HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 20, Page 603, July 28, 1942NO. Proceedings of City of Paducah July A 1.n- of the':card or corailtmionnrs held In t1:O t':` City ijall in w1itwill, .,:%' 1—::, �i -7 t and upol, "all 01, ,,i Lackey pr a stdoe, ar.er-'d tivlv nines: conmi.'sicn,ro Dorian, 'n?or (5). 7-.nutos of the ,rovioua n'c-.1nS ware adopted as read: n :'orian o:fcrca notion t1lat the loner of t�'Uson Chair: of the 11ou,.i.;-n aottln:' Forth a ropo,'°t of orrationn ::Inco A,,ril 7, 10,12, be 11rd M-.d..,::opted oncall of the Roll, teas, -ovian, pqa joblicton, F11111art, "iti-ner and .'a.,or Lackey (5). t Corjjissioner Johnston offorad notion Ghat the Doard of Corxria--Ioncrs receive n a -id file the letter of the City :anaCor, 1.'r. Janes :kaith, roi'.avdln- the rnccaptrt Cc ht for the purchase of property at 9th and ;,urnett t to ofrtj�.,a bi(I of the ':ayes rreiF ht Lines Streets for tho sun of 1000.00 provided ,laid Company aCroes to ;lay t that 3131t .'I thout exponse to the city for cleanin[; up or .leveling off of said property, also the 10 tters of J.F. Anderson, Street Superintendent, 1 -Irl. ;,ccs i;- asham, City Treasurer, and T. :xaeley, City 7nrineer, approvin,- the recortmondiation made by the C&ty I fuz-thor move that the City !-Ianager 'co requested to advise the !:Dyes Fr ei7that Lines ti st the city ill accept -.1000.00 Jr. carli for said proporty provided no imp,overmnts are rocjp,!:�-ed to be mado by tl-B city, rnd if said CompLny is to pay that -,mount, the Cororation Counsel have fai, Introlucti,,,n at the nest roCular meet'-nr of tl;o board an bv:linnnce authorizin- the convoya,n,e o .al' property by deed o' :iroclal vrar-anty anc: to any onseri-nte nr P-xiy t-1 0 1' facto .:'rich On accurate --,Arvoy show. Ado,ltocl on OnI -,f t1-,(,, 1 L, Cor.-ilasionern Dorian, Johnston, ; ill liaj;,.,hZ;ner and 'ayor Yic:wy (5). :Tayor Laclzey O.'fcred tho follo'-vint: notion: Fort C. Obormeir, ncrr,-,3ontat1vc ir—lon-Rand, inc., having-, quin.itted to the City j,:a;iaZor a 1--d In tine sum of t" ;,!:D V..,t.y r)1' One (1) :,wJ.n-ton-Y.and .Oollkoopin,g 2.:aclanc nf-`2 '11", .1 required by jaw, aiv! trio City !.Rna.-Or I' " f. it be alvontaroolas to the cit,- tC rcaq,)n that porta 'Lc available If It should tlia 1!O'1r(1 of o' w ion lint ... iazi .,.c r.., -,5intc I it of one 7.al%lon tios-I,) t1w. . A I" lonvrs 3orian, i stonero r -i in Vilch i Proceedings Of. Cily of Paducah The Court oi' --ally :,osod u:)on It to ,.00 an,,'. r and poor In the CiLy of t' -^t it L:;' City 1p t, -,Ie over the on; -vc,'Dre !,.ova the City ::,mai-.er Continue on Au-twt 1--t an,: tharoafter fo--, in o f' lw to naln-a In P, 11 vhnriLlas for vil,.! ch a propriationn Baro --r Cuat all PaTrwntu made or the benefit of cl-arity 1:0 ;m%zd o.-noration 03ounsellue nuth,)rizod to Inat-tute an :,-.,nc'-on Circuit IoUrt for the PUrE'OSC of hnv1n,,: the Court T, !h' in liable for the funds which the City is , , :, : ',!-, -ountyto failure and refusal to a;iwu;,.o any Y, adoclara tion the r - '-tzj o' Lho nrtf--,s on thee .1 .-,-ty munt continuo to LI!T co,,int*,,-- 11,9WILty. Connicnionnn johnaton, n t fic:jolmrned. 1942 Q.