HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 20, Page 47, April 18, 1938NO. jr Proceedings of Boar' of Co :-rlrsiOnors City of Paducah .pril 13, 1933 At a ra•ulor moctin., of the Loard of CommIaaionern hold in rho COmminJIozi 'ors Chnnbor at the City Knll, Paducah, F.ontucky, at 2 o'clock F.b:. on the 13th day of April, 1930, Mayor F.'snhLnrn presided and upon call of the roll the follovfin;; anuworod to their names: Com:rinaionorn Hank, ;.:elton, Pullllam, Stubtlefield and l:aycr :,a_-hburn Minutes of the previous meetin^s were adopted no read. Commissioner Hank offered motion that the payroll for the first half of • :molls - 1--t ^r. April, 1930 be alloe,ed in the amount of j10,006.73, and that the City Trensurcr be :o pay some by checks. A'opt.e9 on call of the roll: Yeas; Comm..icaionerc ...1'.on, Pulliam, G.ub.letield ami:'syor :ianhLurn (5). •"i rommission.r :'clton oi:ered motion that a license to sell at retnil beer ansa - Carl {aml li-ht eines rrnnted to the following applicant upon proper payment to the City Tre•surer be a proved: Carl Lee, 739 No. 10th Street, Known as Southland Gsr6en I; Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Hank, Melton, Pulliam, Stub�:lefield and Mayor iashburn f5). Commissioner Stubclet'Yeld offered the followin; motion: Frank Coryell of Funk Coryell - ?sed" to lot in Oak Grove Palucsh, Kentucky havin- presented to the Board of Commissloners 11s deed to a part of Lot #17 in flock "3" on the East side of ;.tagnolia Avenue between ryrtle Ltrect and Hose Street in Oak ;rove Cemetery in Paducah, Kentucky, which deed is executed and acl:noc- led.ed by F. C. Rooney, Calinta Atchison Rooney and Ctrs. Leonia Atchinon, I move that t:ne ca^.'•cynnce of said burial lot as aforesaid be approved, and that the cemetery ti �recor%.n be corrected to show said conveyance. ;-"optod on call of the roll: Yens; onj,.l:-ic Hera Trani:, "citon, Pulliam, Stubclefield and Mayor :lashturn (5). Comr.issioner Stubcleliold offered: motion that a (Teed granted to 1.7 -an. C.: l: :all, :or Lot }12, in :.lock ',4, in the Mausoleum I -,clition in Oak Grove C metcry, i.'acnh, i­ntucky, upon rroper payment of *240.00 to the City Treasurer bo roved. ^pte:l on call of the roll: Yen.,,, Commi::••loners Honk, 7Lolton, Pullis an-' anl.curn :-ryor "'aviieurn otfcred the followi.nf; motion: I :novo dist the Corporction cael be inrtr.:^sed to brin^ in an or Innree} provic:ln r for the repeal of all or.:innn- of +h "_ .; of 1z, 1n conflict with the ::tnte „lcol,olic Control Law, so no to ^ _._ted sole of beer on Sun•?ay .hall noi. Le c ., r.ive until the 1 ?.Oat n crll of the roll: -e:. cltoa : n ?'nyor ht•.a•n • - , :'ull inn and :;tui• le:'ioL: (:.. i i _.. offer^ rho follocan 1Y Inn: t'-_ f. nu n:: L•� . NO.- Z.- --. - __ ___ Proceedings of of ­oTzn1j-,1Or.ox,;- City of Paducah +Iprl:L is, igza j r c -,n o f w., : 1, c follo,...'Irl- 1 !:1 or, W. T L n� 1038 7' C) r '-"HE CITY be r. r on Cr,- 1 0 lir.nl,, M.elton, iulli.^m, Stub(,l I r olio. i -air. inn: I move that an n:- 0? -MurIC: 7. . q :-T, A::l r bo fvlo-tcd on ­il o, r.., 1lelt! and 1.:nyor :-,)cion: I move thr,t the char-,-'. r vr_� -1,.,3 ..url Loris be f1lerl away .:,)arl of Gorr, r i --,, I onv ro i,ullion, ;tubZ;1cfjcj9 s;nd. rn r, ;Inr w",tin- be I ;jo',.,zn, of tM roll: '_',.nn; Arn j