HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 20, Page 351, November 19, 1940No-3::1— Proceedings of a^^^ cf Comm' anloners _ City of Paducah November 19 1940 At a regular mretinr of the Board of COMMissioners holy] in the Commissionorn Chamber at the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, at 7:30 o'clock P.1.7., on the 19th day of .November, 1940, Vayor Lackey presided and upon call of the roll the following answered !to their names: Commissioners Baker, Blackburn, Dorian, Pulliam and payor Lackey (5 ). Minutes of the previous meetings were adapted as read. Commissioner Dorian offered notion that an ordinance entitled: Sale of prop- erty to "A`! OR-1::ANCE RATIFYING AND CONFIR•s3ING IBIS PURCHASE BY VIE COMj,!M;IONERS OF WATER WORKS 7,nter Co., ratified OF LOT `10. 36 IN BLOCK 110.7, OLD TOwR OF PADUCAH, TO BE USED IPI CONNECTION WITH THE t SLAINTENANCE AND OPERATION OF THE WATER-71ORKS SYSTEM IN PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, AND F.UTHORIZING THE ACCEPTANCE OF A DEED UPON THE PAYMENT BY SAID COyf!ISSION'4RS OF THE PURCHASE PRICE AU!OUNTIITG TO $3,000.0011, be adopted. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Baker, Blackburn, Dorian, Pulliam and "layer Lackey (5). Cotton & Mayor Lackey offered motion that an ordinnnee entitled: skew employ- ed to make "A11 ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE EMPLOYMEN OF COTrOI! & ESKEW, CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNT - 1940 audit ANTS, TO MAKE AN AUDIT OF THE ACCOUNTS OF TF!E CITY OF PADUCAH FOR TI!E YEAR 1940, AND PROVIDI14G FOR THE PAYMENT THEREOF BY SAID CITY", be introduced at a regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners and remain on file for not less than one (1) week for public inspection in the completed form in which it shall be put upon its final pas- t' snge, and if adopted, said ordinance shall be in full force and effect ten (10) days thereafter. Adopted on call of the roll: Ycas; Commissioners Baker, Blackburn, Dorian, Pulliam and E.syor Lackey (5). Recreation Mayor Lackey offered motion that sufficient coal be furnished by the play center 11 f,arnichod ( City of Paducah to children's play center as requested in letter which is attached coal hereto, and that said letter be received and filed. Adopted on call of the roll: 'leas; Connisoion,.ra Baker, Blackburn, Dorian, Pulliam and Mayor Lackey (5). Martin 011 1 Mayor Lackey offered motion that the letter from Martin 011 Company Co.,regL'9at ! for f.en- be received and filed and referred to the City d'ar]sger for recommendations. chile line Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissi:+ners Baker, Blackburn, Dorian, Pulliam N ar." "ayor :-ackoy (5). Mayor I.acke offered notion that the Cit Manaror be instructed to Catton :;tear, y y �' Plan proc�ed ++itt: aveh steps as aecesanry to place the "Cottoh Stamp Plan" in operation. Aacl.ted cr. roll of the roll: Yeas; Cor--]issioncra Baker, Blackburn, Dorian, Pulliam ar.1 M yrr •-ackey (:,'/. I Floolwall- Mayor Ln:,%cy off -red motion that the City L:anager be requested to j W.F.Xclrurry . ` requerte:, -1,0 csmact lir. ... Mi Yurry, nn:! nscertnin the amount which would be acceptable to him ,-ive attt is of rir^ht-o.- as a fee !'or all le#al sarvicos rcgnirc9 in acquiring title to the r emaindor of the x" y ^, .r rly necessrry for ase in the c,,ntrt.. r of the Flood Wall, and that the City i ilt:. a _r reT.ort tc CT isL� floel: r, ;r lee which said attorney mould export i to be paid to him f r s%orl with tho Attonnoy's estirvrte of the time witrin w^ rh a.. r - .,... t.3cnte cn . a:._ c, the ..... � ....ats::..,rer:] ..�.'r.�. , ,1r.1...:u]•n, . trir, r.]! liom ! sal! &+oyer ' ( ci 1 r; t , r a c' cn rai;a:•'.inl� i ®. at t c rr o 3 Unproved. fees,., e . ,.. Paanr.t_. :, I No. 352 Proceedings of Board of Commisaionera Clo of Poducoh November 19, 1940 Commissioner Dorian offered motion that arrangements be mado for the placing Chief Paduke inscription �. of an inscription on the statue of Chief Paduka located at the corner of 19th and �Jefferaon Streets in Paducah, Kentucky, and that the City tlanager be directed to 'contact the President of the D.A.H's and Fred G. Neuman and obtain from them the wording of the inscription which they believe would be suitable. It is understood that Mr. Eeaoley has agreed to carve the inscription without cost. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Baker, Blackburn, Dorlan,Pulliam and Ssyor Lackey (5). Commissioner Dorian offered motion that the Board of Com. iaaloners approve the ;rational Defense Projects plans for the development of National Advisory Defense projects in Paducah, Kentucky, and that the City Manager be requested to write the Hon. hard B. Freeman, Engineering Consultant, Labor Division, National Advisory Defense Commission, Washington, D. advising him that the City of Paducah will cooperate in every way possible in the development of such projects. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Baker, Blackburn, Dorian, Pulliam and :ayor Lackey (5). ! G. Tandy Smith's employment Commissioner Pulliam offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "AN ORDINANCE as Architect on Hospital I ratified RATIFYING .THE CONTRACT OF 0.11PLOY1143NT WITH G. TANDY SMITH, JR., ARCHITECT, FOR PLANS I AND SPECIFICATIONS FURNIJHED BY HIB. TO THE CITY OF PADUCAA FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A 110,11 ADDITION TO THE RIVERSIDE HOSPITAL, AND AUTHORIZING THE EMPLOYJAMT OF SAID ARCHITECT TO OVERSEE THE CO�N'SSTpRUCgTION Or SAID ADDITION", be adopted. on call of the roll: -MUM; Commissioners Bakor, Blackburn, Dorian, Pulliam and i i,ayor Lackey (5). On motion meeting adjourned. 1' ADOPTED --,(\ CST ,1940 APPROVED: Mbit f �� ��