HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 20, Page 323, August 27, 1940NO.—.1'23 Proceedings of Board of Commissioners Cify of Paducah August 27, 1940 At a regular meeting ofthe Board of Commissioners hold in the Commission- ers Chamber at the City Rall, Paducah, Kentucky, at 7:30 o'clock P.M,s on the 27th day of ,august, 1940, Mlayor Lackey presided and upon call of the roll the following answered to their names: Cormnissioners Baker, Blackburn, Dorian and Mayor Lackey (4). Minutes of the previous meetings were adopted as read. I) Mayor Lackey offered motion that foie City Manager be authorized to addept Gilbert Crot- zer's pur- Gilbert Brotzer's offer of $70.00 for the purchase of the house located upon property chase of houseon at 1411 S. .4th Street in Paducah, Kentucky, provided the said Gilbert Ctotzer will 4th St..°j70• comply with all requirements of the City Manager as to the time and manner in which said building shall be removed from the property. Adopted on call of the roll: Yess Commissioners Baker, Blackburn, Dorian and Mayor Lackey (4). Mayor Lackey offered motion that the City Clerk be required to file as a � Contract for` Sterilizers part of the permanent records of the Giyy of Paducah, the Lease, Contract and Option at Riverside executed by Scanlan -Morris Company and the City of Paducah, dated August 19, 1M, and under the terms of which the City of Paducah has accepted, subject to the terms, conditions and specifications set out therein, the bid of Scanlan -Morris Company Tor the leasing to the City of Paducah of certain sterilizers to be used at the Riverside Hospital. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Baker, Blackburn, :orian and Mayor Lackey (4). - i Mayor Lackey offered motion that the City Clark be required to file as Contract for X -Ray at a part of the permanent records of the City of Paducah, the Lease, Contract and Option Riverside executed by Dick X -Ray Company and the City of Paducah, dated August ,1940, and under the terms of which the City of Paducah has accepted, subject to the terms, conditions and specifications set out therein, the bid of Dick X -Ray Company for the leasing to the City of Paducah of a Portable X -Ray to be used at the Riverside 302nitsl. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Baker, Blackburn, Dorian and Mayor Lackey (4). Tat^.,^ :'sin Mayor Lackey offered the following motion: Mtrs. Martha Tucker, Reams on uorell tc king Sts ^u^_ker and eleven other property owners on Sowell and Living Streets, in Paducah, YcCrackcn County, Kentucky, have submitted to the Board of Cormminsloners their petition dated July B, 1940, requesting the Mayor and Board of Commissioners to authsrizo the Com:ciasionera of 7.ater 'Works to lay a six inch water main alon;Sowell :.trsct fro= Main Stroct to Ewing Street, and on Ewing Street from Sowell Street to i Division Str:et, a •3lstnnce of approximately eight hundred twelve (812) feet. The Ccissian•:rs o: dater SJorks have approved said pati tion us to form. I C?:,re:oee move that said petition be received and filed, and that the { ,orz,,!asl.on=rs of sates 'snrkm be directed to lay and construct a six inch water main, and to provide narga3ary Mayer rnnnerrionn along Sowell 3treot from Mu in Street to , s': n on9 -.ce on $w1:;:r t fr: .m .;nwell Street to Diviaion Street, a et.—t .....,rel twelve (8112) f. -et. :;aid extantdon is to be mad abutting on Sowell Jtreet and 3tr,et, ... ...r, _.. .... ... .__. a.+..ers!rn, shall take and pay for wat,:r sorvice at the Vorka, for a term of not loss than i tfl] y5Gr3, .._. •+, ',fter 9(i1c! f.ipe e.tte:i.9lon 13 cnmpiete:l and service ct :" "n !:' -a 1e, . r..a: «a s . _ :rt to ._ . erns and cor.<atiens :met out in ! the a,, ,a. of so, e_! .. ... ... rC c:'lnah arr^9s oa@ Minds itsal` to cay for fare i7 rant rental an: vatar nt1n rertml, os ani:e9 :.n the NO. 324 Proceedings of Board of Commissioners City of Paducah August 27, 1940 'franchise, said sums to be paid when said water main is laid and water provided ;in said extension. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Esker, Black I� burn, Dorian and Mayor Lackey (4). i Mayor Lackey offered the following motion: The property owners along 'enter Hain on Northview;° from 12th to 11th & on ,Northview Street from Twelfth Street to Eleventh Street, and along North Eleventh 11th from Northview southeastwordly to end 'Street from Northview, Southeastwardly, to the end of the present main on North Eleven - of main on 11th 'th Street, filed their petition signed by Charles Boyd and seven Ether property owners, said petition dated January 22, 19400 requesting the Mayor and Board of Commissioners to authorize the Commissioners of Water Works of Paducah, Kentucky, to lay a six Inch water main along Northview Street from Twelfth Street to Eleventh Street, and thence Jon North Eleventh Street from Northview Southeasterly to the end of the existing six 'dater Iain - Butler's Sub -Division ;inch main on North Eleventh Street an entire distance of approximately 768 feet. �I The Commissioners of Water Works have approved said petition as to form. NI now move that said petition be received and filed, and that the Com- �Imissionera of Plater Works of Paducah, Kentucky, be directed to lay a main, with all (necessary connections, along Northview Street from Twelfth Street to Eleventh Street, and thence on North Eleventh Street Southeasterly from Northview to the end of the existing six inch main on North Eleventh Street. This extension is authorized on condition that the owners of property abutting on Northview Street, and who have (signed the petition for said extension, shall take and pay for water service at the fixed and current rate prescribed for similar service in the City of Paducah for a term of not leas than two years, commencing thirty days after said pipe line extension Is completed, and service connections made, and subject, in all respects, to the terms i,and conditions set out in said petition requesting said extension. IjBy the approval of said petition the City of Paducah agrees and binds kitself to pay for fire hydrant rental and water, main rental, as provided in the Franchise, which said sum shall be paid when said water main is laid and water provided in said extension. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Baker, Dlacl:- burn, Dorian and Mayor Lao!coy (4). Mayor Lackey offered the following motion: Mrs. Bertha O.Ponn, Edwin B. Hancock, Stella Hancock and A. R. Jarboe, file their petition, representing that they are, as respectively named, the owners of Lot 10 in Block '^", Lot 12 in Block "D", Lot 12 in Block "A", Butler's Sub -Division outside the Clty Limits of Paducah, said lots fronting on Butler Street and near the Benton Road along; which a three-inch water line owned by Vernon Whitley and others now exists, said three-inch water mc+ln owned by 7ernon 14hitley, at al, connects with the six-inch water main of the City I a:" f•+iCacnh, Wa::t of the Intersection of the Benton Road with the Illinois Central Rnilroad Conpany trnck. row r..ovr :hat the petition of mrs. Bertha 0. Penn and other signers thereto to received and and the Paducah '.Pater 'Narks and its Commis310-11118 POI-Mit the acid :a.^the 0. Fenn ane the airna118 to sal,! potation to lay or construct said one- ; ir.t w;t^.r PI;e so ea -0 pv: vl:'.a water to the real:lercos described in said potltlon, 'n a-.. lnnea rlt: the roc;;ost macro th,+reln. A,lopted on call of the roll: ]'ea8; "•0;,;,15:1:.. a iAki r, Elack*tarn, :Ori6n ar,I ma jar Lcckcy (4 ). Pa?!ur_a^ :aster larks li4yor=.ackey o: fera•a mou rn that the finanr,ial report of the Paducah .11 134C ., rt fibt. SGzlks .cr Z,;1y, 154, be rnrelv!9n an. °Ilr.. (, .aoPted er. call of the roll: ._ Eak, , :xlackwrn, Lrrlan an': Major-ac'sey (•4), E:esoi`.. ^S'1r. u:.yc. :..a^_keY of!•11... 7or. tisti•.at a reaolvt,an entltledt "A pS.;ULUTi.ON F Joh.scn _cr .1_.,._we.1 , A Ot b ;L 0: 3Ie C:TY 3, PALUCAH, All rizht of way Proceedings of Board or Commisaioners City of Paducah Augur t 27, 1940 do September 3,_1940 ESCROW AGREEMENT PROVIDING FOR THE PAYMENT TO THE HOLLIS JOHN30N COMPAtTY OF THE CONSIDERATION FOR A FLOOD WALL RIGHT OF WAY UPON THE CONDITION THAT SAID COMPANY CLEARS THE RIGHT OF WAY 50 PURCHASED BY 41SE CITY IN COMPLIANCE WITH ITS AGREEMENT", be adopted. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Baker, Blackburn, Dorian and Mm yor Lackey (4). On motion meeting adjourned. ADOPTED 3 ,1940 4 APPROVED d At a regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners held in the Com- missioners Chamber at the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, at 7:30 o'clock P.S!., on the 3rd day of September, 1940, Commissioner Pulliam presided as Mayor pro tom in the absence of Mayor Lackey, who was out of the city, and upon call of the roll the follow- ing answered to their names: Commissioners Baker, Blackburn, Dorian and Mayor pro tem Pulliam (4). Minutes of the previous meeting were adopted as read. Contract wit^ j Commissioner Baker offered motion that the City Clerk be directed to filbert Grot- file as a part of the records of the City of Paducah, the original contract entered r—house e7 4th ::t., into between the City of Paducah and Gilbert Crotzer for the sale to the said Gilbert Crotzer for the Salo to the said Gilbert Ctotzer of a house located upon the lot at #2411 South 4th Street in the city of Paducah, Kentucky. Adopted on call of the ,roll: Yeas; Co=Assioners Baker, Blackburn, Dorian and Mayor. Pro tem Pulliam (4). Payroll -list Commiusioner Baker offered motion that the payroll for the last half ..u3. ,1940 of Aurust, 1940 be allowed in the amount or $10,459.31 and that the City Ti•eaouror be authorized to pay some by checks drawn on the General Iund. Adopted on call of rol:: Yeaa; Comniasioners Baker, Blackburn, Dorian and Mayor pro tam Pulliam (4). f Coaissioner Blachbu�n offered the followin motion: I move that the r:orut.:Cn Cwunnel be authorized to file in the Court of Appeals a motion to dissolve tM pnrrry Sn{1Lnntion which the Hon. Joe L. Price, Judge of the McCracken Circuit isc to Court, grunted Terr oll '•J. Johnson in the suit which the said Terrell 'i!. Johnson inti- , _ t-It^_d ugnSr.st the City of ;'nducsh, and under which order the defendants were restrained from orrestSra the pluirtirf by Neuron of his _^allure to pay the license fee Sm,^.asod 1 i u, or. him by r as -.n of the ..ae o: i;13 autbz0bile as a mouna of conveyance to and from hLe employment In aa:d ^.Lty. Adapted 0n cull 01' the roll: Yana; Co.•cmiaaioncrai E1QC:rtarr., DOriur. asd Mayor pro tem Pul:lum (4). i I Co�:a::Lcner B1uC ban offern' mrtSan that tha City P.innagar be dir0etod! r-.ntaCt ttr. c� •:rs r..' lots .+03. 1 find 2, 8 and 9 In ia,,c'r, lto. 4 fronting on 1Cth +l reef b«tseen r::"r,,1: :; ...a ctin ;t % .ts ea nhawrt on thn he plat in toffice of the 4.r1e. er, "t st:.-.fits wi.ich would :e uccnptaLle for th', Sale of said{ ;ta the C. .: :csh f u.^.0 Sn t -.e eataL?ishment of a ColCred lark in said _. r -t _'%ua; ...__:asSrnera 2nker, Bla::r„+rn, Dorian and