HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 20, Page 867, September 19, 1944NO. Q67 Proceedings of hoard 2f r.nmnJ,A1nnors City of Padncah September 19th. 1944 At a Regular Mooting of the Board of Commissioners held in the Commissioners' Chambor at the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, at 8:00 o'clock P.M. on September 19, 194 , P Mayor Seaton presided and upon call of the Roll the following answered tp their names: Commissioners Johnston, Pierce, Pulliam, 7lagner and 13ayor Seaton (5). Mnutes of the previous meeting were adopted as read. Close Alley / Commissioner Pulliam offered motion that the uoard of Commissioners receive 15th & Jeff and file the report of T. A. Bradley, City -nginoer, with reference to the closing of a portion of the alley lying in the block between Harahan Blvd., and 16th Street, and Jefferson Street and Monroe Street, and that the Corporation Counsel be directed to prepare for introduction an ordinance authorizing the closing of a portion of said alley in the rear of the lot owned by Lir. Cecil Heisz, being a strip of ground approx- imately ton (10) feet by sixteen (16) feet as shown on the plat attached to the City Engineer's letter, provided the said Cecil Heisz agrees to pay the coat of publishing said ordinance, the Court costs in the suit to be filed for the purpose of having saidi f alley legally closed, tooether with any damages which adjoining property owners might recover against the city as a result of the closing of that portion of said alley. I Adopted on c all of the Roll, Yeas, Commnissioners Johnston, Pierce, Pulliam, Gagner and' i' Mayor Seaton (5). Payroll for ll' Commissioner i7agner offered motion that the payroll for the first hold of first half Sept. 1944 September, 1944 be allowed in the amount of :11,017.71, and that the City Treasurer be authorized to nay the same by chocks drawn on the General Fund. Adopted on call of t¢t< ;I i Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Johnston, Pierce, Pulliam, :iagner and Mayor Seaton (5). Sell lots I,o Commissioner fierce offered motion that the Corporation Counsel prepare for L'rs. Dollme! / Russell F< j✓introduction at the next meotin^ an adinanoe authorizing the sale to Ilrs. Dollie "ildred Pullin Russell of Lot 6 in clock 28z on Clay 3r.reet bete+con 8th & 9th Streets for the sum of ;;75.00 cash; also the sale to Mildred LL Pullin of a lot located on South 4th ntree between Adams & Jackson Streets for the sum of .300.00, 1100.00 to to paid In cash and the balance at the rate of .'20.00 per month with 6N interest. Adopted on call I of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Johnston, Pierce, Pulliam, '4arner and L:ayor Seaton (5 . Parrison St. Commissioner Johnston offered motion that the Board of Commissioners receive Bap. Church ✓ Imp. -axes and file the letter of the Corporation Counnol with reference to the lien of the City of Paducah agaLnst the Parsonage property of the itarriaon 3troet Laptlst Church on account of irnrovemont assessments levied against said proporty, together with the copy of the stipulation under which said attorney proposes to aut.rrit to the Court the cueation as to whother the city has a valid and onforcible lien against said property. Adopted on call of the :toll, Yeas, Commissiohers Johnston, fierce, Pulliam, �mgncr and s:ayor Jeaton (S). `r 01.iCC^..a❑ Yn JOr -oatnn ofl'orod motion that the report of the City Ianagor concorning ;.ar•tley ✓ ar: the cueation as to whett:cr the pity ahoul(: rwintain a full -tiro policeman in fnrkloy :err, be received anro filed. Adoptod on gall of the 11011, Yoas, Commlaslonora Jchnston, : ierco, ifulllan, .:oiy,or ar.4 Vayor ':oaton (5). Deas to � ro= isaioner Wagner o;ferod the following, ,Iot.on; I move tt.at an ordinance John L Frig=:t Ideaci:eyer esti•«F3: "Ai; G.i :. SCi Ai'i:a� i' 3. .Ridgway :II: lir" 21'11 Sn . TO JOHr: L. i:liIOHT OF LOT 2 IN t LOCK 6 Fettle Zharpe c; aAf.3 ADDI`.'ICrr :0 ..... C:.Y Cr :AD,W L !'.,% airlert $; A 30 THEJAt:i '!t7 V. r'. 1SA4CFX,9YER Or' A LOT IIorr-an Slanders :.CCA' D AT V622 j­­;:ZtSO"i _T!icET; AL.,O 11B :TALE TO J. F. RIDKJdAY OF LOT 10 III LLCCK 6 Goldie Itay 3ua,^s .AID Ci fY; ALSO 'M-1 JALZ: ;r xA`;; IE JHARPE 0." LOT 28 IN LLOCK �iF' .-...._....".. ...�.. AL", i. iiS.-_ SOS -- i m0 A?➢ r.,I:Y; n i0 ,.. ALE 'f0 I. C. !NGL&2 LC -L 18, 19 & 20 I:. BLC31'. 2'e LaCincJ ;air 3'�tE-sT is:W_"rrr NO 909 Proceedings of Poard of Commissioners City of Paducah September 19th, 1944 ?0th & 2lst_STREETS; A`,D ALSO THE SALE TO GOLDIE MAY SUGGS OF A LOT LOCATED AT THE CORNER OF YEISER Fc BE'THEL STREETS; AND AUTUORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE i PROPER INSTRU:13NTS OF CONVEYANCE TO SAID PROPER'L'Y", be adopted. Adopted on c all of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Johnston, Pierce, Pulliam, :7agner and Mayor Seaton (5). LTnraxod Sts.l Cam,13sioner 'ulliam offered motion that the City Manager malco an investiratlon j and report to the Board the location of all streets not now bearing a name in order that the L^ard may be advised concerning the location and number of those streets which may be named in honor of such members of the Armod Forces as Frank Kolb, Jr., and W. 0.1 Burch, Jr., aho have distinguished themselves as leaders and heroes in the war against I Gormany and Japan. Adopted on call of the boll, Yeas, Commissioners Johnston, Pierce Pulliam, ,-agner and Mayor Seaton (5). Eid of N.7.. Commissioner 'Magner offered motion that the bid of Nelson 17. Nellums and his wife Vellums Old -ire Yi;ovella Gilliam Nellums, in the sum of $3000.00 for the purchase of the Old mire Station Station property located at 10th &Jones Streets, be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Johnston, Pierce, Pulliam, 'Magner and Mayor Seaton (5). Accept bid Commissioner Wagner offered motion that the bid of Nelson :I. Vellums and his wife of Nelson 'U. :vellums novella "illiam Nellums in the syn of ;;3000.00 for the purchase of the Old "ire Station property at 10th & Jones Streets be accepted upon the condition that said sum Ls paid cash and the said Nelson J. Nellums and his wife, Novella Gilliam Nellums agree to accept a deed to the property subject to q certain Lease which the City of Paducah executed and delivered to Howard E. Shelton on July lat, 1944, and agree that the City of Paducah shall continue to collect tho rentals which will be due under said Lease until the date of its expiration, and said bid is also accepted subject to all of the other conditions set forth in their written offer. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Johnston, Pierce, Pulliam, 7r'agnor and aayor Seaton (5). On motion the meeting adjourned. ADOPTED: j 2Xat t, 1944 Z Ci lark~ Ar PROVED