HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 20, Page 56, May 16, 1938Proceedings of "1 o' '14"''0 Chy of Paducah I''ty At a ro .iinr n— tLn.' of the :.onr:l of Commia:.foners held in the .._r r.ion ::' rhnn'tc- at -'.:e Cit ;• ::ell, fadueah, l:antudcy, at 2:30 orclock P.I,S. on the 17— In,: of I:ay, 1938, i-:nyor ';arl tam n 'c9l:'el1 an''Aron call of the roll the following -' - �o Cl-,rit nnrec: Cwunir.leners tlan'c, ?Felton, Fulliam, ;tub,lefiolO and 1:nyor (5). Ianutes of 1ho pr^':iou meetin^n *,c -c aeopted as road. Commis: toner ;Innk oCfered the 1'ollo•a1n- motion: I move that the . - Cc!-unicntlon from Adrinn Terrell, Special Tax Attorney for the City of Paducah, ^ctin,- the tax appeals of George H. Coodman be received and filed,- and it appear- __ f:•om said cnrm:unication that an arrecd judgment is proposed that ill result in a .I not increase in the assessed valuation of the property of the said George Ii. Goodman of nnoroxirr_tely !x15,635.00 over and above the assessment returned by the tax payer; ^n` the said Terrell having recommended the entering o f an e_-redd judrncnt to that -.fret, rr". that the valuation of property at 109 IT 4th Street be fixed at ;15,100.00 :n said jud ment,- I ro-:e that the recommendation of Adrian Terrell as apeeial Tax ..t'orney be conrorrer' in, an- that he be authorized to cause judLment to be entered _a a^ror�7r^nc r.l'.'h said recorn:•ndation. Adoptr:d on call of the roll: Yeas; ^.o:r:i.^cion^rs _'an1c, '.`eltor., Fulliam, :7tub;lefield and l:ayor aaahburn (5). Co=iac'_oner ;lank offaree :notion tbat the City I:anager embrace 1h the bud,^,et for this year, for the purpose of talcin_ care of incidental flood anll experaes which shall include title examination, cost of 1e3a1 proceedings, en'irearin I nncl other necessary tisork in procuring ri^hts of asy, a sufficient amount of :coney to corer such anticlp^ted expenses. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Com.^:issloncra F.rnk, :'elton, Fulham, ::tub leficld and 1.:ayor ".:aahburn (5). Conzils.iowr hank offered motion that the payroll for the fi- t :lf of 1'ay, 183£9 be allowed in the a:rount of y10,236,05 and that the City Treasurer h. s•!Y^.oriznri to pry same by checks. Adopted on call of the roll; Yeas; Co,r a^ lrior:er: ;tub--lefiold and [a;;or .:n'.ttuPn (5). C :lsnioner ivllia.•n ofP^rc"he fol n':ir. n :nn: 1 rove that thr -tom= 'o r-:•,:•., a rc^ort to the 7oar,1 of Com 1..1^_a _ on the pro •man:•. c�rr'.l:•rr'ion of 1.:uniclpal '0"' " 1, o: :;7,:ain an9cr the on cnll o" t!i^ ,•olJ.: __na; Cor:aniarionrrs i yor :nrliburn (5). o:; -vcc the Exile ... .:0':'17n: F.'.rs. T. b -y hs vin^: prnsented to the . ocr 7. of 11,^1c ::o.l, in the new addl' lcr. .. .: .rave . .. ay .,.xccutod an:: ac':rc-!o. -., by 1.... ':, .. .. .... .;,.id 'mrial lot ne a!•;r •.�raci. rm:•�d t,?.--yi tr ? -:h,,:v nni, 0nvr:ycatca. on call ..111 itoeal crante-- to 1 sol. r, F NO. 7 Proceedings of -card of Connia: io:nra City of Paducah . Mr'-" 1 !)39 J -lco9 ','all Eondc :.,.ie Flood :fall !.ona3- `:anp7cr to advertise for b0c M9 or 'aashburn offered .otlon that the petition and requact c Z,. 'c,onnody ion be received and filed for connideratlon by the ::card of I Cai i:;.-lonvrs. Adopted on call of the roll: Yea:; Copoli3rionera Hank, Liclton, L•a:31en, .;tubblefield and Slayer 'slashbarn (5). Mayor 4/aahbw•n olfored notion that the cornunicatlon from the Paducah Central Labor Union in reEard to out of stato contractors v.orkinr in is�lucah, be recoived and filed. Adopted on call of the roll: Ycao; Com- -12.1on-rc ::rn':, :olton, Pulliam, 3tubtlefiele. and I.:ayor 'aa shburn (5). Mayor ..ashburn offered the follovin;- notion: I rove that ❑n or<'ir_nncc cnt:itlod, OD.^.Ii..: :C3 PROVIDING :-07.1, THE ..:.D ...-. 01F :; .LIIIG j200,000.00 OF VOTED EO:: .. C.- , ... is ..._ 0:' .._.... ,..._ '20 L:; USED _'0-, THE PUM-OC;E 0:: Ar-... ... .. .. _....T r. .. .._.. CC'.i.,,::UC- 10i'. 0. .. .,dA ::ALL FOi: TILL' 017Y OF P:.'UCAI:, . Li ............ ._ OP3I:::.1;02 :.MC',.... .!�.:OPTZD ON TI:E 27TH DAY F SEPTEI:DEP., 1937, AIP :... .. 1 A Ol'TL•D Y T:: VOY OF ME C!TY Or' P:.DUCAfI AT T'_::-,2-133-biCTIC:: :[II 1937,° be adopted. Adopted on call of the roll: yeas; Connisaioners Ilcnk, '.:elton, Pulliam, 3tub'slefield and Iayor 'Naahburn (5). jLlayor 77ashburn offered the folloair>;; m::otion: I move that the City :'ana_cr be authorized and directed to advertise for sealed 'bids for the sale of the Zea :fall bon::s, and that said bids be received for the purpose of bean; I onenad be ore the Board of Corunisaloners at 10 o'clock A—% on Saturday, !.zy 28,19,.8. Adopte9 on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Hanle, I'.elton, Pulliam,-tub.lefield an' ''ayor '::aahburn (5). On notion r.:aetinZ adjourned. ADOPT D�_