HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 20, Page 995, September 18, 1945NO.-= Proceedings of Board off rommissloners City of Paducah September 18th, 1945 At a "egular Meeting of the board of Commissioners held in the Commission�rsI Chamber at the City Rall, Paducah, Kentucky, at 7:30 o'clock P.M. on September 18, 1945, Mayor Seaton presided and upon call of the iioll the following answered to their names) Commissioners Johnston, Pulliam, Plagner and ?'payor Seaton (4). i� Minutes of the previous meeting were adopted as read. Commissioner Johnston offered motion that tle petition signed by O.C. Cu tie t- Littleville Miller and others requesting that another street or roadway be opened in order that the residents of Littleville may have another outlet besides Little Avenue, be received and filed, and that the request be referred to the City Manager and the City Engineer for their recommendations. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Johnston, Pulliam, Wagner and Mayor Seaton (4). Payroll, last Commissioner dagner offered motion that the payroll for the last half of August, 1941 half Aug. 1945 v' be allowed in the amount of $11,762.39, and that the City 'Treasurer be authorized to ' pay the same by checks drawn on the General Fund. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yens; Commissioners Johnston, Pulliam. Wagner and Mayor Seaton (4). Payroll 1st Commissioner Wagner offered motion that the payroll for the first held of half Sept. 1945 September, 1945 be allowed in the amount of $11,150.88, and that the City Treasurer be authorized to pay the same by checks drawn on the General Fund. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Johnston, Pulliam, 77agner and Mayor Seaton (4). eater Main- Commissioner Johnston offered the following motion: J.L.Jones, Mrs. Vasseur Ave Orvetta Baxter, and D.S.Rhea file with the Mayor and board of Commissioners a petition, representing that each of the above named parties is the owner of the respective property referred to in said petition and that said property adjoins the street mentioned therein; and said parties petition the '..'.ayor and board of Co=lssioners to authorize the laying of a 6" water main along Vasseur Avenue from Bridge Street I Southwestwardly approximately 1,200 feet. It appears from the endorsement by the board of Commissioners of the Paducah Fater Works that said request and petition complies with the franchise provisions and requirements. I, 7HEREFORE, MOVE that the petition of J.L.Jones and others names herein) be received and filed and that the Paducah 'l-ator Works, through its board of Commissioners, be authorized to lay said six inch main along Vasseur Avenue from Bridge %trnet Southwestwardly approximately 1,200 Peet, so as to provide water servlco to the lots abutting Vasseur Avenue from Bridge Street Eouthv:estwardly j a,o roximately 1,2;0 feet. further move that the adoption of this resolution and the rantln, of the request contAined in said petition be considered as an agrooment on tho part of the City of psn_ucah to pay tr:e fire hydrant and water main rental, as provided In the' franchise, on the pipe 11no and connection referred to in the petition, said rontals to hegln wren said eater r..aln has been .laid and water provided for on said soction of Vesae;:r Avenue. Adopted onrall Of the "011, Ycas, CoMnissloners Johnston, Pulliam, Ragner and xayor Zeaton (4). 9J6 Proceedings of Board of Commissioners Clip of Paducab September lath, 1945 ater -a in Commissioner Johnston offered the following motions A.C.Thomas, Alfred Collier, Ohio St O.a.bhelton, Rolla C. Boyd, Cleve Feast, Richard M. Dowell, and Sidney Dykes file with the :,ayor and Board of Commissioners a petition, representing that roach of the above rnnmes p..rties is the owner of the respective property referred to in said petition i and that said property adjoins the street mentioned therein; and said parties petitions the Ymyor and Ocard of Commissioners to authorize the laying of a 6" water main along j Ohio Street from 28th Street to a point 300 feet '."lest of 29th Street. It appears from the endorsement by the board of Commissioners of the Paducah 'dlstar 'Norks that said request and petition complies with the franchise provisions and I requirements. I, THEREFORE, 74OVE that the petition of A.C.'11homas and others named herein be received and filed and that the Paducah 'P+ater i'.orks, through its Board of Commission- ers, be authorized to lay said six inch main along Ohio Street from 28th Street to a point 300 feet "Nest of 29th Street, so as to provide water service to the lots abutting alon3 Ohio Street from 28th Street to a point 300 feet west of 29th Street. I further move that the adoption of this resolution and the granting of the; request contained in said petition be considered as an agreement on the part of the City of Paducah to pay the fire hydrant and water main rental, as provided do the franchise; on the pipe line and connection referred to in the petition, said rentals to begin when said water main has been laid and water provided for on said section of OhioStrell¢c. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Johnston, Pulliam, 'Magner and Nay or Seaton (4). Sell lot to V 'Payor Seaton offered motion that the Corporation Counsel prepare for in- .R.^,handler troduction at the next meeting an ordinance authorizing the sale to W.tt.Chandler of Lop 9 in Block 1 on :forth 25th Street between park and Lindsay for the sum of �'leo.00 cash[ Adopted on call of the atoll, Yeas, Commissioners Johnston, Pulliam, Gagner and Mayor Seaton (4). i Deeda to Connissioner ;la3ner offered the following motion: I move that an ordinance, ':II tter3 J.d.Biaas / entitled: "AN 0.',DINAr10E AUTHORIZING ME SALE TO JOHN '1l. 'AATPERS OF A LOT NEAR 9TH O.Anderaon A':J 10V STRF-15 BET7cE1 BURNF.TT AND FLOURNOY SMLEIS; ALSO '111E SALn TO JA;.1LS R. BIGGS GF A LCT LO:ATSD AT 74'r: CuRNER OF 1311 AND CLAY STREETS; AND AIZO 'ME SALE '10 ORLANDLt( ....,_,:51,0'1 OF LOT 7 1" BLOCK 2 Oil LINCOLN AVLNUE IN THE CITC OF PhOUCAH, MW TUrKY, AND 1C' 1C IZIN, n;iE '%;.PCR AND ci,rf CLEM TO EXECUTL PROVER INSTiUVENTS OF CO11,11IL'YA11Cz TO nAiD ?a0?rrt f', be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Johnston, Pullian, ^agnor and ;'ayor -eacon (4). ,ares a Cor.,mi:eaioner John3ton—'fered motion that the Corporation Counsel prepare al °pstem ss_,?eata- ordinance on a garbage d.ispos..1 system, and that civic organizations, es;:ec:nily the ;?n, appoint a committee to help work out piens and circulate a -,e tit1on. Adopted on call of the Roll, 'Leas, Corrniasionera Johnston, Pulliam, 77agner and Mayor Laaton (4). On ,:ration the c-et'nwadjovread. 1945