HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 20, Page 325, September 3, 1940Proceedings of Board or Commisaioners City of Paducah Augur t 27, 1940 do September 3,_1940 ESCROW AGREEMENT PROVIDING FOR THE PAYMENT TO THE HOLLIS JOHN30N COMPAtTY OF THE CONSIDERATION FOR A FLOOD WALL RIGHT OF WAY UPON THE CONDITION THAT SAID COMPANY CLEARS THE RIGHT OF WAY 50 PURCHASED BY 41SE CITY IN COMPLIANCE WITH ITS AGREEMENT", be adopted. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Baker, Blackburn, Dorian and Mm yor Lackey (4). On motion meeting adjourned. ADOPTED 3 ,1940 4 APPROVED d At a regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners held in the Com- missioners Chamber at the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, at 7:30 o'clock P.S!., on the 3rd day of September, 1940, Commissioner Pulliam presided as Mayor pro tom in the absence of Mayor Lackey, who was out of the city, and upon call of the roll the follow- ing answered to their names: Commissioners Baker, Blackburn, Dorian and Mayor pro tem Pulliam (4). Minutes of the previous meeting were adopted as read. Contract wit^ j Commissioner Baker offered motion that the City Clerk be directed to filbert Grot- file as a part of the records of the City of Paducah, the original contract entered r—house e7 4th ::t., into between the City of Paducah and Gilbert Crotzer for the sale to the said Gilbert Crotzer for the Salo to the said Gilbert Ctotzer of a house located upon the lot at #2411 South 4th Street in the city of Paducah, Kentucky. Adopted on call of the ,roll: Yeas; Co=Assioners Baker, Blackburn, Dorian and Mayor. Pro tem Pulliam (4). Payroll -list Commiusioner Baker offered motion that the payroll for the last half ..u3. ,1940 of Aurust, 1940 be allowed in the amount or $10,459.31 and that the City Ti•eaouror be authorized to pay some by checks drawn on the General Iund. Adopted on call of rol:: Yeaa; Comniasioners Baker, Blackburn, Dorian and Mayor pro tam Pulliam (4). f Coaissioner Blachbu�n offered the followin motion: I move that the r:orut.:Cn Cwunnel be authorized to file in the Court of Appeals a motion to dissolve tM pnrrry Sn{1Lnntion which the Hon. Joe L. Price, Judge of the McCracken Circuit isc to Court, grunted Terr oll '•J. Johnson in the suit which the said Terrell 'i!. Johnson inti- , _ t-It^_d ugnSr.st the City of ;'nducsh, and under which order the defendants were restrained from orrestSra the pluirtirf by Neuron of his _^allure to pay the license fee Sm,^.asod 1 i u, or. him by r as -.n of the ..ae o: i;13 autbz0bile as a mouna of conveyance to and from hLe employment In aa:d ^.Lty. Adapted 0n cull 01' the roll: Yana; Co.•cmiaaioncrai E1QC:rtarr., DOriur. asd Mayor pro tem Pul:lum (4). i I Co�:a::Lcner B1uC ban offern' mrtSan that tha City P.innagar be dir0etod! r-.ntaCt ttr. c� •:rs r..' lots .+03. 1 find 2, 8 and 9 In ia,,c'r, lto. 4 fronting on 1Cth +l reef b«tseen r::"r,,1: :; ...a ctin ;t % .ts ea nhawrt on thn he plat in toffice of the 4.r1e. er, "t st:.-.fits wi.ich would :e uccnptaLle for th', Sale of said{ ;ta the C. .: :csh f u.^.0 Sn t -.e eataL?ishment of a ColCred lark in said _. r -t _'%ua; ...__:asSrnera 2nker, Bla::r„+rn, Dorian and No. 326 Proceedings of Board of Commissioners City of Paducah September 3. 1940 _ . i Commissioner Dorian offered motion that an ordinance entitled: Asses=.ent :rdinance - Ky I; -AN ORDINANCE ASSESSING THE ABUTTING PROPERTY ON BOTH SIDES OF KENTUCKY AVENUE FROM THE Avenue - 13th to 28th WEST PROPERTY LINE OF 10711 STREET TO THE EAST PROPERTY LINE OF 28TH STREET, EXCLUDING :INTERSECTIONS AT 19TH AND 21ST STREETS IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH, MCCRACKEN COUNTY, KENTUCKY, FOR TINE PORTION OF THE COST OF CONSTRUCTION OF SAID STREET AND IMPROVEMENT I�IITHEREOF, BY THE PLACING THEREIN APR) THEREON OF A CONCRETE SURFACE TOCETa- R WITH ALL ,iNECESSARY CURBS, GUTTERS, DRIVENAYS, 1.1ANHOLES, INTAKES, CATCH BASINS, SESIER AND DRAIN PIPES AND ALL NECESSARY E'IGlNEERl'iIG, ADVERTISING AND LEGAL AND CLERICAL SERVICES IPI CONNECTION THERWiITH UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF All ACT OF TILE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE .COL;L:oiil'iEALMI OF KENTUCKY ADOPTED AT ITS REGULAR SESSION ITT 1938; PROVIDING FOR THE '.I14PROVE,10T OF PUBLIC WAYS IN CITIES OF THE SECOND CLASS BY AID OF TILE 410RK PROJECTS IfIADMINISTRATION OR OTHER AGENCIES OF THE FEDERAL OR STATE GOVERNh1ENT, AND AT TTIE EX- 1CLUSIVE COST OF TIIE OWNERS OF REAL ESTATE ABUTTING ON SUCH IMPROVEMENT ACCORDING TO THE (NUMBER OF FRONT OR ABUTTING FEET, AID PROVIDING THAT A TAX SHALL BE LEVIED UPON SAID ��LOTS OR PARCELS OF REAL ESTATE: FOR TILE PAYMENT OF THE COST ASSESSED MiEREON, WHICH COST 11 SHALL BE THE DIFFERENCE BETUEEN THE TOTAL COST OF COMPLETING SAID IMPROVEL:ENT AND THE 'TOTAL AMOUNT OF THE CONTRIBUTION OF THE WORK PROJECTS ADMINISTRATION OR OTHER AGENCIES i OP THE FEDERAL OR STATE GOVERNMENT ENGAGED IN LAKIIJG SAID IMPROVEMENT,"AND WHICH TAX P, SHALL BE DUE AND PAYABLE AT THE OFFICE OF THE CITY TREASURER IN THE CITY HALE IN Il PADUCAH, ONE-HALF THEREOF TNIEN THE WORK OF CONSTRUCTION BEGINS AND THE REi,AINDER THERE - IOF '5UEN ONE-HALF OF SAID IMPROVEMENTS SHALL HAVE BEEN COMPLETED, WHICH TI1.a SHALL BE DETERMINED THE BOARD OF COL:I.:IS;IOP:LRS PITH THE ADVICE OF THE CITY ENGINEER; AND ALL ,THE ENGINEERING 170RK HAVING BEEN COMPLETED AND THE ESTIMATED COST ASCERTAINED, AND IT BEING DETisRMINED FROM SAID ESTIMATES AFTER DEDUCTING 111E AMOUNT TO BE CONTRILUTED BY I ryTHE WORK PROJECTS ADMINISTRATION OF THE UNITED STATES THAT THE ALIOUITT REQUIRED TO BE NCONTRIBUTED BY THE ABUTTING PROPERTY OYINERS ON KENTUCKY AVENUE FROM MURRELL LOULEVARD I TO 12TH STREET AND FROM 15TH STREET TO 28TH STREET IS $2.20 PER ABUTTING FOOT; ON �KENTUCi:Y AVEYUE FROM 12TH STREET TO 15TH STREET IS $2.10 PER ABUTTING FOOT; ALL DRIVE WAYS TO BE $0.12 PER SQUARE FOOT, ALL CURBS TO BE $0.30 PER LINEAL FOOT, ALL GU'rTER3 TO BE $0.20 PEP. LINEAL FOOT: AND THE CITY OF PADUCAH BEING NOW READY TO COLTS:GCE "'ARK ON SAID IMPROVEMENT AS OF THE DATE OF THE ADOI,TION 0r THIS ORDINANCE", be adopted. A,!opted on call of the roll: Yoaa; Commisalinors Baker, Blackburn, Dorian and Mayor pro tem Pulliam (4). Tax bill exnneraL i.na Pryor pro tem Pulliam offered motion that exonerations Nos. 3944 to for I -W; :404 ineilunive be received and filed, and that the amount of $4,869.23 be exonerated or: the tax bills as ah wn on said exonerations. Clannified as fol:ars: Ara i.i=i t $ 21.00 ^.r,urt (wler 993. i:U Unknown, aar.rot l.ocato or non-reaident 749.45 L3 Aaaanara:nt 7`.•.57 'rvonn,.ua ::3an119lant 197.4; Property :oat or sold 40C.03 ^.aasad 682.62 G:t o: :_r,sin!aa 1,086.44 .i.3en:1nne5un 333.70 Tax -.e':aa 252.70 i`Looi Leaa 77.:J i3:esn iJiva n:1 teen chnrkod, nn%.: ars c:uo to be oxorlorated ac+.nr.11nP to my knowlsi..(s r.r_'. ✓•1inf. &eaa L.. .nso an, city 'i�-•aasuror n. , te,% .,__ .. ... -✓+e9; :� P�aPtr.•_ra i:r;, c:, aar,::;;arn, +1ar:an and +"ayor I.ro tts Pu.liam (4.. NO`. 32L._ Proceedings of R—.1 of n I— oner= City of Paducah September 3. 1940 _ -..Sak ,rove 1 e metery & Col.City Phy. Aut. report Mayor Pro ton Pulliam offered motion that the reports of John ''J. Crider, Sup•�rintendent of Oak Grove Cemetery and Dr. S. L. Polk, colored City Physician, for the month of Auguat, 1940, be received. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; •Co=issioners Baker, Blackburn, Dorian and Mayor pro tem Pulliam (4). r" . Commissioner Pulliam offered motion that the City Manager be author- +Riv^ra±de :ospita! - ized to submit to private investors in Municipal Bonds the tentative plan of the City of City '.-anaZer to contact Paducah to issue revenue bonds in the aggregate amount of about $140,000.00, said municipal 2.ond Houses bonds to be issued for the purpose of retiring the loan made by the Disaster Loan for cc natruct- 10n of new Corporation for the construction of an addition to the Riverside Hospital, and to addition provide funds for additional hospital construction, and the City Manager shall ascer- tain if such Investors are interested in the purchasing of hospital revenue bonds and the terms under which they are willing to submit bids for the purchase of such bonds. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Baker, Blackburn, Dorian and Mayor pro tem Pulliam (4). i Riverside Cor=L3sionerrtPulliam offered notion that the report of Riverside Hosnital Hoo^ital for the month endingAugust 31, 1940 be received. Adopted on call of the Au.^ust re- port of re- Roll: Yeas; Commissioners Baker, Blackburn, Dorian and Mayor pro tem Pulliam (4). ceipta Mayor pro tem Pulliam offered the following motion: C. C. Fatty, Fetty having filed his application for reinstatement as a member of the Fire Department of CO"^rG viae the City of Paducah as of the 5th day of March, 1940, and having als0 filed with the Board of Trustees of the Police and Fireman's Pension Fund an application for a pension, claiming in said applications that he did not lose his rank, position and right of seniority in the fire department when required to give up his employment on November 19, 1933 on account of illness; and, :11HEREAS, he has filed in the McCracken Circuit Court a suit for re - installment as a menb-r of the fire department and for recovery of the City of Paducah tho sum of $6,402.70 for salary which he claims to be due since leaving the fire def.artnent on november 19, 1933; and, Cho said C. C. Fatty has agreed to dismiss the abovo suit 'tied provided he is awarded a pension and the City of Paducah pays to hin attorneys, C. e,. Grassham and Roy Garrison, a reasonable fee for their services; AND, :.l[ 2 Aa"", said attorneys have agreed to accept the sum of j0 in fall settlement for services rendered by them in anis suit; I therefore move that said suit be compromised by rofnutatement of ::he s0id C. Fetty as a mbar of the fire department, and that the Cit ! —1 be 1 Wrtcrized to pay to C. C. Grasaham and Roy Garrison, his attorneys, the sun of $300.00;1 pro•::. :, ':o.evor, tt.r,t him r,;inatato+r.^nt as a mor:b r of said department shall not be ,or!'e.^_t±ve ['srany rur,r..cse r,nd aaid nu.:. shall net Lo paid to his attorneys unless the :pard rf «Le :,.nn'. -,n fund aw.,rls a pnnnlpn to the said C. C. 'rorty and tha i ain.ve suit Is -.ia-issod set;lad. ,,;:cyto! Gn^.r,ll. of the roll.: Yeas; Corr:issloners LSa¢ , : o:• ar.. n3:. pro telm rul:lnm (a). .t±r ,±ty ... - ��..".... .."�.,• offere.'. ..._.on Shat ttr: ^..ity of Pa+tucah appropria %a S Gr a nu: cif ;:0.00 for the 7;urpono of L I'.. ... �. ... _ A'!"_ ^i'y na:9aner will 'Incur in 'rear at'.o-1 -1 co at Che ,a. A32 .s ,, .__?tL.' n.7_ _... .... _.. ._...:._.._._. _. :as... _. ..,^� •ai::ch is uc LG h•�ld the weak L :1: Yeas;cn ...r-iasione:a T. _..__ ... ....