HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 20, Page 429, May 27, 1941No. 429 Proceedings of Board of Commissioners City of Paducah May 27, 1941 a At a regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners hold in the Commissioners Chamber at the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, at 7:30 otclock P.1.1, on the 27th day of May, 1941, Mayor Lackey presided and upon call of the roll the following answered to their names: Commissioners Balser, Blackburn, Dorian, Pulliam and Mayor Lackey (5). Minutes of the previous meetings were adopted as read. Cay 30th Holiday Comeiissioner Baker offered the following motion: Decoration Day, May 30th, 1941, being a National Holiday, I move that the city employees be allowed'a full day holiday with the exception of the police and fire department personnel. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Baker, Blackburn, Dorian, Pulliam and Mayor Lackey (5). Resolution appointing ✓ Commissioner Blackburn offered motion that a resolution entitled: Archaeolo ical Committee „A RE30LUPION CREATING AND APPOINTING A COMMITTEE TO REPRESENT THE CI'CY OF PADUCAH FOR THE PURPOSE OF INDUCING THE TENNESSEE VALLEY AUTHORITY TO LEAVE IN WESTERN KENTUCKY THE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AIR) OTHER 114TERIAL BEING EXCAVATED BY IT FROM THE TENNESSEE RIVER VALLEY IN WESTERN KENTUCKY", be adopted. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Baker, Blackburn, Dorian, Pulliam and Mayor Lackey (5). Skating Rink license V Commissioner Blackburn offered motion that the letter of C. W. Korth and J. W. Griffith requesting a license to operate a skating rink at the warehouse of the Paducah Loose Leaf Floor on Kentucky Avenue between 10th and 11th streets be received and filed, and that the City Treasurer be authorized to issue to them a license upon payment of the fees required by the ordinance under which occupational license taxes ;are levied. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Baker, (Blackburn, Dorian, Pulliam and Mayor Lackey (5), Assesrmert Ordinance- Mayor Lackey offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "AN ORDIiNANCE rlst strcct- "C" St., to C1 Csyfield Road ASSESSING THE ABUTTING PROPERTY ON EOTH SIDES OF 21st STREET FROM THE WEST PROPERTY ALINE OF "C" STREET TO THE WEST PROPERTY LINE OF THE OLD MAYFIELD ROAD IN THE CITY OF ('PADUCAH, MCCRACY.EN COUNTY, KENTUCKY, FOR 'IHU PORTION OF THE COST OF CONSTRUCTION OF 'SAID STREET AND IMPROVEMENT THEREOF, BY 11IE PLACING THEREIN AND MMREON OF A CONCRETE SURFACE, TOGETHER WITH ALL NECESSARY CURB'S, GUT'LRS, DRIVONAYS, MANHOLE3, INTAKE.;, CATCH RACIN3, SE1401 AND DRAIN PIPES, AND ALL 11ECE.;3ARY E GINEERING, EQUIPMENT, ADVER- TL:It:� AND I13GAL AND CLERICAL SERVICES IN COIIIIEC71011 THLRE011TH UNDER 111IE PROVISIONS OF AN ACT 0? TS!E GEII,3RAL A33E1EBLY OF THE COMIIONCNEALTH OF i%a;TUCKY ADOPTED AT STS REGULAR ......-ION IN 1933, PROVIDING FOR THE IMPROVENENT OF PUBLIC WAYS IN CITIES OF THE SECOND CLA03 BY AID OF TICE :YORK PROJECTS ADMINISTRATION OR OTHER AGV,CIE3 OF THE FEDERAL OR 3TAT? ';0'16:1t:A1SNT, AND ... TiIE EXCLUSIVE CO. -,T OF TIRE 0:+?iSRS OF REAL ESTATE AGIR"fING Oil 3U1^,H IMFgiOVEMENT A^CORDI:a TO THE NUMBER OF FRONT CR ABU1"i'IHG PEEP, AND PROVIDING THAT A TAX SHALL BE IJ�VIEL U:Cit. S Alb LOTS OR PARCELS OF REAL E.;TATE FOR THE FAYNEIIT OF TUN C:': T AS_;E31-ED TI?8::7cC:;;, '!ii1fri! COST 7;HALL 2E 111E DLFFr:RICE BEV.1.E:c?i THE TOPAL CO.;11' OF 'Cf1V?1: TIN; 3AI1) AND THE WIAL AM-UNT OF THF. CONTRIL47'I•ION OF' 111ti 1Wom :-iOJP^,Tv ASY:`:IC.^F:A'S'IOtI OTIiES; A'7F.1v:IF.; OP THN' FEI)cltij OR STATE COVE1Nt4;NT ENGAGED 1.1 !MAriV^, SAIL !NHEOVRIMENT, AND 4!ilCll TA:fr.3 :HALL 13E DUE AND FAYALI.E All '11113 OF^10E OF THE CITY ? A.i1 Ii IN Tff" CT! HALI. IN PALUCAH, O.'rr-IIALir'Pilr:ll C: Wl-= THE 'W(RK OF CON - 3"R: 'Ir.M 52193 ANIS Tl?i? h:MA:NGER TH Ta.OP 7YF.tN ONE,1IALF OF ::AID I1iPR0VFJAEt:TJ OHALL HAV 'M!! N1`H TIM:: '1!AI.L B2 DET: hM1N''EDN'! '!'HE BOARD OF CCtf'!I3.. 10N:]I3 IV711 111E A' .:C4, ._'""! :7; —.1 :. AN., ALL THE e°iwJRI*,IG(iRK e HA'JIN G BfiiN COMFLO'I'M) AND j" F -:T -[Ai°= C.ST F.:.,._.,-'A:MEIi, AND 1? EE111f) itk:ti D FpCtd AID ESTIMATES A.t'T•:7i D OrT:N; "iii .+17 :: ': C _... C':..70:... T�:J Cil v .,t. X F1 CJ?^" 3 AI)M It: I:iTStA'i i ON OF THE sITJ 3TAT. .A^. :'Ilii' Aif;$ Pit':ati D T7 s =1 ;� • • D BY THE ABU' TTNa PR?-RTY 3 No 430 Proceedings of Board of Commissioners City of Paducah 11ay 27. 1941 _T_ OA71ERS ON 21ST STREET FROM "C" STREET TO THE OLD MAYFIELD ROAD IS $2.25 PER ABUTCING ,FOOT; ALS DRIVE,7AYS TO BE 12¢ PER SQUARE FOOT; ALL CURBS TO BE 30¢ PIR LINEAR FOOT; AND AIL GUCTF.RS TO BE 20yt PER LINEAR FOOT, AND THE CITY OF PADUCAH BEING NOW READY -0 C0YVENCE 't'NORK ON SAID IMPROVE14ENT AS OF THE DATE OF TIN: ADOPTION OF THIS ORDINANCE, be adopted. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Cortmtissioners Baker, Blackburn, 1 Dorian, Pulliam and Mayor Lackey (5). i Mayor Lackey offered motion that the letter of Mr. W. F. Munnikhuysen Wood Pre- serving Corp Vice President of the Wood Preserving Division of Koppers Company dated May 15th, 1941 letfcr be received and filed. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Baker, Blackburn, Dorian, Pulliam and Mayor Lackey (5). J Ordinance to Mayor Lackey offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "AIN ORDINANCE; purchase radio equip. AUTHORIZING THE E;(PENDITURE OF $2,270.00 F0I THE PURCHASE OF MOTOROLA RADIO EQUIPMENT adopted FROM THE CALVIN MANUFACTURING CORPORATION; PRESCRIBING THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS UNDER 1 i 71HICH THE CITY OF PADUCAH SHALL OBLIGATE ITSELF FOR THE PURCHASE OF SAID PROPERTY; AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO SIGN A CONTRACT CONTAINING THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS UTTER :lHICH SAID PROPERTY SHALL BE PURCHASED", be adopted. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Baker, Blackburn, Pulliam and Mayor Lackey (4). Nay; Com- missioner Dorian (1). Paducah i7nter Mayor Lackey offered motion that the Financial report of the Paducah 7:orks April report 'dater Works for the month of April, 1941 be received and filed. Adopted on call of the roll; Yeas; Commissioners Baker, Blackburn, Dorian, Pulliam and Mayor Lackey (5) '.:'star cop.- � Mayor Lackey offered the following motion: Charles Rhodes and rection - Ch -ries L. Y. Jones file their petition requesting permission of the City of Paducah and i:hodea,etc. 1:2nd Lt., Commissioners of 17ater Works to tap the two-inch water pipe line of L. 11. Jones, which fronts on the property of Charles Rhodes on 42nd Street between Pines Road and Borth i Central Avenue near the City of Paducah and to connect to the two-inch privately owned pipe line of L. Y. Jones, at or stout the intersection of 42nd Street and North i ^,entral Avenue, a one and one-fourth inch water pipe line to be constructed and extend-! ins along Forrest Avenue a distance of approximately 500 foot for the purpose of sup- plylnE water for household and domestic purposes to any raaidences which might be conatna,;ted on Lots :3 and 27, Block "A", Avondale Heights Sub -division, and to the lots frc:.ts^ on North forty-accond street as act forth in said petition. Said petl:,Ion was upproved in writing by L. b1. Jones who owns the two-inch water lino, fror.tin on 42nd street, botwaen the Pines Road and the intersection of North Central Avsnue and Vnrough which water will be conducted, to the four taps asked for by ;,etltlan�:r. , It r pos•ring that Wild petition has been approved as to fora and sufficiency Cy tl:o Commiacion.:rn o." 71a"r :Perks, I, titaroforo, move that said petition be recelved and filed; and teat the ConmlaW;nn,:^s of dater 'Works be authorized and permitteO to ..part ti:e auth0l'Ity to sell. petitlor.!:r to allow said counections mado and said Pipe line connt,�;cte".; an,,, that the Coymlasi:.n=,ra o:' 'Untor works be ac:thorized to furnish water aervlee aubfect to all the co::ditlors or 1lmitationa oat Forth in :aic1 petitior and spril-at:le to wetrr service 'ur:a ah0d the prison❑ resid/ng outside the City Limits. Ic is a_ao ;:ra::ce. U%at the City :hall not be reyulred to :'ut•nish water lit finy sp. cifled fre::e:.s.re. It isand aj;r•,ed ti'ut ::otn:nr, in Baia or_4<.r, nor in the grantin;; of t" ra:j;.eat :ou..ht Sn thio peticirn, shall be construed as a. c:.Igo:icr on the Fart the -i t7 cS :.,. ah or its CU-,iWslcrar:i of „star larks,tcjdm Purchase said Privately owned water pi;e when crratructed under this permit. No. 431 Proceedings of Aoard of ramal a innfma Cl(y of Paducah May 29,1941 It is further understood and agreed that there is nothing in the granting of this petition to obligate the City of Paducah or its Commisaionora of 77ater 10lorka to provide the water or any given pressure; and the City shall not be liabl, for lack of pressure or failure of service. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commisnioners Baker, Blackburn, Dorian, Pulliam and Mayor Lackey (5). Mayor Lackey offered the following motion: Alban 71. Barkley, Pater :lain extended- blandville Road- Lindsey McMahan, the Home Owners' Loan Corporation, by and through its agent, Charles Alben 17. Earkley, at al B. 'Whittemore, having petitioned the L,ayor and Board of Commissioners and the Com- missionars of '.'later Piorks for the privilege of making said taps to and constructing a private water line from a three-inch water main, extending from the City Limits along the south side of the Meadville Road in a ldestwardly direction, approximately 1200 feet, as described in said petition, for the purpose of providing water service for the residence of the petitioner, Lindsey McMahen and for any residences which might be constructed upon the property of Alton W. Barkley, as described in the petition; and it appearing thatsaid petition has been approved as to form and sufficiency by the Commissioners of Water Vlorks, I, therefore, move that said petition be received and filed; and that the Commissioners of 'dater 'Works be authorized and permitted to grant the authority to said petitioners to allow said connection to be made and said pipe line constructed; that the Commissioners of hater Works be authorized to furnish water service, subject to all the conditions and limitations act forth In said petition and applicable to water service furnished to persons residing outside the City Limits. It is also provided that Che City shall not be required to furnish water at any specified pressure. It is understood and agreed that nothing in thin order, nor in the Granting of the request sought In this petition shall be construed as an obligation on the part of the City of Paduc+ih, or its Commisoioners of eater Vlorks, to purchase said privately owned pipe when constructed under this permit. Tho>e in nothing in the Crantin3 of thin permission to obligate the City of Paducah or its Conmi:=�ionorn of Water 'aorka to prbvido the water or any given proonure; and the City shall rbt be liable for lack of proosuro or failure of service. Afloptoc_ on call of the roll: Yeas; Commianlon,^rn Eakor, Blackburn, Dorian, Pulliam and Mayor Lackey (5). A.: j Ltayor Lackey offered motion that thin Rorulor !.'eoting of the Loard of ;:rnc�,rst Ce. I: niCn9Y'3 Yx• a,%Jourrad until Thursday morning, May 29th, 1941 at the hour of 1.0:00 A.Y. Adoptefl en call of the roll: Yeas; Co^n1-a1on a Enknr, L•lackburn, Cariar., i'ullir.m end Yayor Lae'rey (5). 2:AL_ .,1941 AFfROVi:D: �` MAYOP