HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 20, Page 778, January 12, 1944Tsoceedings^Cz'� —Clry of Paducah January Ata •egular f:eotlnF, of the Board of Commissioners hold in the Commiaaioncrs, rha•ber at the City Rall, Paducah, Kentucky, at 7:30 o -clock P.M. on January 12, 1944 rayor Senton presided and upon call of the Roll the following answered to their nameal: Commissioners Johnston, Pierce, Pulliam, Wagner and Mayor Seaton (5) 1.1inutos of the previous meeting were adopted as read. Commissioner Pulliam offered motion that mss. blaye Cunningham and her husband, CurnisZham Clint Cunningham, having presented to the Board d' Commissioners a deed of conveyance executed and delivered to them by Mrs. Mary Stallings Clauaten, dated January Gth, 1914, :ander the terms of which there is conveyed to thorn part of Lot 19 in Section 43 in I Oak Grove Cemctcry, Paducah, '.;unlucky,- Ili I wove that the conveyance of said cemetery lot to Pira. Bayo Cunningham and her husband, Clint Cunningham, of Paducah, Kentucky, be approved, and that the City Clorkj to authorized to mare proper notations on the Cemetery Register showing said i conveyance. Adopted on-call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Johnston, Pierce, Pulliam, 'Magner and i'a;ror Seaton (5). Accept cid y) Commissioner Fierce offered the following motion; I :eve that an ordinance of ::uroka Fire Rose no.entitled; "AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE ACCEPWNCE OF TII3 BID OF ITIE UNITED STATES RUBE ---R CO?.'.PANE, THROUOfI ITS EURZU FIRE HOSE DIVISION, FOR THP PURCHASE OF' 2500 FEET 9 OF FIRE I103E !oOR TrIB SUii OF .,0,2550.00; PHESCRIHNG THE TEW43 AND CONDITIOIS.i UNDER W;1ICH SAID BI- IS ACCEPTED; AND AUTHORIZING n1E CITY 13ANAGER TO EXECUTE FOR THE CITY OF PADUCAH A CONTRACT FOR TILE PURCHASE OF SAID HOSE", be introduced and remain on fila 6 at least seven (7) days In the completed form in which it ahall to put upon its final 1 paanage, and if adopted, to be in full force and effect from and after its adoption. tdopted on call of the Roll, Yens, Corumissioners Johnston, Fierce, Pulliam, "lagner and Payor C.eaton (5). I Riverside )/ Commisaicner ';agner offered motion that the letter of I.:r. S. A. Ruskjor, Hospital deficit -1945 Administrator of Riveraide Flospital, dated December 28t•h, 1943, be received and C filed, a..: that the City I•'anagor be directed to include in his budget ,^or the year 1544 tLe anount of •,2,730.91, which amount roprosenta the loss at the end of the 1 I'Yacai year as of 8optember 50th, 1943. t :`mtF:R.r move that the City 1'anagor be authorized to havo ci:ack drurn at pj once In pay-Cnt o. this amount. Adopted on call a!' the Roll, Yeas, Co,re-aaciouera J_h.^.atcn, Pierce, 11;lliam, •:e ;Feer and :]syor Seaton (5). 'rife t;"pt. Ssraiasion•s ,'nor offcrel n�tion that the report of the rlrc .Ser:art:sent for report Yt 1 Dec. 1943 � the Pant;: of C;ecomror 1y43, L•; n,__c-Svj•1. Adopted on call of t%jo moll, _':as, I r n i:ator rc Foixatcr., a :.z ' nm, r rer and Calor Seaton (5). Urtat pfe,^•t Cpr •i ,.,rr !j) -co fu �: net',. tKat the roport of tho 3treot Depnrt:.ert fort Iteport 1343- t}:" gest _. .;ncFr+te,, !', ..C.+r 5iih .'.,, re pct of tt;u espenditwaa of said yAar 194.'. dclarGcer for t: c year 10473, 11,o rr ve• t r 9 f,lad. A4optod an ra'! at tY.o null, {eoa, Oaaa^issirne n ;Free on, '1 ce n, ::f ser and Maynx .waton (b). Latter Ocrzmisa!"ner vinrce o'Pero•l nntlnn -'ar `.hn C tJ ^er of. 3- —Irport keo. Geeeter :Fse:i 1.. t;:e as ... srt hrtJ Pr -,party" located on ;id wpairat this property t.o secure s.mour.t nacesn"r, ..; n� - .... „• ,t i ae^,,.isltion for tree new &tr^art can be No. 779 Proceedings of Hoard of CommieaIona ra City cf Paducah January 11th 19.14 I further move that if said mortrago can be released that the Corporation .� Counsel proparo for Introduction at the next meeting an ordinance authorizing;; the i execution of a doed to said property. Adopted on call of the Rall, Yeas; Commissioners Johnston, Pierce, Pulliam, CJagner and gayer 3oaton (5). ;`30.CO ad Kp Commissioner Johnston offered :notion that the City of Paducah appropriate in I.C.R.R. 6 Tine Book the sum of ;;30.00 for an ad in the Time coots to be published cy the Illinois Central Service Club, and that the amount so appropriated be charged to the Contingent Fund. Adopted on call of the hall, Yeas, Commissionara Johnston, Pierce, Pulliam, C:agnor ( and Mayor Seaton (5). Police DeptJ"P Commissioner Johnston offered motion that the report of the Police Danartman Report -sear � 1943 a for the year 1943, be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yens, II � Commissioners Johnston, Pierce, Pulliam, Wagner and Mayor Seaton (5). T.ccislative 'j�, ]Payor Seaton offered the following motion: I move that a Aesolution entitle Program Gills "A RESOLUTION AU1t10RIZING THE CORPORATION COUNSEL OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH '20 AE'PEAR LEFORE THE LEGISLATIVE COI.2,117TEE OF THE XZNTUC7.Y MUNICIPAL LEAGUE MID URGE SAID C0.'.SIS"CEE TO INCLUDE IN ITS LEGISLATIVE PROGRAG; FOR THE YEAR 1944 CERTAIN LILLS I7 d ;Jk1ICH Z:E CIT'f OF PADUCAH IS ESPECIALLY INTERESTED", be adopted. Adopted on call of 4I? the (loll, Yeas, Commissioners Johnston, Pierce, Pulliam, :Iagner and Yayor Seaton (5). '.75.00 to ' y Commissioner Plagncr offered motion that the City donate the sum of w:75.CO Elder I:ursing Homo to help pay the do= payment on the Elder Nursing Here to be located at 9th & Fentucky Avenue, provided the County contributes a like amount. The amount so appropriated to be charged to the Contingant Fund. Adopted on call of the Roll, it Yeas, Commissioners Johnston, Pierce, Pulliam, Magner and Mayor :;eaton (5). On motion the meeting adjourned. ADOPTED 1944 APPROVED CA 'may C 1110 City C i t