HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 20, Page 784, February 1, 1944No-- -- ' Proceedings of ""MI of ror.:miontonorn _ City of Paducah 1,ebruaby lst, 1944 At a Regular lleeting of the L'oard of Commi:,sioners held in the Commianioncral Chamber at the City Rall, Paducah, Kentucky, at 7:30 o'clock P.M. on ';obrunry 1, 1944s Mayor Seaton presided and upon call of the Roll, the following answered to their names: Co.=lsslonera Johnston, Fierce, Fullian, Wagner and Mayor Seaton (5). I8lnutes of the Previous meeting were adopted as road. ,.star f, Commissiener:Pulliam offered motion that the Financial Report of the Paducah Dec. 143 "Fater ,orka icor the month of December 1943 be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Johnston, fierce, Pulliam, 71agner and Mayor Seat an (5). Fayroll `� Commissioner •-agner offered motion that the payroll for the last half of last hal_ Fob. 1944 Jnnuary, 1944, be allowed in the amount of w10,420.26, and that the City Treasurer be rauthorized to pay the same by checks drawn on the General Fund. Adopted on call of 9 the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Johnston, Pierce, lullian, ;Jagner and Mayor Seaton (5). A Commissioner '-'arner offered notion that the Board of Co=L.sioners receive _ 1 cnd file the letter written by Wilson i'l. 1.7yatt, President of the Kentucky Municipal League, with reforenco to the Bill under which 20% of the gasoline tax fund would be P divided among cities for maintenance of public streets, and I further move that the k Mayor be requested to write a letter to Idayor Wyatt advising him that the hoard of Comni::sicners of the City of Paducah approve the passage of this bill. Adapted on ca 11 of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Johnston, fierce, Pulliam, Wagner and Payor Seaton (5). H Sell lotx Commissioner Johnston offered motion that the Corporation Counsel be directed to c^,l ton f to prepare for Introduction at the next meeting an ordinance authorizing the sale to* "auaa i Darnel the follovrinr property: Lots 11 R- 12 in clock 6 on 'Pennesseo .treet beyond ^.9th to O.A.Sholton for the num o: ';75.00 cash. Lot 6 in zlock 6 on Rock Street to M4udle Darnel for the stun of ;;27.50, 10.00 to be said in cas4•. and the balance to be paid in 90 days with G% in',,rQa t. 9 A'opted on call of thn Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Johnston, Pleven, Pulliam, l:aCnor ar.d .eyor ..eaten (5). ';olored Llayor doaton offered the following motion: I hereby appoint Trod lioorga, necreati v nal kart' :....n^r, 'ov. D. E. !:in;;, Jessie Loyd and Mary 'rortan to servo ss a Coo.mlttoc ttee M to sufervian 'i:o rccr•natlon.l pros -ram which is to be sponsored for the Lenefit of I -lin City of adL;coh, said Committee to serve for a pr,riod of r: .::;ry lit, 1... _. Adrptad on call of the ;loll, Yaaa, „a,,nor and Mayor Seaton (5). I at she r-jrmrt :,f the Colcred saris Lard for r,:;•: on :7. of the Roll., 'ions, i yor .""ton (5)• that a i n winanc:e onti:.lod Cr ,. . n.] "A f. '.'Q A i !`cax"a:anitnera �.txcaxe: I �J NO. 985 Proceedings of of Comniaa.Lonora City cf Paducah February tat, 1944 A^;end Licenso Commisa.toner Pulliam offered the follo:ving motion: I movc ti:at an ordinal Cr^innnce n^tion 15 :r,titlod: n:: MD1:I..NCE ATZ;DIRG SECTIO[; 15 OF AN ORDI1W;CE refTl:'LED: 1A:, Oi�D17.A�d:E . ,.,;iLATING THE LICENSE TAXES, AND I.1.A;1N13R AND FORM OF GRA11Tlfi0 ,i.D 1i:-7 .A;,,IOUS LINES OF LUJINE33, OCCUPATIONS, '1RADE3 AJD ...r: CITY CP PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, AND iR OVIDING MNALTIES OR NON-PA'C::Eli'1' 'fiiEiiLOi•', .w' l ANT', FOR VIOLATION THEREOF, AND 1.1AK117 , IT UNLAWFUL TO ENGAGE Iii ANY :iUCii LT_i'N Ob' CU30ESS, OCCUPATIONS, F1;C 'E.:3T0::3, TRADES A':D CALLI1Tr3 1,72'P11TOUT YIP.3T PAYI?:. •IAF. B LIC_T.N3N TAX AND PROCURING LICE::3CS A3 PPOVIDE'D HEREI'cP , 1'liI2CH '.JAS ADOI'l'FD i+'t TiiE d BOARD OF C01.2'!IiiS.ION-EIR3 OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH OII DECEMBER 30th, 1940", to adopted. Adopted on call of the hell, Yeas, Commissioners Johnston, Pierce, Pulliam, WaJ_ner and ;iayor Seaton (5). Deed to Andrew! Commissioner agnor offered the following motion: I novo that an ordinan Tubbs i entitled: "AN U:DIIIANCE AUTHORIZING THE SALE TO ANDREW TUBBS OF LOT 11 IN, BLOCK 14 Oil LIZZIE STREET ON THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, AND AUvORIZI NG THE NAYOR AND i CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE PROPER IRSTRUNE:TTS OF CONVEYAUC TO SAID PROPZRT?', be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Johnston. Pierce. Pulliam, :arner and Mayor Seaton (5). On motion the meeting adjourned. ADOPTED '-�,5t� Q-t9� 1944 APPROVED City ClcrY. w'.