HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 20, Page 487, November 18, 19410 No 487 Proceedings of pO2 of City of Paducah=:ovc•ibor 18, 1941 by Com-� pontponino _n- of -ib r;, 11, 1941 ^ell -first h"If of 1941 oci:Cemetery-dcce m fro '• 'r:n to :Jenson At n rerulnr mcctin.- of the boned of CommiaaiDrera i1e1:1 in the ^crr�iasi0ne s Chamber at the dity hall, Paducah, Kentucky, at 7:30 olrlock e.L1. on the i 121,1, . <:c • of ::ovcmber, 1941, Mayor ?a ckey proaided and upon call of the roll the followin;- +:nay: red to their nsmes: Comr:isoionero i,a�cor, Blockturn, Dorian, Pulliam ana yor L�inkoy (5). 111nut0s of the previous mooting :•rare adopted an read. L;ayor Lackcy offered motion that the notices given the members of the Lonrd of Con-missioncra that the rcrular nocting on i.ovember 11th, 1941 :aou1C not to hold, which notices yore duly accepted by Comminniorers J. B. Pulliam, L:nry K. P.ovi..: A. P.lockburn and George C. Baker on i:ovember 10th, 1941, be received and filed. Adopted on n.11 of the roll: Yens; Commisaioners Bnkor, Blackburn, Dorian, Pu?Burs and 1,'ayor Lockcy (5). Commissioner Baker offered motion that the payroll for the i'lrst half of November, 1941, be sllo:,ed in the amount of �p9,844.83, and that the City Theanurer be authorized to pay same by check drawn on the Gencral bund. Adopted on cn11 of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Ba':cer, iaackturn, Dorian, Pulliam and liayor Lsckcy (5). Commisaioner Blac?cLurn offered the follo:ving motion: Amy Edna Page and Thomas V. 1.ev,aon having presented to the Board of Comraianioners u deed df conveyance executed and dolive_•ed to them by Yiilliam H. :ior^on, dated itovembar 10th, 1941, under the terms of which there is conveyed to them all of the Grantorls rl,,hL, title and interest in part of Lot 110.29 in clock 14 In Oak c;rnve Cemetery, raducnh, K -n t•7ckY;- I move that the convoyanc., of the aforesaid cemotary lot to Amy ndna Pare and Tnomns V. t:errnon of Pay?un:.h, ;Centuc::y, be ar.proved, and that the C--ty Clerk be authorized to cake pl•n;-ct• nz to ._: n in the Cemetery Re- iatcr shorflr;5 the c. nveyarce of ..: i' lot. A i, ci .... .. i roll: - r.o:.:lasl onura i,•it;e.,, B1uek- i bn -n, .:.r 1an, Pu1'. ivri s:vl ; ur . :c.. y Commisa.loner :.,riven o� .,,;., r: n.: ar 1,,:i iol la•.: in r.., ortr 19•il Lc r"celvod: .0.7' �. .. d. - r... ..,. :'�;alcian. d•tr,.,:•. s , r•r :,:. .., , Get•_.. , _71l ..-i nt:a i7or <.. •, ... torv.:r Dorian O. ....r .:�• • ,... _ .,t ..i chat". A. :.otr.,- .•.;n:-, .. , , '•m' the: re sal is x ... :. _., :•i on oclooiz 1, ltq� Proceedings of n.."' i oY r.,, - r_' i^n^,•s City of Paducah ::-:1, is, 19.11 Por moi' .^:�;is:saner 2,738 votes 1ved 2,669 received 1,431 votes n received 1,306 votes Crny received 1,116 votes L. L-roylon received '891 votoa Dorian received 2,^:02 votes ^rod Duff received 1,017 votes --rtn E. Gillespie received 314 votes Johnston received 1,392 votes T. l.octcett received 024 votes �rbcrt S. 'Ielton received 891 votes "Cantaln" Len F..Mlitchell received 661 votes -red " i 'ie" i:0^,? -an received 1,196 votes :'u111am received 1,682 votes ':arold 'a n^r received 1,701 votes ;I. Ardell '_'oung received :.83 votes :iarry Loyd recolved 1 vote tie, the undo -si,ned Election ComxAsslonors of McCracken County, Kentucky, ,lo cerilfy the above to be true and correct. Given under our hands this October 18th, 1941. 4 (II. L. Coker Election Commissioners (Cl.'E, Fellers " SMM 0.1 slTlir;h'Y ) SC T. 7CUFTL Or =rRACKETi ) I, Sarah Miller, Clerk of the County Court of the County and State aforesaid, do certify that the above and fore:,oing is a true and correct cony of same It a,rears on record in my office. Given under my hand thin 18th day of October, 1941 Sarah Millor, Clerk By Je: a G. Mercer, D. C - ?n^t^', on call of the roll: Yeas; Commisaloners Baker, Ilackburn, Dorian, rulliem and ...yor ._.ey (5). Cornisnioner rulliam offered, motion tient tho cortiiicate o: Harnon L. '.1-1sr.: Foliera, and Chas, A. Rott.cring, Cor.ndosiono-z— of... lection of cnn County, Kentucky, sho:^.lnr the rea;:lta of the General Election held in and for city of F'.,`ucah, I;entueky, on Noveriber 4th, 10.11, be recolved,filod and spread ... rtlnatea: r.0 .... _...:I) SCT. un-'.a•aIrr,ed, Ila �,non L. Co`ll—r, klm. L. r'ol.l`:: Z. n -t Chan. A. Rott- ge^:. _, ,zA qualliled Co=la.�Ian�ra oC Ll,.ctlon of hcrrac;ccn County, Y o 1."y t 1•-t at tl:e court Reuse In :cCracicen County, Rentuo;cy, srrl ani r ;r•-_nt.^�? t6.^ votes cr.at at th<- General Election hel.•1 :lov,;•nbor 4th,1041, e. •-r •'•: ce.�t.i:y !^.�;t t'.•r. ;'o'.la:vin,7 is a correct total 01- votes neat for aeici a,,or,'Ir-ancon: C l,'Y ELECTION ^'iscn received 3,011 vrteo ^.:or r'eeiverl 3,570 votes "-ivied 2,738 votes 1ved 2,669 votes ^ votes :V'XI 4,055 votes 3,500 votoa r _an 0.^9 votes 17 votes 3,945 votes reCOlVe. 5^4 votes r,^.elvaS ,181 votes or One of *%0 : . lr: inparaente No. alis Proceedings of—L2-1-1 o Con: daolnn -f City of Paducah Novombor 18, 19.1 COiJ%T'i 0.' 1MCRACREN 1 Sc t. T, Snrah Millar, Clew`s of the County Court for the Count:; and Statn nrorc- said, do certify that the abeve and fore,_oin;y is a true and correct copy of snme as it a: rears on record in my of; ice. Given unddr my hand thia Gth day of Novcmbor, 1941. Sarah Miller, Clerk By Jean G. Mercer, D. C. Adopted oh call of the roll: Yeas; Commia:aioncrs Laker, Blackburn, Dorinn, Pulliam and Mayor Lackey (5). Riv: raide n^oapital- .1 Commissioner Pulliam offered motion that the Contrast, Lease Shelby-Skiprith Contract r^celvo•, nnc'. Mod and Option entered into between Shelby-Skipwith, Inc., of ilemphie, '1lnnesneo, and the City of Paducah, dated November lath 1941, be received and filed. Adopted.on call of the roll: 'lean; Commisn.loners Baker, Blackburn, Dorian, Pulliam and Mayor Lnckoy (5) Asseco-rent Ordinance- Comminnionrr Baiter offered motion that an ordLnance entitled: Ternnnscc Streit- 3rd tof 10th "n:.i 01(71 !W:CE AJ3E3.3ING -illi buU:":Ii:G PROPERTY Oil iMTi SIDES OF TENNE3JEE STRUT r',OC! LINE OF 3RD 3TRc:'T,•'0 TaE EAST PROPIlI:Y LINE OF t'GRRELL i-')ULEVARD, E%C?.',;D7! G I:iT.'..":;3^ e:Oilu AT 4TH, 5711 AND GTH STS.^-MTJ Irr 'IIE CITY OF PATUC.�:i, J.',CCRACrCF11 COULTi, F.E:17CCKY, FOR THE PORTIOI: 0'- ..1133 COST 0:' CC.--jT!iUC"'IOiT OF SAID STREET AND Y THE PLACING i RJ ;'fi...^,.i0:: Or A r3NcR'zTE SURFACE TOCE'1'I:'sR (I ITiI - J.=. r -,.: ! , `Ii2T.'6:;, I:I'f'., L.., C;.T(H 13A3IUS, .,,.., 1', n DRAIN PIPES A.'M ALL tiECESSAR7 h......... _1:I;!G, E^UIF•f�i:T, hD','s;:: _:;I:1C AND L1CGAL A'11) CLERICAL 3ERVICE3 I:; COi!- I� NECTI2N .,::rl'l"t1 'J -.!DLR :i13 _-:.0^:i.:i^:;.. Cr A'. ACT OP TIIE CENLRAL A:;.i1a,',5LY OF THE :.-..:':;(S:Y ADOPTED AT ITS :;:.::JL:.:i :;S.;DION IN 19">B, PROV,D.ING FOR 7'NE 01+ P'.;.1.:. .:;i73 Ii1 CITIES OF RS �LCGi CLa.i.: by AID Oc' ^.7: C1iK i rcOJtC'C3 1011 0: G...._:. r..'.'..; n. . � 011 3TATE .2CLUZIVE rC3T 0: t,:, C i L _ _.. AAD TO ,. 3i(L .,.. ._T No Proceedings of CityafPaducah- Nov( nt n lackburn offered motion tint int on ordinance eni.i* led: —%c- 11J A13UT'I7IG 011 7-0 H j.[Ds;; OF OHIO STIZE.-"T FPC31 IIHE 7�.'Y L': 311D Z;TT',--' T 10 TILE a- 3T PROP,:(. LI;II: OP 67H STREET, EXCLUDIING -,NS AT 4th, Sth, AND 6th S`IMET.3 IT: T 71;.' -7 fT-,' Oi :',S7;UCAH, MCCRACYMI COUNTY, C:: 0. TH'' M;T 0..' CONSTRUC '1J1' O- :iAID STR.]'!T AND IMPROVE -ENT 1::,! AND TELIZ -.011 0" A CONCREr. SUIRPACE Tf ALL 3, 37,301 A -M DRAIN PI?E3 A:ID ALL :IEC-Ij:.Ar?Y L;1 L -GAL MlCLERICAL SERVICES IN CONIMMON THERE .0 ACT Or THE GMERAL A3.;M.,.LLf OF, THE '.. 011.`: 01'-;ZAL 1111 OF 7� i.:-0?71-M AT M; R:3U1AR 3E.36ION IN 1938 'TMIDING FOR THE IM?110V-71'.B:TT OF CI IE., OF THE SEXOND CLASS BY AID OP THE FORK PROJECTS ADNIHISTI(ATION Ial m E 0� Ts:E PEDMAL OR STATE 0 OV R I L T, AN- AT THE EXCLUSIVE COST OF THE 01. ON 3UeH 1r1FI',OVF.'MEI;T ;,Cr013DIUC TO THE YU1.1-DER OF FRONT OR A, 'n-:: 1:.:: THAT A TA". JdALL BE LEVIED UP311 SAID LOTS OR PI.RC9L!3 OF 0, 0.-' ;ED TH COST SHALL ri- THE CO -;T 0. 1110 SAID I!:MOV.-::ENT -11-1. T^,'AL AYOUNT "C 0' -E-3 OF THE 7 ...:7'i :," ..ICH TAX 011ALL 13E Tj:E r !;,,:.L I:: 11-0-UCALIT, AND _T:ALF 0: T... WE E- I:',-TZD MC �'T T ::i^. D E T. % .-?:JCTIITG THE ;0 OUK" C'c.;`,-.'; UTED 13Y CJLI:- J AD:11i--,7, 0.- 1-:1 T D :i TATE ::::D TO BE TTH- C1 :'.`W OWNI&L; O:: OHIO 3RD b3TR .„:iD 8771 OR", be ao.opte Adopted on c,,.Il of the i,oll: Yeas; Elnc': Dorian, Pullin:-, t1r.` i:,,yor Luckey (5). ?.n. -,or LnI,lcey lig" -1 ned copy of t' c lotter wrttt,,an by City Tvcr. . ...... ':r. Jumes, P. Jmlth, City dated in v,!"- letter the. City rzn-, In r,. .roe, L! zkt t!lx,s col- "ach 'r n 10.11 0iancowith the r not lqc, p o? tc.!, I., . 7loerelcax , tato . of j;,,n Y, v NO Proceedings of 'oni'•'• ° t%o .lsslon rs City of Paducah- .ibv"n' cr .13, 1041 _..'O of Police ofi'iccr cop;: of r..atlon be Haile to i;ra. 0oh1schlacrr. Adopted on cull of the loll: 'Yen;; Corti.a.aon:gra Balc,—r, Blnckbnrn, Dorian, Pialllam !Ind Iinyoir Lackey (5). I Mayor Lackoy offere,- motion that the lot,^r of' the United Stntea Fidelity and Guaranty Conoany dated liovcmbor 4th, 1941 be received and 1'llcd, and it a -rearing that the Aetna Casualty Company has.bc n accepted as surety in lieu of the. United States Fidelity and Gunranty Company, surety on the following described to r.• s: Bond of B. 11. Stmtcil #30222-07-195-39 expiring 9-19-41 Bond of Gerald Stewart #30222-07-194-39 expiring 9-15-41 Bond of E. R. Lemon '30222-07-196-39 expiring 9-23-41 Bond of ';7.r. Glenn #30222-07-197-39 expiring 9-23-41 Bond of Andy Almy ,'30222-07-190-39 expiring 9-30-41 And it further appearin,- that the Aetna Casualty Compnny is liable )under bonds executed by it as surety for each of the above named police officers from and after the expiration dates set out above; I it I further move that the City Clerk be authorized to execute on the ry margin of each of the aforesaid 'bonds on r:hich the United States Fidelity and Guaranty Compnny is surety the following- endorsement:- d "Pursuant to a motion adopted by the Board of Com.•n1:.::loners of the City of Pt ducah, Kentucky, at a ro�-ular meeting held Nov. 16, 1941, the United .hates Fidelity and Guaranty Company, surety on the within bond, is hereby fully released from { all liability arising under the within bond from and after the date on which the Aetna asua ty Company executed a bond as surety for the officer named herein, but this relesso shall not affect its liability as surety prior to said date". Adopted on call of the roll: leas; Commiaaioncrs Balser, Blackburn, Dorian, Pulliam mai j 'teyor Lnekey (5). _ ':osted Mayor Lscitey orferod motion that the C.ty Yanagcr be requested to r^are f,r 1 favorably consider and include in his budget for 1942 a 10% increase in pay to all �I nembors of the Paducah Fire and P^lice department's with the exceotLon o' lhr,^o ::hose r_creaaed for the yerr 1941. A•iopted on c•.11 of the roll: , .•a L'nic nr, Dorian orr? ,'nynr Lnckcy (3). i.aya; C,ot:c:.:-:�.: •,r.%gra L1- �.nd I:nyor Lac'•cey o-'fcred "lotion tiara the lotto r a: van D. Bor,1L•t •, . .n tiv-. ''nr;,ttree,. Greater Pa-iuc.ah Ansoclation, dated .,nvomber lf, -..;.1, to :,nd that the City of vse;ucnh ...:1,. 'r.lt. '. .stn tbs oast .. _ - •sae a atrip o1 -round on the r_v .. ... _. c.Lrq• of that nren .. n .,tr of up the river tovrard cess.-- ':.-.tonce of 250 fnet. cn ti -at the acid Coast Huard be r '•,.e,1 !:o canstr•ur.t a mrell :^reel at. e'.,.re ,a1cw t,e s,:n r=ail within .,nisi area for ci.-, purpose of ko,'pirtg• ce: on e,,li of the :^a Ce ,.L•,ci:,n.rs lk,kar, 0