HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 20, Page 776, January 4, 1944NO ---,3 Proceedinea of Foard of Comminsioners City of Paducah January 4th. At a ReCular !:eating of the Board of Commissioners held in the Commisaioner:01 Chamber at the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, at 7:30 o'clock P.I', on January 4th, 1944y Yayor Frotem Pulliam presided in the absonce-of Mayor Seaton, and upon call of the Molt the following arswerod to their names: Commissioners Johnston, Pierce, :','agner and 'ayor Protem Pulliam (4). Minutes of the previous meetings were adopted as read. InsuranceV' Commissioner Johnston offered the following motion: I move that an ordinance !'_cense Ordinance entitled: "All OFDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 100 OF All ORDINANCE ENTITLED: 'A[; ORDINANCE FIXING AND REGULATING THE LICENSE TAXES, AND MANNIM, AND FORM OF GRANTING AND ISSUING SANE ON THE VARIOUS LINES OF BUSINESS, OCCUPATIONS, PROFESSIONS, TRADES AND CALLINGS Ii. THE CIT`_' OF PADUCAH, KEIITUCKY, AND PROVIDING PSNALTIES FOR 11011 -PAYMENT TIRiRI'OP, AVID FOR VIOLATION THEREOF, AND iiAKIIiG IT UNLAWFUL TO -41IGAGE Il! ANY SUCH LIMES OF BUSINESS, � OCCUPATIONS, PROFESSIONS, TRADES AIN CALLINGS 3ITIIOUT FIRST PAYING THE LICEi.3E TAX AIM PROCURING LICENSES AS PROVIDED HEREIN', WHICH CIRDIIIANCE WAS ADOPTED BY'lliE BOARD OF COMR.IS$IONERS OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH Oil DECEMBER 30th, 1940, AND SECTION 100 THEREOF AS AMENDED BY ORDINAICE ADOPTED BY SAID BOARD Oil DECF'dBER 29th, 194311, be adopted. iIq Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Johnston, Pierce, :Wagner and Mayor Protem Pulliam (4). Open Grave I% Commissioner Johnston offered the following motion: The American Legion without cost. Archa Hay- having contributed a sufficient sum for the burial of Archa Haywood, a World t'ar Veter i wood and having applied to the City for the opening of a grave without cost, I move that thj Sexton be requested to have the grave opened and that no charge be made for that j; service. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yoas, Commissioners Johnston, Pierce, Wagner 4 and Mayor Protem Pulliam (4) . II Elds or. :Ira Commiosioner fierce offered motion that the Board of Comniasionors receive an(1 hose renive file the two bids sulonitted for the sale to the City of iaducah of 2500 feet of 214 Inclj fire hose, said bids having boon submitted by the following named companies: 4 H. A. Potter ^,upply Company Eureka Fire Hose Company Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeaa, Commissioners Johnston, Plnrco, Wngnor and Mayor Yrote7; ,u111am (4). Re^ort of Commissioner Pierce offered motion that the report of Oak Grove Cotetory for Cemetery Dec. 1543 thn month. of Locer..ber, 1943, to received. Adopted on call of the i(oll, lass, ^.or.-S^sinnnra Johnston, l.iorco, '.,acner and I'ayor Protem Pulliam (4). 1:crt -,.. ro^minalonor li:+reo offered motion that the report of Dr. :'J. J.PaSa, City D. r. Ann >c. .':.,.� ,:.yaiciar., :'rr ti -e menti: of .. , be received. Adopted on call oI-tho Roll,l cess, Cc-ar.in r;;ners Johr,,q .. , oc, ..., .. r nn,i I+ayor Frotam Pulliam (4). Damare t^ ^n=Inair ncr '.'Fa; rr•• :.r,n tFcnt the Beard of Cor"mlosionora raceivo cora-C1.1 f ':alert _ ...± and file letter of Snl h+a mn're(' n claim nlainet the c'_f S'or Arty <ama o r., n.. ` L n ;q"! Chnrlas sett un e:r.rouat of I r Cit? ' c ntainir.;; Ilan r *,art of uta., rcn�. ,...,r.•lation of j1 i,ta-. .. - ... - ..;pa t�(, denled. 1 .4;. 7 NO. 777 Proceedings of "oni'd of Commlaaloners City of Paducah January 4th, 1944 of Mayor Protem Pulliam offex'ed the following notion: I move that the letter of Colored . C.1LIzOno tho colored welfnro club In which they request cons.ldcratlon of the folloe:ing: 1. Provision for Pietro internists at Rivernido Hospital for lmprovin5 ti:e health of our Croup. especially with rcrarda to nurso trainLng. 2. Placement of Negro women on the colored Park Board. be received and filed. It a;pearinr from adv.iocs of the Corporation Counsol that the City of Paducah Municipal Hospital Commission has full charge and control of the Riverside Hospital, SII including the employment of interns and nurses, I further move that the request thaL a colored intern be employed be referred to the Hospital Commission. Tho term of office of the members of the coiored Park hoard now servinf, will not oxpiro until June 121h, 1945, and I therefore move that no action be taken at this time upon the request that colored women be placed upon that board. Adopted on call of the Roll, 'Leas, Comniss.loners Johnston, Pierce, Warnor and Mayor 'rrotem M liam (4). Request for �i✓ Mayor Protein Pulliam offered motion that the petition of citizens, residents colored police i and colored voters of the City of Paducah that t -mo (2) men of their color be appointed as members of the Police force, be referred to the City ;.tanager for his attention when preparing the budCet for the year 1944, and that the matter of anpolntinC colored men to serve in the department be considered b,I the board of Commissioners at the time of the adoption of the annual Apportionment Ordinance. Adopted on call of the Roll, 'teas, Co.missioners Johnston, Pierce, Wggnor and L'ayor Irotem Pulliam (4). r ureka rare mesa ✓. '..ayor Protem Pulliam offered motion that the bid of Eureka Fire Hose, Division bid accepted of United States Ruuoer Company, for the sale to the City of 2500 feet of 2,." ttultex 2 Ply Biultiple woven fire hose be accepted upon the condition that said comp:tny will obli;_nto itself upon terms and conditions to be set forth in an ordinance authorizing the r.xec'.ition of a contract for the purchase of said hose, and that the Corporation Counsel prepare for introduction at tho next mootinr an ordinance authoriz.in,; the execution of a contract for the purchase of said holo. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yens, Co nissloners Johnston, Plerco, ':iaCnnr and Payor rrotom Pulliam (4). On notion the mcotinp adjourned. A'rO1r F D \ 1944 M -PROVED rX 7