HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 20, Page 907, January 16, 1945NO. 907 Proceedings of Doard of Commissioners City of Paducah January 16th, 1945 At a Regular Meeting of the -card of Commissioners held in the Commissionera' Chamber at the City Pall, Paducah, Kentucky, at 7:30 o'clock P.M. on January 1G, 1945, !Payor Seaton presided and upon call of the Roll, the following answered to their names Commissioners Johnston, Pierce, Pulliam, lvagner and Mayor Seaton (5). Iinutes of the previous meeting were adopted as read: I Riverside Commissioner Pulliam offered motion that the report of Riverside Hospital for the hospital , k' Report �i month of December, 1944, be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas j Dec. 1944 Johnston, Commissioners/Pierce, Pulliam, 'ragner and Mayor .leaton (5). I Tax cxoner i .=� Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion: I mays that exonerations Iles. ations 10150 to 10451 inclusive, be received and filed; and that the amount of ;;1,729.50 be exonerated on the tax bills as shown on said exonerations: j Deceased Double Assessment, 61.19 Ii Unknown, Pion -:Resident,• Cannot locate . . . . 929.38 fj Property Lost or Sold . . . . . . . . . . . . 201.62 Out of Business 183.90 Age Limit. . . . . 30.00 . . . . • . • Error in Assessment . 35.88 Sold for Taxes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .73 Barred by Statutes of Limitation . . . . . . . 76.58 Miscellaneous . . . . . . ., • • • • • 18.71 Total . . . . .71,729.50 These have been checked and are dee to be exonerated according to my knowledge and belied. Signed Bess B. Masham, City Treasurer Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Johnston, Pierce, Pulliam, Gagner and Payor Seaton (5). Payroll Commissioner l;agner offered motion that the payroll for the first hall of January 1st half Jan, 1945 1945 be allowed in the amount of ;j10,814.45, and that the City Treasurer be authorized to pay the same by :hocks drawn on the General Fund. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Johnston, fierce, Pulliam, Wagner and Mayor Seaton (5). Appoint Ynyor..;eaton made the following appointment: Charles J Vandevelde I hereby appoint Charles S. Vandeveldc as a member of the board of Park Park Board (white) Commissioners (white) to fill the vacancy created by the death of ;,,r. Sam Dalby Signed llayna C. Joaton Mayor d Commissioner ',logner offered motion that the action of the I:ayor appointing Charles S. ',nndevelde as a member of the ward of Park Commissioners (white) to fillthe vacancy created by the death of M.r. Sam Dalby be approved, and said 'board as now constituted ahnll consist of the following members: P. L. ','lolls whose term of office will expire on AuCust 11, 1949 Dr. ;. r:. Donoho whose term of office %rill cs::iro on Auwst 11, 1948 l Tom i:ned whose torn of office will expire on August 11, 1947 j i Luther :. ^nrson whonn term of ol'fico Will expire on .;u,uat 11, 1946 ` Charles ndcvclde vk:n^e te:rm of offioo will oxpire on ..u;;ust 11, 19),, kdoptntl on ^.ril o: the ::01', Yaaa, Comrylaaiouera Johnston, Pierce, Pulliam, darner M and t;aor Seut:.n (5). S I r,emetery rn. iaaioner ,o!,.nstcn ,:':'orcr? matio:: :hut the followtnl; doedn to Iota located in Deeds to I' t Chas.'dillie ^e:: .; vA ^J, .._'.ucah, Kentue::y, Le a;.proved: Oilbort Fo I . in .. d.: !GA sn .ail �verue to Charles lllllia,7a for the scan of Y75. 0 { Lot `i67 i a+ r..: __., cn '.,'ell Avenue to .:ilLert :ox for the a m of k50.00. Adopted call 0:the iio1.1, Yeaa, Cn:a:ass:cat>ru Johnston, Piorce, Pulliam, 4aener and Valor _..,.... i NO. C;04 Proceedings o . cosrd of '%omnissloners City of Paducah January 16, 1945 Sell lot to Com_mizaloner Johnston offered motion that the Corporation Counsel prepare for S.Eeckett infraduction at the next meeting an ordinance authorizing the sale to ;"J. S.E-Ocicett of Lots 7 and 8 on the .forth side of Jefferson Street between 29th & 30th Streets for the sum of.!600.00, $65.00 paid In cash and the balance to be paid on March 15th, 1945 with 6 interest. Admpted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Johnston, Pierce, I'ullism, ':7agner and Yeyor Seaton (5). :.B.Young Myor Seaton offered motion that Van D. Bowling having resigned as Chairman of ';Jar Recre- ational the C;ar Recreational Committee, I move that L. D. Young be appointed to serve as Committee Chal man of said Committee in the place and stead of Van D. cowling. Adopted on call of the Roll, Ycas, Commissioners Johnston, Pierce, Pulliam, ':,agner and Mayor Seaton (5). ;'ro. Rivers Mayor Seaton offered the following motion: The terms of office of Mrs.H.T. :rs. Loeb ^ev. Fletc':or :livers, Mrs. Sidney Loeb and -Rev. Custos Fletcher, as members of the City of Paducah reappointed Hospital Yunicipal Hospital Commission having expired on December 31st, 1944; I move that the coard said Mrs. H.T.Rivers, Mrs. Sidney Loeb and.Rev. Custis Fletcher be re -appointed to serve for a period of three (3) years, their.terms of office to begin on December 31st, 1944, so that s aid board as now constituted shall consist of the following members: S.P.+.Lock, Term expires on December 31st, 1945 Russell H. Beck, Term expires on December 31st, 1945 Ewing Gilson, Term expires on December 31, 1946 C. F. Boyles, Term expires on December 31, 1946 Mrs. R.T.Rivers, Term expires on December 31, 1947 Lars. Sidney Loeb, Term expires on December 31, 1947 Rev. Custis Fletcher, Term expires on December 31, 1947. r ,as Contract ,eith hell ? Oil Sa. i Appropr.ate '•7,125.':') Paducah Airport Corrorat'.on J. -+rove "'plication m".d:t7orn1 +r Adopted on call of the Poll, Yeas, Commissioners Johnston, Pierce, Pulliam, ",'agner and Mayor Seaton (5). Conminsioner Pierce offered the followin Motion; I move that an ordinance entitled: "A2; O..RDLIA?:CE AUTHORIZING THE CITY 14ANAGER TO EIJTER INTO AND EXECUTE A CONTRACT FOR THE PURrHA3E OF GASOLINE AND OIL FROM THE SHELL OIL COMPAITY FOR A PER1oD OF FOUR (4) MOY7113 FROM JANUARY 1st, 1945, AND PRESCRILiING TIIE TERM.; AND CONDITIONS UNDER :+"r'If ii SAID PURCHASE SHALL BE 11.1ADE", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Rollq: .eas, Conmiosioners Johnston, Pierce, Pulliam, '..'arnor and Mayor 3oaton (5). 'ayor Seaton offered the following motion: I move that an ordinance entitled C:i A: rROPRIATIIIG TILE SUM OF M7,125.00 TO THE PADUCAH AIRPORT CORPORATION "h Lr. "..._.', r..^.? T}IE RESTORATIO!J Cil THE PADUCAH-VCCRACK EN COUNTY AIRPORT, VOR 7-M CO11- Ci LUILX i;3 AND }EREON, THE PUIir.IASE OF r tL'It :.il :1T AND FOR :ill A., Af ':E N, -;CE .,ARI i'0:. HE MAINT:EANCE AND OPERATION OF :;AID AI1li3O}i4 e• at,pr.ei. Adopted on call of the Goll, Yoas, Commissioners Johnston, Fierce, Pulll a:•r:cr r,... "nyor• eaton (5). •.-nt,.n o: ,.: -.o :.,jlowin^ notion: I move that a 2esolution entitled! ^,1TY OP PADUCA!i ,4UNIC IPAI dOL"„ ING r�•• .. _ ... .. .. ........ _ . _ .. .}'PATES rOV01{;111}i:� Laads pted. ca:l of tta ..;!`, _.:gin, .....::1:�^loners Johnaton, ilaraa, pul:iam, sJ�nor ear'. V.aynr :eat':❑ .. r00 Proceedings of Board of Commissioners City of Paducah January 16, 1945 Advertise for Commissioner 'agner offered the following notion: 1 move that a Resolution entitled Bids on 11 Tractor Rz "A RESOLUTION REZUESTiNG TH-- CITY I.IAHAGER TO ADVERTISE FOR LID:; FOR THE PURrILASE OF A Sweeper :13-11 CATERPILLAR TRACTOR PULLY EQUIPPED, ALSO 0118 Tl O- 1AY :i"iEEPER COi.'PLETEI,Y &'QUIPPED :11TH CREDIT GIVEN THE CITY FOR THE. OLD CATERPILLAR TRACTOR TO BE TRADED IN, AND PROVIDING THE M10;NER Iii 'i1HICH SAID BIDS SHALL BE SUDIII_'TED", be adopted. Adopted i on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Johnston, Pierce, Pulliam, Wagner and Itayor p Seaton (5). On notion the meeting adjourned. ADOPTED ��0, * 9 - 1945 APPROVED I: r t 1. .ate AC1ty Clerk