HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 20, Page 824, April 25, 1944Proceedings of I-l'il -E ionera City of Paducah April ^5th, 1044 T_ :a a RoMzlar izecting c. the Goard of Coraiisslonors held in the Convai;;siono or at the City Hall, Paducah, Fentucky, at 7,30 o'clock Y.1L. on April 25th, 1046, ;.r 3eatcn presided and upon call of the Roll the following answered to their names: -ssioners Johnstnn, i'iFrco, `•7'agnez• and L:ayor .,enton (4), Commisofonor ?nlliam :olnr- absent. 'Ilnutes of the previous moetlno :•rerc adopted as read. "hater lin:: Comr.:issloner lagnor off,red the following motion: Y.A.IIackler and wife, oxtens_or. Hacklor 7,1111an Heckler, 1, Donald FarringLon and wife, Leary Lee Farrington, A. E. Cole and L. :•,. Jones file their aphlicatlon for authority to M. A. Hackler and Lillian Heckler to lay a three-gaarter inch pipe line from the present terminus of a two inch lino privately owned by A. E. Cole to a point on lots ,purchased from A. E. Cole by 1.;. A. Ila ler and Lillian liacicler, fronting on the cuckner Lane outside the city limits of i'aduc co as to provide water for a residence to be constructed on said lots. it anpearin, that the said L. 1.1. Jones, w ner of a pipe line extending from the city limits to the intersection of Narth Central Avenue and ?1oodlawn Drive he ,,:)Proved said petition; rad that A. i:. Cole and i, uonald Farrington, o-''ners of the prlvn tely o:rncd pipe line between ti -.e terminus and the pipe line of L. ::. Jones and ho ;roperty of ll. A. Hacicler and Lillian HacUor; and that all of said parties have ,- s*l heti:ion npprovin� same; 1 Y71E:lEFORE :,iOVE that the application Lo received and filed and that the -est of a;.plicants be -r•nnted, subject to all the terma and conditions contained i t'rerein. WK :t is understood that nothing in the -ranting of this petition a1 1 in coy ',rise re ror.3trued as an oeli_•ation on the part of the City of Puducah to furnish s°star cervlce or to maintain said pipe lino, or any privately owned pipo line to which ca --o is connecter:, or to purchnsa said pipe line, or any part thereof, at this time or In tFn :vont caid territory '.':here said privately owned pipe linos aro situated u• .,':en ...ti the eorporr.ae limits of Paducah. :3houlcl said territory, or any part Lhor'ooi" .. ,•.,.n Into .'v city lindta,l - ,ity e.' rnd:lcah nor its Cormmi: sionors of v.utoi• -,j-;:,n u 1 i;e oi'_l;;,ted . _. •at^r %ice or ..,cut•e on the promlaes poLlUoeec ltd .. . •.... rtod ah'a 11 be 1 imltod to furnls!zin to oz,.o �_._,:,ones. Adopted on call of the ,,,,i, :...:.:ayor• 3oaton (4). rotlon t::nt the Oporat.,n tate.:•: i,lvcr- rcc .i +e and !'ll cO. Ad:,p'�.� :n: oa of 1 ... , ., •.... , _ .':V. i..Vf.Cl t.Ii�! i_:.yV:` 3oGl.. `:t I%). ) ... .. ..... .. ."in .•, .t I.:IV ::J,` .:l'L�.�il .J . Lo 'lrea%ed - c r. 1 1. NO. Proceedings of r•- +•••,'.;,• •• City of Paducah 19 Commissioner Johnston offored motion Clint the letter o;the City L:anaror ath re.',-- neo to the proposal o_' the Havaiian Arts, Inc. to establish an Art r'ottory Factory in the City el' Faducah be received and filed. Ad^pted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Johnston, Pioree, ::'ugner and %:ajar Zoaton (d): C�,triol:r.��nt Mayor Seaton ofl'crod the follo�•�ing motion: 1 move that an ordinance entitled: i: co i'r 4 A: a'DIIIALCE FIXiII. THE A:POR'PIC:d.'EIIT 0r ^111E PUBLIC I•'UNDS OF THE CITY Cl- PADCCAH, I}ENTUCKY, I'0?I THE YEAR 1044, AILD Ai PROPRIATINC MME PUBLIC RZVLMUL AND IYCOMIE OF `jFhE CI T03UCH PURFOSE3", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Ycaa, Comriiaaionera, Johnston, Pierce, ';agner and Mayor Seaton (4). i;ealth Center Mayor Deaton offered the following motion: 1 nova that a Resolution antitLod: donate tract of Ground "A REJOLUTIOI: 0FFKIINJ TO DONATE TO Ti -,-E UNITED STA'PE3 Cr Al -ERICA A TRACT OF 1,10D AT to U.S. TIE NORTHEAST COPIER Or' 21ST AND KONROE :iTRi ET.i IN PADUCAH i Oli 711E 'STABL_I.3111:1ENT, i� VAIIMNAIiCE A31D 01-SRATION O. A HEALTH C;-':ITSR, AND A?i''OV1i:J THE EXECUTION OF All ULMLII 1:1CIi TiiE ^IT.0Oi-' PADUCAH AND 9HE CCUIITY Ot LICCRAC�".0.' :iiLL LE"E :.-',ED PROI :,11TY FROL TYE COVERNMEIIY UPOII THE TEMIS SET -3::Tll HEREIN", be adopted. Adoptod on call of the Roll, Yens, Commiaaionera Johnston, Pierce, }agner and ldayor Seaton (4). On motion the meeting adjourned. ADOPTED �1o,,,,, '3. • ,A 1944 AMOVED —� I.,;;i012