HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 20, Page 36, March 21, 1938Proceedings of -oar .^ '' o' Cov i ,on^rn City of Paducah arch ^l, 1938 At a reLular mcotl.n7 of the Lonrd of Commissioners held in the ^hamb^r at the City Hall, Paducah, ?:entucky, at 2:00 o'clock P.P,., on th 21at •'.e_ o_- '-'arch, 1939, ic7or ::ashLurn presided and upon call of the roll the fol- lor•in answered to their namos: Commissioners Hank, Kelton, Pulliam, tub-leflold and "n;;or ',:as':burn (5). i'inutes of' the previous meetin_.n were adopted an read. r Co:mnisrioncr Hank offered the followinC, motion: That a dead "C", Hranted to R. N. Rudd and Roberta Seat Rudd for the :':est }3 of Lot 7 in Plock 4 in the "ausoleum i.1dition of Ocl. Orove Cemetery, Paducah, Hy., upon payment of the proper amount of .120.00 to the City :rcaaurer be approved. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas: Coirriis: ions=rs Hcn:c, :'olton, Pulliam, Stubblefield and l,ayor :/ashburn (5). i ° ^-cc-..re Commissioner hank offered motion that application for licence to refused L.G. sell nt retail beer and li;-ht mines by: L. 0. talker, l.norm as The 1.larket Peer Carden, 133 Jo.2nd .nein' Leen intro'uccd on :.:arch 14, 1938, I now move that permit or license for retail- ing beer anfl li_bt crines be approved, ane license be issued upon payn^nt of the amount of licoao fee. Lost on cal_ of the roll: Yeas; Commissioner i.'elton (1) Maya; W Cor_ria-_oners F.ank, Eulliam, Stub.lefield and .ayor aashbum (4). Y ^ Lic�nae Commissloncr Iiank offered motion that a license to permit the rsed R.L. :•••:,n retailing of beer and light mina be ;;ranted to the following applicant upon the proper pcgmont to the City Treasurer be approved: R. L. brown, 1337 So.3rd Loot on call of the roll: Kays; Commicrionera Hank, Kelton, Pulliam, ;tubblefleld and j .. ^.._ yor •.ashburn (5). :1- Commiorioner Pulliam offered the follov:im; motion: I move that r^•colutlon of '•"or::era Alliance ''Le received and filed and that this commission go on r^rord res:'='irrin- our position that Kantuaky be placed in He Ion I:o.2 in order to -ivo -•nr':ens a more equal wn+c, and that the I-ayor be authorized to cormrunlcnte 'ley, Con re:r."-P. ,':ruZory and others on behalf of the City for in - on c ll 0; the roll 'one; Corrds;l oners .... o n hturn (5) ;• __..,r.. :notion tl.ct t..o pet_.Ion of rcci icnts ,_trccta, thi:, city, roquestin that a street lip,^ht be ,.. , f Oth S. ::n^>.•is ts, be receivo,i, filet arf? refe_•,•:d to the cacyte.` on call of the roll; ions; Ca:c11c:sion f1 yor .:ashburn (5). motion t.:at the i rt of f r,.ry, Mz bo roc, '.v . 'a;'! opted I11 Pul l 1 ;'agar 1 NO. _ 1 of Co=. Inrloncrn !,nrch 21, 1D 3 Proceedings of City of Paducah — :lee to revoke linonce on "url's zinced a-ithorizeO is ':syor ..ashburn offered the follor:in_ motion: I move that the letter from City Vann: -or =can in rogrrd to l.:url's Placo be received and filed and that Corporation Counnel be inntructod to prepsre necessary notice for service on the holder or holders of snid license to appear before the Board of Corvnir:;i ners on the 28th d^.y of I,:arch, 1938 at the hour of 2:00 o'clock P.1:., to nbov: cause of any, is.rhy the license sho:+.ld not be rovoked. Adopted on call of the roll; `(`a:,; Commincioners 1-Inna, I:clton,-ullinm, Stub.lefield and :.:ayor Vlanhburn (S) On motion meatin adjourned. ADOPTED ?.Q'�— ,1938 1 Ci�y Clerk APPP.OVE'4�1 i