VILLAGE LOCATED AT 23:P.D '):.--,C) T,; I,: CITZ OF PADUCAH, K-diTUCKY; N?XS0RI--I2TG WE SPEC'IFICATIO1.13 TO 3 -11H Y E- -�DDERS A-ID 2iE TER;:.,AND CONDITIONS 02 SALE; AIX PIRZSCRIt 1-111IG THE I- --:IC17 .IDS SHALL LE A:)V-wRTI3CD POR AND REC21VLD", be adopted. Adopted on call of the 1-l'oll, Yeas, Commissioners Jacobs, Thomas and 1-ayor Pro -cm Hannin (Z-). - re ..Iayor rro Tom Fannin o,'foxed motion that an ordinance ontltlod: 0'. 1 D I r A ,epa rtrment I f D 7!i:,.hwaya -L-E I.-410 0-.CIT: Ci, PADUCAH, TO "AMM IJT0 AGRSELLUT6 4111`' K-:TUC,.`.Y, TO CAIV�Y OUT THE -UR:OSEj 0- JECT107T.; 177.0-11 TO 177.047 0. 'ETE FEV13zD JTMUTES", be adopted. Adopted on call of the .roll, 'Ifeas, Co:-::;ijaiorQr-9 Jacous, Thomas and il'ayor Pro `cm Hannin (3), �th .;t. r Jacobs offered motion Lhat an ordinance ontitled-. —jl 7�,l C):.', ILI 0, 7�! C-1 Tl ii A:, I i AND L0.. CG. C Of ti:,: 1"', —oL.. o and Layer Ire Tojii z.- .ered motion that ar. ji-,i' C Proceedings of o Oo? e:::5•s City of Paducah p'`oa. _ y ?.i• ..u::_ ._ °'rc_....•_..1' , _v:rCi n i:annin o oil ha t this a or. rd of ... .__.._o.. .e adjourned until ;:ovomcor 12, 1.:50, Ut. Or, 1:U c. on c-'_1 CotanisslonerN Jacobs, Thomas and :kt7o_• _ra "a,?nir. (;;). 50 v � AOl LD �)) ': rt.R �� / /ice � ," �•ta fe-- At an adjourned regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners held in the Commission Chamber at the City Rall, Paducah, Kentucky, at 4:00 P.M. on November 22, 1950, 'ayor Johnston presided and upon call of the Roll the following answered to their names: Commissioners Fannin, Jacobs, Sims, Thomas and taayor Johnston (5) ;ayor Johnston offered the following motion: The Eoard of Commissioners having heard all of the evidence upon the charges preferred by C. R. Idoffitt, The City Manager, against Burton Weir, a police officer "'' ✓ of the City of Paducah, and having heard and considered the arguements presented by the said Burton weir in his own behalf; I therefore move that the Board adopt the following findings of fact and judgment: That on _:ovember 16, 1950, the said Burton ,,;eir was guilty of a breach of the peace in that he committed an assault upon the person of Milton Settle, and he has been guilty of the violation of Rule 11 of the rules of civil service governing police officers by reason of his improper conduct and the disturbance of the public peace on said occasion; It is therefore ordered and adjudged that the said Burton V,'oir be suspended from active duty without pay for a period of seven days, said period to be retroactively effective as of November 20, 1950. Adopted on call of the Roll, yeas, Commissioners ;tannin, Jacobi, Sims, Thomas and mayor Johnston (5). On motion the meeting adjourned. ADQPTLJ 1r '. .i % 1950 APrROV L:ayor �-z iX7