HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 20, Page 905, January 9, 1945No. 905 Proceedings of Eoard of Commissioners City of Paducah January 9th, 19,16 At a Regular Necting of the Eoqrd of Commissioners held in the Commissioners' Chamber at the Qity Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, at 7:30 o'clock P.M. on January 9, 1945, •:ayor Seaton presided and upon call of the Roll the following answered to their names: Commissioners Pierce, Pulliam, .7agner and Major Seaton (4). Comni.33ioner Johnston abse t. (, Minutes of the previous meeting were adopted as read. ^raffic Li.-htl V Commissioner Pulliam offered motion that a traffic light be placed at once at the 12thkYy Intersection of 12th Street and Kentucky Avenue. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Pierce, Pulliam, Wagner and Mayor Seaton (4). Publish 1944 r Mayor Seaton offered motion that the City Treasurer be authorized to present Audit !I to the Sun -Democrat for publication the 1944 Audit Report as soon as the Auditors Yeager k Ford, have completed the preparation of said report. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Pierce, Pulliam, :4agner and I.'ayor Seaton (4). i ' Receive Gas Commissioner Pulliam offered motion that the bids of the Shell 011 Company and th Oil Bids Ii Standard 011 Company for the sale of gasoline and oll to the City of Paducah for the four month's period beginning January 1st, 1945, be received and filed. Adopted on Call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Pierce, Pulliam, Wagner Md tiayor Seaton (4). Contract with Commissioner Wagner offered motion that the City I`anager be authorized to execute; ..C.& St. L Railway renewal agreement for the exten§ion of the contract with the Nashville, Chattanooga I & St. Louis Railway in the City of Paducah for a period of 10y ears as I y per memorandum of said agreement which has been presented to the N'ayor and Commissioners. Adopted on Call of the Roll, YOas, Commissioners rierce, Pulliam, Wagner and Mayor Seaton (4). Fire Dept ( Commissioner Pierce offered motion that the following reports for the month of Dr. Bass Report Dec December 1944 be received. Fire P.epartmont; 1944 Dr. 17.J.Dass, City Physician. Adopted on Call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Fierce, Pulliam, Gagner and Mayor Seaton (4). Oak :rove S Commissioner Pierce offered motion that the report of Oak Grove Cemetery for the Repent 'Lear 1944 ! year 1944 be received. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Pierce, i Pulliam, 77agner and Mayor Seaton (4). Stealth Cente. Payor Seaton offered motion that the following deeds under which the property at Deeds 900-04-12-14-20-22-34 Kentucky Avenue, and at 207-9-11-13 X 15 South 9th 3troet has been conveyed to the City of Paducah and the County of McCrac::en, State of Kentucky, bo received and filed:- G (1) Deed from Leo F. Keilor and his wife, Ireno 13. I;eilcr, dated December 4th, 5 h 1944, and recorded in Deed Book 231 page 359 in the 1:crracken County Court : Clerk's Office. (2) Deed frog Mary A. Burwell widow, dated December 16th, 194.1, and of record !i hoed cook 231, page 357, in the aforesaid Clerk's office. ( ) Affidavit of descent slgnod by Cora E. Hubbard recorded in Deed Look 231, i La^e 352, in the hforesaid Clerk's office, and dead from Per& :I. Hubbard, a widow, dated recomber 23, 1944 and recorded In reed Look 231, paj,,a 355 In the a:'aresnid "1•:r:'s offico. (4) Pled iron 3;-1e Overstreet e,id his wife, L.onterey Overstreet dated !'.oconber 1544, recorded in Lead i;ook 231, pal -e 3E5 in the afor..sald rlark'e -ice. (5) -e : :'rca i,"o i . Feilnr a,:d w1fn, Ire 1.. and Anita }'.oile,r ::ay and husbane. 1 , a:.. :•ocot. ed In 7,ead `coo:: 231, C ;age 3.. if. ti:e aforesaid Clerk's office. i A:icpta:l on call of tP.e 0!1, ':eas, Cc.- :i nianera Zi':rce, Pulliam, AL:nur and S;or 4esttn (4'. Proceedings of=,311d of Conmiseioncrs City of Paducah January 9th. 1945 *i-hway over i Commissioner Pierce offered the followinU motion: I move that a Resolution entitled: "A RSSOLUTIOI1 REQUESTING 3EIIATOR ALBEIT 17. 13ARKLEY, SEITATOR A. B. CHA17DLIM AND REP?ZZ-ONTATIVE NOBLE GREGORY TO URGE TH2 ADOPTION OF LEGISLATION: IN CONGRE:;S APFROPR_IATING FUNDS FOR ME CONSTRUCTION OF A BIGHWAY OVER TINE DA". LOCATED AT GILBERT KENTUCKY", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Pierce, Pulliam, .:'agner and Mayor Seaton (4). as S Oil Commissioner Pierce offered the following motion: I move that an ordinance Contract ° entitled: "AN ORDINANCEE AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTO AHD EXECUTE A CONTRACT FOR THE PURCHASE OF GASOLINE AND OIL FROM THE SHELL OIL COMPANY FOR A PERIOD OF FOUR (4) L.O71H3 FROM JANUARY 1st, 1945, AND PRE3CRI,.ING THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS ' UNDER ".TiICH SAID PURCHASE SHA?.I, BE LADE", be introduced at a Regular ?fleeting of the i! Board of Commissioners and remain on file for at least one creek in the completed form in which it shall be put upon its final passage. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yoas Commissioners Pierce, Pulliam, ':lagner and Mayor Seaton (4). A weed to Mayor Seaton offered the following motion: I move that an ordinance entitle: .. Tennedy° Jr. "AN ORDINA14rE PROVIDING FOR THE SALE TO V1. B. KE.iNEDY, JR., OF LOT 9 LOCATED ON THE NORTH SIDE OF JEFF!:RSON STREET BEWEEN 29th AND 30th STREETS; AND AUTHORIZING THE PAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE A DEED OF CONVEYANCE TO SAID PROPERTY", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners 1•ierce, Pulliam, 17agner and Mayor Seaton (4). On motion the meeting adjourned. li i; ADOPTED 1 \ to 1945 A PROVED x C24V y ler