HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 20, Page 485, October 28, 1941NO. Proceedin so of ::om!ia:,ianot'a Cit o Paducah Octobrr 20, a f� s f At a regular mooting of the Board of Com.:.io:;lon. •s of the C!" o� induca}:, :.cntu�ky, h•:•.L:' .Lu the Con:.issioncrs Chamber At the City Iiall, Paducah, ^Cntc'cy, at 7:30 o'clock P.r. on the .^.3th day o}' October, lull, Mayor Lackey nresidcli zn? n•c:: call of 0:e roll the ;oL'ow:n.• nr.s,^^a•ed to t}:r, i;• n:;rtas: Co•ardssLoncro :lnc',cburn, Dorian, Pullism ane: I:ryor Lackey (5). linutea of the prosioun mcetLn�- were adopted An read. Commissioner Llacic`.A!rn offer,.,: mor,ion that the petition ✓s '-.red by Clarence Alo:cander end others reaucating the instollntien of str,:ot U-1ita _.... tr. or. ::, llhh Ston North 11th Strect between Burnett and Plournoy Streets, be received and filed and referred to the City Manager. ..dopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Con::lasloner:: Baker, Blackburn, Dorian, Pulliam and 6..ayor Lackey (5). �:!cph ":at. -.r Commissioner Baker offered notion t1ant the report at the :.ater Paducah Works for the month of September, 1941 be received and filed. „donte9 on call of the roll: Yeaa; Somarissioners Bak<r, Blacicburn, Dorian, Pulli.,m and :'ayor Lackey (5). ^:Tact ::n •:-.icy - ' Commissioner Pulliam -offered motion that the Contract, L_ase -rd ceuirment for Q clde Eoapit.al j:and Option entered into between the City of Paducah and the Dick X -Ray Company on 'October 18th, 1941, the Contract, Lcaso And Option entered into beCrreen the City of �rr_:l•-,crh and the Rhodos-Durford Company on October 28th, 1941, and the Contract Lenae and Ontior entered into between the City of Paducah and the Max i:ocher k :ion Comnnny on October 28th, 1941, be received and Mod. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; �pCommissioncrs Baker, Blackburn, Dorian, Pulliam And b}ayor Lackey (5). ice bonds 99 I.Iayor Laekey offered motion that the Bettor of czoll.e L•_.ct:cy released requesting releases of the bonds of certain employees of L'oard of P:irk Comnisaaonera be received and filed, that said Londa be cancelled as of this ditto, and the City Cleric is 'rcrei•,y authorized And empovered to execute on the margin of the ionds of claude :'ilas Crrroll, #157851, Chnrlos L. Haskins, #157852, '.111ie Givens Burden, yj157853 and ROY Yichole, y%157854, the following endoraemont: Pursuant to A UOLI.rn: A:optod by the hoard of Goc�zia.:;un•:•: on Octobnr 28th, 19,11, the suety herein is hereby full:: released from all 1.1nt.ilit'y aria in^ under this fond frc,., ar..; ,ft,r October ::ah, luil. Stn z., my nm:d n: C.lcrtc O: t.Lc ci7•r n, .,.d!tcnh, :cat::^.::•, ...._r the :'Oth Pay of Octni.or, 1O41. ' hudy -. tcwnrt ComAs. _cr..... .. 1� ,,.... .,.•Sit , Lill] 1,,m a7,d