HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 20, Page 392, March 18, 1941NO. 392 Proceedings of Board of .Com:aisaione: s Clip of Paducah 1.4orch 19, 1941 �i At a rejrule.r mooting of the Board of Corvni::;lonora held in the Commii331oner3 Chamber at the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, at 7:30 o'clock P.14. on the 18th clay of March, 1941, Commior.ioner Pulliam presided no L'ayor pro ton in the absence lrof Knyor Lackey, and upon call of the roll the followlna anowered to their name3: { Commissioners Baker, Blackburn, Dorinn and Mayor pro tem Pulliam (4). Ninutoo of the previous mcetine were adopted as road. Payroll -1st March 14111 Commissioner Baker off"prod motion t}lat the payroll for the first jhalf of ':arch, 1041 be allowed in t;,e amount of $9633.37,and that the City Treaauror jiIbe a•.Ithorized to pay -ane by check dram on the General 1,und. tuoptod on c, 1, of ,the roll: Ycas; Commissioners Batter, Blackburn, Dorian and L.ayor pro Lara Pullic•m (•i). Mrs. Anna Schmidt pro- v Commissioner Blackburn offered notion that the letter from i1rs. tests paving of Caldwell and Board of Commisalonoro Moyer protesting, St., 11th to 12th .mna tt. Schmidt addressed to the Mo y g, the 'L, -:ent of Caldwell Street betwran 11th Street and 12th Street, and South 11th I'Strcct from Tenne.:see Street to Caldwell Strout, be received and filed. Adopted on call of the roll: :fens; Comrrlszioners Baker, Blackburn, Dorian and M_nyor prof ten Pulliam (4). City Engineer's report / Commissioner Baker offered notion th:.t the report of T. A. Bradley, on Littleville Improve- ments !:ity Enrincer, dated March 13th, containlrrC rccon:eendationa as to the improvements to ca made in Littleville Addition be received and filed, and as recommended by the ,:Cit; :.".anCcr, that said report be approved an the proper procedure to be followed canzidcrin,^ the circumstances. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Cnnriis: ion^ro Batcer, B1ackbLu•n, Dorian and mayor pro ten PullInm (•1). fCommioolonor Dorian offered notion that the communication of i -r. international Assn. of kachinists endorse --r•':arrl ;:oolridge, Recordin;; Secretary of Local 12235 Int,:rnational Aasoclntion of Garbage Disposal _�•..lnists, endorsing the movement for estaLlishinp, a Gnrba_e Diapoaa,l system in cy, be received and f l.d. Adopted on call of tho roll: Zeno; Uac :urn, Dorian and , •yor pro ton Pulliam (4). Dr. Y. Neville Cor.rrio-loner Lurian o:! t r:or,ion that the letter of Dr. Y. :evillo, dated :°arch 18th, 1941, royuoat_:; Aces as to the hoard's ciecicion upon "tha ^.::Cion as to hor rl, lo, to Croat pai.l.-,:to nt the ?Lver:ade tloarital, be received 11 , that the Cityt swat or be raqupatod to ,q Ito r. ::aville advising her a :rn ri' _Uz reached oo soon no the !:OT ln,: received rn opinion f.•o:� the ... Adopts_.. on call o: tlm r•ol Co;i:::.icmt':ra Bskor, pro' i `r.17_i n (4). I Ordinance to construct ier: Tennessee St., 3rd St. to k•.u•rell Blvd r:'.•. [ r1Ctt Uc i Proceedings of-: City afPadvcah-','ARC1I 18, 10-il Tili� ..: 1,'!jT 01- 'NIE '--'-.'AL 70-T OF C�`� D7 [:-.3 O: '.1jiZ FEW -2,11, Oil 0-, -:1" :,:�OJHC73 A 7"- SAID :7 BE , DU AND II 1;T THE BOARD 01- WITH T::: CIT-' be intreOucod at a rc,-ular moctinc., of the Doard of and rcnain on file for not lose than one (1) wook for public inspection In Its completed fo--..l in which it shall be put upon its final passage, and upon its adoption it shall be in full force and effect ton (10) days thereafter. A,lopted on coll of the roll'. Yeas; COT.Minaioner2 Baker, Blackburn, Dorian and Mayor prol tem Pulliam (4) ✓ Commissioner Baker o:forod motion that an ordinance entitled. "All I Ordinance to construct PROVIDING FOR TBE CONSTUICTITON AND RECONZIMUCTION OF THE DLIVE.VAY ON 01110 Ohio St. 3rd to 8th St. '1-71 '.'T -7 Pj!OPERTY LINE OF 3RD 3TREINT TO THE EAST PROPF,,RTL LI",E, OF BTR -T3133ECTIONS AT 4TH, 3M AND 618 31191EL'TS IN Tits CITY 01 PADUCAII, ::TUCKY, -.7171 ALL NECESSARY T:ATIHOLES, IIfTAXEj, CATCH WINS, SEVIER - ;,LL I1.FCE63ARY ENGINEERING, EQUIPVENT, ADVEPTISIZIG AND IE GAL AND 1�- L -,*10E3 1.11 CONNECTION UIID�H THE PRONTISIOI..; OF AN ACT 0-, 1HE :*47i'My Or THE C0!:T,O1,e..EALTH OF KEIITUCKY ADOPTED AT ITS REGULAR 37-3310111 It' 1'-1<^ :'O'R 7711: Il*PROVM'.Z1%T OF PUBLIC GAYS IN CITIES OF THE SECOUD CLASS BY AID c'j7.-T-' AM,11113119ATIOU OR OTHER AGENCIES 02 ME FEDLRAL OR STATE -,OV-';lN- 7rLUSIVE CO2T 0? 'LIE OF REAL E:iTAM ABUT.'!= ON SUCH IILUIIZOVZl :C UIE ITIUMMER Cc' FRONT OR IBU.ITIIIG FEET, 0D r'ROVIDING THAT A TAX S-ITUILL LE L--,1J'I-r.D UnC .-:.ID LOTS OR PARC:!IL: OW REAL ESTATE FOR TIM PAfi,Z;T O ' THE COST Az::;., 17 CCST SIUL], BE WE 7:1- !.;-.'ICE FL':' -`-,J-1! 2E7 TO -,,L CO.,T OF 1011 Or Tll,%' ..ORK ?, .OJ :.CT3 C"I 0,01EA AUL41L--, 1, 0jTATE OO' !vJ.`;. LIU ENGA2,LD A';:,' '..'171CH WX i-UiL:AT TI -1 0.vICE Or' UCTION .;D 'ME O.- SAID Eii, I" -!"LL HAVE L.. N CC' ?'It- LIE 1,.-T -.:.!S,;ED -Y --)A::D 0 15.. , 1,.,Ii TIE. C- C, CITY intro:lurnd at a reT-;1,v of the Bonre, of Cormis.Tenere, and e for not leas thnn one(I) wnek for publip I r4paction U. -t� 'o.:*0t-�6 i In whIch It shbl I l-,- put, upon pas; ego, and upon Itr, 11 by In fu-.rca and erfcIct ton (10) loyn t-.-rcaftcr. W !"o; -I -,,n r.r,,:l I'a:yov pro -:,j Ordinance to C0rrAd3IfMr,.r lac?burn offered MQUOr. Li.f,t an or cor.3truct warren Blvd 1"MILAME PRO71nrNI n-". 'M c,U:;T, J. x 0, T -nn to Jofrr3 NO. X94 Proceedings of BOARD Or COMMISSIOIIERS City of Paducah "arch 18, 1941 SAID LOTS OR PARC41,3 OF REL ESTATE FOR 'Viii PAYME111T Or' 1HE COST A:;SE.;.;ED TI—PEON AND COST SIIALL BE 'Ili.: DIFFERMICE BET:JELH THE TOTAL COLT O;•COI.1PIc TING SAID 11.1PROVE- _... " :::.1? ^.:...: TOTAL AVOU-NIT OF TII1( CO1Pl'NILUTION OF THE WORK PROJECTS ADb.I:1I3'MAT1ON Oi: 0'1': •: -.: A ..:;;CIES OF Vir FEDERAL Ol; STATE GOVERNMENT EN ,AGED I21 11A7..111 : SAID I:11'ROV EtIE;"1', Ai::' ..CH TA:' SH -LI, loE DUE AND PAYdiiLiE AT THE 0., I•ICE OF TIFF CI71 T:':'i, XREii, ONE-11ALF iT]?d^.�0:• .. .. ... ..-"K, OF CONSTaUC-PIOI1 B3GI113 AND TllE REMINDER T_.. ::.A 1.11ES OIIE-IIALP OF SAID I' :.,i . .."aITS 9EALL HAVE BE:A1 CO':I'I�rsTED, 7;HICh TIME a',.I,L BE DE?r.....,;ED :l ME i DOARD 0: !:C: :7-_--011'.'.n3 :Ji'F:H THE A:7•l;CE OF TF;E CITY L'';iGTF?" Ra, be introduced at a rc;;ular no+etinr, of the Board of Conmiasionora-, and remain on file for not lora than one i (1) meek for public inspection in its completed form In :It.ich it shall be put upon its .final passage, and upon Its adoption it shall be in full force and effect ten j10) days !thereafter. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Dakar, Blackburn, ii "Dorian an'. I:ayor pro tem Pulliam 14). Commis::loncr Blackburn offered motion that an ordinance entitled: Ordinance to construct 'f 11th St., Tenn to Cald. "Al: Oi,Lii;A:,CE PROVIDIISG FOR ME COFIS7•.UCTIOS AND RSCONSTRUCTION OF THE DR1VL JAY ON I1TI1 3TR I•.T 1:2,01.: WE SOUTH i11:OFER1"1 LIIIE 01' TMI;: ESSEE ST`t(Edi' TO ME SOUTH PROPERTY LI;IEOF i:CALD:.`ELI, STREi.T Iii THE CITY OI' PADUCAH, IdCCRACP.EN COUNTY, K'11TUCKY, 1,11TH ALL VECESdARY CURBS, GUTTET.S, DRIVE.MYS, 1'AIiHOLE:3, INTAKES, CATCH BASINS, S=-- :...T. DRAIN PIPES AND ALL ::...7,;3AR:i :.:I;ThBERING, EQUIPMENT, ADVW:TIMING i.ND LFGAL A.... .:..�":T_CAL SERVICES IN ':.::ITH, UNDER THE FROV131011S Oh' All C_ 01' WE "' "' T r, _.... .. -• .. .. <' ACT ..�.....,,,., Ao:iETIBLY Ol' 1S.); .. , .. ,..._. : Oe Ka^.S':'UCKY ADOPTED AT ITS RE':UL;II( .2:3,:1021 IN 1938 NiOVIDIER; POI( ISIS .:: _. . ....: 01' PUBLIC '1lAY3 IN CITIs.; OF TIME SECO::D CLASS BY AID W, 7HE tiORK P:,OJECTS _.._._.,A ION OR OT'FFEh AGENCIES 0'"' TIE FEDERAL OR .",TATE GOV:;ilMliT, AND AT THE _.. 1VE COST O. THE O','RIEl±S Oi- REAL. ESTATE ABUT.'_:'•:: ON SUCH I:81'F,OVEF.'EIIT ACCORDIN" 'I'0 ,i,::_ ...,..... .. ..: C•R Fu,.; I;IC, TWEET, FSID PRO': L`.Ca: 'Ci:..'I' A T_, BE LEVIED UPON ;� ... - ...... _. -. ..., ... _., rOli THE . ,, _. .�. - 0: "�. !':.:;i .. _ ..., T1i:.iiSON I' CE . ti .,L 0 ..,,,iii.- ... .. .. _..., :. 0:1 C. ..., .._... .. OJ'. _. ., ._.,...L. .T- 6 TC:: C": 0".'::c:: ,....':-Ic 0:' Tf:E r'::.,...•..... iJ,i TA.. ,:Ih..L B.. iUf: . .' T :.... ..... ..... S. .. .. ..IfI:T] ... ., .•. ..,.. iia... ..w ., , ..... .,_.:il: a L't in .r.._ z. .n :':iia Ir +tc. .... .. ... ....... er ;r, .. ., :'e: luolic inspc..ior. In __,. --.. :. ., •7 _.. 'r: �. .,, �ae.i: tr -. -.r...r. .t:� ..:. .,...:;..w, •,... upon its v<.o- .,... .. .. :r ... ... i •;r'•::ance to construct '. _.:.. a z• c r r , .r. .. t; c.n t,. .. r.;.: ..I..rr: :I. 7th St., Clark to Ja,-kaon ;. ..., i N ... 7.. -. .. .._. ... .,.. .. .,. .. .. ..., .. ,, rl Proceedings of LOA77 0 - CO1.A:PIS3101121; City of Paducah MARCH 18,_-1941 :.. , AND F!iOVID ) IMAT A T:,i: 3 WA, .... -:SD UPON SAID LGT3 OR PARCELS OF r:`i -:C5^ C:' Y.iE COST :,... THEREON AND 'JAHICII COST SHALL BE THE O^ f:c-- iC :;AID =: ' 'f 1 D '!H 'LD _'AL AISOUNT C..'..: ^C..'.c_1:''0:! Cl,' T111, :,.J.._,' r.TF.:. Or '111H FEDETIA .. _ :';:.� 1_. .';:,, it: , .,;.I'. L.,:.�,: �..:.:.. , :.':D L BE DUE AND ... —BLE 0.: X.. O:- THE CITY '[RE.1'�!P.1GR, ONFrHdL_' -:. RdOi' 1:;. Q: 'l1: _ OF "I ... . '.7HI l OI:--E:,LP OF SAID 'IJ:PLO.:-:772 SHALL HAVE BEEN COi'i' ".T:", ?:?CH TI;.-; .;!i!J,L BE DETt.H I1NED BY THE BOARD 0:• C01411L;SIGNEt.S .;ITH THE ADVICE 0-. CITY ENGINEER". be introduced at a rojuular meeting of the Board of Cormiss_oncrs, and remain on filo for not less then one (1) week for public inspection In its completed form in rrhich it shall be put upon its final passage, and upon its adoption it shall be in full force and effect ten (10) days thereafter. A?opted on ci'll of the roll: Yens; Commissioners Baker, Blackburn, Dorian and Mayor pro ten Pul iam (n). Ordinance to Commissioner Dorian offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "All construct Caldwell St. ORDINANCE Pn01'_TDII:G FOR THE CON3THUC TION AND RECONSTRUCTION OF THE DRIVM,AY Oil CALDWELL 11th to 18th 31 ,.c :T ''?Cl.! THE ;ILST P.',OPc:i' Y L7_!;3 OF 11Th STREET TO IBIE EAST FROF-.R'--Y LINE OF 12TH -:; THE CITY OF PADUCAH, r.1CCRACPEI COJIITY, R: NTUC1:Y, ':l1TII ALL U::CE.; 3ARY 1.:,1:IHOLES, SY. ER AND DRAM' PIPES, AND ALL HECESOARY ENGI::L_RING, E,41JIPMENT, :7:D i ^:iS :.ND CLERICAL SERVICE:; Ill COI; iECTION THERE:;ITH, UNDER THE : RO- :_, ACT 0-- TdE GEli-.'.AL A-iBr.;BLY OF THE C0.',1 O0 IE,ILTH OP R&!aUC3Y WWTaD AT ......:,.., .,._3:;ION III 1938 PROVIDING FOR THE IMPROVEMENT 0.;' PUBLIC 'JAYS IN CITIEa OF .... .__..._. .,�..,.; BY AID OF THE'.70RB FROJECTS ADMINISTRATION On OTIiER AGi::::Cli;.i OF THE "l -.T C07_'.i;:i'.''.JT, All,", AT 'Hili MCLUSIVE COST 0. 1113 0.1IJEH3 OF REAL L•'tiT.',TE :... _.. ;UCH I'..'P•'0':c:.`EI1T ACCOH::I[:C 70 THE HUMBER 0? NJONT OR ABUTTING FEET, AND _.^ A TAY 311ALL BE LEVIED UPON SAID LOTS OR PARC :LS OF REAL &STATE FOR HE Ti!,;!ZDN AILD CuIfICH COX S;HAL1. BE THE DIFFSIIENCE B `i'3?:irl TR ^. .::, .--7 !:,P'POV 7:L;rT3 A' D 7111: gr1TAL :L!XUT OF THE COiTImILUiION OF .: .. _..... ...:...... C^C:,..,, „_.....C.L'�.� G, 'CI!L 1'ii_,,..,,1L OL STAT:-.' ::0`.'!,_,P;:E1lT :::!IC!I 'i?:., 7.I,aj, I•. P;.':.i.',G .,T 'ME .,_. ., ' �., :.:1 i" : .il,:•C O r"_.... BL'GIN3 _.. _..:itinl; of L!:0 Loard o: I :real; for public inanodtion In It latc,l pnnnngo, and up:)n its a :opc:On is .i?aa L• ... _ .t . n (I.,.i ,. +1`. Adopto;'l On ,. ,..a O: ...- _. _ _ , . .... .. .. .. . ',fro±• 11,10 t,ra Full l::ri (4). ri:y Venarnry I7.yO. .ro n h:. Unit the letter fvem Ts -:es I'. report on CartSE- is- , tr-. �!.b:d b-weh 18, 13%,1, V,caal 3.,q t -s "I' ^•:h 1f1, 1041 Proceedings of BOARD 0 CONYL SiO;: ;a City of Paducah No "v06 C' -S 18, 19•.1 'accords amply anihority for enforcing their orders. Pe±•fcet harmony and cooperation �exista between theHealth Department, the City Court, Police and :1tre,:t Clconing !omploys tr•o all-timo 3nn1t:,ry Inspoctars, They arc vested with notice powers which 'accords amply anihority for enforcing their orders. Pe±•fcet harmony and cooperation �exista between theHealth Department, the City Court, Police and :1tre,:t Clconing ,derarinonts. A Strict compliance with the terma o the garbaLc and trash ordinance is required by these authorities. Thor, are 70 liconsed garbage haulers in Paducah, and controlled by the Health Dopnr tmont. 7hoso hauloro are raid by these whom they servo. Tne largo accumulations of garbage are clooned daft^. Tho average over the city is twice weekly. No small part IS burned d:,Ily in the homes. On Janunry h28, 1941 the VcCrac'.cen County Board of Health unanimously adopted tho followin,, (resolution: "McCracken County Board of Health go on record as favoring the present system of garbage collection and that the Board of Health is of the opinion that financial condition of this city is not such as to maintc,in a free garbaLe collecting System." lIn Sharp the the in Kentucky contrast with above note conditions which prevail the Jetties of Lexinfton, Covington, Newport and Owensboro. !i ;Lexington provides free so -vice in the collection and disposition of Larbat;o and trash. �7hc equipment. consists of a ^60,000.00 incinerator and 16 trucks rhich cost w1200.00 each; employs 48 men, exclusive of incinerator an." oft'ica het Cost of collection yard disposal $94,350.00 annually, or a coat per capita of 907 or gnrbago; trash 1.00. IThc death rate for 1938 .,.,as 24.6 per 1000 population, while in 1939 it waa 2C.6. 'Naducah's death rate for the same years was 13.1 and 12.4. 1940 statistics not Iyot available. The City of' Covington, throuCh its general fund, provides free service at a per capita cost of ;1.14 annually. 12 trucks are employed. 'rhe incinerator cost $61,500.00; cost of collection and disposal ^70,399.93 annually. The death rate for 1938 was 13.3 and for 1939 15.8. The Paducah rate wan 13.1 and 12.4 respectively. i12he city of ;:"report has a population of 31,000; its area 2.80 souare miles. Paducah's area.8.69 square miles is over three times its size. The collection and disposal of garbage and artier in this small territory cost for the year 1939 ..46,500.00. This is dispoSed of in the city owned incinerator, which coat $30,000.00. Ho direct charge ^is made for the service. Death rate reported for 1938 0.6; for 1939, 3.1. Owensboro, a smaller city then Paducah, requires 33 trucks anti toana in the collection ;and disposal of its garbage and refuse, which is diripod in the: law areas an in Paducah. '_rhe cost for the year 1940, paid from the Lencral city funds, amounted to $65,300.00. The officials State tbx t this free is ride poaaible by the receipts of surplus ^undo from their municipally o•aned water and 11; -ht plant. 3oriou3 consideration is being Liven to the curtailinr, of the ourvice. Owonsborols death rate was in 1938 14.5 and in 1939, 13.4/ Paducah's rate 13.1 and 12.4 respectively. Achlan�:, icntucky h±o no municipal collection. the coalcct:ori anc< :ac•os;;l .to done In much the Sarno mauner :.a in Paducah, thx•ou^h licc•nseci h,oklc•s. '_rany co'. 1 cct from twos: •,ihor, they serve an.: haul all rafuao to 1L• • cit;; o,mod inclne:•:,tor, the, cast of no •ivon. They rcnol•t :t this ., ..:cm Ilan to Some oa._nt solved the tm- ... 0 1th IS of print :. o.- Lance _ r of and l:ao _,:•at ccnai<'iorntlo' c , ' sc in alal,ovity. ::ot...+ .. v,..,t :,r of •r.cy nr,nt by y caic•s nnmed for so -c. n•vl•; . , .. uc:.;l ;to �.• . ..ct of -.ny in' the lint-, cno n brou,ht to Ycftiv on n• 1p .. on.; of ._ •: 1, tuSt Sold i 0, c, u.00 4- p n ;lr rbace disposal no doubt 1,.ct­1 In ... ... 111-incas I b^lieve tla.,, ! , .. _ xi: ttn ' in <:ny of ti: c: ;.1e I. .:., .. ,. .. ... ..:.. :r:etlon oi' trc m,r: c 1 -,.. '. 1.;; 1oa or tl'nah, eL-- - .. .. . 1 Gn I., I 1 1 l: 1 1 i Proceedings City cifPaducah :-Irch la, 1G41 11 ni the smaller and loss o,"'Icient of th,, tol;rl 0- 2.. incinerators forwovl.'I in -fill riet'lo-'l of :Ilunozal of runicipni wastes huo boon suc-osofully xiocd durint,• tl,.- '.art five ye,rz by San Francisco, Fresno, Portland (Oro.on), Tacoma and other 7t • hro con in widespread use for years In English cities •:A,ory It is '.,novin as 'controlled which has b on q -,,-roved by the Eritish E.Inirtry of 11on1th. JOHN L. RICE, Corxiinzion-r of 111ealth, New 'fork City cn:,t of CSrb,-,Ve and trash disposal, exclusive of incineration and equipment cost, In tiro four ':entucky cities reporting amounts to ;;69,012.00. Zhio amount than is expanded by any single department of Lh') city, nanoly: F0 ICE DE?A3'V7,.2ATT FIRE MEPARTI-1EUT STREi.T AND ENGINEERING DEFARTIAENTS FI;!A:.C-!,' DEPARTMENT TOV— IUTi.REST ON VOTED CITY AITD XIMOL EONDS TOVIJ. ZIMUNG FUND AMIUAL ON VOTED CIT'r 'IND y 'm'- 1:01;9 CKARITAUE !�:.;OCIAPIONS AM,' DONATIO1,13 'Eva."IT" ]!,-,;I-!T-L, INCLUDING 2 CITY FH-1J1CIM,,1S TO . - 1IT-R23T &- FRI:MPAL COT-13INED T;— A11P:ZOr:,IAJ17ON I ON OUTiTAIMING FUNDING E.OMS i,o :'u.,xds In our pr,-3ont budget plan to meet such an ox-ponse. If and .-;I-.en ,_,tcrt is inauDirotod a substantial increase In taxon must be mndc or the ^,,znc1'nc, debt and interest accowit or $758,G31.25 will be Increased b,, cont,nuing ''oficits, either of rhich p1nn to meet• the cost will Prouso more complaint than is now b': r.,,- rained by the r7arbaoc question. fee or contract Man be disroryi-Ceci as impracticnblo, The latter was 7iven a :air trial In tl:c year 1924 and folded up because of many reasons. h s been cu;, :ited starting the system with tllu•ce trucks and the removal of -arbage aecuaiulationt; once :-.-oekly. This in indeed inferior to the present work now ljaInr sono by tis, seventy licensed haulcro. It is obvious that objections would no -n be voiced which %-could result in expanding the proCTam aith ever increasing expense. "l�-.ua we would soon have on our hands a 'responsibility which could automatically develop into what the Cnrbn,-e question at tUs time 13 NOT a major "roblori. Sup,-,ortin.,; data to the shove stuterwnts are harcto attached. Respectfully submitted • Jarlos Y. Smith, City fianne,-orll A`,onto,3 on �.Il of the roll: Yeas; Corrilaaionurs Baker, Blackburn ane, Mayor pro ton F'i.0 �t 1 n n (311. ::OYS; COITU301ow r Dorian (1). 3t.pavirl;' re:'.:"n r o - ."''red motion thnt M-0 wriLton. by T. A. Projectap- to James P. :smithprovtd City !'r1nngcr' dated i!%rch c' PnOluenh sulc.-iit to tj:o .fora Projodto pavin - lalrrowrlcnrt rued An': aaveJ In,i r '-nae with the prof act be nutKor1,-z,,,1, to (--'c-outo M"ch on or pro; L! c 1- r)I-t of Jt. Dept., ?ebruary re- port L IAA ., 1 and flied. ':n;or Cr U. nance t,,) construct f-Ist zt.'"C" ........ 0.11 to Oil. Road .T NO Proceedings qf-1.02rdOf C'Omlsv10110"s City of Paducah-11:'Irch 18, 1911 .'T 0 ��-'."Ic WAY3 1,; rITIE3 0, T.— CLASS BY AID OF Cj. CT-; .;11HxVIO7T OR OTHL R A G: OF 'I'i SDZML OR 31PATiE T, AND T IET T'. It GO3T Oil THE 04'NzR-: OF R;-'.,,, ON SUCH IMMOVE:'EITT Ti Op RONT OR ABUT IH(' F �.,T, '!;D i'!AVIEANTG VAT A TAX SHALL BE LEVIED UPON 3jt-LLOTS OR PARCELS OY REAL E.3TATE FOR 7112 OF 'ME COOT j%dJEo:;ED 711ERE0TT AND IMUCH C0.3T SHALL BE 'ME DIF-UMCE L-ET--,'c:X THE TO:AL COST 0 M'Zi-LET !NG SAID r,PROVE12NTS AND M.'Ll TO AL i!.()UNT OF THE CO;;T:'.1i3UTIO1T OF THE WORK PROJLCTS :Ij'171ATION OR THE PEDERi—I OR 3TJVFI� (I N, -"'!:T' OF 'OVL11 MENT ENGMED IN ?'A;:I.-;(I SaID T,, SHALL BE 'DUE AND PA-1&%13LE*AT THE O!-vICE OF TH, CITY 011E-HALP C, THE 0, CONiTRUCTION BEG.CITS A11D THE RU.5—:!:;-R —r--:'F:O- vzim'.' OTTE-RAL' 0.1� .;_'.7., ';IV.LL HAVE BEEII CO'.1PLTTED, .11 (CH TIL:` _--Y THE MARD OF CO:::J32 Oi.1R3 71TE THE ADvicE o,, %,RE crry be introduced at a rcCular meeting of the Board of�Conn.isaionorn, and remain on file for rot le3z than one (1) week for public inspection in its completed form in which it shall be upon its final passage, and upon its adoption it ahtill be in full force and effect ten (10) days thereafter. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Comniasionr3 Baker, Unckburn, Dorian and Ylayor pro tom Pulliam (4). On motion meetin-_ adjourned. ADOPW'D it?, - 1941 API-1:0VED: U 1w