HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 20, Page 664, February 16, 1943Proceedings of "''' i " `O7' ' a city of Paducah 13th, 1943 .. .'.•ia:iar :"ceting of the -card of Commisnlono'_•a hold in the , r 1s: ion: n,iber at the City Ball, raducah, i:cntucky, at 7:30 o'clock P..S. on ?•_�. 1'>'., 1943, *.ayor Lackey presidod and upon call of the roll the follo-win, answer:'. _. .. nam•.�a: Coct^.issl.oners Dorian, Johnston, Pulliam, '.iaoner and ._nutea of the previous mooting were adopted as read. ._ .il,31oner ''orinn o"fered motion that the Financial Report of the facucah •-•�:n for the month pf January, 1043, be received and filed. Adopted on call - Roil, Ceaa, Cor•aissioners Dorian, Johnston, Pulliam, 1;a, -nor an:1 izayor Lackey (5) `.re ;•t'./ Com•aieoioner 7rzftl.cr offered notion that the report of the `ire Department for Retort ✓ ,pan. 19•13' tho month of Januar;, 1943, be voceived.- Adopted on call of the Roll, Yens, .-. 1^afoners Dorian, Johnston, Pulliam, ..arner and i'ayor Lackey (5). Com:aisoionor ",agner offarod notion that the payroll for the first haldl of ruar^, 1943 be allowed in the amount of ';0010.03, and f.nt the City Treasurer be t`.oriacd to pny the same by checks drain on the ;eneral Fund. Adopted on call of th) :ets, Commissioners Dorian, Johnston, Pulliam, B•agner and ilayor Lackey (5). Commissioner "arner offered notion that ',hnhinL,.tonTs Birthday, February 22, 22 -,3 , beinr a legal holiday, I move that thc•City Employees be allowed a .full day oaliday with the exception of the police and fire do•artment personnel. Adopted on r,c?1 of the Roll, Yeas, Commiosioners Dorian, Johnston, Pullinm, :l�agner and b:ayor ..!soy (5). C,riniasioner Fulliam offeree, the followin,7 motion: I move that an ordinance .. ...iL�1.: _ 1 - "A:: 071NITAICE AUTHORIZING T11- tCE TO a. ROY NICHOLS OF _ .. .. _ 2 ''-0. 2, OF ,UARLE3 ADDITIOII TO 'Il'.3 CITY OF PADUCAH, %ENTUCKY, AND ALS# 3ALw ,.::D "Ci?.";a LANCE TO MRS. 3. U. RNOLl31i OF LOT 110. 0 I:: ..BLOCS 110. 1, .. _' :C::, ISI:M,, THE :QAYOR 1010 CITY CIM., TO EXECUTE DEEDS O9 CO11VW- . -• RT:", be adapted. Adopted on call of the Moll, ✓oas, 17- Jnhnnton, Pulliam, ;acncr and Swyer Lackey (5). w r e' '�r<< the fol Inwin nntlon: I move thni. a ?osolullon � ADV -1:1`1-11. :,vq D., li .. _ ed on call. o; the ?poll, Yens, Coratissl on^rr. ,;ot•1nu, Lackey (5) --•"fn:c<1 •r,, following motion: I move that a Fle::n:U3tinn _ .,,9703 ALMN W. !'A:FFI:( A:?D P,10 J! I ' ' Ur N .iv.... . , . 1 of the L•o11 , , •r . . ..tor Works C, 1• Proceedings of ^:l of Camra:,s Som rs City of Paducah °''' ary 19th, 1943 Accopt bid of 7 Myer Lackey offered motion that the City of Paducah accept the Lid of :,;llipa rfor ;as y o. '• the Phillips Fotroloum Corporation for the vale to the city of gasoline and oil oil nrar?ucts for a period of four (4) months beginnint, February 15th, 1913. Adopted on 7ca;1 of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Dorian, Johnston, Pullinn, '.:azncx' and 1.:Ryor �Lacl;ey (5). Eeocuto contract ?::ayor Lackey offered the following notion: I move that an ordinance :Ith Fhillips FCtroleun Co �) entitled: "AN OHDIIiA]iCE AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EI?TEP. I?Tf'0 fiIM ,XrNTE A CONTRACT FOR THE PURCHASE OF GASOLINE AND OIL DTOM THE PHILLIPS PETROLFUh 0071;FA: _ FOR A PERIOD OF FOUR (4) MONTHS i'RO?4 FEBRUARY 15'RI, 1943, AND PRE3CRI_,1N(; TIIE Teti?: U?�)aR WHICH c;AID PURCHASES :11IAI.L DE 11ADE", be adopted. Adopted on all of tho Roll, Fans, Commissioners Dorian, Johnston, Pulliam, ::agner and '^.ayor Lackey (5). Receive bid of Commissioner 'Magner offered notion that the bid of Bradley crothors and of Eradle,r bros forcement R reorge 7.7. 3atterjohn, Jr., for the sale to the rity of Iadueah of 3000 barrels of .,atterjohn bid Portland Cement be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Holl, Zeas, Commissioners =orinn, Johnston, Pulliam, ";egner and 1.?ayor Lackey (5). Accept bid of Commissioner 17apier offered the following motion: I move that an ordinance Nsadley Fres for cement entitled. "AN ORDIIIA?:CE ACCEPTING '0111 FID OF BRADLEY KROTIIERS FOR TIIE SALE TO ME rIT Execute con- tract OF PADUCAH OF POP.TLA?ID CEMENT TO BE USCD I:I C17Y CONSTP-.UCTiO:; PIORK, AHD PRESCRIBIIM 'HIE TERES AUD C01'JITIO::3 UI1DUR WHICH WCH CE?::E:l^ -HALL .E PURCHASED", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Holl, Yeas, Conminsioners Dorian, Johnston, Pulliam, ttiagner and ?:ayor Lackey (5). Receivo 2: fi1?ayor Lackey offered motion that the letter from S'.r. .roaoph C. Caldler, !otter of Joseph C. Solicitor for the Tennessee Valley Authority, dated Fobmlary 15th, 1043 and addreaacd Swidlor T".'A to the Ilan. linrce E. Lackey, Yayor, be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yoas, Commissioners Dorian, Johnston, Pulliam, '3arner and A:ayor Lackey (5). Request Fila ol ^ayor Lackey offered motion that the Corporation Counsel be directed to 'enators arkley and prepare a Resolution to be submitted to Senator Alber. :1. arkley, :;cnator A. D. >:ndl" L: "op. ^rogory Chandler and Representative noble rregory, requeating them to „ot Ln touch erith offic,i^1c ;r the cork Irojects Adminlatration, rnd to ur,e that tho time for con- , • l^.';111" ",vinr project on Horth 13th Str•:ot Le extended. Adopted on c all of tl� Dorian, Johil:itptl, Fu:l.l inc, ";a(tn er and T'ay or Lackey (5). r-' *.on t: r t10QL-1nZ adjournod. rr-f{ >ti 14,3 10.13 A, PROVED o.