HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 20, Page 976, July 17, 1945Proceedingsof '1'r °t"7=_qc_'Cnn'c CitycfPaducah •uly 17th, 1C;5 Ata le3ular mceting of the Z:osrd of Commisslonors hold in the Com,:11.0sionors, C 9:rber nt t',o City 'Hall, Pnducah, +ientuelcy, at B:Uu crclock 2.1., on Jcly 17, 1045, "a;ror ^extol preside? a l upon cnll of the Roll the folic::dna nnsworod to their namos: C::' _ liar. Johnston, :ierco, ruiliam, ,.a;ner and ..:ayor Scat n (5). "!nutos of the previous meetin3 were adopted as read. ` Cc•••._,c'.oner Johnston offered motion that the petition o£ Phillip ,,right and rife, _c "I., ".:_ _ =;:t and I.3.5tarks, approved by Joseph Terrell, lbm:nle Cornwell, Levy Tanner, Louis Sc'.s.d.dt, Jr., and 7;.D.9olley, be received slid filed, and that the request in sell la.. pet't on be ;rnnted. GProvided, however, that nothin,3 in the drantlnZ of the request made in said petit!on shall obligate the City of Paducah or its commissioners of ••ater -orks to i provide service or pressure or to maintain said pipeline or any part thereof lying de the ci ty limits arra in .no :ase shall the .Drantln, of this pets tion be con- -ted as an obli;ation now and hereafter on the part of the City of Paducah or- its "e r.i;sioners of -'ater r•orks to purchase said privately owned oipoline, and no such obli,ation shall be created In the event the territory served by said privately ov,nad pipeline or ahy part thereof shall be ta'.:en into the corporate limits of the City of .' ducah. Adopted on call of the :loll, Yeas, Co:aml,1:iionera Johnston, ?ierce, :ullinn,, -•a; er an !:a7or Seaton (5). CoT•eissloner Puiliam offered :notion that the Board of Commissioners receive and file a copy of the City Yanager'a letter of June 15th, 1945 addressed to :.:r. '.K. 5illia7s, :.uperintendent of the Illinois Central System with roferanco to thecon- struction of a bituminous roadway on Coxoy and Circle Streets, also a copy of :`r. r.:. llln•13 letter of July 11th addressed to the amity ?-fang er aad a copy of the City '"r.ns,er's letter of JLly 12th addressed to the said r.K.valliams. gdopted oncall cf lean, ':om-dss!oners Johnston, ?ierce, nzlliam, '.a.lner and b.ayor Seaton (5). -.•..her ••s-ner offered wotion that the nnyroll for the first half of Jt..ly, i:.' ` •_ r __cs%: ; In thn::ount of .11,631.83, ani that kae C.f ty 'rreas,:rer be authorize, ravrn on fah roneral fund. :,doptod on cull the ••oil, *in ton, Pierca, Pulliam, "n,ner ani 'ayor ^a ton (5) r/ r .at the petit.lon of .:n•ar C?u'!^tie ani ..Se, _. ? o. -aa r. "1•rr:c and a!fo, l.thel .. 1s."!" r.lva s'coe� .r . vi L. P!ndall to received and r''I, that of the request a•e _n ❑o-= or !t,=, Commiss loners or acer or Ys to ;cline or any pert t cr o. a.. Ir. of as al, o'ol! :at.o.. :o.j anl 1 aioners of -oaten -orlu to r to cr"eted In rercof i Proceedings oof 1945 oitll i'or C}.ariv' ✓ Patients Report of Riverside 70spital "ny June 1045 "atropoIis S I- G Cc 7re:i-e s.nll Ohio .,Iver EM Commissioner Pierce offered .notion that the lotter of .rr. S.A.hus:cjer Mated July 12th, 1945 bo received and filed, and that do City Tressurer be authorized to pay to the aiverside "ospital the amount of ,:1,207.21 for work done durin.; tno month of June for City Patients at said hospital. Adopted on call of the aoll,Yeas, Cc-:missioners Johnston, Pierce, Pulliam, +,a3nor and Izayor Seaton (5). Commissioner Johnston offered motion that tho re',orts of Riverside ;iosiital for the months of 'ay and Juno, 1945, be received and f led. ,dopted on coil of the Holl, Yeas, Commissioners Johnston, Pierce, Pulliam, -a aer and •:ayor Leaton (5). ::nyor Seaton offered motion that the ?iotice of the application of the L:etropolis Snnd and Gravel Comanny for permission to dyed a sand and Cravol in the Ohio icivor bctrroen Golconda, Illinois and a locatlon about 11, miles above Dom No. 53 on the Ohio :giver, be received and filed. Adopted on cell of Cho iloil, -leas, Com.nissione Johnston, Pierce, Pulliam, "a_,ner and L-a;or :eaton (5). On motion the meetin, adjourned. Adopted 1945 A,. A �x AP?RCVbL' �