HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 20, Page 919, February 13, 1945NO. 319 Proceedingsofioard of Commis: loners CityofPoducoh 'February 1Z5th, 1345 valificati Electric P1 Ioard iyc 2eport dire Dept. fear 1944 Jan, 1945 James !.lay Pill Of Campbell C1 ease -::at Dortch Col. Old colks ':ono Let Oath of C:fiQ Electric ¢ler, 'nerd C, <_ At n Rorular ?,.actinC of the 1'card of Commiasionern held in the romtniasionera' Chamber at the City Hall, Paducah, ::cntudky, at 7:30 o'clock P.i% on February 13, 19`115 linyor Proton Pulliam preaidod in the absence of 1:nyor 3oaton and upon call of the Poll the following ansrered to their names: Commissioners Johnston, Tierce, ..agner and :Tayor Frotem Pulliam (4). 711nutes of the previous meetings were adopted as read. Commissioner '6agner offered motion that the letter of Rudy Stewart, City Clerk with reference to the qualification of the members of the electric i-lant board of the i City of Paducah be received, filed and spread upon the minutes. "February 9th, 1945 "Electric Plant Board City of Paducah gentlemen: This is to advise you that 11.0.1:cElvrec, E.S.BarLer, John C.Rusnell, R.L.Lang and Hughes 'McKnif:ht, have each executed in my office a bond in the penal sum of •1'5000.00 with corporate surety approved by me, conditioned upon the faithful performance of their duties. very truly yours, T. :tudy .stowart, City Cleric" Adopted on call of the Moll, teas, Cormtisaioners Johnston, Pierce, 'Magner and Payor Protem Pulliam (4). Commissioner 1.7agner offered motion that the report of the b'ire Dopartuent for the month of January, 1945, also the report of said department for the year 1944, be received. Adopted on call of the Roll., Teas, Com•niasioners Johnston, Pierce, '3agner and Mayor ?Totem Pulliam (4). Commissioner Pierce offered motion that the payment of the bills of Campbell .c Clinic in the sum of ; GO8.35 and •;,.12.00 for treatment of James Clay be approved, and that the amount so paid be charted to the Coutin, ent Fund after the adoption o1' the Apportionment Ordinance for the year 1945. Adopted on call of the ?;all, Yeas, Commissloners Johnston, :lerce, .�agner and :ayor irotom Pulliam (4). Commissioner :fierce offered motion that t:ho ).case entored into between the City o.^ Paducah and :;at Dortch, spent for list P. Dortch and his wife, :'.:nttie Laos Dortch, vthoreby the city lenses a certain lot- on �•aahln,;ton .;treat totwoon 10th and :1th :;trpeta for a porlod of two years vrlth option to purchnso, be received and filed. Adopted on call of the loll, Yeas, Cotnmiasioners Johnston, iiorco, 1';aLner,.and 1.Tayor Proton i-'.P_liam (4). ✓ Commisalon,2r Johnaton offered motion that the Cath of Office ni,;ned by the rv"bsra of the .:lnrtrir Plant :onrd of the City of iaducnh le recolved, filed and spread sa•:on tt.e ..inute•s. + ly nw-nwr thrit tt :: titut'1on of the United ' t faith ul unci true to CF.a r ` Sty of x + t , so 7.^n,; as wo continue iF.1u1:: the Lest of our at..ility,. the Pity of tadu(,ah :•;c, the adoption ci' the t feu(ttt s duel •sithj • thor of us :+ort 1 r tai unto, nor a to 111.ht a ir.al� In. C-OrryIG,' a s : help na ;od. r na :ca thla t! -,e 9t:: day C ..... ,.. �:oell i -7c0 NO Proceedings of °"' of "onmisa.lorers City of Paducah February 13th, 10-:5 Letters L.':. Howson .:rchasc 6211 Lot to ✓ D .looted on call of t}.0 :,all, Yeas, Commissioners Johnston, Pierce, l;a,;nor and °.:ayor Proton Pulliam (4). Corzaissloner Johnston offered motion that the ACreement entered into botweer the City of Paducah and the Illinois Central System for the improvement of Coxey and Circle Ztreets be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yoas, Commissioners Johnston, Plerce, ilagner and Ize yor Protem Pulliam (4). Yayor Protem Pulliam offered motion that the Eoard of Commissioners receive and file the two letters received from T!r. L. R.3ovison concerning the further reF,otiations with 'Ir. R.111.17att, Iresident of the Kentucky Utilities Company for purche of the company's electric system in Paducah, Kentucky. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Johnston, Pierce, ".agner and i•:ayor Protem iulliam (4). :!ayor Proton Pulliam offered the followinC motion: I move that an ordinance entitled: "Ai: O"DIIIANCR AL_IIORIYSRG `RIE SALE TC JANES LIORRIS OF LOT 5 Iid BLOCK 2 OF PLACE ADDITION TO THE CITY OF PADUCA,':, AILD AUTII0III2,I_IG TLE '..:AfOR A::D CITY T::ff'CCTu f APER IlUiTRUM i""3 OF CONVELANCL TO SAID PROPERTf°, be- adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Johnotin, Pierce, '..agner and :'ayor Protem Pulliam (4). On notion the meeting adjourned. ADOPTED 11 --), Pak, 1945 AiPROVZD as "i