HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 20, Page 827, May 9, 1944NO. 7 Proceedings City of Paducah Eaj 'Dth, At a D'.' the =0,,Ird Of Cormlicaloncru hoelfl if: !.c (;!LY ::-nt, i, at 7:30 O'clock 1 .,.:. 01- nw-- "11,011 call of 1.�. i.! 1.,- "0" johnaLDn, xixxzx, Pull1w.:, r 1, (•i)Fierce beInZ; absent. ',;Inutas of the proviouzi njetinL; -ad. Coix::I,jsIoner Pulliam offered motion that, the !=rd of Coi.- !soionero receive nrd '.".r. ;:end's --fica to file the fortifictite of C. 1,11. Hand, President of the Cl!;Izo.-,z -unk, ahowltic th( ':ert, 1 pa7mnt ane. ret-1rcm,int of City of iaducah i4unicipal hospital Rovoilue -011da ;os. 1 to 23 inclusive of the original series of Londu In the aC,,:reCato cum of I50,000.',-0, anal also rhowinC that Lends 'Ioa. 24 to 150 incluulva, agCrOCntiaC the principal sum of :127,000.00 have boon called for xiedenption in advance of riaturity and have Loon -aid. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yens, Cormlissioners Johnston, Pulliam, '.'acraov and :,.ayor Seaton (� ). Kazt�l,,, -1--oCoizil8aionor �ulliam offered motion that the ronort of ::azard ort' - t f, ril 19,"4 11 fo,, the norith of "pril 1944, be received. Adopted on call of the :ioll, Yaus, Ic'misnioners Johnrton, Pulliam, 'iIs-ner and :layer Seaton (4). kIlIlrd Hardy Commissioner V,'aZncr offered motion that the ---card of romr-isn.11onars receive -1 ve Of --a jA.tccnco ;I and file the correspondence with reference to the „ranting of a Leave of Alisence to Allard Hardy In Oder that all Hod that he may accept a position with L�Ie Aneiic (T.034. �.dopted on carl of the "toll, Zeus, Comminsionara Johnston, Pulliam, 'a-:,ner and Ji -ayor Scaton (4). w Coiinaloner L� anor offered motion that the letter of 'corns 313 Donn. ell lotter ConaultlnL Win.-ineora, with r^feronco to their oi for to =1-0 a survey of the ornpert:cc or the rontuc!rY Uttlition Company, Le received al.d 11ii.i. ACnpted on call of th., toll, Y-313, COm-r.iI.,.q loners Johnston, Pulliari, 'ayo. Leatnn (4). of to (7o:Ii1I:3!.onor J:,!inaton oi—o-refl '10%,-011i."nt; tlio !;a "or Inr.l70d,.'ct'-OU nt th() rnet-n -, an :::1rV.y -.,a]l o'. 'It -;11101 4th .. TI:Iplo V,a,,ic, I ;'.n,,- 115. cajil. pIod On ,:a!1 OU the :'o. J, :I Offered mw. rj I j I on'! Viltor :torsion It from t::' all call 0!' ;1 "1 7, i...'•L is Lon I F o. tnz P In iol"ttA 4t t1 J. IJ Proceedings of City of Paducah :'•a`!)Lhi 1041 J" of ion that tho bid of . undorsoti :',xv, !COC.CO for re 'at rouse bo received and filed. Adopted on call ; f -painting tho COM711131on-?ru Johnoton, -ullian, '.'aCmer and V.ajolv Seaton (4). v John3ton 0 fared motion that an ordinance entitled: "A:..' a. D L.Al CE -f 121,1, TO COIALD F.0j) LOTJ :;0.;. 25, 2G A;:D 27 1:7 i -.LOCK 2 Or' S�.: 1,.D, »---O TC.] TO .1. It. 1: Or LOT,o :;Oj. 1, 2, 5, 11, A;;] in "C', C_, ADD -T'0:; TO THE CITY 0-, =2IIVCKY; A17D AI;ThOI;IKLNG 3: TO Z;:,XuT -, DS3D3 0? (30;1%-E.`a,:X,. TO —D !.a acloptod. in call of t: -,c Roll, Yona. Con;dioloncro jobnabon, luIlium, '.7aErier and '.'ajor futon (41). :.ayor Ioitnn off�i,d ❑oUon that an ordinincc ontitlod. "Al: O_XE v :--D ^r =M,130,1 FOR T.i--' CITY T.] OF T;iE 2WMIDNT TO VIET: 0? T110 ami OF ..1000.00, AND TO 7.!TZR INTO A CO -.;TRACT COUTAII,'ING T.F3 TO,;:j AND COIDITT, L L.3 LONE", be Introduced and remain on file for not less than —C- nut-lic inn-1,Pction In the completed form in which It athall be put upon Its :nal .-r.coaZ:o, and If adopted, said ordinance a! -.all be In full force and effect ten t! cr-eftor. Adopted on call of the Roll, Lean, Commissioners Johnston, Ful1lam, -v ani 2,ayor leaton (a). :'ayor Seaton offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "A:: 7.2 UNTITM) .,,ATE., 0.- A""E7.!CA N 0." 21..T ,.;D :'ON1,0-` STREET- 3. -1TL1I,1C HEA:,211 C1, --f OF A —ted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Ycia, Co:.,,! -onc-,3, niv! .7-:ayor Deaton (3). Commissioner Johnston, Nay (1) a ;7.Qt1on thvi.t an J D--:i_CL !,::0- .;1,; 0 C., j w NO. Proceedings of. , , -I - -, uu- 1 -; e" 1 1, . City of Paducah ;-:ay 'Ah., 1 v4 -1 On :notion the mrotInG ad,,ow-n-d. — : -..' Nw& .1044 A. .:-D Cow -la a 'Lon, r *ognor o I ovcd rm Lon t U:.o Corporat- on Counao 1 1 �o t� introtIue t 1 on i� L i,! c Fv, ct m r_ an ordinance aim,!ndin,: t! -.o ordln't:.:'Q Ich tl'e Cit * of : nd-cah .....methal z:riar '.n,-, vino n w, -7-n-ed Ordin,nce to provido for of :Iao oun of •lr0.(,0 per to rn.ch of tho C"misalonerr, "o tiro Chalrr,an 01 :ald oa vall of the Roll, Yeas, Caj:-:1 ','onors Joi.nnton, '11111%ji, Lind :.:E. or -'w.;'.,n (4). On :notion the mrotInG ad,,ow-n-d. — : -..' Nw& .1044 A. .:-D