HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 20, Page 370, January 17, 1941V-1 L_J NO. !O Proceedings of Banr(: of Comn:ir,nloners City of Paducah Januar:; 17, 1941 Payroll for lot z. Jan. 1941 Police PewnrsGranted jo janitary Inspector ;.( riven 11 71 hanele all At an ndjourncd roCulor m.:otinc of the Board of Commisuioneru hel(1 in the Co:missioncra Chambcr at the City &:111, Paducah, Kentucky, at 10:00 orclock A.i'. on the 17th day of January, 1041, Vayor Lacl:oy pronlded and upon cell of the roil the follovdnr, answerod to their namos: Comminslonc.•ra Bakcr, Blackturn, Dorian, Pulliam and 1lsyor Lackey (5). i Commissioner Baker offered motion that the payroll for the fist halt of January, 1941 be nllo:ved in the amount of ,'9,796.39, and that the City Treasurer be authorized to pay same by chock drav,n on the General Fund. S Adopted on call of the roll: Yens; Commissioners Laker, Blackburn, Dorian, Pulliam and Mayor Lackey (5). Commissioner Dorian offered motion that the letter of Dr. C. E. P.eddick, YcCracken County health Officer, addressed to the 711ayor of the City of N Paducah, the Board of Commissioners and the City t.;anager, dated January 14, 1941, be received and filed. And it appearing from the advices contained in said letter that the Danitary Inspector of the McCracken County health Dopartment should have special police powers in order that he may make arrests of violators of city ordinance; Governing public health; I move that the Sanitary Inspector of the 11cCracken County i.ealth pq Department be ,rantod police powers, and that the danitary Inspector be authorized N to make arrests in the City of Paducah on account of the violation of any of the city ordinances Bove^r.ing public health, but said Sanitary Inspector, not beinG an employe of the City of raducah, shall not be entitled to any rank, position or Grade on the police force of said city, and shall not acquire any right of seniority under the Civil Service rules and reCulatlons governing members of the Police Department on account of any of the acts he may perform as an officer in the enforcement of city ordinances-overning public health, and the aenitary Inspector shall be nuthorl-od to nn;:e such arrests aMx executing bond, with corporate suroty to be approved by the �I City KanaGer, the premium on said bond to be paid by Lite lionith Department. Adopted on cell of the roll: Yona; Co+msiasion,-•ra Lakor, Blackburn, Dorian, Pullism and i 1.iayor Lact;oy (5). Comnlooioner Blackburn ofi'ured motion that the City Vanager be t_rantec full power and aut':crity to Install nolo street li;•hts or to change the location of li;•hts new installed whenever in his Judgment :uch neer stroet ll;,hto or n chs*:Go in the location of a 1', -ht :;hall be necessary, and p�!rsona donirin the installation of 11rhtn st;nll i:orer,. r.m::e a;plication therefor to thu •;Ity ._+n:, cr. .lo^' _ ,.. Noll: Yeas; Co:vsinsioncra Baker, Blac'r.i,urn, Dorian, Puliir.r.. arca 1W.ycr 1w,ckcy 1 1f , ernr a er ed t n of .. :, I move that ,It ....� or'?trar.c9 ,-nt—io3 i .i.. .r :% o a,.(.,......� .. ,. ( .4 TE i i } AS3It3q lir OF :.IDS FOR ......... W TP°.lC. ... , _. '?r`:i ::i • ... ., ...... , i i7UFi,0:51 1ATC .. ..:T", be a•iop to ,. A.:�,,ted on ._ .. _ ... urn, Lorl er, - are t.at t;:c, -1'•7 NO._�-7. _ _.. .._.._._._ Proceedings of doer I of Cor^iasinncra _City of Podncah January_17L 1941 Jracur,ry 17, 1941, whorcin the City Treasurer requonts approval of the payment of 05.00 to physicians r.ho served on the staff at the Riverside hospital durinc, the year 1940 be received and filed, and that the Cit;, Treaaurcr be authorized to issue a check for 825.00 to each of the following names physicians: Dr. li. T. l:erner Dr. E. R. Goodloe 11. Robertsbh Dr. E. Pace Dr. J. V. Pace Dr. Harry Abell Lr. Allen Shemwell Dr. G. G. Reynolds Dr. Ted Rosenberg Dr. L. P. Molloy Dr. J. B. Acres Dr. T. J. Marshall Dr. Ed. Adams Dr. J. E. Dunn Dr. 17m. Eaton Dr. C. E. Purcell Dr. Palmer Reed Or. E. 71. Jackson Dr. Bob Overby Dr. Raymond L. Roof Dr. Leon Higdon Dr. Lee Titsworth And that the salaries so paid be charged against the amount appropriated to the hospital for operating expense during the year 1940. Adopted on call o:^ the roll: Yeas; Cor;missioners Baker, Blackburn, Dorian, Pulliam and Mayor Lac cy (5). Mayor Lackey offered the following motion: I move that an u^r"Slnan.ce to ordinance entitled: "AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE 14AYOR AND CITY MEAS - Borrow ::oney UMER TO LORi:O:'1 THE SUIS OF SEVENTY-FIVE THOUSAND ($75,000.00) DOLLARS FOR THE USE AND �J BFEIEFIT 01•' THE CITY 01• PADUCAH, I'.ENTUCKY, AND TO EXECUTE A NOTE OR NOTES FOR SAID 6 SU' OR SbUS FOR AID Oil BEHALF OF SAID CITY, AND TO PLEDGE THE REVFNUE3 OF THE CITY yN FOR THE FIRST ONE-HALF Or THE YEAR 1941 AS SECURITY THEREFOR", be adopted. tl '! Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Baker, Blackbur, Dorian, Pulliam and Yayor Lackey (5). On motion meeting adjourned. V API'ROVEDi� C� crG_� e s -c A 0 t G-- L: