HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 20, Page 792, February 19, 1944Proceedings of °' '' Chy of Paducah ^Lr,:r.r; ICU'., 1.)4=. F.: iobruai J 19th, 194•i At n Called P'eeting oi' the card of Coranira.tonero held in the Y - Cox•aa::SorcrsI •C!s^Lor at t':o clLy ('a11, Paducah, Kentucky, at 2:30 otclock P.P.;. n eb:•uary loth, 1,:4, I.:a;;or Scaton presided and upon call of the boll Lho following enswered to their names: Commissioners Pierce, Pulliam, '•Iagner and Payer Seaton (4) ..-_:•issioror Johnston absent. 'sayor Soaton stated mcotln, .'aa called for the purpose of pronositior. of 3toln tiros., _., boyce rcgardln„ ;7unieipal Hoopltal Revenue on_?s. Corvnissioner ::a,^,ner offered motion that the Corporation Counscl ( spire for Intro:iuction at the next rc„ular meeting of the :>oard of Comminatone ra an .. .-• is _mance authcrialn;^ the execution of n r.ontract for the cmploy:_ent or :;toln irother nix: L•o^co to ace as aGcnt i'or the City o.' Paducah in the matter a.' refunding the C municipal hospital revenue bonds, said ordinance to be prepared in accordance with th y rr,ronal set forth in the letter o:^ Stein r;ro-.hers ?, ioyce dated rebruary lGth, 194.4. opted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commisaioners Pierce, Pulliam, ':;arnez• and Fayor on (d). On motion the meeting adjourned. 1944 AFFRCVfiD At a Called k:.eetinE of the Board of Commirsioners held in the Commissioners' Y er at the rity ??all, Paducnh, Kentucky, at 10--00 o'clock A.P.I. on h'ebruary 19th, ".nyor :;eaten prcnido(i and upon call of the Fell the followinf; answered to thoin ::;r❑ Pierce, Pulliam, Ca nrr and PPayor 3,aton, (4), Co=.Isaioner ..-;ir..... .. ......... .;an called for the purpose of adoptin;; an i(evenue iionds. ,cion that the Coard of romrdsaiarorc reccivo ar.' .;pocial or Called P;cetln; to :e hold on said notices showing that Commisjionera i :uliian, ... :;tunrt Johnston and Dr. Rudy .'ierco were &,iy noxi'Yed. A+>pted (:n as .1 r,:the Roll, 'Lras, Commisaionors Fierce, i'uliiam, A : f r.r: t.! nt the kanrd of Coe: ,... 793 Proceedings of 170ard of Com^.iis aioners City of Paducah roLruar f 19th, ID44 J Contract Stein Bros °. royca llospitsl -orals Oommisslonor :.aencr offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "Ali O:iDI'.IAI CE AU'fiOlilZ1:IC T112 CI -17 IZANAGER TO EITLR INTO A C0;1'IRACT i'OR MHE &7;PLOc'M7'.T OF STEN EROS. & N0(CE OF LOUISVILLE, KE;dTUCK1, A:D A330C1ATLD IIiVE:jT—.,T 3AI:KERS A3 AGENTS OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH, 1, .iI'ItiCKY, TO INI'T'IATE AND FRO3ECUTE PROCEEDINGS FOR REFUNDING TIIL•' 3-3/45 MUNICIPAL iiOSPI`PAL IieVE::UE LONDS IN WE A(:9 E^,A=- SUh: OF ;";127,000.00 EY iSSUING NMI REVEIIUE SOND4 IN THE .;At1.E AV.OUNT hiiARINa 1N,PCPU:;T AT THE RATE OF' 3 , AMD PPOVIDIIIG THE TERNS U:;D R P1l2IC.lt .;AID INVE37.:EI:T EAla:i:RS ;IIAI.L i0- EMPLOYED", be introduced and rennin on file at least one wook for public inspection In the completed form in ::pica it &hall to -)ut upon Its flnal pas&aLe. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, 7ommis3ionars Pierce, Pulliam, WaEner and i..nfor Seaton (4). On :notion the Meeting adjourned. ADOPTED -;y-r '� n..aX 1944 APPROVED :. a;lo ,