HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 20, Page 880, October 24, 1944NO Proceedings of. i.o:`r of Co :r..L::iorei`❑ City of Paducah October 24th, 1944 At a T,,opular of the ward of Coimmissioners hold in the Commissioners' Chamber at the City ?fall, Paducah, .'Kentucky, at 7:30 o'clock Y.r. on October 24, 1944,1 'avor Seaton presided and upon call of the Roll the following answered to their names:) Com^issioners Johnston, Fierco, Pulliam, 3agnor and l;ayor Seaton (5). 1Sinutas of the previous mootini, more adopted as road. iter :'sin Commissioner :agner offered motion that the petition of Joe Evans and others lines ^oad Joe Evans for authority to tap the 5 inch water main at the intersection of Pines Road and N 36th Street for the purpose of providing water service to persons living in what is known as Orchard ;iciChts addition, outside of the city limits of Paducah, through a pipe line to be laid alongPines Road, North 37th Street and Minnich Avenue, j� as set forth in said petition, to received and filed and that the request in said petition be granted in accordance with the terms therein set forth. It is understood, however, that in granting the privilege sought in said petit IIneither the City of Paducah, nor the Commissioners of""'star 3orks obligate the said city to maintain said pine line, or to purchase same at this time, or in the event the territory in question should become a part of the city limits. It is further understood that the petitioners will subscribe for crater service at the rates now, or hereafter prescribed for water service to consumers outside the city limits and subject in all res::ects to the rules and ro`ulations of the city of Paducah, or its Cxariianioners of .rater llorka which may be now in force, or hereafter enacted. ;:othing in the granting of this petition shall obligate the city of Paducah 1i to guarantee water pressure or service, and said crater service may be discontinued i through said pipe line, or any part thereof, or at any time, when in the judgment of I the Commissioners of .rater '•.orkn, the furnishing of said water through said pipe line interferes with adequate water service to other persons, or consumers of crater. h Adopted on ra?l of the Roll, `feaa, Commissioners Johnston, Pierce, Pulliam, :7agner and ''ayor Seaton (5). onate 3�G % Com:.issioner Pulliam offered motion that Miller's Chapel Presbyterian Chtu`ch illor'r. J ^•hnpel Navin- doiivered t-, the City "reasurer the sum of ;422-30 to apply on the public irmrove^:ent auacs3mant levied against the church property, lcavinr euo Lind payable or, said saaessment the sum of •:300.00. -,,;refore move that the City of .aducah donato to tfillor's Chanbl PresLy- tcric7: ^h the num of ,3 0.00 to enable said church to pay said improvement bill 17 foil, art' tt.at the ar:ount oo a ;ropriated be charged to the Contingent r'und. Adnpte*1 or call of the :(oil, f•-na, Co::rd::❑;suers Johnston, : force, t ulliam, '.;nZncr :sayer ..',�aton (5). ^•• ^^.:i-sior,er ..a ncr offorad motlin that dead granted to "rs.-volyn Lurgeas -ialf of Lot 1b In -,or.'k 1 in r.hc Launuleum eddition in `a;c (,,rove ; ^.tory Lipa;. _ : ,iynent Of ,100.00 to the !City Troasuroi', to anprovad. 1 :r. ^a7. ,. _1, 14•aa, Co :nassion,-,rs Johnston, Piorce,Yui;la•:, ' agger j .... _ ..elite.. caption L�.at the hoard of C*;..:i .. _...,.... .._ ..;toners roceivu ani! in -,ithe ,.n tot: t hip apt,rsisal i i,•: 'sy ;i;.. _ ..• . , _ ar.y will Le filed; Johnston, i i ; NO. Sol Proceedings op .oard of Comni.::loners City of Paducah October 24th 19.14 Soil let to. Commissioner fierce offered motion that the Corporation Oounse'1 prepare I'or James A. ✓" ,-ouland introduction at the next moot -in;- an ordinance authorizing the sale to James A. Eouland of Lot 9 and one-half of Lot D in Llock ".." locntod at the 3outhesst corner of 38th t: Gregory for !.he sum or •,400.00 cash. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Conaisnionors Johnston, Pierce, rulliam, Jagner and Nayor Seaton (5). Janes Clay Commissioner Pierce offered motion that the letter received from Dr. J.S. Lotter from Dr. Speed Speed with reference to the condition of James Clay and the operations which vill be performed, be received and filed. Hospital ✓ Commissioner Johnstpn offered notion that the report of Hiversido ![capital Report for the month of September 1944, be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Poll II! Yeas, Commissioners Johnston, Pierce, Pulliam. Gagner and *..toyer Seaton (5). Deeds to Iiayor Seaton offered the following notion: I move that an ordinance entitle,: 1� L.A.Comer "All ORDINAI;CE PROVIDING FOR THE SALE, TO NELSON 17. ITZLLUI.13 OF THE OLD `IHE STATION IJ P30PERTY AT 10711 & JONES STREETS IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH, AND ALSO THE -;ALE TO L. A. COLTER OF LOT 16 INT BLOCK 12 OF MURRELLIS 1.'E31' END ADDITION TO SAID CITY, AND AUTHORIZ1 G THE PAYOR AND CITY CLEM TO :'XECJTE DEM -3 OF CONVE __CA :CE TO dAID PROPERT_^', be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Johnston, Iierce, Pulliam, :"agnor and t.iayor Seaton (5). riverside Mayor -eaton offered notion that the corporation Counsel be requested to I:o3nital I transfer i prepare for introduction at the next regular meet.ng an ordinance authorizing the money buy lot transfer of the sun of •750.00 from the surplus accumulations in the operating and naintenanco fund of the i,iverside Hospital to the depreciation account of said Hospital, and providing for the use of said a for the purchase of property located at the i:orthwest corner of 4th I Clay Streets on which other hospital facilities will be maintained. ,dopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Johnston, j Pierce, Pulliam, .'agner and I:ayor Seaton (5). „50.00 to � Commissioner Johnston offered motion that the City of Paducah donate the Fox Hunters sum of ;;50.00 to partially defray the expense of the National Fox Hunters Yeet to be held in Faducah this year, and that the amount no donated to be charged to the contingent -fund. Adapted on call of tine Roll, Yeas, Comnissioners Johnston, Pierce, Iiilliora, ••agner and Payor Seaton (5). In Corniacioner Johnston offered notion t;iat ;hc sun of „25.00 be donated by :r.• .. -_,. "e City for an ad in the Dlks Tubercular r'und Program, and that the. amount of said ,:onntion be charCed to t'no Contingent hind. Adopted on call of the moll, 'loos, -0 .mi: nioner:: Johnston, i'ierce, r'ulliam, agner and "ayor Seaton (5). 0: motion thn meeting adjourned. i5 &A, .' j � ,1944 ` c