HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 20, Page 833, May 23, 1944NO Proceedingj of. City of Paducah ....... ..t �ii of 1:3._:I.wlonerzi 'n cocci I .-hniilor nt the City Hail, Paducah, Kentucky, at 7:30 OfcIoQI- 1-. r)n Lay 23, 19,14, --caton presided and upon call Of tho Roll the follojor, onowpvrI to their wimon: Johnston, Pierce, Pulliam, da�7rtcr and Mayor Seaton (b). .1inutes or the previous metinra v.ero adopted as read. 7 Conwii3sionor Pulliam oiferocl motion that the board of Conrilacionera rescind L/ to._ idontod at its rioe-In- :?ay Irith, 1544 under which Allard Hardy wnL' nce from the police department wita w3jurar.,cos t'hat roW-.'.n to lociva 0, abse, t -ht of seniority on the force thich he held t',lian i;e ante; to a duty ori h the awao rl, r,oslt".on •alth the Amorican Red Gross. 1 further move that the said Allard Hardy Lo Cranted a leave of al.l -;0.0 u -,on the conclitior3 set forth in the rttached letter written to hom 17., the S;anaGer an April 25Lh, 10,14, and that the City 11aria0or be requootod to 11r,nI.;;h iiia with a cony of this motion. and a copy of the letter containing the conditions under which the leave 13 -ranted. Adopted on c all of the Roll, Yeau, ortkissloncro Johnston, Pierce, Pulliam, Jarner and payor Seaton (5). Sell lot to Commissioner PullIan olllurcJ notlon that the �orporalicn Counsel be directed 14 v D Randal to proparo for introduction at the next mectinCan ordinance authorlzin7, the onlo to --rva D. 'Pandall of Lot 11 in bloc's 2, mown as -,^109 Nurrison .,treet for the sum 3.,i. cash. Adopted on call of the Poll, foas, Coru-Ussionars Johnston, j:lorce, 7, - 1 %-or Son ton (5). 01' :ngnor offered nation that Decoration Day, ".ay 30th, beln:- -:7 1, -I!at all city czaployeen bo allowed a full day holiday 21co and fireIepartinentpornonnel. �'P :,love that the !'..,etin, Of the LOUrd Of b:: --n" .I 1".1 7' li:'­'Sday' "'ay at 10..00 O'clool., A. Adopted an call of the ^o 'l :.I.� co NO. Proceedingi of City of Paducah -- n ill Iii :.;0.;-'z—:(II La adopted. Adopted on call oi the L. sloners Johnston, pierce, FlIlliam, ar.ner a;.cl V.,nyor �oato:l (51- ?iorco ofrored notion that the letter of 1'r. TOM =3011 callinj-. c-nrrior on in the City of Vaducall be vQfcrr0(l to the Gity : anz�e) ,._:'..m. si.,,«c8 on call of the !toll, Ycan, Corrainnioners JOIC.10tUn, jeat-n (5). '.on L!.nt the letter of "bons Pord, et al., rocil, e3tim v/ of tie a: po �n� i nt o'.* a colorod police 0' 'icer in 4'1'0ity of Paducah, Mod, rzol on call of the ..,oil, foss, Com'.-.-31,oners Johnston, as .,or Seaton (5). m,otlr: - ndlourned. A. PROV"�D 7 r VST� acf