HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 20, Page 40, March 30, 1938NO ,0 Proceedings of City of Paducah I nrnh 30, 1033 Lt r.:: Bourne.: ro_-ular n•,ctinr- of the ::card of Son:-.io:"ioncr ' l:' in CV^ "on-nls ion:ra' Cha•.ibcr at the City hall, Parlucnh, ::entucky, at 3;00 errloc on t..,� .:0th ca_ o.:.arch, 1939, ':r,;or :a:,,1LLurn prcaiJed and upon cnll of the rol the follor:in- nn.-wercd to their nameS: Cou.ilse:lonerS flank, 1-:elton, Pulliam, St�zbLlo- fl_ld and Iayor 7ashbirn (5). Commiunioner ?,:elton offered the follociln- motlon: I move tha - a rccolut.cn c...._tlod, "A JOLU?IOII I....J Di'sl; .:31: Pllii COidSTI2JCTIM ni;D HiSCON,;TRUCTIDII .:QU'I'P! 21ST STP, TLl:-.,- LOAD;iAY TO Tiffs NOP,TH LINE C' "L, OF 1'L' �'C.�?i, ]CCSi.CI: is COUNTY, I:L.IMCKY, :J7H ALL NECESSARY ..i:D _..:ai1 PI?ES AND ALL ....:iiu...RI2dG, _. .....Ci=?ICES. ..._...�.._., I?: C3:1N CTION TI::Rc::IIII, U:�-a2 A, iAT OF - 0., OE""'-C?::>GL^: 0_' ,,.i_L"::Y .!DOPT,;D `T ITS ME-..UL:l"Z ;L -;,;ION I .. .... 1' _':.CV__: 0: : L.LIC . YJ I.: . _'I'1..� C.: 7llti 3211-"T;i;LASS "'T OP 0ACENTOIES 0 D L OR TATE n•, C... 0 _.. , G::.,_i S OF REEDS, u.:TAT AIG..1:.. C11:,iv:H _... _ TQ L AP':ORfio7:3D :Qi:G '. I' UPON THE LOTS O:;:::C..'_.-, 0 ..-... .. .-, _..1 ON .,UC.? I.. P.-, ..x' 01.:.` 'iU _ ...,.P. O. F:., I! T 013, ..,�:'T, ....-. ._.._... P&r.1 „ _T. L�'.I_.D Ui iQT C:: .-,.i:C:.LS 0.. Iic?S, -::'CATS 'OR ... iII_ "C.:T .:...._,,..:ill '":L.RiiON, J.N:' ::I!ICH COST jH.* L E_ THE DiB: aR-,v:CE `..... ° '--. "'0"^,Z �O::T Or CO:CPL TIAL ,LID ::T ;:ND TH? TCC0, : r"'' 0: . ... .._. .r.. ::Ol... '_._. .. _.,_..,. 'Off: 0.' .OR= !:.0 :£.::.;., .,_ai::L,T.?d .. ,...%-:R Aui:1CILJ 0:- _ _ .:,L OR _..:'!AGED -I:., ......1: i_- : Z All . - - --- - . r Y 3E .. ./ r, i ,,u be adopted. -_ - --. ,....•.� , :Booted on enll of the co, . !_-lo. :,t ^lt:on, Pullia:i, Stubblefield and l: yor 's:shburn (5). Co--r-:1.7.,l on r :Ilton o' ! cre-1 the follorin- :notion: I r.m;o _ _. .. OP lC-.. _% CITY Or P,., CATCH BASINS, SEWER f.:, ;.:,IL rIPEZ .. _...,,.... ...r.... _ , ,_ ...,.. .. .._:., ..,.,_.:, i.:. ::.1 ..:_ _,._:..:L AS3;..'.IBLY OF T7.+. CC.: 7z 12-7 l'7::rVIDING r'OR T21I] 'C AID OF TILE GAIL,:] LROuIiE ......i.:..; .. ,: ..- _,,., 1' ...i.: .?, .::.:.::.,., JIND AT 111x. :\CLQ :Il-• .. !:. .. 1 .. .,. ::> FA NO. �l1 Proceedings of .r.I of Co::. i::c Lon::ra City of Paducah 11arch 30, 19:;8 ..rfor ::'nshburn o•.:crod the followinv notion: I move that the letter addr.aced f.*in- ....1: to the ::nyor of the City of Paducah by Rex P. Corncilson, Judge of the Paducah Police n',,7...- ra1.? .. "ourt, be reeclvod, filed and spread upon the L:Snutca: i ":'arch 30, 1938 ::on. ?:•',gar T. :':anhburn :'-:-or of the City of Paducah JCity Hall YPaducah, Kentucky Cn :arch 28th City ,lam er L. V. Dean and Corporation Counsel l.. V. iiaton inati- -stod and etaved a series of raids on some five different places in the City of Paducah for the detection of Caminn, gaming equipment and devices used on the furtherance of ,,c%ing enterprises. My office was ignored In the preparation of the affidavits and search werrants, these hiving been prepared, so I am informed, in the law office of 1.:r. i�a+on on blank forms obtained from the office of the county attorney. The first 1 know of the mntter 'vxic ::hen the warrants were presented to me in my office for my siZnaturo only a moment before the raids were under way. In view of the fact that attorneys representin3 the persons arrested as a result of these raids have si nified their intention to contest the vclidity of the aflidavito on r:hich the search warrants �%•crc based, and In justice to myself, I do not feel that under the circumstances surrounding the preparation for these raids that I care to gpass on the v.11dity of the affidavits in question. I am therefore requesting that you as i:nyor of the City of Paducah appoint some �acnl;er of the VeCracken County bar to hear these cases. They are docketed for trial on :'arch 31st. Yours very truly Rex P. Corncilson Judgo Paducah Police Court." optc-'.on call of the roll: Yens; CoT= iscloners Hank, t:elton, Pulliam, Stubblefield nnC.. '.r for liashburn (5). ^yor '•:ash urn offered motion that this re^ular aljournod be adjournod until "erch�31st at the hour of 11 o'clock A.fi., Adopted on call of the roll: ,,can; Corrmiscioncrs Rank, Kelton, Pulliam, 3tubclefield and ::ayor lashinrrn (5). i9VEG; ...•:YOd